Worldsperms need to not apply
Comfy MHXX thread
Whoops I just spilled this World monster into the thread, I'm so clumsy
Does Nerg still have a penor/cloaca if he reproduces asexually?
stop shitposting with meowstress
shes deserves better
Depends, they probably wouldn’t work anyway and would be mostly vestigial, an unused relic of their ancestors which will likely disappear completely in the coming millenia.
It still has to shit and piss.
When is MH5 coming to Switch, bros!?
>start shitposting with meowstress
>shes deserves better porn
They're already working on MH6(title pending) for PS5/Xboxinfinity/PC. Enjoy Stories 2.
When seregios stops raping.
Monsties are for headpats not lewd.
>Stories 2
I FUCKING HOPE. Stories had a lot of good ideas but it needed a lot more polish. Stories 2 would be damn great on switch.
I’m glad MH will never be limited to Nintendo handhelds ever again.
The joke is there will never be a Stories 2. It bombed globally on every single platform it released on.
oh god, I've been had
Feels GREAT!
I'm sure the devs thought something was off when MHP3rd BTFO any 3DS MonHun in sales despite being a side-game with only High Rank.
Now that MHW beat company records outside Nintendo systems, there's noooo way they'll come back in at least a decade.
Holy shit just saw it! Was that a valtrax tease at the end?
Valstrax is cool and all, but did you notice the tar he was covered in? He was 100% running from Gogmazios!
Maybe? I wouldn’t get to excited about it until it’s confirmed in the next trailer. Can’t believe they teased those new monsters, I mean one is basically a scary kulu but the other two were pretty cool, I mean finally we get another water monster, and that new fanged wyvern looked sick as fuck
Okay for real now please, is there gonna be a new trailer today or tomorrow?