I've just finished my first 30 days in XIV and I have to say its the biggest waste of money I have ever spent on a...

I've just finished my first 30 days in XIV and I have to say its the biggest waste of money I have ever spent on a video game.
I will not be subbing again. I would get a refund if I could.
If you like dress up and ERP its great(you are a faggot), but if you want an actual game you are going to be sorely disappointed.

The animations are complete and total dog shit. We are talking PS1 level animations.
All the bosses are just "dont stand in shit".
The classes all have too many buttons that do the same thing(my class Dragoon has almost 20 buttons in its basic rotation).
The abilities aren't even interesting either, they are designed to be strictly used one after another in a VERY specific order. So specific that your next abilitiy will light up with an outline on the HUD/Action bar.
Everyone is ERPing and pretending to be girls CONSTANTLY. They erp in the general channels, they erp in your FC channel(I joined 7 different FCs and they were all ERPing non-stop).
Most people actively talk about being trans and taking pills.
One person was discussing how they will cut their leg, collect the blood, and inject it into their anus to simulate a menstrual cycle.
I haven't wasted any time on professions, but if the rest of the game is any indicator its probably not good.
The leveling is absolutely the worst experience I have ever had in a video game.
There are like 5 different types of quests you do, then they just repeat with different flavor text, you do these same 5 quests 1000 times each(I am not joking).
The story is total garbage
Everything takes place in tiny instances.
Every dungeon is a very narrow hallway with bosses living in circular arenas.
None of the male characters look masculine, but instead are faggy little cunts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

>One person was discussing how they will cut their leg, collect the blood, and inject it into their anus to simulate a menstrual cycle.
What the actual fuck

>op takes the time to write out what he thought about a video game after playing it for 30 days
>people would rather post tits/ass and call eachother cum brains in other threads
The absolute state of Yea Forums...

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Sounds like you don't like mmos. FFXIV is, in fact, an mmo, so I dont really know what you were expecting.

he is just stating what everybody knows already, what will his next blog post be about? That Yea Forums is made out of 99% shitposters?


OP here.
Nah, I like MMOs. I've played quite a bit of WoW, EvE, OSRS, EQ and DAOC.
XIV is garbage and shouldn't even be called a MMO.

pretty accurate. the fanbase is autistically rabid and defensive and too unaware of how addicted they are to it to realize how shit it is though. Everyone in that game seems mentally ill.

>FFXIV is, in fact, an mmo
Why did you feel the need to point this out?

It is the worst MMO(RPG) out there.

>B-but the """"good"""" s-s-story
bullshit. The story is one of the worsts ever.

Before the XIV larp squad comes to try and deface you, I've given it a very very generous shake at playing for a year with my friends, and I can no longer stomach it. It's content cycle is very bottom rung, predictable, and doesn't add much. The 24 mans, savage raids and Ultimate encounters only last for so long. And before any slack jawed nigger tries to point out that this kind of cycle is common in MMO's, yeah. They are. But other games have better fluff and actual things to do while you're waiting. Leveling alt jobs is boring, the Tomes system is very slow to progress, crafting and gathering gets up to speed super quick and doesn't last. Shadowbringers was my last shake at it, and I'm fucking embarrassed that people accept it so easily.

>The story is one of the worsts ever.
Yea that was one of the weirdest thing about the game. The story was absolutely tedious and dry with pages and pages of dialogue to sift through with no real substance to it, but then people were always talking in game-chat about how much they liked it. It was like when you hear a wife who gets beaten by her husband talk about how much she loves him. Its really jarring and makes you feel uncomfortable.

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based and true

wtf I'm subbing to wow now

here come the dialators

I'll see you in the Asmon layer when Classic hits OP

>picks the combo class
>"all my skills are combos wtf??"

all XIV classes are combo classes and playing the same. there is only one rotation (and buff rotation).

>the fanbase is autistically rabid and defensive and too unaware of how addicted they are to it to realize how shit it is though
Thats what puzzles me though. I totally understand the feedback loop, but here is no positive feedback to encourage you to keep playing. The is so little content its shocking.

There are 3 end game "dungeons" with 3 bosses in them. This is the entirety of non-raid content at the end of the game. 9 bosses + trash.


XIV is so fucked up

>Everyone is ERPing and pretending to be girls CONSTANTLY. They erp in the general channels, they erp in your FC channel(I joined 7 different FCs and they were all ERPing non-stop).
>Most people actively talk about being trans and taking pills.

I fucking fear for humanity if even a single person reads through OP's post and doesn't immediately see this thread as anything but 100% shitposting bait.

Alisaie best girl though

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This doesn't happen on Phoenix I have no idea how you people end up meeting so many freaks.

>as anything but 100% shitposting bait.

And here is the retarded XIV junkie. It is not bait, it is the truth.

please let this become the new xiv pasta

>complete disregard for all the arguments towards why XIV is bad
No, its a scam game with zero content.

They said that the New Game+ will be introduced in 5.1, right?
This time, instead of Japanese voice acting I'll switch to English. I just build up my hype until Emet-Selch.

What is it about the defensive thing? On /xivg/ if you point out any flaw you'll get 10 replies jumping down your throat. To me, the story is incredibly generic. Every expansion revolves around the cliche "all consuming evil" and endless time wasting dialogue introducing your character to other people over and over and over.... I've put about 200 hours and I'm halfway through Shadowbringers and I hope it gets better, I heard that it does. But I dunno man. I can't say this fucking anywhere but here without getting shit for it and I can't have an actual discussion about it. Devolves into shit flinging.

Sounds like a parselet to me. "Just do your very basic rotation and don't die"


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Based. I've been telling people to not waste time on this garbage for a while now but do they listen? This is a game catered to people who've never played an MMO even once, unironically WoW in it's current state is still a better MMO since it's actually an MMO not a single player hallway/instance simulator.

>I can't say this fucking anywhere but here without getting shit for it and I can't have an actual discussion about it.
I tried talking about this in /xivg/ and got a warning for "Global Rule 3 - Trolling". I think some of the jannies are xiv fans or something.

Thats another thing, every character that you have to talk to looks like its name came out of some kind of random character name generator. Its impossible to remember who is who when all their names are total gibberish.

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I approach it like I wanna have a serious discussion about it and it's instantly accusatory with "wowrefugee" thrown in there. I just wanna know what makes someone this in denial and retarded about a mmo that they're incapable of talking about any flaws.

>HW or SB
>"all consuming evil"
Learn to read instead of writing paragraphs about how you can't

I know exactly which shitposter you are because you've posted in FFXIV threads and repeatedly show you have no idea what an "instance" is.
There are better ways to start threads than this.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it. If threads like this can filter out people so moronic as to believe even the most blatant of all shitposting attempts then it'll be a better game for the rest of us.

You're doing good work out here.

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>I know who you are!
>Theres only one person who doesn't like XIV
Again, zero arguments. Attacking OP instead of attacking what OP said.

> actually an MMO not a single player hallway/instance simulator.

> Current WoW

Choose one, user.

someone post the mrhappy grey parse image again

Not really. You don't find ERP unless you're actively looking for it, you should have chosen a caster class if combos pissed you off that much, the story is fine, and every other argument can pretty much be classified as "that's the nature of RPGs.
I get that this is the official xiv hatethread, but at least 90% of the complaints in the OP is just conjecture or projection.

Also, i call bullshit that you liked wow and hated FFXIV. They're the same thing, just done a little differently in a few areas.

>XIVfags tricked a bunch of people by saying it has better end game than WoW

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Did you even read what I wrote?
You're the only person who makes this mistake.

Yes when it you compared it to this piece of shit. That's how bad FF14 is and you fags should stop being in denial.

It unironically does but that's not saying much at all. BfA is fucking terrible if you don't care about M+ or Mythic raiding.

I'm sorry for your retardation.

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OP has the line "I joined 7 different FCs and they were all ERPing non-stop" and you're still taking time typing out serious replies? Come on man, you're better than this.

I can't stand modern wow, but its better than XIV by miles.

It does, though
>b-but I dont raid
>b-but I dont gather and craft
>b-but I dont RP
Wow sure sounds like you dont care for MMOs regardless of who makes them

Nah you're not fooling anyone here. End game in FF14 is garbage.

>its better than XIV by miles.

>Force personal loot
>Heart of Azeroth
>Mobs scale with your ilvl
>Alt unfriendly since Legion

You don't play WoW do you?

What are you talking about you sandnigger? I played FFXIV years ago and didn't like it, you're the one in denial if you think ActiBlizzard's WoW isn't the definition of a corridor simulator you gimp.

>noo theres no cumbrains on xiv
>heres my waifu teehee
weird flex

>n-no u
Sure convinced me with those hot opinions

You aren't providing any arguments you just keep repeating that "X is shit" and "Y is better".

Again, you don't find ERP unless you are ACTIVELY looking for it.
I've looked at like 5 different FCs since I started, and they're all just chill groups of people looking for others to hang with them.
My argument stands.

>I didn't like the story, my job is too hard for me and everyone is a tranny

that huge block of text in OP sounds 100% like WoW

Good post user, upvoted

>I don't like XIV because of A, B, C, D
Both are trash, but modern wow is more of an MMO than XIV. XIV is an MMO like darksouls, fortnite, or counterstrike is an MMO.

>my job is too hard
He said this.
And he also said he played Dragoon.
Let that sink in.

>all that whining about ERP and trannies
I've been playing for 4 years, first on Balmung then on Jenova, and not once have I encountered that shit while playing, nor have I been actively bothered by it, and I have hundreds of hours clocked in.
I'm convinced you need to actively spend hours upon hours actively seeking out ERP and tranny/LGBTQ+ circles in-game to have SO many problems with them that it needs to be complained about. Quit hunting down trannies like the obsessed little faggot you are and you'll find a much more pleasant experience.

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Projecting much?
>I played FFXIV years ago and didn't like it, you're the one in denial if you think ActiBlizzard's WoW isn't the definition of a corridor simulator you gimp.
Nah that won't here you fucking tranny I know your shitty tricks. Your game is garbage compared to even modern WoW, let that sink in already. You literally haven't seen hallway simulator if you haven't played FF14.

We get it you did no content and just hung out with the ERPfags in Limsa when they spam invited you to their FCs.

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Yes we all know this already, why are you making serious replies to the most obvious troll thread on Yea Forums right now?

Now you see child, however degenerate WoW has become, it can always get worse.

>discord defense force shows up
fuckin kek

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It's basically how you can tell someone just brownsed Yea Forums threads and is trying to pretend they played the game.

It's clearly a shitpost at best and severe exaggeration at worst so I'm not sure why you were expecting it to take off.
He's outright lying about many things in his post but will claim he isn't.
It's okay to not like a game. No game can cater to everyones tastes. Everyone has different preferences. Why you feel the need to lie and make up bullshit instead of just saying you dont like the game for its playstyle, its boss mechanics, and its lack of content I don't know. Is it because you think you have to make a grandiose claim to get attention to your thread? I'm not sure, but im sick of this autistic exaggeration of anything when it comes to vidya.
You fucking faggots are massive drama queen baiters making up bullshit to get yourself sweet (You)'s no matter how much you compromise your own principles in the process. It's frankly pathetic, and you will not get a thread bump out of me for it.


What’s should be the next job Yea Forums?

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Cool story, bro.

>The classes all have too many buttons that do the same thing(my class Dragoon has almost 20 buttons in its basic rotation)

Boo hoo WoW babie. Go back to your 5 button rotations just cause anything more is just too complicated for you.

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xiv is a bad game and OP summed it up pretty well

>modern wow is more of an MMO than XIV.
If you want to talk about Classic you might have something but you think BfA is an MMO? You're just humiliating yourself, stop already.
There are very rare situations where more than 30 players are grouped together and most of them involve streamers. XIV has more opportunities for it to happen with hunts and Eureka, but yeah it's not like old MMOs either but it's still busier than WoW. Not to mention the people you see around you in XIV and persistent and you'll see them tomorrow and the day after because they're on your server, meanwhile in WoW you have players phasing in and out from realms you've never even heard of, sometimes they vanish right in front of your face to balance zone population and convince you the game isn't dead.
And I'll stress again, neither are great in this regard, but modern WoW is a joke and a fucking shit stain on the legacy that is started. Vanilla WoW was infinitely better in this regard.

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What is SAM like right now? Heard people saying it was nerfed but the latest patch buffed them again?

>20 buttons
>all of them do the same thing
How is that good class design?

Should still be worse than MNK and DRG, but close and if you like it you should play it.

You and your safe space thread can go fuck itself
FFXIV is a good game

He didn't, at all actually. He made a bait post to grab attention and proved he's a turboshitter that cant play dragoon correctly. Next he'll go into a wow thread and complain about skill pruning and 3 button rotations while simultaneously complaining about too many skills in xiv. There is no genuine intent behind OP's post. it is pure, nonsensical bait of the highest proportion.
Again, its fine to not like a game and have reasons for it, its another to be a lying faggot for attention just so you can get some form of satisfaction from your thread getting more than 5 replies.

Having to go through a time gated gear threadmill is better than having no content in one week
>Raid have few bosses and most of them are easy and cleared day 1
>Ultimates which are a good idea and fun to run are rarely released
>Gear has barely any effect on gameplay and you just get it by buying from NPCs before a raid is even released
>PVP is complete garbage
>Leveling other classes is extremely boring with POTD and HOH
>Decent profession system is completely compromissed by having a garbage economy and everything end ups being selling potion,food and gear just like WoW
>Dungeons are a straigh line that have invisible walls and you don't even need to use CC, just run wall to wall and use your CDs
>Raids are too formulaic
>Every boss arena is just a souless circle or square
>No seamless world so it doesn't even feel like a mmo
>No reason to go back to zones so you barely see nobody besides major cities
>Classes are extremely formulaic and easy to pick up
>Barely any fun group abilities like Warlock portal which can completely change like a fight is played
>No talents that can completely change like a fight is played

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I hate ff14, but this user is definitely right in this regard. I made the mistake of making a character on one of the tranny servers without realizing it, but I did notice that after a few weeks I recognize almost everyone around, for better or worse.

SAM is in a good place.
MNKs however might have been catapulted above them with their update.

>Yeehaaw I cannot relate if my npcs are not called Tom or Susie. Unca Sam is so dissapointed you japworshipping spitoons.

I know it’s bait but complaining about current drg rotation lmao you wouldn’t even know how to begin on HW rotation.

>One person was discussing how they will cut their leg, collect the blood, and inject it into their anus to simulate a menstrual cycle.
What the fuck is wrong with this playerbase? Even WoWplayers are better than this.

It's true I played the game for two days, my rotation is utter garbage, you just have to input 48 buttons in sequence with no variation, one after the other, they all do the same thing too it's just "poke the enemy" with my tranny dick. Oh yeah I'm a tranny too because everyone who plays this game is, I found out in the first zone, 20 trannies appeared and invited me to their tranny FC. They welcomed my in their FC house with all sorts of tranny rituals, we had a shared dilation session for 30 minutes before I could even get back to levelling my character. The story sucks too it's all about trannies. The bosses don't attack you, they just be transexual in your general direction until you get disgusted enough to give up fighting them.
Oh and the music is shitty tranny music too.

I give this game 10/10 I will certainly play it more.

I really hope you wrote this obviously bait shitpost OP because he's been busy again, but somehow I doubt it.

>We are talking PS1 level animations
Bitch please you have literally never played a PS1 game in you're entire fucking life because people who actually did don't spout dumb shit like that

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You liked Eve... but disliked FFXIV?

I do not think any force in the universe could ever help you.

who was in the wrong here?

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but it's not wow so it's automatically good
t. retard shilling for free

nice blog

So much for being a "champion" of crystal. Ugh.

Him for perpetuating WoW's retarded streamer culture in XIV

I just started playing a few days ago(free trial) as a gladiator and the game is packed with content. I am currently doing the MSQ but when i get to level 35 i'll do the side quests. The zones are nice, the music is pretty good, the art design is great.
I loved Final Fantasy XII and this is basically the same just online.
My only complaint is that everyone must be beautiful, i wanted to make a chad grandpa or a middle aged rugged adventurer. But that isn't that bad.

Ignore parsers.
Forget about numbers and damage.
5.05 gave SAM exactly what people asked for, they wanted the flexibility of SB back. The 5 second CD cut on Meikyo gives you wiggle room to always get it in before Tsubame Gaeshi. They'll never not line up now. Hagakure isn't there to be a DPS increase, it's a situational tool to delete your sen if you think you need to.
You aren't locked into a rigid minute long rotation anymore, you can bend and change it based on the fight and you aren't punished severely for being out of range for 2 seconds.
It's a huge improvement. SAM feels great to play.

They make you pay 40 dollars to skip the tedious story quests.

That's how boring the story is. You could spent 300 hours doing the endless story quests before actually play end game content.

Honestly im not gonna lie, i liked XIV and i dont play many MMOs.
But the community is one of the worst fucking pieces of shit rivaling that of dark souls and league of legends. and OP is 100% right. i play on Crystal because aether was 100% populated and i shit you not ITS ALL THE TIME RPING
i couldnt even FIND a fucking normal FC, they're all RPing ones. its fucking cringe,

>if you want an actual game you are going to be sorely disappointed.

I don't understand why you would bother with any mainstream MMO desu

SMN or RDM and why?

Everyone, post you're waifu and people tell you what job to play.

>SAM is in a good place
Its arguably worse than SB

this shit made my fucking day ''the champion of crystal'' and how he almost cries when the GM takes him off the game. fucking golden. and to answer your question, obviously this ape twitch nigger had it coming. day of the rope for twitchies cant come sooner

No one, everything happened as it should have. He was a colossal faggot as is his wont and GM's handled his colossal faggotry as they should have.

>liking WoW but hating XIV

Yeah this is a troll thread.

Haven't met a single tranny that keeps talking about how tranny they are. I've seen some LGBT-friendly FCs recruiting, but even they are just "We're open and accepting", and not "Come talk about your pills and dilation".
I've also never seen any ERP happening in public places. In my 2 years of playing, I've been approached twice by someone trying to start something, but they fuck off as soon as I reject.

The story is daunting at first because it takes forever to pick up, and the quests are repetetive, yes. It's very often "go talk to this person", "go kill one or two mobs in that area", "go into this single-player instance" or "go to dungeon". Quest variety is one of ffxiv's weakest points.

Content wise though, it has a shit ton. The problem people have with the game's content is that there's not enough for a single person. But objectively speaking, the game itself is filled to the brim with various content, but not all of it is for eveyone. Crafting is a whole game in itself, there's treasure maps, actually trying to beat the deep dungeons, hunting, gold saucer, sidequests with proper stories and much more. ffxiv's strength lies in the fact that you can still enjoy the game even if you're not an endgame raider. That's not something you can say for other games.

Now personally, I am an endgame raider, and this is where I feel the game falls short. Savage and Ultimate is a lot of fun, and Eden Savage has so far been wonderful, but once we've cleared and farmed for a bit, there's nothing to do. I plan on quitting between major patches, focus on something else, then resub once new content hits. And I'm okay with that, because I'm not spending my money inbetween content droughts.

>playing an MMO and not RPing
Big yikes

RDMs are only good for their rez while SMN have damage on top of their rez

>Waaah I have to play video games
>I want instant gratification endgame content NOW REEE
>I'll go into other threads and bitch about lack of content in games while trying to justify buying a boost potion because I have a gnat tier ADHD attention span and cant invest time into an mmo
just dont play the game lmao. What is so hard about just, not playing the game if you dont like it and moving on? What keeps you in this thread bitching about a game you dont like if you arent actually playing it? Because if you arent actually playing it, and youre wasting your own time in this thread complaining about something you dont even do, isn't that a bit silly?

I have never seen anyone getting taken off a duty. Ever.

Are Scholars the worst healers now that Astrologians got a sizable update and white mages are white mages?

>when normalfag memes get to your brain
There's no way you would have gotten on Balmung unless you were sniping it in the mornings and I played on Balmung, Mateus and currenly I'm on Zalera. I didn't see people roleplaying openly anywhere but in Quicksand on the first two. The last one is devoid of it utterly. Get the fuck out you shitposting retard.

>they all just do damage even though I'm a damage class
Yeah no shit, retard

Scholars will always be inferior as long as WHMs are around.

>I plan on quitting between major patches, focus on something else, then resub once new content hits.
That's exactly how Yoshi intends for you to play this game.

What happened here?


im on mateus and all the party finder FC's and the advertised ones are all RP/RP Friendly. fuck outta here tranny shill

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What even is the story of XIV? Haven't played it at all. Who's that really fat guy?

I just want to experience the story of FF14, should I look for it on youtube or should I play it myself? I don't care for MMO mechanics and I hate socializing

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SCH + WHM are still champions even after AST buffs, but now you will actually be viable even if you bring an AST.

All the RP I have ever stumbled on was the non erotic type, here in Mateus.


This. SAM is great now. Though if it's one gripe I have it's the instant cast of Tsubame gaeshi. It doesn't "flow" as nicely now in my opinion

go for it and avoid all human interaction, once you complete it, unsubscribe = profit

Play it yourself, XIV doesn't actually necessitate you socialize outside of dungeon runs and boss fights.

Just go watch Asmongold. Stay playing WoW and never return.

Context please

Xiv seems perfect for you then.
But desu, although I enjoyed some parts of the story, I have to admit that in general it isn't written well. Kinda like that trashy isekai anime you enjoy once in a while.

thats still cringe as fuck, and degenerates like you belong on a cross.
i just want an FC that wants to game and kick the shit not act as if we're IN the game. fucking corny shit.

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>muh endgame
Fuck off back to wow. Oh wait you won't because pandering to fucktards like you is what turned wow to shit in the first place.

Stopped reading at the 20 button part because the opinion of casual who cant handle 2 fucking hot bars in an mmo is essentially worthless. Sorry it didnt work out kid.

Just logged on to prove you wrong, eat shit, lying subhuman.3 RP announcements in PF, the rest is crafters and locked duties.

>still no sin eater porn


>XIV has terrible tick rate in their server and use for everything so you have to play around it
>XIV has tons of shop mounts while having fewer mounts than WoW (Yes, WoW has tons of recolours but XIV isn't any difference)
>Selling inventory space and having a terrible storage system for glamour gear
>Despite having beautiful graphics they have terrible textures and other graphic related problems which makes the world look ugly
>Reusing tons of assets and texture, you literally fight the same enemies 3 expansion later

I honestly can't recommend XIV to anyone who isn't someone who is really hungry for a new mmo or likes Final fantasy since it has a decent story.

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Honestly diurnal AST is actually ridiculous but it's just too bad that Noct isn't so great, since that's probably what they'd be using

Bal "hive of degeneracy" mung was pretty clean when I was on there, there were people sitting and looking at eachother all around Limsa's plaza but I sat down in the Quicksand for an hour just to people-watch at prime hours and nothing untoward actually happened. The worst it got was a lalafell striking up a conversation with me and that was it and it rubbed my autism the right way since I do have thoughts and ideas for my character, who doesn't? "Casual" roleplaying is brilliant for character-building.

I like that it's instant but I think they need to change the animation somehow. Perhaps by making it like an anime style "I didn't even visually draw my sword" and changing the colour of the effects.

>thats still cringe as fuck, and degenerates like you belong on a cross
Can you speak in anything but larping buzzwords?

>The classes all have too many buttons that do the same thing(my class Dragoon has almost 20 buttons in its basic rotation).
King's honor, friend.

Nice blog, I'll upvote you and make sure to give you reddit gold.

Play whatever you want. Don't be the kind of loser who plays a job because it's the meta or something. And if you really want you can play both. Nothing is forcing you to only play one job

The ask around for one that doesn't. I know there are a handful of harcore raiders there.

Avoid any FCs that has the guild leader with a girlfriend as an officer.

As someone who plays on wow vanilla private servers I decided to give xiv a spin. so far the experience has been just meh. the leveling content is trivial and doesnt challenge you either in game mechanics or socially. its braindead A to B and then watch a cutscene. and speaking of cutscenes, the main quest is utter contrived trite full of meaningless garbage youre forced to go through because the game is a linear pseudo single player game. you donr need help of other people for anything and in turn no one needs you. everything is autoqueued instance garbage to the point the community had to make a term for a non pug group, a "static". instead of pug being the ourlier term. what a terrible joke to call this even an mmo.

>larping buzzwords
>when its literally a quote from a videogame
Yeah but you wouldnt know where its from because you're way too busy ERPing on mateus, crystaltranny

They've kind of gone for the Warlords of Draenor approach here, just without timetravel.

At the end of Stormblood your friends keep falling unconscious, and you keep hearing someone say "Cast open the gates". It's all very spooky and mysterious. What's actually going on though, is someone from another world is summoning you and he took all your friends on accident because he couldn't aim properly. The world you're summoned to is a world where good has won over evil, and as a consequence light has consumed everything except a small part of the planet. This happened 100 years ago. A bunch of sineaters, which are creatures of light who hunt anything with aether (mana) appeared in the world and is trying to consume the last portion of the world in light. The fat guy is a human who has been infused with a sin eater, giving him the power to control sin eaters. He used that power to create a city for debauchery and luxury.


Geomancer and Chemist if they know what's good for them.

There's nothing wrong with lots of buttons if they actually do something unique instead of pressing them for the sake of pressing them.

Read a summary, you will probably enjoy it more if you don't have to spend 400 hours doing it.

>Perhaps by making it like an anime style "I didn't even visually draw my sword" and changing the colour of the effects.
Go full Vergil, face away from the opponent/towards the camera and dramatically sheathe the sword again while another Tenka Goken/Higanbana/Midare Setsugekka's effect plays on the enemy

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Nobody tell him about the shit that goes on on Faerie or Lamia.

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No, I get that. I ended up doing some improptu roleplay this one time because I felt the ocassion called for it.

All the buttons do the same thing though.

I'm sure your name must be some variation of an already existing character from a game or anime

Why did you post a pic of femlala players?

High IQ roleplayers go as a dragoon character since unless you say something like you're the one roe/lala/miqo'te (no viera or au ra, rabbits are totally foreign to Ishgard and the only au ra in Ishgard who aren't dead until the WoL rolls in are Sidurgu and the one zombie-dragon chick) in the entire Order of the Knights Dragoon you have to justify why you know how to jump fifty feet in the air.

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Crystal is the butt of the joke DC and was not even able to get a single top 3 from Eden savage race.
Fucking light that is more casual of from EU DCs go a clear and was 3rd at ES3.

I honestly feel sorry for anyone who fell for the memes and play on crystal.

>he thinks he's badass and original for quoting FNV with an epic deus vult picture
You're an embarrassment.

Wait they changed all the old stuff to use those textboxes too?

No they have it as an option for ADD ridden fucktards like you that won't play story in a story driven MMO

Don't forget the part where he decided to become a janitor for an online image board

I got grandfathered in from when the DC split first happened and everybody screeching about not being able to get carried anymore because all the bad players are on Crystal now was hysterical. All of our shitters fled to Primal and Aether to continue getting carried so now we've got mid-hardcore players that were and are still interested in raiding, not the greatest but not the worst.

Depends on the timeline you choose for your character. Post Dragonsong War Ishgard should be more or less open to proven adventurers of any race. Of course it won't make them natives there.

So the fat guy is "light-side" but all about hedonism and debauchery? Are you as the players trying to bring balance to the force or something? Also, I haven't played any of FF XIV at all. What is the setting? I was hoping for a similarly autistic retelling of the story from the beginning, but thank you for posting what you did.

Crystal still has the absolute worst players, don't kid yourself bro

Well, i don't play it anymore but I'm sure my criticism is valid and point still stands. The story quests have put a lot of new players off and the devs don't care about it. They make them pay to skip content otherwise they would quit.

That would be Moogle, but I wouldn't expect a consumer of ebin Crystal memes to know that.

Him for being overly aggressive in a dungeon. The tank may have been bad but we've all had to deal with people, you have to take it in stride. Instead he sperged out. He was also being a parsefag in Eden normal as if anyone fucking cares.
He'll be back in a few days hopefully with a better attitude unlike dindu slapfag.

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this I guess

Is Phoenix considered a good server?

>good has won over evil
Absolutely wrong. Light and Dark aka Umbral and Astral are just elements in XIV, like Fire and Water. They can produce specific results when in abundance, like voidsent and sin-eaters but they are neither good nor evil. If anything it was the stupidity that won on the first.

Have fun back in wow when "classic" comes out I am sure that will do well

>Is Phoenix considered a good server?
If you shit on the floor in your bedroom or you shit on th floor in the living room, you are still shitting on the floor. What server you play on in XIV doesn't really matter.

Game's pretty monotonous in starting zones, i hear it gets better from heavesward and onwards, but damn is everything pre HW a snore fest

Reminder that Tataru wants your dick

I want to cum inside my little crying canary and cuddle her in my arms!

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You can't cum in her

She's gone

Light in XIV turns out to be a passive, "umbral", element associated with stagnation and erroneously associated with good, which even the characters admit to having always thought before they got a look at another world's perspective on the balance of light and dark. You are trying to bring shadow bring to the First by lessening the amount of light, yes.
>What is the setting?
Two huge gods, Zodiark (dark) and Hydaelyn (light) fought 12,000 years ago and Hydaelyn was the winner. Hydaelyn split Zodiark into 14 fragments, and because Zodiark embodied the world itself, the world was split into 14 lesser fragments as well. The antagonistic group, the Ascians, are slowly bringing together these 14 shards into their original whole by instigating Calamities, elementally-aspected natural disasters, on both the Source (the shard from which all the others sprung) and its thirteen respective shards; the outpour of elemental energies draws the shard back into the Source. All of this is a plan to bring Zodiark back to life, and the Ascians have succeeded in seven Calamities with an Eighth on the horizon.

She's bread now. A bunch of poorfags probably ate her.

>want to know how much of a shitter i am or might be
>cant get act to work well because im a shitter

>They can produce specific results when in abundance, like voidsent and sin-eaters but they are neither good nor evil.
Man I'd pay to see the wavesent or firesent or other elementally-aspected "shit's fucked" monsters from the previous calamities. Now we know what light and dark Calamity monsters look like.

She didn't deserve to die like this.


Take one of these badboys and cum in it, same thing

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Probably huge-ass kraken or massive landsharks/anglerfish and other assorted deepsea horrors that make Leviathan look like a child's drawing.

>parsing on screen
he deserves the noose


Reminds me of my roulette today
>Fractal Continuum
>Behemoth boss
>Healer doesn't dodge and gets killed by all the swings cause he wasn't paying attention
>Yells at us to LB him to kill it (despite it having way to much life left to matter)
>LB anyway cause fuck it
>Healer d/c

>i hear it gets better from heavesward and onwards
Thats not true. It actually gets worse. The most fun I had while playing XIV was 1-50. Thats just a meme to trick you into buying the game.

Weeping Warbler's exists only to be bread.

it gets so bad that it has almost a million active players by luckybancho census results, don't fall for square enix's jewish tricks

>So the fat guy is "light-side" but all about hedonism and debauchery?
He's a light being, but he is still human and has human desires and emotions. He believes the world is doomed, and created the city as a place for the rich and nobility to be happy until the world finally ends.

I don't 100% remember everything happening before but I'll give you a quick rundown of the beginning

ARR 1-50
>You start as some hobo adventurer looking for work
>The world is recovering from a "calamity" and a lot of people suffer from memory loss
>This calamity is actually the reboot of the game, from version 1.0 which sucked, to 2.0
>Obviously you're pretty strong for what you do
>There are beast tribes, groups of various creatures who all worship their respective gods
>Using crystals and enough faith, they can summon their gods into our world
>These gods, or primals as we call them, have the power to enthrall anyone who comes near them, making them invincible
>You, as it turns out, is a warrior of light, a fighter blessed with the power of Hydaelyn
>Hydaelyn is kind of the "light" god, with Zodiark being the "dark" god of the world
>Later in the game you realize Hydaelyn and Zodiark are basically also just primals
>To digress, Hydaelyn's blessing makes you immune to primal's enthrallment
>1-50 is largely about suppressing the beast tribe's attempts to summon primals, and to defeat said primals
>Towards the end of 50 you fight the Garlean Empire, this world's nazis who are incapable of using aether
>As a replacement, they have advanced technology
>The Garlean Empire is being controlled by Lahabrea, an ascian
>You fight your way to the top of the Garlean Empire's bases in the 3 main countries
>Lahabrea helps create an ultimate weapon, Ultima, a machine that's been infused with the beast tribe's primals
>You defeat Ultima, and then defeat Lahabrea
>ARR ends

You have to be retarded
It's been off and on, 1-50 is mediocre, HW is good, Stormblood is shit and Shadowbringers is amazing

Motherfucker, damn near spat my tea out.

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Thanks user

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>this whole post
my fucking sides lel

what are you, a cumbrain?

>learn Japanese
>play with JP's
>game is actually fucking good then



I know, right? People are missing Out on the great japanese voice actors with voices THAT ACTUALLY FUCKING FIT THEM

Eh the story is a slowburn and each time I try to coax my friends into playing or somebody is Interested I tell them to play free trial and see if they find MSQ story anyway compelling to them. Also the 2.5 gdc and very slow and honestly booring classes (especially Lancer/Dragoon) start to get slightly more complex around HW. If they find story good enough to follow there is a chance they can survive the post ARR 100 quest fun time to HW where the game really starts to kick in.
I honestly get that FFXIV is not a MMORPG for "everyone" like WoW used to be around first 3 expansions.

sin eaters are still cognizant in the first moments after they change she was still herself when she got baked

Does JP have the dumb requirement of overgearing for a fight like NA/EU?
It's sad when I see PFs for ex fights and such requiring ilvl 10 levels higher than the fight actually is

they mean players, you can put on jp voices and english subs any time

JP uses the duty-finder for just about everything, they're only overgeared for things if they walk in at higher than minimum ilvl.

They just queue for stuff they don't use pf

The only safe space in the gaming community I know is ResetERA. And they have a safe space in a FFXIV FC too.

The further you wait, the higher ilvl req becomes.
I cleared 3s on third day with like i447.
They do use PFs for savages.

they do this for easy fights like Titania/Innocence extreme but for savage it's mainly party finder

>Be on one of the most populated servers period
>Everywhere except two main cities are basically empty wastelands

What the fuck

No they do not.
Feel free to elaborate how they do on the example of DRG though.

Instance game. Why are you surprised? There's no point in going to leveling zones other than to gather.

Most people are out doing things, and those main cities are population-centers for a reason

And yet you have a queue to be able to play.

People are out there, playing. Just not sitting on their asses showing off their glamours like those Lominsa fucks.

Que times aren't much better.
Outside of peak time of like 3-4 hours a day, you're looking at 5-10 minute waits minimum if not more, PvP being impossible.

The game exists in tiny little instances seperated by tons of loading screens. Ofc its going to be a ghosttown.

Is innocence ex the most unfriendly fight for casters?

No, that would be Titan.

Don't a lot of the mechanics also fore melees away from the boss?

Anyone have a SMN guide? I want to play this shit the best I can.

None of you understand. He had a katana. What was I suppose to do?

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It's ok, we understand. Zenos is very strong. I hope someone kills that OP mary sue a second time.

>lalafell in the frog suit
Okay now that is cute

[distant youtube.com/watch?v=GX1RHrj7IP4 ]

Most importantly hope they kill him for good without immortality memes.

Thank you Lahabrea. I knew you had my back.

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a smile better suits a hero

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What I hate about the story is that the game builds up the Ascians as these extremely dangerous ancient beings but their lot jobs so fucking hard.

Gonna try to pug E1S tomorrow as a tank. What are my chances?

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If i'm friends with someone who plays ffxiv on the erp server, are they a lost cause? It's a woman.

>Cunny craftsman's syrup on Rowena.
>With bonus
Praise cunny.

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To be fair they can't do much against a mary sue

Lahabrea jobbed but Emet would have won if not for the fact that we just happened to have a piece of our soul hanging around us the whole time ready to merge with us at just the right time. Do it too soon and Emet flees to wait for his next chance when he sees us contain the light, do it too late and we become a sin eater. It had to have happened right in that moment in the midst of the fateful confrontation to force his hand and give us the chance to murder him once and for all.

50/50 horrific degenerate whore in an open relationship with her tank bf or oblivious retard with a bit of the 'tism would waifu
neither option guarantees any skill at the game

>You kill 2 Ascians in some random dungeon

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It was literally the last dungeon of the HW story.

Remember that female Ascian from ARF that we immediately blew the fuck out after her posturing? Good times. Those cutscenes were fucking hilarious with how badly the Ascians got outmaneuvered.

I spend 7 hours in PF and seen post adds only once. But it was EU PF. I doubt you can clear it now.
>there is people who clear E3S with pugs
>there was E4S pug party

The tanks I've ran into have been pretty good despite some hiccups with the tank swap. It's the healers that don't preposition themselves for stuff and for some reason ranged that can't dodge delta attack. I'm still hoping to get at least E1S done this week.

They get a lot of evil shit done and it took us a long time before we managed to kill any of them. It's just that in an MMO obviously the main characters is going to win in the end.

>Do it too soon and Emet flees to wait for his next chance when he sees us contain the light
That's not what his plan was. If we managed to contain the light he would've offered us to become his allies and if we refused he'd "just kill you all".

>WoL specifically targets her first just to fuck her up for making you lose the key
That felt good.

>Remember that female Ascian
God i wanna try fucking a female Ascian

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The second half of Heavensward was kind of overrated, and the conclusion of the Dragonsong War was cringe. (MSQ from patches 3.1 - 3.3). Best part of the story is the second quarter of Heavensward.

Stormblood MSQ > HW MSQ

Was kinda strange how there was Lahabrea and some noname ascian and the WoL specifically targetted the noname.

Have we actually reached a point in XIV's lifecycle where people actually feel this way?

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>That's not what his plan was.
What he said was bullshit posturing. Why are you taking his nonsense at face value? He never expected us to contain the light. He said it himself, he is immortal. He can drop it and try again once our lifetime is over. That's what he would have done. His bullshit about killing us is all lies, if we contained all that light from the getgo he never would've fought us headon.

I hate how the game doesn't explain who half of these noname Ascians are.

Because we know what Lahabrea could do and we've already beat him before. We knew the least about her so we made sure to get her out the picture.

Unfortunately yes. Everything up until Shadowbringers was shit.

It's easy as fuck as a tank. Good luck finding ranged and healer players that can bait the first orbs properly and then position the rotating orbs without wiping the party. This will be your biggest hurdle


It was predicted.

He had no reason to lie to us at that point, he was about to kill us anyways.

Literal retard. Emet never lied to us.

I've played nearly 6000 hours in FFXIV

We have come full circle

hey Yea Forums
take the lala pill

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Thanks, I'll do my best to not have an aneurysm.

>even reaching rotating orbs

You might be too stupid to live.

Final steps of faith is STILL the most kino fight in the game.

nice, now I just need to tie the bag closed and throw it in the river

Isn't that what Emet explained in ShB? Not sure if I really got it, but the way I understood it Lahabrea, Elidibus and Emet Selch are the only original Ascians that survived and they can just raise random people to fill their ranks.

I already do.

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Story time, sorry for the long post
>never played an MMO
>start XIV few days ago after hearing how newcomer friendly everyone is
>pick thaumaturge and start on Twintania because it was only place with exp bonus on EU
>gameplays just about what I expected after hearing it's slow at the start
>a bit bummed because it seems nobody ever talks anywhere, don't see any non new players or mentors at all
>So little older players that I didn't even manage to get an invite newbie chat channel
>gave up on it and just used Google and in-game guide or asked on Yea Forums
>after leaving Ul'dah go around exploring a bit and doing some of those those blue + quests that unlock new stuff
>pick up every other available class and level all crafting and gathering to 15 because it's exactly the kind of autism I enjoy
>Start playing later into the evening, between 10 PM and 2AM
>Do all Hall of Novice tutorials for the sweet gear
>Finally get to my first dungeon, Sastasha, somehow already at level 20
>exp bonus too strong
>Fire up duty finder and get going
>Figure out I should probably say it's my first time going through
>As soon as the loading screen ends, dragoon and scholar run off
>Spill my spaghetti because I don't know chat commands yet, had wrong tab open on my second screen
>didn't even get a chance to read any new tutorials that popped up
>My party speedruns through the dungeon aggroong every enemy in existence, I have no a idea where I'm going and can barely keep up
>Try to spam my AOE for the massive groups of enemies they'd gather, thunder spell and look out for healer
>Dragoon keeps posting "REPORT DPS" in party chat
>Finally get a breather and say that this is my first time in the dungeon
>Dragoon replies "np" and scholar backpedals with "it's just a troll we're just messing around"
>Tank doesn't speak at all
>Check their profiles and notice they are both french and in same FC, probably came in as a group
>still feel like shit after, go on foot to hand in quest to the inn

>Open fflogs
>Timeline tab

>Drowning Wench's packed and bustling with players, a lot of
>Hand in the quest and /sit on the sidelines to observe while I eat something
>Some non new player playing Viera from another world dressed up in fancy stuff with RP icon (tag? status?) set next to their name emote and pokes people in the vicinity
>has a sprout lalafell friend following them
>they strike up a convo
>I tell them about my shitty first time going dungeoning earlier
>they comfort me about the experience and we talk a bit more
>we part ways, I feel better and go grind conjurer from level 9 to 15 so I can use that in next main quest
>check lodestone and the Viera has 3 classes at level 80 and everything else at least at 70
I expected a degenerate ERPing with their potato sprout friend but I got a nice interaction, it really lifted my spirits. I should have probably added the Viera but it doesn't matter now.

>>a bit bummed because it seems nobody ever talks anywhere, don't see any non new players or mentors at all
>>So little older players that I didn't even manage to get an invite newbie chat channel
You know the reason there's an EXP bonus on the server is because it's dead right? Early game areas are dead on most servers because everyone's in the expansion areas, but still.

>God i wanna try fucking a female Ascian
And you wonder why people call your MMO a cumbrain mmo.

That's the beauty of a character like Emet. Emet has no reason to lie.

>emet dies within the same expac that basically introduced him
>fucking Zenos comes back with immortality hacks
There is no justice.


What is this dumbass Cumbrian meme? I’m on this shithole everyday and it’s being spammed nonstop. It’s not funny at least stick to calling everyone tranny.

Your first mistake was playing with the French. Your second mistake was being European. Have fun though.

Newfags came up with a new shit name to call people who post lewds and now it's used for everyone.

some tranny discord forced meme

Twintania's a newly opened server so everyone is probably keeping to themselves because everyone is new

>we just happened to have a piece of our soul hanging around us the whole time ready to merge with us at just the right time.
It's literally 100 years plan in the making concocted by mothercrystal herself.

What classes are best suited to solo trials/raids?
I heard Stormblood stuff is too hard but is HW extreme stuff possible as 80?
Most of the time I see tanks doing it or sometimes RDM. Healers don't do enough damage I take it?

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Every single bit of this post is true.

>third floor is easier than second floor
Guess they went with different approach this time.

Already did.

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>a bit bummed because it seems nobody ever talks anywhere, don't see any non new players or mentors at all
Yea thats a big downer for me too. When they do talk its all about drinking semen out of the belly button of a lala or ejaculating inside of some rabbit's ear holes. Theres people everywhere, but nobody is doing anything. They are just standing there motionless ERPing with emotes.

Viera racial armor was the biggest fucking mistake because it's all you ever see them fucking wearing. Everytime I see it I die inside.

I am really glad the shitty lalas were utterly irrelevant this expansion.

You just wait until alliance raid.

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It's from /pol/., Viral now because of discord

and eureka2

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It is a Nier plot though.

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>because it's all you ever see them fucking wearing
Is there a reason for this?

Cuddle with lala(f)

>still no cat ear hood
what the fuck is taking it so long?

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He wasn't in the wrong since stream invaders invaded him and he only fought back. Annnnnndddddd he wasn't wrong about the Eden group sucking.

Try doing an ultimate sometime.

just a bit longer. Hang in there.

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Men who want to look at a slut, women who are sluts, men who want to be a slut and nude mod users.

its in the game files, it sucks though
>female only
>dyes changes the hair color and not the hood
>you're forced to have kriles hair

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where are the fellow rogadyn chads

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>ears clipping out of the top instead of hiding them
>viera retards put up with this

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>dyes changes the hair color and not the hood
>you're forced to have kriles hair

Wait hold up so that's not just them using krile's hair in conjunction with the hood?
Does this mean I can't just have krile's hair without the hood?
This is a disaster.

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You’re autistic bro. Pls uninstall.


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>couldn't even make adjustments to accommodate different hairstyles
>the dye changes the hair
>not the actual coat
who the fuck can even defend this?

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stop spewing that forced meme you dumb parroting bitch.

1) Get through story, take time to experience the world and pay attention to NPC dialogue
2) Check endgame content, get just high enough to get into what you want
3) Make yourself look nice
4) Socialize, work on alts/crafts or unsub until next .x patch

If you take time to make your own item level higher than others just for bragging rights when all the work gets invalidated in 3 months, you're an idiot.

The retards that buy it.

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Genuinely glad you had a good experience as a new player at the end of it, MMO's need more people like you who actually try to learn and approach things as openly and fairly as you did.


Au ra horns have had this problem with hoods for ages already.


If you boned the consort would you start converting into a Sin Eater yourself dick first?

Finally. You ask the right question.

>why even live if you’re just going to die one day
Fuck off cumbrain

I was just lying, faggot. Maybe head back to resetera now? Thanks.

When will FFXIV get a WoW crossover like they did with Monster Hunter World and Nier: Automata?

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we'll get a mortal kombat crossover before we get one with wow

It doesn't help if they mention people we've never met. Like when Emet mentions Lograf like am I suppose to know who the fuck this guy is?

>MCH is firmly in the shed
it just ain't fair pardner...

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no negativity in the dojo

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When blizzard answers yoshi p comments about wanting a diablo crossover.

Didn't Blizzard have this very specific rule in-house of not talking about FFXIV due to low morale?

>just cleared 3s with MCH in party while we were all undergeared yesterday
Sorry for your loss.

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>dnc is trash and its buffs don't make up for its abysmal dps
>the fuck is even happening with brd literally haven't seen one at 80
How is mch even close to the shed?

cant decide on roegadyn or lalafell. I think a shit posting lalafell would be hilarious

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Fuck that other guy, he's not me.
It really happened last night.

It's a console game, what the fuck did you expect

If i see a Roe player, he/she/xe instantly earn my respect bonus point for hot Femroe

If your job wasn't in W1 prog race = it's in shed.
This is logic of xiv parsetranny

>Novice Network comfy shitposting time

Fun as fuck, just got an invited and what a blast

But I need an answer ... really quick.

>log on
>fc member says hi
>blacklist them

don't you fucking say hi to me you cunt

Shut up and eat the big mac bitch

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The French turned out to be worse than ERP trannies.

Who was in the wrong here?

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this desu. game has enough shitters as it is.


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female roegadyns always looks like they have special needs

still better than catgirls and auras tho

sup bro

wouldn't that count as griefing?

What does resetera have to do with not being an underage shitposter?

Both of them.
AST for engaging with retard.
MCH for actully being retarded.

you look like you got stung by a bee

Fell for the shilling and bought this game with a friend, the story is shit right now but everything else is just mmo standard, already ordered a G600 because i can't stand to play with a keyboard.

The AST for not just giving up and putting his card on the tank or himself. I have never seen a dungeon run go faster by telling someone else how to play. It always slows shit down and can possibly lead to kicks like this.

Fuck off, tranny. He was true Chad who doesn't need shitty roids for good parse.

There's less roe players so pick that and be a shitposting roe.
Lalas are known to be shitposters already for the exact reason you like the idea

Aw I think she looks cute though. I love the short hair.

They aren't discontinued?


does the armor on male roe's look stupid/stretched or clunky?

When was this?

Attached: 1564664412932.png (575x336, 273K)


Not even a replay? Is it really bad? What the fuck

that bitch looks like a squished grape get the fuck out of here

Attached: 1545515421162.jpg (700x690, 15K)

lmao get some taste loser

Janny is taking the next step and baiting XIVbros to make a case to permanently ban these threads.

It doesn't stretch, but your mileage per item is definitely going to vary. Some items that look good on lalafell or miqote will not look good on Roegadyn. The reverse is also true. Cloud's Advent Children coat for example actually looks badass when put on a male Roe.

when people said it was a game for trannies they weren’t joking

Is there any explanation why MCH is being retarded here other than retardation?.

Also AST was wrong when started with "can we kick" instead of just asking why.

you like girls who look like feet,you get some taste

>collecting memes is not an argument
user, D- see me after class.

Yeah i literally bought the last one on Amazon here in italy, still couldn't find anything better since apparently the Corsair one has garbage software and everything else either costs the same or has cheap materials.

This is your average Yea Forums poster

Attached: 1564498629353.png (1210x953, 1.71M)

no it's not. Everyone hates the epperson

>Is there any explanation

Because he doesn't need shitty cards for DPS. AST is shit job. No one want to touch their stinky cards.
I bet he gave him spear.

>Both of them.
>AST for engaging with retard.

Are you one of those people that if a negro or pedro mugs you you don't fight back because you're "engaging" with wrong/evil?

Wrong screencap.

Attached: 1563161348886.png (1916x1030, 3.06M)

lmao this

It really was the best. I have the Corsair one now, and while fine, or has actually less buttons thanks to not having that ring finger toggle the G600 does. Scimitar pro's a subpar G600 that costs 50% more.

I was thinking of getting a server transfer but how much different could it really be when everything is cross server anyway

>The animations are complete and total dog shit.
Thanks for leading with this point so I know the rest of your opinion is total dogshit.

He's right. It's pointless to speak and arguing with retards and kids. Even on Yea Forums. But MCH was based

>Wowfugee subhuman muttoid can't comprehend rotations with more than 5 buttons

Attached: 1553037604534.png (640x360, 10K)

>chad weebslayer
Wow what a zoomer

Attached: didn't look forward to it.png (564x564, 319K)


I don't, I have the mental capacity to separate pixels from reality.

ok name my Roe

What do pixels have to do with the retard being an obnoxious bitch

what gender

I really hope we get another eureka this expansion, lads


We wouldn't have this problem if society didn't normalized degenerate behavior. If this was in the old day that mch would have gotten his ass kicked and/or a bullet through his head.

WARbros were you at? I seriously hope nobody here stopped maining war just because literally every other tank got cooler, flashier skills than us. Once a war, always a war.

Attached: off topic thot only a warchad would post.webm (450x800, 1.86M)

damn user, you didn't have to fuck him that hard

it would be nice if i could level other classes in eureka, i think it be successful if eureka wasn't just tied to relic

everyone and their dog is running PLD/DRK and PLD/GNB, get witht he time gramps.

Attached: 1563738632624.png (1000x1000, 156K)

Kids literally play games. And clueless casuals too. Shit talking 14 years old kid when you're 30 yo is degeneracy. Speaking with one of those 14 yo meme posting edgy retards is waste of time too. And honestly some people specially pretending to be autists for fun. Without them you will not have funny times in MMOs.

Faezbhrat Mharsyn

The point is those "kids" wouldn't even think of doing those things back in the day because they would know the consequences and fear it.

posting in cumbrain thread

>The point is those "kids" wouldn't even think of doing those things back in the day
No? This is wrong. It was even worse back in the day.

What are YOU talking about? Back in the day if you chimped out you would have ended up at the end of a noose.

>Back in the day if you chimped out you would have ended up at the end of a noose.

back in my day you would be literally murdered in real life for underperforming in a dungeon

back in my day you weren't alive

If only it wasn't running on such a trash engine so we could get some anti aliasing, the game is ugly.

back in my day we had Yea Forums IRL
>pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

And we LIKED it that way. Fuckin kids ruining my vidya. Back in my day you had to walk from destination to destination. Uphill, in slow debuffing sludge. BOTH ways.

You should get some anti aliasing uggo

>VII.12.18-20 (the Lupinare); 2175: I screwed a lot of girls here.

Attached: 1564584227829.png (445x415, 338K)

Yeah, girls (male).

How could it be uphill both ways??

It was just like that back then you wouldnt understand. They were better times.


Back then you could only proceed to the right, and we were grateful for it, because games before were just a black square with no screens.

>All the bosses are just "dont stand in shit"
I noticed that too. I listen to the music sometimes and the actual bosses just appear to be that.

>no idea what to play
>friend don't play so they can't make suggestions for what to play
What should I play? Should I post anything about myself or stuff I like to determine what would suit me?

>the right
fucking new fangled kids. They didnt develop RIGHT technology until well after going UP and DOWN. back in my day there was no RIGHT. There was FORWARD and BACK

yeah if youve played mmos before give us a ballpark of playstyle you enjoy and ill try to give some suggestions

I just ordered 60 days gametime from the Square-Enix store. It's been like 30 minutes but I still havn't received an e-mail or even a confirmation e-mail telling me they got the money. Paypal sent me e-mails telling I spent the money though.

Is Square-enix story usually this slow or is it safe to assume something went wrong?

No they are not.

Uh well, my main MMOs were Ragnarok and WoW. In WoW my mains pretty much were Ret/Pro Paladin, Demonology Warlock, Fire Mage and Outlaw Rogue. In Ragnarok Online most of what I like was Whitesmith, Sage, Creator and Stalker.

Attached: WS.jpg (213x237, 9K)

just check your orders page. I bought two 30 day codes and they came in within an minute or less.

That's not a ballpark, that's a stadium. What playstyle are you interested in?
Otherwise just pick whatever looks cool to you.

Yeah I am pretty indecisive when it comes to stuff, I generally like a lot of things. I am interested in DPS and tank, don't care about healer.

If you want to dps and play a caster, play blackmage.
if you want to eventually play a tank, try gunbreaker

It was in my fucking junk mail, wtf hotmail

It's not a big deal if you change your mind after creating a character since you can switch jobs on the fly.
Maybe start with pugilist since it's faster paced than most classes at low level.

Play femroe, it seems to upset people harder than anything else.

Attached: PS_Messages_20190724_19355-1.png (1702x2048, 2.29M)

Male roes suffer from stretched textures and blocky pauldrons.


What a cuck. If the GM is suspending you for 20 days call him a nigger at least.

I like this male roe I made
I was afraid of this, I wanted to play paladin too. surely I'll find some armor thought that will fit well.

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I played the game for 3 years, imagine how I feel. I mean, I appreciate the story and the art, but the playerbase is absolutely retarded and the content is limited.

extremely pretty

user likes this

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Play as a WAR highlander, there isn't a more big dick masculine combination than this.

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I liked WoW as recently as WoD. I liked nothing to do outside of raids--no tedious upkeep was great and frankly I find people who liked Legion with its AP grind pathological.
I have tried FFXIV twice. Most recently with heavenward and find the GCD is too long to be engaging. Wow at its best had you executing extremely tight rotations with priority variables on a shorter GCD while dodging all the ground effects in XIV and more.

King's honor.

what skin color is this?

my absolute nigger. My character is an old grizzly highlander WAR

>acts like he's hot shit
>immediately becomes a submissive little bitch as soon as he sees a GM

Attached: he does it for (you).jpg (566x107, 41K)

how much skill speed should i aim for on MNK now?

Did you play until max level?
If you did you should've realized FFXIV jobs are designed around ogcds, not gcds and in hw in particular a lot of jobs were extremely tight.

Can you please not post unethical images in the OP. There are children browsing the catalog. Thanks.

They need to implement housing upkeep costs.

Honestly only FF fanboys are playing this mmorpg. The game isn't as bad as you say but it's far away from being a good game. Apparently this is enough since this mmorpg is quite popular.

Speak like a human person, you monkey.

We had tanks and healers bait rotating orbs because our static is 3 melee 1 blm

Nothing wrong with that, user. They know your RL information so it's not anonymous shitposting anymore.

but it feels like nobody knows how to play mnk optimally
what the fuck is this even
the guy didnt even use PB and still got a top2 parse

Attached: bro.png (1068x1079, 1.67M)

i heard bad things about the dps checks but i saw a jap e3s clear where the blm died 2 times and straight up stopped casting to do the "trace the boss target circle" mechanic

I like Vivi so much it makes me wanna play lalafell. Just being a short mage wearing big wizard hats sounds fun. I also like how the walking/running animations of the lalafell are almost exactly like vivi's

Attached: ythgh.gif (250x250, 187K)

I'm pretty sure less than 0,001% of the population actually shares this opinion though.

I think only E2S is the one with the really tough DPS check.

"Let's make the game less fun for everyone instead of just adding more plots"
Please never get into game design, you sound like one of those retards who would rather nerf everything that's fun than buff the bad stuff.

As an aside, the Shadowbringers expansion imo has have more of the old Final Fantasy feel than either 13 or 15 had.

Really it's more because the genre is dead, and you can barely even call it a MMORPG in the first place. Yoshida claims they're moving away from a MMO design philosophy and wants the game to be treated as just a game with an online component.

I disagree with their entire approach, and see it as a cashgrab by simply placating mass players with habitual/predictable content, but it's clearly a successful model.

FF14 before Shadowbringers too already had more old Final Fantasy feels than those games.

I'd like the game much more if it wasn't an MMO but a proper single player FF. I can understand that it sucks for players who are looking to play a proper MMO, but to me a proper MMO is too much time investment and I can't justify as an adult to invest that kind of time into video games anymore.

It'd take excess gil out of circulation and penalize the folk who own multiple plots just because they can.

e2 and 4 have really tight dps checks
1 and 3 are whatever

Nobody can tell me adding more plots isn't technically possible, and it isn't just artificial scarcity.

>He doesnt own a house

Attached: laugh.png (500x593, 77K)

>not having a house already

Attached: 1561182009957.jpg (1128x984, 181K)

>let's take the excess of a useless currency out of the game

too bad yoshi is a jew rat FUCK who said we can never get true black mage hats with the glowing eyes and darkened face but then he ADDS THE DWARVEN HATS THAT HAVE THAT EXACT THING BUT THERES A STUPID FUCKING BEARD AND THE /VISOR DOESNT REMOVE THE BEARD IT JUST TURNS THE EYES ON AND OFF


you're not wrong but, then again, it's a videogame, everything is artificial

>tfw forcing yourself to clear E1S again
I don't like wiping 6 hours in row without failing any mechanics on my side. There will be no joy in clear.
>no more content outside shitty savages with PF

>he doesnt own two houses

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maplestory 2 has this and it blows dick, no one owns house plots because of how shit the fucking upkeep cost is

Each house has to be constantly be keeping track of each item, item position, item color, airship/submarine voyage timer, crafting timers and a lot of other shit.

t. buys a plot and leaves it empty then complains when Yoshi takes it away 6 months later

thats a stupid fucking idea. dont ever post that again

I can live with the beard desu, it'll look even funnier on lalafell.

Attached: nhgy.jpg (1215x717, 128K)

e1s is stealing my fucking soul as DRG -- I can do everything right, 11-12k dps, and still some chucklefuck will ruin my day.

>it's a videogame, everything is artificial
I know that, and that's beside the point here.
lmao, I wouldn't buy a house in this game since it would imply I want to commit being subscribed for more than one or two months, which I never did. I only come back to do new content then unsubscribe. The only logical and feasible way to play this game.

There's too much of it and to little too spend it on. That's the problem. The only things to cost anything worth a mention are the latest slutglams, initial house purchase and material to speed up your DoL/DoH leveling.

i don't go to my house much but when I do there are always french people in my garden

nice cope houselet

Attached: 1561961101243.png (354x605, 505K)

If you are barely committed to the game why the FUCK do you care about housing then retard? Cope harder.

He sounds like a self conscious faggot who doesn't want a buff with 'lady' in the title .

>Also, i call bullshit that you liked wow and hated FFXIV. They're the same thing, just done a little differently in a few areas.
Not him, but I loved WoW for many years and I've also tried FFXIV and I hated the general feel of just moving around and playing your character, felt way less polished than WoW.
That was a complete dealbreaker for me.

I find it a bit amusing how defensive you guys are acting now, and how you assume this is cope.
I simply stated that there is no way it wasn't technically possible to add more plots, and the that the devs keep it scarce on purpose. So if anyone has to deal with this, they can blame the devs.

>theres no way it wasnt technically possible to add more plots
you mean wards, retard. And they do. they added more last expansion. it takes time to stabilize the game for ward expansions like that without completely fucking everything up. Theres a reason they cant put the glamour dresser anywhere but inns. The fact you just want to bitch without knowing the reason why things are the way they are leads me to believe you are a shitposter mad you dont have a house.

at what point did he say his job was too hard? all he said was it had a bunch of buttons that did the same thing

>SE refuses to put actual relevant shit on the job gauge
>have to use 3rd party programs to do it
thanks yoshi

Attached: three3rdpartyjobgauges.png (417x315, 344K)

1.0 spaghetti code is literally the reason why. We can't have glamour dressers anywhere multiple players can go at once because of how the glamour dresser loads shit. Everything is a bandaid solution and most minor changes will actually fuck the servers. But bitch about not being able to have a house and spout WELL I DIDNT WANT ONE ANYWAY when someone calls you out.

It can be implied that he is complaining about difficulty when he is outright complaining about the amount of buttons.
None of the buttons do the same thing. To say this shows you have a base misunderstanding of your job and/or do not read tooltips. In which case you should fuck off back to wherever you came from.

a good way to tell if someone is a retard is if they use /sh instead of /a in alliance raids

And I'm saying that these reasons are bullshit excuses by incompetent lazy devs at best, straight lies to maintain scarcity at worst. Why you are being so mad and hostile is beyond me though.

Jesus christ you guys are mad. You aren't allowed to comment on something without being absolutely commited and involved on one side in a percieved narrative in your minds?
Could it be that you are actually afraid that if more wards or plots or whatevers were available then your houses would be worth less?

>And I'm saying that these reasons are bullshit excuses by incompetent lazy devs at best
Cool so you know nothing about the history of this game, how its engine works, or any multitude of factors that cause the housing to be the way it is.
>Why you are being so mad and hostile is beyond me though.
Because you are being a fucking idiot that is posting idiotic things and if you spent 5 minutes reading up on the reason why things are the way they are, you would realize how much of an idiot you come across as.
Educate yourself, you dumbfuck. If you're too lazy for that, maybe read this post by this user to understand why they cant "just add more wards and houses lmoa". There is a reason they cant just fucking do that.

It's fine dude, it's just Galuf

Attached: Galuf_Black_Mage.png (240x240, 53K)

What do you use?

Why would it matter what the value of a fucking home is? Are you mentally well? They cant be fucking sold you troglodytic niggerspawn. Houses have no innate value. Gil is a worthless currency. Fuck you are stupid.

All your angry post is based on taking what the devs say at face value. You haven't seen the sphagetti code. You are not a developer. You didn't work on this so you have no perspective on how hard it actually is. You only know what the devs told you.

And I'm saying what the devs are saying is most likely bullshit. I can "educate" myself by reading what they said, but it still doesn't mean I have to take it at face value like you did.
You clearly have some personal stake in this at this point if it made you this mad.

Attached: pt0sjhpcaac31.png (497x468, 450K)

Then explain to me why you are being this autistically mad shouting insults at me instead if keeping it civil? Which parts of my statements made you feel so hurt that you have to be like this?

>server tick meter (the bar)
>Earth's Reply icon
>Twin Snakes icon (appears when TS falls off)
>Leaden Fist icon (appears when you have LF)
And I actually need all this shit. The timer is for knowing when to hit Dragon Kick while channeling Anatman in the opener, the icons are necessary because otherwise I have to visually dig through my list of 50 buffs in the middle of dodging random shit in savage to see the actually important ones. Especially now that the rotation doesn't just alternate betweek DK+TS and bootshine+snap anymore.

>H-heh, I don't even care about houses actually

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Lmao you guys are so stupid.

>you havent seen the spaghetti code
You are a retard. They changed 1.0 to what it is now, to think that would not cause spaghetti code when it is well documented is outright retardation
>You are not a developer. You didnt work on this so you have no perspective on how hard it actually is
And you are? You just defeated your own argument you retard lmao. If only developers have perspective on how things are and the developers are saying its a problem, what is your point? What perspective do you have to just petulantly scream "NO YOURE LYING REEE" without cause?
I have no personal stake, your stupidity is just intensely grating.

I hate this. Why we can manually change what buffs you want to see and WHERE? Only all or nothing

BLM because it’s the best class in the game.

>be retarded
>get called a retard
ok retard

Attached: 1548172271101.jpg (540x540, 56K)

>b-be civil
>theres no need for insulting my intelligence when I post like a sub room temperature IQ individual
>be nice to me while I shit talk devs who took a dumpster fire and fixed it up with minimal funding and turned it into a decent and actually functional game
Fuck you lmao. I've no obligation to treat retards with civility. If insults hurt you maybe a different website is more your speed.

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i still do DK and Twin together every time because I don't give a fuck

Christ, thats just evil. Would love to see the same healer in savage and ultimate content complaining about not being able to outheal mechanics.

Attached: 1562197849262.jpg (670x680, 300K)

based tank

>Darkside gauge which is just two timers one of which you don't need to see and the other of which you cannot possibly drop
>no Eye gauge that warriors actually have to track
How are these niggas so unbelievably dumb

>They changed 1.0 to what it is now, to think that would not cause spaghetti code when it is well documented is outright retardation.
Oh god, if had some semblance of reading comprehension, then you would have understood that it's not the existence of the sphagetti code is what I question, but how bad it actually is. Hence, "you haven't seen the sphagetti code".
In any case, this reply pretty much confirmed to me that I'm wasting my time expecting an intelligent conversation with someone who can't even read, lmao.

Keep being mad for...whatever reason?

Ahh so insulting the devs hurt you. Sorry for hurting someone else's feelings who aren't even here? Awfully nice of you to get mad on their behalves.

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If you want to have an intelligent coversation you should probably start by posting something intelligent

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>sorry DPS
>Malikah's Well has ended

ive been playing for a month and i haven't experienced any of this

the people in my fc are super chill and really helpful

i don't think mmos are for you m8

Attached: download (2).jpg (259x194, 6K)

When you accuse people who actually work pretty fucking hard on things of lying with absolutely zero evidence or credibility to back it up you are a fucking faggot. End of story. It is really that simple.

Attached: 1550594005976.gif (320x180, 584K)

Should've just voted the healer out desu.

I'm accusing them because there is simply no way it's not possible. They are just shit.

Sounds like a shitty game for trannies and weirdos

For me, it's Classic WoW and nothing else.

[citation needed]
You have already destroyed your own argument with your own posts several times over so if you think you are saying anything interesting or groundbreaking each time you shit out letters into the quick reply post box you are heavily mistaken.

Hewwo ^.^

>you will never rescue a cute girl off the streets and give her the life she always dreamed of

it hurts bros

>build wow clone off the foundation of a barely functional completely different style mmo in 2 years
>legacy code constantly causing trouble for features being added (you would know this if you actually played the game)
>they're just shit they can do it right this second they just dont want to trust me bro

Attached: 1536453976533.jpg (640x480, 28K)


You're this guy, right? The one who can't even read?

Femroes with eyepatches are the best.

Attached: 4BB27C22-1301-4DED-ACEC-65E04D8E9DBF.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

the less visible your face the better I guess

>p-please think of the poor devs
>s-sphagetti code you see
>they really want to do well but you see it's muh 1.0 and sphagetti code please understand, you can't expect anything from them that takes effort

To be fair, if I were the devs, I would stop putting effort into anything too, if that convenient excuse was always there to fall back to, and there are even people online defending me too in my lazyness.

Attached: MKXW6uQ.jpg (1260x700, 210K)

I don't know how I feel about being rooted in place.

nice ad hominem. please explain why, after stating only game developers or people who have worked on the project have perspective on how hard it actually is to work with the code, you are suddenly qualified to make all your posts, accusations, and statements?

u might regret this when ull wipe on 0.1% enrage

>Add more plots/wards
>Servers stabilize
>Plots/Wards soon become barren

Though it would be funny if something like that event in mateus happened again.

If you knew anything about 1.0 you would know how huge of an accomplishment it is that they have taken the game as far as they have currently. Let alone where they intend to go with it. The game gets quality of life improvements almost every patch, stop being a salty bitch.

It won’t matter when you’ll be pulling the highest dps all the time

black mage has more movement options than red mage.

Who are you quoting.

Attached: 1556279645393.gif (171x172, 962K)

Sorry sweaty, MNK is the new top DPS
Don't worry, you can hang out with DRG in the "didn't quite make it" corner

Most of the progress goups did not use them though.

black mage is not for prog. its for clears and farming.

I know it's a huge accomplishment, still don't see why it excuses them. If the code is hard to work with, then do something about it, it's their code.
The truth is that they just don't give a fuck.

>do something about it
Like fucking what?

What to do with these?

Attached: 1412412412.png (194x57, 7K)

buy gear or use them to get yourself a heavensward anima weapon

>just remake the engine lmao
dang you know absolutely nothing

Attached: 1540208811206.gif (436x359, 3.14M)

>playing MMOs for the gameplay
yikes and cringepilled

Attached: 017AC41F-93ED-43A9-A0BA-2DFF790A043D.jpg (585x533, 48K)

Is that Mordion Gaol? Neat.

The best class once the content is trivial then?

>I have never encountered this stuff
>and it hasn't bothered me

Attached: 1525574996942.jpg (743x1024, 63K)

If you no longer need leveling equipment, get Unidentifiable Ore to trade for Grade 3 Top Soil.

No, the best class in the hands of a competent player.

I guess the progress groups have no competent players then.

No one is competent at mechanics until they learn them, user.