Its my birthday today Yea Forums spending it alone again what game should i play today

its my birthday today Yea Forums spending it alone again what game should i play today

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Any of the popular 3d porn games, download some loli characters and delve into the cunny.

Happy birthday.

Hit the backlog. If you don't, play an indie game you think looks good.

reminder Yea Forums is a right wing board

Your favourite game :3, happy birthday.

Happy birthday, user.

thank you anons

Have a miserable birthday you sad cuck

Happy birthday!

happy birthday, user
maybe play a multiplayer game like TF2 so you can spend your birthday with others, even if they are randoms

who knows, maybe you'll even make a friend :)

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Happy birthday, dude. Human Fall Flat is pretty fun, and it has online multiplayer if you wanna try and make some friends. If you want something free, then maybe try Dungeon Fighter Online or Dwarf Fortress.

Get out

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happy bday

don't shoot pls...

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Happy birthday
Play whatever you like, it's fine being alone if you feel like it is

happy birthday, my dude. we're all here for you
Catherine's pretty fun. Tell everyone to fuck off and go to space.

Happy birthday bro. I suggest buying a cake and some icecream. Dont just treat it as another day. If youre unhappy with your current life situation, make small goals on changing it so next year you wont be in the same spot.

>wishing happy birthday to some anonymous online faggot

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go back to where you came from

Keep seething that you're not getting any attention, nigger.

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thanks again anons even the ones who came by to be cunts

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>using you's as downvotes
how about you fuck off to reddit

happy birthday user
also play some good old JRPGs, cant go wrong

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fuck off to /r9k/ sadboy bitch

Meddl Ruiner

What a coincidence, a friend of mine has a birthday too today. Happy birthday user

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but ive never been on /r9k/ before user

What the fuck is a downvote anyway? Let me tell you. It's jack-fucking-shit. It means nothing to give or get downvotes. If anything, all it does is give you the attention you crave, but not the attention you want.

Go find a sewage plant and bathe in shit like the jew you are.

saints row 4
just run around and wreck shit

Do you really think that would work, everyone would either ignore you or tell you to stfu.

>Im such a depressed fuck so I can't be nice to anyone even if it's just a simple birthday wish