>Game Objective: don't look at the moon
Game Objective: don't look at the moon
Other urls found in this thread:
.game objective: have sex
t. werewolf
This triggers my autism. If he's having sleep paralysis, why is he standing with a party hat? Is he dreaming and he's realizes he's in a dream with sleep paralysis. Fuck off
>Game Objective: Stop being a cumbrain
Are you a bad enough dude to stop making and posting in ERP threads?
>in this thread
Fuck you faggot. I am now convinced this is an external influence. Get fucked and dilate
Bloodborne is suddenly a hard game
Of course it is. Just filter and move on
Are you dumb? He's hoping that a social interaction is actually just sleep paralysis / equating it to as horrifying as that is. When you get sleep paralysis, you'll usually see shadowy horror-esque figures. I actually thought my place was haunted in 2012 because of this. I kept getting these shadows figures walking up and looking at me and running at me whle I would wake up, unable to move, speak, anything, right after I moved into a new apartment.
ayyy the one with the nation kys broadcast was dope too
GPS one kinda sucked
>the moon killed the skeleton
Fuck man. That happened to me as a kid and I'd wake up trying to scream and not moving for hours. Can't imagine that sort of shit after a move into a new place.
Nope, you are nitpicking and biased, I win, byebye
Yeah it was horrifying, along with some other stuff. Probably just mental since it was the first time I lived without roommates, had no pets, and all. Or maybe some gas leak. Or haunted. I don't believe in that but there was some crazy, crazy stuff that happened there that never happened since I left.
i don't feel anything, you nibbas be afraid of this? like.. lmao what r u? 12?
my one experience of sleep paralysis made me think I'd drowned and died. Oh, you think ghosts are spooky. But you merely adopted the paralysis; I died in it, mouldered by it. I didn't realise it was just fucking sleeping paralysis until I was already drowned, by then it was nothing to me but blearing! The spooks betray you, because they belong to me!
>game objective: kill the moon
>I actually thought my place was haunted
Interdimensional intruders are every bit as scary as ghosts desu
you actually have non meme autism
haha i watched that video too dude!
What else happened?
Don't worry about it, just never live by yourself, haha
user, Spoiler your pic. I have to look AWAY from your post now.
Did the shadows rape you user
Got that yesterday. I realized I was awake and couldn't move, then immediately understood I was in sleep paralysis and prepared myself for spooky shit.
I'll type it out, hold on
this isn't me
What else is new?
more than half of Yea Forums posters
>this isn't me
Oh shit the shadows have taken control of user's body
>Wake up
>Oh my fucking god.
>I can't move!
>I'm gonna di- oh wait it must be that sleeping paralysis thing
>Let's try moving a little now I know that
>Actually just managed to twist my neck the wrong way in sleep
>Oh cool I must have broken my neck
That was a non spooky bad time for fifteen minutes until whatever fucking cramp or something stopped.
I kept having recurring dreams of an old man in my house, or knocking on my door, or sitting in my car. He would always tell me to not get a dog. There would be issues if I did. Two of the dreams were insanely intense. The first one, and scarier one - I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night / early morning and got up to go the the bathroom. To give context, my apartment had sliding glass doors in the bedroom and living room, and outside I was gated in by a fence. Tiny little yard, basically. Very secure overall since the outside had locks too before even getting to the apartment.
Anyway, I thought I woke up, got up and went to the bathroom. Started brushing my teeth, and the ice cream pop goes the weasel song started playing in my apartment. I turn around from my sink, about to go see where it's coming from, touch the doorknob on my bathroom door, and bam - woke up in bed again. The song got a little louder. I get up, a little more panicked, and my door is now closed. I grab the doorknob and again I "wake up" back in bed. The door is open again. The song is louder. Every time I touch a doorknow the cycle repeats. But nothing else is different. So I'm trying to figure out what in the fuck is going on, but the song has become so overbearing and I've become so frantic after probably 20-50 resets that it's insane. In one of the resets, my door was open again and I ran in the bathroom to throw water on myself. The sink was gone, and a little kid was sitting where it was crying instead. I walk up to him, he looks at me, screams in bloody murder, and I wake up again. The song is drowning out literally everything by this point. I'm freaking out, and just keep fucking running to doors in quick succession of this cycle repeating, over and over and over and over and over and over.
Human body can twist into some fucky ways during sleep, I can attest to that.
The little kid kept growing throughout all of this. Sometimes he would be in a corner of a room, sometimes I would wake up and he would be standing by the bed. Every time he was a bit older. He starts rambling about how I better not got any animals, because they aren't allowed here and there will be consequences. I can barely make out what he's saying through the music, but the gist was always about animals, that I don't belong there, and that I'm messing up. He ages until he's a literal old man, gray hair, creeked back, suspenders, bald.
Eventually, I finally got outside. Ran to my car. Realized I was awake, next to my car, in my boxers and nothing else. I was actually awake.
>roll over
>close eyes
>brain voices start
>absurd dream that seems to last hours
>wake up a few mins later
Second dream was literally the next night.
The old man just kept slamming on my door, telling me to not get an animal. I had no plans to, btw. I would walk to my sliding glass door in the living room, and he wouldn't be there, but the second I walked away, the knocking and slamming would start again, the complaining. I go back in my room to look through those doors, and there is a wall of masks, all of his faces throughout his life or whatever the faces were, that I had seen in the other dream. They all start telling me the same thing.
So all of this would just be weird nightmares, but my friend ended up staying over a week or so later on my sectional. A few days in, he told me he had the same exact dreams. Same old man. Same message. Pop goes the weasel.
After that I started having sleep paralysis. I would wake up in bed, unable to move, and see shadowy figures sitting and crying in the corner and shit. Never once, ever, had one before so I had no idea what the FUCK was going on until I researched it. I was genuinely terrified. I can never sleep on my back, but one time I fell asleep on my sectional waiting for a call from my friends to go out, like 8-9pm. I get paralysis. Wake up, can't move. No shadows but I hear someone talking behind me. Can't make out what they're saying. In my peripheral vision I start seeing this figure walk around my sectional, and towards me, crouches down, looks me in the eyes, and starts choking me. My phone rings and my friend asked where I was.
Then I bought a dog.
I'e only had sleep paralysis once. I felt like my blanket was a straightjacket and I was forced to watch the ceiling but no 2 spooks tried to get me.
That crazy dead fuck was standing next to your bed the entire time. Staring at you and beaming his batshit into your mind.
>Try to sleep
>Close my eyes
>Hear screaming in my ear
I think they're supposed to be real demons.
Issues kept going, old man would bring attack dogs and shit but at that point I just figured it was whatever since I had researched sleep paralysis and all of that. But I can't explain my friend Mike having the same dreams at all. Only reason whatsoever I don't waive it away.
Sounds a bit like
Does this also explain why i keep hearing people I know call my name when some of them don't even live near me anymore?
I guess i'm lucky, I've never had this before. I remember reading up on this a lot a few years ago, it seems like hell.
I had sleep paralysis once, luckily I had read about it and realized what was going on immediately.
You can move and your brain can't explain why so it tries to fill in the gaps and give you a reason to be unable to move, somebody pushing you down, or simply being so scared you can't move, but your brain needs to fill in the scary things, since they're not actual happening.
The same moment I realized what was going on I thought "welp here must come so nasty/scary shit", and as I did, I saw a shadowy figure climb over me and try to push me down, scary at first, but I was ready, I started internally screaming and trying to transform into a super Saiyan, I managed to shrug off the shadow like this, feeling pretty good about myself at the moment, I could move a few seconds after.
Maybe. It stopped entirely when I left. I try to be logical, so it was probably subconscious or due to a gas leak or something like that, idk. But I can't explain the same dreams and all of that. But I haven't had any of it since I left.
Yeah best thing is to just close your eyes if you can or try to scream as hard as you can I've come to accept.
I just call those brain voices. Other times it just seems like a radio changing stations and picking up sentence fragments and other random things.
Omg look at all that static!!! Spooky!!!!
I've read that certain molds can induce experiences like yours as well. Sounds fairly paranormal to me though.
>Yea Forums - Video games
>This happening years ago
>Wake up near the gray morning
>Be in an extremely uncomfortable position
>can't move
>"oh good, I've read about this bullshit"
>I know that logically I should just ignore it and this should go away on it's own
>My half-asleep brain isn't very logical though
>Try to move my hand anyway with what seemed to be the might of a thousand suns to me
>No dice
>try some more over what seemed to be several minutes
>too busy with this to even notice any scary-fucky shit
>actually manage to scrape my blanket with two fingers in one hand
>ohshitnigger this feels like a personal victory of the century
>I stop trying and it passes on it's own
>The hand hat I moved starts to cramp up like a motherfuck and hurts like I've tried to squeeze a cinderblock
>this was a mistake.jpeg
Fun times
I get sleep paralysis pretty often but I have never seen anything scary. The feeling of not being able to move was scary on it's own for a while but now it's kind of fun really. It always passes very fast too.
>Game Objective: Dont look at the guy's balls
No, that's another phenomenon. It has to do with your brain trying to interpret random signals. The same happens when you see faces or shapes in clouds or other things.
>I am now convinced this is an external influence. Get fucked and dilate
The fucking irony, jesus fucking christ.