what's a cumbrain? I just want to talk about video games
What's a cumbrain? I just want to talk about video games
sorry user you can't, (you)s are more important than actual discussion now
video games? are you sure you aren't trying to talk about barely clothed characters from video games?
someone addicted to porn.
I think someone keeps going to threads JUST to post cumbrain in the first few posts.
Won't be surprised if someone calls you cumbrain in a few minutes.
Seriously though, where the hell did this shit come from literally overnight?
The new forced buzzword discord trannies are coming up with.
Is this the secret video game thread?
What are you favorite games?
this is what surprises me and convinces me it has to be a discord group. nothing traveled this fast before.
one guy made some wojak of it, added bunch of text and spent an entire night spamming it
cumbrains are gachaneet deviants and teens high on hormones. this moniker hits both of my most hated demographics here so I'll embrace the meme. fuck cumbrains.
Oh, so it DID just spring up suddenly, and I didn't fall into some alternate dimension? Good to know. Kinda. I guess.
>discord trannies
cumbrain is a word invented by /pol/, cumbrain
It means being incapable of solving simple maths.
Shadow of the Colossus. I always question that though, since I like the visuals more than the actual gameplay. I do like the simplicity of it though, having nothing but a sword and bow to work with as tools to solve puzzles is cool.
There's a new breed of incel called the hyper-incel that feels that they're so far from achieving the sex that the mere mention of tits triggers them.
>I just want to talk about video games
Then talk about fucking video games instead of making this pointless thread
Someone saying that word means they want more porn in a thread. Why do you think they go after porn threads? It's like a man kissing another man, and then calling said man gay.
>I just want to talk about video games
You want to wade through off topic waifushit here to talk about games?
I miss when anons called each other niggers and faggots
The pic and term has been circulating for weeks already. It just takes time for that shit to catch on like every new hot meme. People have been spamming it a lot in the past two days because there's a lot of delusional porn addict on this board giving free (You) so you can easily imagine why it's spreading like wildfire now.
This crap isn't new, it's from 2014.
literally all it takes is one slightly dedicated autist these days. phoneposters will handle the rest. people repost threads that aren't even memes or off topic spam, just because the last one got over 300 replies. it's all about the (you)s now
been playing Morrowind again for the first time in forever. Forgot how much I loved that game, but I kinda overdid it and rushed training and did everything superfast so now my character is basically god but nothing to do.
Made a second character and I'm not gonna abuse Creeper this time around, just take my time instead of superjumping to every quest location.
do some people really only think of jerking off to the point of damaging their heads with dopamine? I've never felt this way about faps, but maybe I'm a cumbrain.
More like years.
its another forced meme like the boomer zoomer shit that one autist is going to spam until everyone and their mother knows the meme
The term isn't new, but this rampant usage reeks of raid
cumbrain posters unironically need to have sex
Literally discord trannies.
Go to some other site then. The only worthwhile vidya discussion here is always for oldass series from 10+ years ago
I did
People who use the term cumbrain are unironically homos who hate big tiddies.
Searching for posts that contain ‘cumbrain’ and posts before 2019-07-07. 283 results found.
Searching for posts that contain ‘cumbrain’ and posts after 2019-07-07. 2379 results found.
No it's from /pol/, cumbrain. Visit us if you're not a pussy
>someone addicted to porn.
We're chastising porn addicts. On Yea Forums.
This is the future you chose.
Super Metroid. When are the fucking nintendo jews going to deliver another metroid god damn it.
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
Here's your X, bro
He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>Eastern design vs. western design
It was coined on twitter for a few weeks in summer 08 and then died off and got ressurected by all the christfag puritan on pol since early june this year
Is this supposed to change anything? Cumbrain is not a new term. It does as far back as 2014.
discord trannies spammed it in the thinly veiled ecchi threads we have daily and it took off from there
Same thing, really.
Basically someone who constantly jacks off.
Which I don't really see the point in complaining about since that's literally everybody here.
Oh and also there's some myth about it rotting your brain and yadda yadda, just some fresh shitpost material forced into popularity by a discord raid group.
It was made to piss off all the anime waifufags who keep making porn threads on Yea Forums. It's actually pretty hilarious.
>summer 2008
We're discussing the sudden spam of it not how old it is. Cope isn't a new word either
That gachashit gets to me. A man wearing female shoes?
This is true. I had one of my original threads repeated a few times by other people. You guys are fucking weird.
Samus Returns just came out and Prime 4 is on the way. Are you from the past or something?
who is jenny?
Gotta love how it triggers weebniggers. Weebs are so fucking worthless their lives revolve around ecchi and hentai
If your blood was being diverted to your dick that would mean you would have a boner, meaning that your libido is high which is a result of holding in sexual tension.
Realtalk, how much shitposting do you actually believe originates from discord trannies? I know about that one group that preyed on lonely robots on /r9k/, but some posters make it sound like shit goes deeper than that, and we're being assaulted by this huge shadowy cabal of trannies
I like the idea. Hate the spam. Waifuposters need to just make a "vidya girls" thread on /e/ or /h/ and cumbrain posters need to shut up after they leave.
Basically the new "I don't like you" term like incel or have sex
Why haven't you ascended, anons?
You'll get over it. The boomer/zoomer was originally a forced thing too but everyone eats that shit up now.
Cumbrain posters are unironically based because they are against the jewish evil that is porn.
They are to trying to help you.
Thats not what was being discussed, someone said it was a new meme that popped up overnight and I pointed out how its been around for years. Nice attempt at moving the goalpost, though. If you don't believe me, look through tophe Yea Forums, /pol/, or Yea Forums archives and look at the oldlest mentions of the term and their connotations. It's the same shit as now, it just wasn't as popular.
I know prime 4 is on the way, but it's still going to take a while. Samus Returns was fine, but it was my third time playing Metroid 2. At some point I want my favorite segment of the franchise to move forward from Fusion.
idk about most hated but I definitely hate them both, so, yeah.
just use the porn and cute pic boards, guys. please. we could use the traffic
t. /h/ /e/ /cm/ /c/
>Visit us if you're not a pussy
You do know that your board is literally visited by 80yo grannies from reddit, right?
This image is disingenuous. His art is not framed and stored in the Louvre, he exibited his art there during an event and nothing more. He also doesn't have the world record for the longest piece of artwork by a single individual. Also is there a source on the masturbation thing? I couldn't find it.
I’ve been calling fapbait weeb posters porn addicts for years now. As soon as I saw the Cumbrain meme it just clicked. It’s such a more refined way of insulting them.
Sick of every blue board being infested by attention starved discord trannies and their anime porn spam. No it was not this bad 10+ years ago.
That's what he said, discord trannies.
There are so many groups I've seen doing this shit. Every smash rosterfagging thread has 5 discord groups either spamming a character or posing as people who wanted a char giving up on them. Saw some screenshots of the discord taken by a "spy" where the admin was screaming about people not posting Reimu with him, like his life revolved around smash threads.
yeah I bet he posts Karin's ass threads on Yea Forums, a true intellectual
It's machine code being fed through the socially inept. Crafted specifically to illicit a similarly coded response, the programming is frightfully adept at devolving any conversation to a deconstructed flurry of pre-installed insults with no variation influenced by human input.
Cumbrain is simply a new iteration in the machine code.
This whole cumbrain phenomena is like LARPing in the shitfest of speculation and figuring out who's Jewing who in GITS SAC or the S3 Plan.
Be quiet, you niggerfaggot. I miss those days too.
would that happen to have been kassfag
I remember that backlash against niggerspeak and "ayy lmao", and within 2 weeks everyone was using it (first ironically, and then otherwise)
What, you love talking about cum all day? Are you fucking bent?
No that's r/the_donald. Boomers don't understand imageboard format
I'm not sure, don't remember any names.
>what is a forced meme
Or did you guys already forget how fucking hard boomer and the twenty fucking wojak edits got spammed here until they stuck?
The new "term to use against someone I don't like".
Expect it to be gone next month in favor of something even dumber.
It's just the next stage of have sex and incel because games used to be about gameplay and not tits.
Gonna be honest, FNV mods, DOOM2 WADs, and copious amounts of Minecraft mods...
I can't fucking play anything if it doesn't have strong user content anymore
I enjoy these dumbass buzzwords /pol/ comes up with. Its a good way to instantly know the poster is an idiot.
Is that the Lucky Star guy?
this. talking to these people feels like talking to a chatbot.
I love how triggered it makes the porn addicts.
They get antsy if they haven’t had sexual stimulation in the last hour.
Fuck off faggot nigger
>Been around for years
It was said in Yea Forums like 20 times, and by the same three faggots from their wording.
98% has been the last week.
I think it might be the fact that people are sick of big titty anime threads on Yea Forums
Are all c*mbrain posters this upset over pornography in this corner of the internet?
there are absolutely boomers and old fucks on /pol/. I mean not exclusively by any means, but a lot of them found their way there after that Q nonsense. I know because I occasionally run into them while using that board
>Found out about this new buzzword an hour ago
Yea Forums is dead. There's a reason I'm not going to Yea Forums a lot anymore.
I mean, I've come across the term every so often, but these past two days... Every single fucking thread I'm seeing it. It's goddamn bizarre.
not funny, didn't laugh
Still not new.
and the best way to fight this is being obnoxious to the point that everyone hates you?
I think a third of the threads being borderline porn of videogame characters is stupid too but come on, this is the worst way to go about doing something about it.
And I mean "you" in the general sense, not you personally
It's the new tranny which was the new nigger. Shorthand for "I disagree with you and don't wanna discuss it further."
>it triggers the porn addicts
>all its really doing is annoying normal posters because its the next evolution of "onions" or "cuck"
whatever you say /pol/
Call her up and ask, her number is 867-5309
Discord probably, they never used to explode this fast but with a concentrated and preplaned discord attack these things are possible
I just wish I knew the motive
Yeah I'm sure the people who call themselves sissy faggot cumsluts won't adopt this and wear it as fucking insignia at all, hell I'm sure as I'm speaking 10 fucking new discord users registered as "cumbrain" are popping up on /trash/ asking for people to add them.
So the correct response to cumbrain is dilate?
Reddit or kiwifarms running some gay ops, just ignore it and it'll go away unless underage b& and zoomers run with it.
Kind of like how people keep posting that awful fucking
person: (action)
meme because the first time it was done it got so many fucking yous
Its an old meme that recently exploded in popularity as a means to combat off topic waifufag threads.
>I just want to talk about video games
Cumbrain is only posted in off topic anime waifu threads moron, you aint talking vidyq
Mechanicus dlc, music is pretty rad.
Hello newfag
>everyone who shows how annoying I am is a discord tranny
Lose weight, shave, get a haircut, get contacts, close your mouth, sell your switch, work out.
Reddit grannies > discord trannies
the left truly cannot meme
I appreciate this post, user.
According to google:
>Cumbrian Lakes, is a quiet gated community, that is set within 120 acres of conservation area.
Why do you keep spamming this retard, literally every thread you say hurr left cant meme
Are we pretending that 'le x year old boomer [barely old thing]' also didn't get popular via spam?
I wanna live in a gated community.
why do you keep spamming this, retard? literally every thread you say hurr cumbrain
Dilate, cumbrain
porn addicts are the normal posters here
>"cumbrain" spammers are so braindead from eating clag glue that they get themselves mixed up with their own allies
ackshually it's 4channel now
ice cream? god I love ice cream!
everyone here is a pozzbrain tranny kys
/pol/ has nothing to do with this, this is definitely a discord raid.
Is it worth paying that much more for contacts just to be aesthetic?
Do you understand why that doesn't make sense? If they're on the internet and able to see your post with your new made up word they can also open a new tab and masturbate. You aren't stopping anyone from anything. Just proving you can't think for yourself and would prefer to be part of a collective, regardless of how small and insignificant it may be.
I feel like this is the first time I've seen someone post a Sneed picture which actually contained a joke for once.
Words like cumbrain, dilate, tranny, based, redpill, etc etc tend to float around for awhile, and then suddenly explode once they reach critical mass. This website is full of lemmings who might as well be bots, who just spam the latest and greatest low-effort memes for a quick dopamine release. The idea behind "cumbrain" and the poor financial choices caused by images of anime titties is worth genuine discussion, but these posters will make it impossible to discuss such things. Just let it pass, until they find the next buzzword.
pozzbrain COPE
sometimes I wonder if the board doesn't have a significant bot population
a cool dude that likes good things
some of the OP's that get reposted every day have to be. or just "people" who may as well be bots.
waifufags had it coming
after all these years, I'm glad people are starting to push these pathetic faggots back
chan culture as we know it is finally going through a long-needed metamorphosis
I used to believe that Yea Forums was people merely pretending to be retarded in order to troll people, but now I'm pretty positive that Yea Forums is just plain retarded. A secretly smart person would eventually get bored of posting the same trash ten times an hour.
Posting them is still the telltale sign of a newfag and should be treated as such.
based rando poster
mentally retarded twitter reactionaries always try to force memes here
>not rallying to outlaw porn
>not repressing any and all sexual thoughts and urges
>not chemically castrating yourself
Bunch of fuckin cumbrains, all of you.
This is what happens when genuinely unfunny people become convinced that they're comic geniuses.
there are a lot of schizos, lower functioning autists and maniacs on this board. one of the downsides of anonymous image board culture, I think, is that these types just tend to accumulate over time, and if they know how to ban evade, there's nothing really filtering them out
>another nonsense word for Yea Forums to parrot for eternity
Oh boy.
>not chemically castrating yourself
went a bit too far for me, there
For me it's video games
I was getting tired of the current ones myself.
>cumbrain poster are ruining those "I want x to shit on my face threads"
Oh no
Then why do they have to spam anime porn and ERP in every thread?
That doesn't mean we need to make up new ones. Just communicate like fucking intelligent creatures for once.
welcome to "memes"
Most of the people posting here are definitely actual borderline retards and illiterates who can't do a simple fact check to save their god damn lives. Most of the arguments I get into here are because people are too stupid to learn how to read properly.
To annoy you I guess. And it seems like that actually works if you're making up new words about it.
Because you are literally the one making those posts so you have an excuse to post your shiny new buzzword. Just like when you made Simpsons threads daily to post your sneedshit. Or when you posted pictures of tall people so you could go biggai4u. Or when you post the hundreds of pictures of black cocks on your hard drive - but for god's sake you aren't gay, honest - so you can post your cuck memes.
The breed of rancid shitposter that infests Yea Forums is so painfully predictable that it has become a black mark of shame. Fucking kill yourself and stream it, at least seeing your ugly mug on camera might qualify as the first funny joke you ever told.
cumbrain spammers are just cutfags trying to cope with the fact that they can no longer properly pleasure themselves
And even if they realize they're wrong they'll keep being retarded to not lose the argument
It's not new.
bzzt wrong
Yeah, after browsing over a decade I think I need a break myself. This isn't what I came here for and nobody even seems remotely interested in talking about games anymore. Late Night Yea Forums used to be fun and now it's just as shit as the regular hours.
While I am fine with the push back to these thinly veiled porn dumps, the people spamming it are 100% going to go overboard, and become just as hated as the porn posters.
And in the end nothing changes
Prove it
Yeah in the future we may have constant Barneyfag tier posters who accumulated over time and shit up the board and you won't be able to post anything without these schizos repeating the same conversations among each other because they disagree with each other.
The only way to get rid of them is to dox them and stick them inside insane asylums or something
On the internet: People don't know what words mean anymore
the word is goddamn you illiterate retard
>the people spamming it are 100% going to go overboard, and become just as hated as the porn posters.
They did that the instant they had all the time in the world to think of an actually funny way to derail porn threads and make fun of porn posters. And instead they came up with fucking cum brain, of all fucking things. I have heard my five year old son come up with more creative insults than these troglodytes. I seriously can't imagine someone WITHOUT a speech impediment saying it.
I generally like the turn of the century games
Wouldn't happen if mods were deleting the thinly veiled porn dumps
>what are some game that do x
>cropped porn or twitter screencap
I'm cut and cum all the time. It's just low test males that can't cum.
ok regirock, whatever you say.
goodbye Yea Forums. some of you were cool, others ruined it with irony culture. see you in the real life.
my fellow cumbrains, what was the last thing you jacked off to
for me it was the new ecchi na onee-chan ni shiboraretai episode that just dropped
That has nothing to do with literacy, that's a grammar mistake. But both work, so it really doesn't matter. Nice try.
user made an obversation about that just now, perhaps 'meme zombie' is a more apt term
This is the thread linked by the way, it really is horrible
don't come back
Isn’t this a tumblr meme? I saw it everywhere when they banned porn.
larping discordfags raiding Yea Forums while pretending they're doing this for any sort of greater good
its a low-key raiding by tranny kiwifarmers since they are blamed for sadpanda closing
I learned that porn was shit a long time ago and dumped it because watching pornstars is gross, and just recently stopped wasting my time with hentai and sfm trash.
now you are just fractally illiterate
>t. cumbrain
None of these studies signify what you think they do
>cumbrains finding ways to cope
>thinking it came from Discord
what a great time
I forgot that literacy is both reading and writing and not just reading, so you're right. But you know what I meant, so fuck off already.
I fucking hate this post-irony era, everyone is hiding behind memes and I can't tell what people are actually thinking, all of these buzzword posters are indistinguishable from another
Same thing tomorrow?
ok coping cumbrain
100% catholic larpers from twitter
A friendly reminder that onions will never be usurped.
ok coping pozzbrain
What game do you play when your brain wants to cum?
I jack off, I just don't watch porn anymore.
Anyone know if March of the Black Queen and Person of Lordly Caliber is worth playing?
Spam something for so long and retards will pick it up.
Dating sims
Rosy Palms is best girl.
In all seriousness though, when is this site going the way of sadpanda?
I'm starting to think it's about to run its course.
people who just thirstypost and dump ecchi and slide actual videogames off of the board
Unintelligent shitposters make big bucks for Hiroshimoot since they never block ads so I doubt that this garbage fire will be dying in the near future
whenever /pol/ gets around to doing something too newsworthy for their own good
Its just the next demoralizing buzzworf to try and make people feel bad for talking about things they like. First it was s.oyboy, then c.uck, boomer, zoomer, incel, and now cumbrain is being pushed despite hitting nowhere near as hard as the words before it.
I don't know what happened man, Yea Forums was always abrasive and you always had bully's picking fights here but ever since 2015 its just devolved into being nothing but hammering buzzwords into peoples throats, i dont get what happened