I wish female humans were real
I wish female humans were real
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I bet your profile picture is a greek statue.
I-I'm a female h-human...
profile picture of what?
Don't give the tranny attention.
I do too....
His mutt wife [trans]
I bet your profile picture is a anime female
Tranny I'm guessing
so what
i have one that lets me cum inside her whenever i want lol
No need to lie, hun.
i wish cute girls were real
Tranny beat downs are my obsession.
>I posted it again!
Insecure about something, hon?
This is a great infographic. Thank you, user.
Tranny spotted
The only tranny I see is you.
I like how Yea Forums has shifted towards puritanism just for the sake of being contrarian the last years
I dont like anime so i cant be a tranny
You sure know a lot about what it takes to be one.
Do you still have your dick?
Voluntary purity is better than forced anti-purity, user.
Aren't they like inbred flesh golems or some shit?
Marriage is impossible, at this point, and who wants to have sex with STD-brimming cows?
I thought this was a joke, but no that guy is totally legit. I actually feel bad for him, looking like that. No wonder he went trans, he'll do anything to try and look better.
You are trying way to hard
I watched the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 2 Battle Tendency, SO NOW I'M A TRANNY!?!
In a.. sense. They aren't FLESH golems (designed with being living things in mind) but they (as well as gnomes and dwarves) were created as stone and metal constructs, when the assembly line for them was corrupted by Yog-Sarron to curse them into being flesh.
Im a guy so of course i got a dick, cant say the same for you anime tranny
I wish I was one.
I wish I was a female of any WoW race really.
The Spambrain
>burned out dopamine receptors
>High Prolactin
>Lost free will to extreme reinforcement of a primal drive. Slave to shitposting on taiwanese basket weaving forums.
>Measurable brain damage
>No longer creative, just spams the newest buzzword 95% of the time
>Impaired conversational skills
bend over and i'll make you one
that's genuinely impressive manlet power
Y-yes daddy.
post your boypussi
I just ERP I don't look good enough for anything else
oh well
I wish cumbrains weren't.
Now for some chad power.
FUCK nu-WoW females!
Sorry user!
that would actually be nice
is that supposed to be bad?
>Yea Forums won't even let me report them anymore
someone fucking take care of this trash, I've reported several fucking dozen of them already this morning
Why can't any other MMO have anything I like as much as Outlaw Rogue?
>fake tits
It's over, boys. We can't ogle at 2d drawings anymore without the word cumbrain showing up. Time to lie down and accept that it's here to stay like everything else that's shitty about this board.
Have sex
No those are the old good model
Why do women do this to themselves?
Wait is this shit permanent?
jojo is manly, a rarity in tranime
literally me
fucking newfags always act like the most recent attempt to flood the board with nonsense will not just eventually be embraced by the board, then grow out of fashion when it gets old.
pissing in an ocean of piss as they say.
no problem m8
How did you guess?
cuz it's fucking hot, gayboy
cute cocks
Female humans exist but they don't have souls.
Little girls have souls but during their teenage years their person dies and leaves behind the corpse that is their physical body.
This is why women are so disgusting and repulsive and inferior.
Me in the middle.
Nooooooooo my secret Yea Forums-culture club
Where am I gonna share my exhentai links no-- WOOPS too soon bros
oh no boys what's happening why are the trannies raiding us
the left can't meme, or is it the right conservative christian this time??
I guess.... i must go..... on the dozen porn boards now....
I was going to finish reading this post but i got distracted and disinterested...
I have to go masturbated to more cuckold porn now.
unironically based
Delete that image of me
I hate how much these people have infested twitter. I blame Kantbot and Moldbug
We are being raided, user. I want to fap tonight, but panda is dead and burried and other sites just isn't the same.
Gosh, I wished female humans were real
Install Clover
>Install Clover
Install Yea Forums X
>Install Yea Forums X
Install Clover
>Install Clover
Install Yea Forums X
>Install Yea Forums X
If you masturbate frequently/watch porn frequently, you can supposedly reset by abstaining from either for 90 days or so, then I suppose you could, do it once a week for health reasons.
Like drug addictions, you can always be cured. It's up to you to know when you are ready to
Goddd I wish that was me.
How do I stop PP from twitching at everything remotely lewd?
masturbating isn't bad but being dependent on porn is
Walk away in baby steps, don't go cold turkey. And if you're single still masturbate once or twice a week because it's good for you, just find different material.
>part 4
>part 5
>Haha, I'm ready to get married now! Feel free to form a line boys!
Yes, but that image says something about measurable brain damage. It also says some things about impaired memory/problem solving, and I've noticed before that I seem to have a harder time with both of these. So is that permanent?
You dropped your card, sir.
It must work since they keep doing it
That girl has enjoyed tons of casual sex and now she is gonna be able to settle with a beta simp that will worship her while you masturbate to cartoons
Stacy always wins
Get your boipussy ready for me and I'll make you a female.
Doubtful, unless you literally smash your head against a wall while you masturbate.
>Winning by having to settle for a beta because no chad would ever touch her after that display.
Of course being single is prefferable to settling for some one who messes around at every opportunity, undying loyalty or bust.
>comparing literally half of your population an heroing to people not having much sex
thanks for the new material
Only if I can say Human Female flirt lines while you're fucking me.
Lmao those links
Married to a trad Christian virgin, fuck Stacey and her son Hayden.
Are you sure?
Old human models > new human models
But the simp will be loyal because he can't get anything more.
Lack of sex is pretty easy to fix by looking up a prostitute online. Lack of a will to live is a bit harder to deal with tranny, tick-tock.
>Larping zoomer wasting his energy making and spamming infographics
If you were even half as great as the virtue you preach, you wouldn't be here, and you know it.
If you're able to concentrate enough to do that then go right ahead.
>He's loyal because he literally can't choose anything else.
How is that loyalty. What if he ever gets a choice and then cheats because he got that choice. Loyalty means you would never cheat, even if you are given the chance.
Ah, now to masturbate to this.
is this real?
No problem! Just don't go east on me!
No, not in the way that poster wants you to think it is anyway. You do have more difficulty thinking about stuff when you're sexually aroused, yeah, but that isn't a permanent thing.
I never go easy. Especially on little bitches like you.
i want a human gf so fucking bad lads...
Hey how do you know me so well already
I want to be the human gf
Robots are better though.
Some things you can just sense. Now bend over and let me get to know your human female "pussy" better.
My turn offs are rude people, mean people and people who aren't nice.
to pleasure my dick
Because it helps them support the extra weight during a mating press.
STOP, I'd rather not be aroused right now.
They shut him down because they know it's true and can't cope. That's all trannies do: block, remove, censor. Sensitive waste of air that brings nothing to this society and are always manipulative. A product of feminism, mutated cancer.
Humans > Elves.
I really like elves and prefer them the most but WoW humans really are very nice
You're the hottest.