What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
No sexy female soldiers to pander to cumbrains
came out 1 year before anita's bullshit started gaining traction
Origin and 4 coming out like a year later.
switching the main development platform from PCs to consoles midway through development
Every battlefield game I try I hope and pray is as good as bf3 and I'm always disappointed.
every gun is full auto m4
I actually only use the G3A3 when I play the Assault myself.
Only four classes? Battlefield is doomed
Total rehash and zero stability? Battlefield is doomed
Terrible theme and infantry focus? Battlefield is doomed
Negroes and RNG? Battlefield is doomed
Women and cosmetics? Battlefield is doomed
bt3 > btf4 > btf bad company2 > br1> bt hardline > bt5 >call of duty
>nothing older than BC2
wew lad
>never played bf2 or desert combat
why leave out the only good bf games like vietnam
2142 > BF2 > BF1 > Bad Company 2 > BF1942 > BF1943 > BF3 > Hardline
>feminism is 100% to blame for the fall of BF
this is the average retard on Yea Forums
You didn't even read my post before (You)ing me
Why is BF1 that high
Fifa animations
Good Battlefield Games:
>Battlefield 1942
>Battlefield 1943
>Bad Company 2
>Battlefield 2
>Battlefield 1
>Battlefield 2142
>Battlefield 4
Bad Battlefield Games
>Modern Combat
>Battlefield V
Operations Mode
>Heroes, MC, and Vietnam bad
You are missing Bad Company 1 in the bad section btw
It wasn't Bad Company 3
>Modern Combat
Did anybody even play that one?
Yeah there should be super bad category
and there goes
>Bad Company 1
>Battlefield V
Medic was far too powerful.
Jets were too detached from the rest of the game.
Call of Duty.
Too many len flare
I wanted to but the servers were already shut down by that time
I've heard people say that Backstab was a great map
brave gamer opinion
i built my current pc strictly for this game.
the fact that matchmaking was done through an internet browser made my dick so soft
But Bad Company 1 was basde, what are you talking about?
the thing is that you can keep browsing the web and whatnot while the game is loading and when it's ready it pops up and you are in the game
i mean if you want to stare at a loading screen while it is loading you can i guess
but it is understandable why people didn't like it
>Godlike BF Games
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Battlefield 1942
Bad Company 2
Battlefield 1
>Bad Battlefield Games
Modern Combat
Bad Company 1
i couldn't break shit
Is really stupid how they fucked operations in BFV, they didn't need to change anything.
Battlefield 2142 was a complete shitshow of a game and if you remember it fondly it must be because your brain had not developed properly due to young age
It was the first game Dice made after the EA takeover and it was complete SHIT in every aspect, from laggy servers, broken ships, Mechs that would suddenly explode if touching anything and the gun play was NOTHING compared to BF2.
(BF2 also had it's many flaws but was great in so many ways you could look past it)
the singleplayer was the only good part, and mainly because of the characters
the multiplayer sucks because it takes like 20 bullets to kill someone, but also only one knife swipe or one bolt action sniper rifle round
heck, even pistols are more powerful than fully automatic weapons
also no parachute, no revives, and often no way to deal with helicopters (even the mostly useless stationary IGLA and Stinger units were more useful than the AA guns in BC1)
the one good thing they did was reduce the amount of grenades issued to kits
and then screwed it up again in Bad Company 1 (the game with the most grenades given to every kit, 5)
>tfw 30 and never layed 2142
i dont know if im missing out or not
you arent missing anything. its worse than any game before it
Multiplatform. Should have been a PC exclusive.
you can find the game digitally somewhere for free and there is now BF 2142 Reclamation after Revive was shut down because of stupidity
it wouldnt be the same magic as 64 player servers in bf2 were 15 years ago
>nu-BF is for casuals. Regenerating health and doritos were designed to pull the CoD crowd. I would kill for a BF game that did things right again.
>what? BF5? No, I heard that one was bad.
bf3 and bf4 on hardcore are how the game is meant to be played. BFV still doesn't have a hardcore mode like fucking 9 months later and they currently "have no plans". Everyone who actually plays battlefield knows this is the case.
>what went wrong?
You made a low effort thread, OP
>usas 12 with frags pre-nerf
It was a goddamned bolter, good times were had
i had never felt more godlike before or since
>shit maps
>shit weapons
>even shittier server browser
The M26 was more fun.
It did. The multiplayer wasn't that special, but it was competent. However, the singleplayer had a cool feature where you could take control of any friendly AI since they were just variants of the standard four classes and there was no main character. Thought it would be a cool feature to use if DICE ever got to make a Star Wars Battlefront game...
I guess that was a bit naive.
The amount of contrarianism it takes to say BF1 is anything other than mediocre legit pains me
anyone who places BF1 above BF3 or 4 has to have legit brain damage.
Why so much hate for based Hardline?
>What went wrong?
Dude yeah bro shoot the guy in the foot once so fackin hardcore my duder lmao!
lol I watched a video on the most recent BFV map and it has this exact issue.
Battlefield V is a direct result of people like you.
Patrick Bach killed mods in bf games to sell more dlc.
People who want a Battlefield game more like BF2 and not BF3?
Desert Combat was better than BF2. The only good thing BF2 did compared to DC was commander mode.
1942 was better than Desert Combat. The only good thing Desert Combat did compared to 1942 was its setting.
Now compare it to non-direct competitor, ARMA, which editor spawned 2 multimillion genres.
Codename Eagle was better than 1942. The only good thing 1942 did compared to Codename Eagle was better graphics.
I had a lot of fun with it.
Played on PS3, really liked the DLC expansions.
I wonder every now and then if it's still alive on PC.
It was at least until last year, when I last played.
Russians and south americans still love this game, or they just can't afford anything newer.
But is it really alive or just 3/4 servers full of people hacking like MW2?
pffff bf4>
If I remember correctly multiplayer didn't work at all for the first month on xbox 360. I know lol consoles and all that but that's as bad as it gets.
I had it on the original Xbox and I played it for days. The respawn feature was pretty cool and the missions were hectic at times and pretty diverse.
bf4 in pc and ps4 is perfectly alive, just be aware of fake populated servers in bf4
Sniping in Bad Company 2 is godly because I can land the shots.
What in the fuck happened in BF3 and BF4?
No, it had quite a lot of full 64 and 32 player servers. I don't remember hacking, at least nothing too outrageous when I played.
Why you shit on Hardline? It is the only cops n robbers MP game out there. Sure it dead but what other options do we have?
I like how Dice just gave out all the DLC and shit for free.
Right now I'm playing Bf V and I'm enjoying it, but the game is full of flaws.
>muh women
>no votekick, censored chat, no community servers
>weapons have a lot of recoil
>a 7'92 bullet to the chest is not enough to kill an enemy
>planes repairing mid air
>planes being flying tanks
>unbalanced maps
I sstill play because there aaren't real alternatives sadly, and I have tried everything
Just play battlefield 1942 or battlefield 2.