Wasn't paying attention to the buzz when it released, how does Exodus compare to the first two games...

Wasn't paying attention to the buzz when it released, how does Exodus compare to the first two games? I remember even after finishing Last Light thinking "eh, that was okay, really just more of the same things that were already good in 2033." I'm not sure if I'm interested in playing basically the same game a third time.

Attached: metro.jpg (2580x1450, 778K)

It's pretty mediocre.

ME is what you get when you mix Metro and Stalker together. It's pretty good if you are into this shit.

Dogshit, managed to get a steam copy because I preordered and they had to honor it. Still refunded within 2 days, because it's a soulless open world trash collector like Fallout 4. Last Light was already a step down from the original, but this doesn't even compare, it's the Dark Souls 2/Devil May Cry 2 of the series. That is if you judge it as a Metro game, if it was a new IP, it would probably be decent, but only because of the high production value.

Volga and beginning chapters were solid but I honestly felt a bit tired of the open world gimmick by the time I reached the 2nd area, the Caspian Sea turned Desert. It's namely a performance issue and it's glaringly obvious that I won't be able to enjoy anything out of my toaster if I continued on my current (pirated) save.

Nothing amazing or all that new.
I pirated it and dropped it halfway through the desert area.
It's basically going to be the same game for the third time like you said.
Probably safe to skip if you have other games you're interested in.

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Exodus is just a game with identity crisis. It doesn't know if it wants to be Stalker or Far Cry. However it's a trash Metro game. The first chapter is quite interesting but the further you go the shitter it becomes.
Gun modification system is trash because it's just linear upgrades too

Has its great moments, especially the first area that drenches you in amazing atmosphere and immersion. The problem is areas like the desert or the Taiga River that just are either too big and boring or too focused on crouch stealthing the whole fucking time.

Boring, uninspired trash with no homework on fixing series' issues being done.
No wonder they had to go for chink money.

Worse than 2033 better than Last Light.

It's pretty much soulless.

Couldn't get into it nearly as much as the previous games. i bought it a few weeks after it released but haven't beaten it yet. Havent played in months but i should go back eventually. Just got kinda bored, i think that desert area burned me out a bit, and the forest place was only a bit better.

Feels like it tried to mix the Metro formula with a bit more openness like Stalker, but it just didn't mesh well.

Attached: Sad stalker.jpg (472x340, 40K)

Was literally about to press the buy button on this since it's on sale, but it sounds like I should just get stalker instead.

It's worth a playthrough or two if the sale is good enough

>ME is what you get when you mix Metro and Stalker together.
a shitty walking simulator
also it's easy to tell Stalker is garbage by how much autists overhype it

It's easy: are you an autist who only cares about the atmosphere like Stalker and doesn't care how shit the game is?
Then buy it.

Open world ruins the experience. Not only do you have to walk long fucking distances to get to the good parts, you can basically run passed most mobs, making 90% of the map fucking pointless. Crafting is shit and there is too much looking at the ground and pressing e over bodies. I don't know why they had to ruin a perfectly good immersive FPS with boring normalfag gimmicks. Oh yeah I do, money.

the open world is like what, 30% of the game?
the rest is cinematic slow corridor walking following an npc

I don't know because I dropped the game. Yeah, listening to that cunt of a wife bitch and moan about everything and forced drama over every single decision the mc makes and after every mission. Fuck off cunt unstable women should stay underground.

Dead city > Volga > Taiga > desert

Bullshit metro exodus is what you get when you reskin farcry. All the good parts from stalker and metro were watered down to nothing. The very start and very end feels right the rest was ok but not metro.

>All the good parts from stalker and metro were watered down to nothing.
You still have lots of cinematics, walking and following NPCs.

No ammo as money. Hell no resource management at all cause everything breaks down into 2 crafting things and you can craft anywhere. It wasnt just the money it was being able to load the gun with money and really kick some ass.
Even the guns suck cause all the assult rifles feel the same. In 2033 and ll the ak feels distinct from the bastard and vss.