There hasn't been a single game in the past 15 years worth saving for future generations

There hasn't been a single game in the past 15 years worth saving for future generations

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try the past 30 years

Try the last 50 years

whatever new nintendo game

why the fuck would a video game ever be worth saving for future generations

Why are you here.

Go back where you came from, this is a NEET board for the terminally socially handicapped.

The PS1 and PS2 were the peak of video games

You're totally right mang I WILL be forcing my kids to play Postal 2 and Swat 4 exclusively in 8K

>my kids
Disgusting breeder, there isn't a single non selfish reason to reproduce you scab

Uuuuuh bye felicia. I have to pass my guns onto the next generation. They were passed onto me. And I have to prove to my father that I'm better than him. I'm also having as many kids as I can just to give a fuck you to all the retards who will die without Legions


Your "legacy" will be another braindead instinct slave who's only personal pride came from sputtering his sub par seed into a disgusting hole 10 other men have been inside.

Bloodborne and Undertale.

My kids are living in the woods far away from perverts like you lol
>personal pride?
No getting pussy has never made my life feel much better I'd say my greatest achievement was all the Told You Sos I've dropped over the years

You have inhumanly shit taste. Please die immediately.

Show me two games you think are more worthy of being savored for the future generations.
Bloodborne is the pinnacles of gameplay in an action adventure game in the last 15 years and Undertale uses the interactivity of videogames to create a story and experience that no other medium can replicate.
Stay mad, shitter.

>Bloodborne is the pinnacles of gameplay in an action adventure game in the last 15 years and Undertale uses the interactivity of videogames to create a story and experience that no other medium can replicate.
pffffft jesus christ. Do you just get all your opinions from IGN or something? Those games are hot garbage, especially Undertale.
Metal Gear Solid 3 and Resident Evil 4.

>game where silences tranq gun solves 99% of problems and boss battles are shitty moving targets that you just unload on without any thought
>baby's first RE
How adorable, I bet you thought that choosing these safe picks would make you immune, didn't you? lmao

>Game that revolutionised 3rd person shooters and every game for the next decade copied, also revived the franchise and is one of the most highly rated games of all time
>Stealth action game that was the peak of the MGS franchise and features depth of gameplay, level design and player freedom never seen before or since
Shitting on these games tells me all I need to know about you

Witcher 3. So far ahead of it's time that even games released now look outdated compared to it.

Dragon Quest XI

>So far ahead of it's time
In what way?

>DMC3 and 4
>Dark Souls
if I could enjoy those games after picking them up over a decade after their initial release, they're fine and will be playable for another decade, sadly that's probably as long as they can last. I would put GodHand, but that's what I'm gonna be forcing down people's throats, which isn't the same as the other's natural survivability.


You mean story? The main quest was trash.

Correct. Every single game made after 2004 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better, vidya is dead.

The world felt believable given how detailed and in depth everything was, from the lore to the graphics. And having choices that actually mattered was fantastic.

based western cocksucker who doesnt know any better

Japshit isn’t any better, dear zoom zoom. All is shit.

>series that destroyed RE
>peak of the MGS franchise
>not 2
cute NPC thinks his terrible opinions are worth jackshit
I supposed you also think Ocarina of Time holds up well?

ah the enlightened gen x nihlist. How refreshing
Kys already why dont u

The metro series?

all games are ultimately meaningless. it's just entertainment with no social or intellectual value.

All shit.

Says the undertale/bloodborne shitter. The "I'm a zoomer faggot but want to appear tasteful starter pack".

Damn dude this is definitely a shitpost

>social value
Who gives a fuck about that gay shit?

Dorf Fort

so you agree that video games are for stupid people only? glad we're on the same page

Halo 3


>Only smart people care about socialising
Kill yourself normalfaggot

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

The PS3/4 are the zoomer consoles.

wow good thing ur on a forum for vidya

Vidya was already ruined in 6th gen when normies poured in, and you’re absolutely a zoomer if you don’t realize that. Besides, that gen isn’t even allowed in /vr/, where all discussion about proper game is.

>6th gen
Go back to your shitty NES games grandpa

Yeah dude those games that were designed to get you to use more coins were rad as hell

Do you actually enjoy being a contrarian or are you just shitposting? Just curious

>dark souls was 15 years ago

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Literally the only worthwhile game worth "introducing" to the younger generations is Homeworld.
All other games will be archaic trash literally unplayable compared to the games of the future.

Symphony of the Night and Tactics Ogre were good but otherwise those were trash movie game machines that people on Yea Forums give a pass to because the movie games were Japanese and because Dante is simply epic with a wicked sense of humour

If by that you mean a game that is great and will likely possess historical weight within the medium,
Cave Story
Dwarf Fortress
Dark Souls
Breath of the Wild

Eh Dark Souls was okay

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>hurr durr cOnTrArIaN

Attached: contrarian.png (1216x1108, 724K)

>no u
awww he's upset

Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

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Nice defense of your garbage 14 year old zoomer taste


I would name a few. Maybe not many, but if we are trying to make "worth saving for future generations" some sort of exclusionary title, then there really shouldn't be that many games in it to begin with.

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Still no defense? Must be because I'm right.

What? I gave me defense in several posts, then you just started to splurge out random nonsense with buzzwords and ad hominems because you got really upset.

>there hasn't been a worthwhile innovation in gaming in 15 years
>anything not accepted by vr is shit
>spongebob meme
So shitposting, got it.

>me defense
Typical phoneposter. Shit taste but super proud of it. Fuck off kid.


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Phoneposters aren't welcome. e is nowhere close to y on a keyboard, it's the result of autocorrect on a phone. Get lost kiddo.

Why the fuck would a phone change the correct spelling of a word such as "my" to "me", you fucking clag glue eating retard?

Just stop. It's embarassing, phoneposter.

>hastily scrambles around for an argument but can't find one
>"lol just stop"
hold this L

>hold this L
You can stop outing yourself as a 14 year old tourist, just leave kiddo.

he's still going
how fragile is your ego?

It's my thread, what's your excuse?

Shouldn't you be paying attention in class?

Starsiege: Tribes
1998 best year before everything went to shit in the 00's
Non hitscan weapons
Jetpack gameplay where you really could fly not just walljump and wimpy spurts up
Tons of mods and scripts
Too bad halo blew up instead

>It's my thread
So you said that not a single game in the past 15 years is worth saving for the future generations yet you believe MGS3 and RE4 are.

You're right. not yet

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Metal Gear Solid 3 is from 2004, 15 years ago
Resident Evil 4 is from January 2005 14 years and 11 months ago

Can you not count yet you fucking child?

Exactly, but if it's YOUR thread like you said, then that would mean you're the OP who said, and I quote "There hasn't been a single game in the past 15 years worth saving for future generations".
You're contradicting yourself, dumbshit. Or are you just too slow to understand?

Are you clinically retarded?

How is a game made 15 years ago newer than 15 years old? Moron.

>There hasn't been a single game in the past 15 years
>except for these two games from the past 15 years
I think you're losing it.

>Can't count
back to school champ

2004 is not within the past 15 years retard

So why did you bring that game up in the first place in this thread, buddy?
You're just full of mix ups today.