When was the last time you opened Minecraft?
When was the last time you opened Minecraft?
>not square tits
beta when it was free.
Install Yea Forums x
Install clover
literally 50 minutes ago
>When was the last time you opened Minecraft?
like 3 days ago
Kill your self
oh shit is there a new video?
i love jenny
Never did
i just blew my load to a minecraft character, Yea Forums............
minecraft made me cum
Recently. An old friend that I played minecraft with years ago was visiting. I had basically forgotten about it entirely until he mentioned it. I started playing it just for nostalgia's sake, but the game has somehow gotten even more bland and souless since when I left. Each addition seems to be solely designed to force the player to play the game in the incredibly narrow way that the dvelopers want, tacking on garbage after garbage to try and polish their million dollar turd. Minecraft was only ever fun as Autism Blox: The Game and turning it into the world's worst rpg ruined it forever. Not even creative mode is fun anymore.
The left can't meme
saying cumbrain is like saying poopyhead, the left love their ridicule
>Have tons of iron, meat and crops from my underground base
>Like a fuckton
>Go make a village
>Takes forever
>Make a small library tower
>Librarians show up
>Useless fucking books
>MORE useless fucking books
>Drown the niggers with sand if they don't deliver
>Have to farm assloads of paper and trade iron and meat to get emeralds to grind these fuckfaces up in levels repeatedly before I see ANYTHING useful
>One finally has mending
>Get two books, throw it on my diamond axe and diamond sword I use to slaughter cows/chickens for meat, and now out of emeralds
>Go to get more shit to trade
>Come back to the village
>Librarian that had Mending is gone
>Entire village has a 2 block high fence around it
>Not a single block within can spawn a mob
>But he just straight up vanished
And to top this FUCKING world off I chose large biomes because i'm a FUCKING retard and there isn't a FUCKING plains within a literal 30-45 minute trek in any direction of FUCKING JUNGLES and RETARDED FUCKING KEKFAGGOT MOUNTAINS SO I HAVE NO FUCKING HORSES AND FUCK THIS STUPID FUCKING GAME
No new video. I think slips is done with the longer length videos. Only lewd shorts for you now
I feel
>making a kingdom from a small village I plan to build up
>have Underground side of the village using some cool as ravines
>as I'm leaving the cave with more Cobblestone for my wall, I see a wandering trader
>use boat to kidnap him
>name his Israel for his bad deals for slime
>take him underground with this llamas
>as I break the boat, the fucker just disappears
>find a villager with no job
>set down a lectern
>he becomes a librarian
>doesn't have a mending trade
>break lectern
>he loses his job
>set down lectern, he's a librarian again
>repeat until he has mending
you're welcome
>Jungle biomes on large
just burn them
literally just torch them to the fucking ground
it aint worth it, chief