LOL twitch SJWs are about to get raped by microsofts long dick of justice.
LOL twitch SJWs are about to get raped by microsofts long dick of justice.
I heard mixer is even more SJW though.
the only good twitch streamer is jerma only because he's a boomer who doesn't pay attention to the internet.
Eh, fuck streamers and fuck twitch.
What does this have to do with video games?
>This thread has been pruned or deleted
isn't m$ based in california also?
twitch and mixer are streaming platforms. They are primarily used for streaming videogames, tits and women abusing animals. That makes it relevant on a discussion board focusing on videogames.
No, Seattle I think.
pajeetsoft's headquarters is in washington
What was it about?
Ever hear of the oxford comma, dumbass?
That's very interesting. I hope more follow suit. Twitch's administration is 100% retarded, and should suffer a purge from Bezos's wrath.
you ever have sex incel?
Have white children.
There is no such thing as the "alt-left." It was a term coined by butt blasted conservatards when their dipshit friends went mask off
i didnt realize keemstar was based
god I hate nu Yea Forums fags
is this a thing?
why wouldn't it be
you ok?
you ok?
no. we just say progressives.
No lol.
redpill me on "you ok?"
yes lmao
Ex Amazonian here
If you want to fuck with twitch just email [email protected] with your complaint.
He obviously doesn't read his emails personally but if an issue is flagged repeatedly the team in question gets a dreaded "question mark email", where jeff forwards them the complaint with a just a question mark, and they have to explain themselves.
If this happens it also gets picked up by the executive escalation team who will ride their ass about it until they address the issue and write a longass report about it.
Also be sure to allude to some of amazon's core "leadership principles"
(google it) because people there shit their pants if they're not being applied. E.g. be customer obsessed
Only by people desperate excuse the alt-right
Both Amazon and Microsoft are from Seattle lol, how fucking stupid are you gamer-right faggots?
It's just a promo.
It's passive aggressive trolling. Implying there is something wrong with you which you aren't aware of and causes you to question yourself, something normally used by women to make men self conscious but here is used for humor and mockery.
Anyone left of the centre is a terrorist who hates you and your enjoyment of life.
Reminder that keemstar lasted less than 2 minutes talking to destiny before running away like a pussy.
He is a fucking snowflake malding pussyboi.
Why is the alt-left so insane? I used to not care but they are clearly 5/10 times batshit insane, like not as an insult but genuinely mental. I don't think a political party has been like this in history.
Have sex.
s.oy milk
Ninja leaving will cost twitch hundreds of thousands in sub/bit revenue.
such a cumbrain insult. Cuck detected.
Twitch's main headquarters are in San Francisco you retard
I work with ninja's cousin at a TV station. So that's kinda neat I guess
>make twitch account to follow speedgamers
>twitch recommends these channels on the following page
hopefully it all dies. I've never even been to any of those game sections.
such a cumbrain insult. malder detected.
who cares, that entire scene is an embarrassment and the fact that you know this information is pathetic
>maldstar losing to a manlet
I'm Jewish
you post on Yea Forums lmao
have sex
grammatically speaking it is completely optional
There's actual tits out and Snoop Dogg playing Madden all night while ranting about kikes and smoking enough pot to stone three blocks of Seattle's art district. Mixer is fun if you like music, I follow a guy who pretends to play video games but mostly DJs and sometimes remixes music.
Who cares about this banned has been
24hr ban homie
I do, what's your point? at least I don't watch e-celeb """debates"""
Are you a fucking retard? No alt left? What do you call those retards throwing milk shakes? What do you call those retards sending death threats to people that are slightly on the left? What to you call those retards that just blindly go the left and think "RIGHT EVIL THEY SHOULD DIE" are you a fucking idiot?
You think this because every fucking news organization is left leaning these days and try not to spread these stories.
What race are these creatures?
Fuck and hell amouranth looks like shit. She probably has about a year or two left before her face starts looking like Courtney Loves dried up piss flaps.
>knowing this
Back to redit faggot
el americano...
>at least I don't watch e-celeb """debates"""
you post on Yea Forums. you're in no position to tell people what they should be paying attention to lmao
Nobody cares about fortnite anymore, grandpa
we unironically should jail all Trump supporters
Mass media and the internet allows mental illness to breed in a way it never has before and compound itself.
You ok?
PogYou chill senpai lmao WeirdChamp
didn't tell you to not watch it, just saying you're a redditor and you should go back
>start streaming in 2011
>everything is like "fuck yeah gaming, now i can watch games played by community and cheer on players doing well in tournaments!"
>titty streamers, drunk trash, fotm, esports devolved into one giant advertisement
>if i stream, i'll be a part of all that inane shit that doesn't even have much to do with vidya
>if i don't stream, i lose one of the few actual joys in my life
You ok?
posting on Yea Forums is what redditors do you fucking retard
I don't post on Yea Forums
He's right
you'd know wouldn't you. go back
You ok?
You ok?
You ok?
I'm not ok.
Tell me more about Mixer.
You ok?
You know, this country is so divided to the point where everyone is using the scotsman tactics against everyone and go on a rampage against all the people who might not even share the same exact views as a left or right person. Even people like my debate professor who identifies himself as a conservative is one of the most open people and has relatively open ideas based on welfare and immigration policies. By this point, you might as well not care about racism if the solution is to hate everyone but yourself.
maybe in a few months, being this new must be no mans land with no moderation
It's just as gay as twitch except the white male hating lard monsters are replaced by Microsoft suits. Also Ice_Poseidon said nigger 6 times on stream today and no one batted an eyelid.
Reminder: liberal SJW are right wing because they support capitalism
You ok?
you ok?
Yeah, I am. I'm serious, we're just shit flinging each other.
You don't need to repeat it twice, yes I am fine.
That sounds very much not the same. I hope big names migrate to mixer just to see what kind of shit Twitch will pull to retain their numbers. Maybe they'll finally cave on the extreme abstract rules for getting a ban.
You are switching what dick you are getting fucked with, Though twitch's biggest problem is how goddamn incompetent they are, Going full corporate might actually be an improvement.
You ok?
Man I’m tired of all this. Everything went to shit at some point after 2012 and it hasn’t recovered. It’s only been getting worse and worse and I’m just so tired guys.
You ok?
Most political labels were made up on the spot, You don't think the right-wingers have that capability too?
Hey, I just wanted to check and see if you were ok?
user what other very important event happened in 2012? Think about it and you will understand why the world is shit today.
What is this, Brave Wilderness? Go away Mario.
The world went to shit when China and India started growing middle classes. The world can't sustain that many people in the middle class. It was fine when they were all farmers.
Actually no, he's left
>100 bits have been deposited on your twitch account
Resident Evil 6 came out?
> alt left SJW non-binary trans* made the biggest streaming website in the world
What have you done? Maybe they will let you scrub their toilets if you cut off your genitals.
2012 was the Mayan apocalypse. Many thought the world would end then when in reality it did end just not how we think. The world didn't poof vanish it just means everything is now getting worse trending towards the apocalypse.
What's his name?
People are trying to push it as a word, so in that sense it's 'a thing'. It doesn't really refer to anything though. Think of it like how 'liberal' just means 'anybody left I don't like'.
I feel bad for actual liberals being lumped in the same group as authoritarian marxists.
They should just call themselves libertarians.
wtf is even the alt right? are Muslims Alt right since they are extremely right and different to the normal right in most countries which are now someone more centred?
Actual liberals are what the left now lumps in with nazis and alt-righters.
You ok?
You know exactly what the alt-right is. Its a bunch of losers in the the West that blame all their problems on everyone but themselves while larping as nazis.
Whatever started the names for whatever considered right/left? Liberal back in the day supported free market and other shit. Nowadays, it considered derogatory or just shown as anything left wing. Same thing with conservative often seen as an exclusively right wing.
Calling it now they add NSFW area where twitch thots can just straight up be Cam girls
Or a bunch of tryhards who want attention by acting edgy.
It was supposed to be the ctrl left but these retards are too stupid to get on board with a simple pun.
You've got to remember, the 'alt right' is what they started calling THEMSELVES. It was part of an attempt to brand the US-centric political movement as in some way rebellious from the mainstream of politics, while also deflecting more aggressive labels like fascist or nazi or whathaveyou. The term's gotten looser in recent years though, that's absolutely true.
Sage for not videogames.
The shortest answer would probably be 'political expedience'. Also keep in mind that terms tend to have slightly different uses in the US than in other English-speaking countries. For instance, Australia's mainstream right-wing party is named The Liberal Party and has been so for approaching a century. So complaining about 'liberals' tends to mean something different there, potentially closer to its original meaning.
Act like an edgy retard long enough and eventually, actual edgy retards that believe what you're shitposting about will think they're in good company.
The board is called "Video Games," not "Video Games and Related Media."
And to address your point directly, streamer threads almost never talk about the video games said streamer plays, therefore the discussion is primarily about a person who happens to play video games for a living, ergo it doesn't fucking belong on Yea Forums.
What is with these retards that have 1 line answers? 2016 election kiddies?
>have sex
>are you okay
These and "reddit spacing" retards are probably sub 80 IQ Zoomers aged 16 to 23.
You ok?
So they're brainwashing themselves unknowingly?
Literally all of that comes from here. Kill yourself now gramps, your relevance ended in 2012
They're trying to start the next sneed. It's clearly the underage crowd doing it.
Take it with a grain of salt since it's mainly been done by
aligned groups rather than more formal political studies types such as myself there's no real good research into it yet because it's too new a phenomena but based on leaked chatlogs from Discord and similar platforms, an overwhelming number of individuals that actively identify as alt-right self report themselves as being 'redpilled' by memes and the youtube algorithm rabbithole. There needs to be some real studies into it, but it sure would make a lot of sense. Say something enough times and it really does start to change how you think about it. China's concentration and reeducation camps use the exact same practice with forcing detainees to recount word for word pro government propaganda and sing pro government songs. More extreme, obviously, but same principle.
That's just nigger celebrity privilege
White people who act like blacks are never treated well.
Alt-right does not exist.
Notice how it was first used by media as a catch-all term for political dissidents, then later adopted by "convenient racist spokesperson" Richard Spencer.
Its a tool to smush actual opposition with random selection of retards, for easy dismissal, while they promote your doom.
AlmightyTevin, but just be prepared for DSP memes and text-to-speech abuse.
>are you okay
Terry posts on Yea Forums?
They can't afford that.
But yeah of the company has its seat in any place resembling California it is OPs pic related when it comes to staff.
Is there any difference ? The cities in daylight at least look like the same degeneracy non white hubs
Anyone right of the centre is a nazi that should be brutally beaten if not murdered
Now you just proven him right, retard.
>right of the centre is a nazi
Except you're wrong you fucking insurgent.
>There is no such thing as the "alt-left."
What do you call Antifa? I mean, besides a terrorist organization.
anything microsoft is filled with pajeets. There will be curry stink everywhere and shit, god don't forget about the shit everywhere.
Why can't we insert Chinese propaganda like Xiao Meimei into these political rallies to teach the virtues of rural Chinese lifestyle?
I mean, they're there all the time at political rallies so you might as well start playing the song all the time until they become enlightened. Then everyone will come together with hands fishing and planting rice.
What are you talking about? Seattle is full of white people. Why talk about a place you've never even been to.
Those evil alt left fascists and their fight to get people a weekend and only be told to dilate online. What a scary group of individuals.
Not your blog, fucknugget
Alt-anything is a lazy, thought destroying simplification.
The more we avoid it and use proper description of political ideologies, the less pointless confusion in society will spread.
>you ok?
>have sex
its getting worse.
The cumbrain one is possibly the most absurd because it's such a blatant attempt to copy the spread of onionboy shit, but without even the vaguely plausible sounding broscience.
>2.7k beta "males" watching some half naked thot
We must engorge ourselves in the rural Chinese lifestyle. Only then, will all buzzwords become silent and no insults spoken. Listen in Xiao Mei Mei's glory.
Can you even stream non Microsoft games on the platform?
Finally the alt-left is defeated by capitalism and democracy, the two things they absolutely hate. I can't believe we're in a world where a faceless corporation is better than politics.
You are also on Yea Forums, but on top of that you watch streamers like Destiny. You doubled down on asperger's interest bingo.
You are what you eat, you fucking nigger sperm cell
Current American politics are absolutely fucking gay, and I'm sick of hearing about them. Everyone involved needs to take a damn chill pill.
Kill yourself libcuck.
No, everyone must listen to Xiao Mei Mei. And invoke the rural Chinese lifestyle that resides within all of us to plant rice and carry boats.
Are you okay Annie?
absolutely this
americans are the anti-midas; everything they touch turns to shit, which includes political ideology
the worst part is that their delusions are leaking over into sensible countries
I was in Japan recently and it was kind of refreshing being in Akiba and immersed in weebshit and vidya and all that, but without anybody thinking their fucking videogames and cartoons were fighting a culture war for the future of civilization. Left, right, I don't give a fuck, I'm just tired of it being such a prominent part of this interest. And the right does it just as fucking much as the left, bunch of fucking hypocrites.
So long as we remember the wise teachings of Mao and vow to bury the seeds deep into the soil, so that those plants that do grow, grow strong.
Fucking Great Leap Backwards
I'd wager its half shitposting and half people who actually believe they're shitting on the poster.
Its all on the same level as pepe and wojaks; filter the bullshit and browsing becomes much more enjoyable.
Know what the really fun part is?
They were taking advice from a Soviet scientist who was in the middle of being discredited in Russia, but the Russians didn't want to cop to the fact that they'd been following nonsense for several years so they didn't warn the Chinese government. Shit like 'plants are communist, so plant them tightly together and some will sacrifice themselves for the good of the other plants' that was super politically compatible, but total nonsense.
This board gets noticeably worse around the hours Americans start to wake up. You can see threads go from the topic of the op to race politics being mentioned for absolutely no reason at all.
>Kids stay on twitch
>get secret comfy FFXI streams from ninja on the regular
At least you're all united and working productively. That's why the lifestyle is fulfilling, and listening to Xiao Mei Mei is like Ambrosia.
>There's actual tits out
You mean like actual bare tits or the old twitch shit where sluts showed off a bunch of cleavage and nothing more?
Mixer is objectively better than Twitch. It has modes where there's basically no delay between the streamer doing something and it being displayed for the viewers and cool features like the ability to hand your controller to a viewer to play the game for you/with you. Twitch is like 10 years behind and because they don't have any competition they don't fucking do anything to make the platform better.
It still amazes me he likes to go back to it.
Really? Sounds absolutely bonkers, but so did everything else I've read about the GLF, so I'm inclined to believe it. Absolutely wild and equally terrifying.
Being an American, I'm glad I keep fucking vampire hours. I have noticed that as the hours go deeper into that early morning no-man's land (for NA), threads are less cancer, but I kinda thought I was imagining it.
It boggles my fucking mind that there are millions of people out there who actually lose their time watching the most stereotypical basedboy that has ever been literally just giving his biased as fuck opinions about fucking american politics. Like holy shit, get a fucking life.
epic proof tranny
The non-existant stream delay is because they have their own streaming protocol they call "Faster than Light".
cool twitter screencap eceleb thread stupid faggot
Actual tits out, but that was right after went under, the best stream site ever.
tranny cringe
This is what happens when you let women into an industry
wtf I'm following this guy
What does Xiao Mei Mei have anything to do with that? You must relish in the Chinese lifestyle to become strong and untied.
>but I kinda thought I was imagining it
No, you're definitely not. I just recently started new hours and you can definitely see the board go to shit around the time Americans start to get up. I thought I was imagining it too at first.
Akiba is shit. It's just a tourist trap at this point.
Look up Trofim Lysenko if you want to learn more. A lot of good science was done in the Soviet Union but a lot of bad was too, mainly because it fit with the politics of the era and region. Trofim is the poster boy for a Soviet scientist rising to prominence because it sounded good to the Party, then being quietly shoved aside once it became apparent he was full of it and a total embarrassment.
these are the "people" who don't ban DSP?
seems strange
that's just featured channels, twitch has no AI suggestions like youtube
There's tourist trap elements to it, sure, but there's still a lot of good stuff if you know where to look. I paid less for my Xenogears figures than if I'd gone to Square's webstore, I'll tell you that much. Also got a good price on my Haruhis, RIP KyoAni. If you're in a store where you're the only white people, odds are you're in the right place.
How do you join the alt-right? Who are their leaders? What's their website? Twitter account?
Ya from cancerous retards here moron. Been here since 05. I used to believe Yea Forums would never die. But 2016 really changed things...
There are lots of similarities between Antifa and the brown shirts
Twitch is owned by Amazon, it's already corporate.
Reminder that Destiny got completely BTFO by The red elephant, even stating that perhaps some groups of people were genetically disposed to commit violent crimes, which was completely ignored by his fanboys
>without anybody thinking their fucking videogames and cartoons were fighting a culture war for the future of civilization
This Half in the Bag clip is very relevant.
drop in the bucket
real question is will other top streamers follow suit
2016 wasn’t the start of the rot, things got really bad in 2013, it was the advent of the Sony shitposting that never stopped after 2014 solidified the PS4’s position as top dog in the console market. At the same time Sarkesian popped up and got big on the back of angry fucking idiots on the internet. 2016 lowered the whole site’s quality, but the early 2010s murdered Yea Forums.
None of these people are liberals ever though, if anything they identify closer to statism.
youre just mad that your smash threads only get 3 replies, you limp wristed faggot
>Although it’s impossible to say for sure, Trofim Lysenko probably killed more human beings than any individual scientist in history.
>He in fact denied that genes existed
>Lysenko began to “educate” Soviet crops to sprout at different times of year by soaking them in freezing water, among other practices. He then claimed that future generations of crops would remember these environmental cues and, even without being treated themselves, would inherit the beneficial traits.
>In the late 1920s and early 1930s Joseph Stalin—with Lysenko’s backing—had instituted a catastrophic scheme to “modernize” Soviet agriculture, forcing millions of people to join collective, state-run farms. Widespread crop failure and famine resulted
>Stalin refused to change course, however, and ordered Lysenko to remedy the disaster with methods based on his radical new ideas. Lysenko forced farmers to plant seeds very close together, for instance, since according to his “law of the life of species,” plants from the same “class” never compete with one another. He also forbade all use of fertilizers and pesticides.
>Wheat, rye, potatoes, beets—most everything grown according to Lysenko’s methods died or rotted, says Hungry Ghosts. Stalin still deserves the bulk of the blame for the famines, which killed at least 7 million people, but Lysenko’s practices prolonged and exacerbated the food shortages. (Deaths from the famines peaked around 1932 to 1933, but four years later, after a 163-fold increase in farmland cultivated using Lysenko’s methods, food production was actually lower than before.)
>His portrait hung in scientific institutes across the land, and every time he gave a speech, a brass band would play and a chorus would sing a song written in his honor.
Absolute fucking mad lad. Thank you for this. And holy fuck, this actually happened.
>alt right
>ctrl left
>delete centrist
>This thread
>Fortnite streamers as an excuse to talk about american politics one more time
>Alt-lefters are so dumb right alt-righter bros? Man I wish I can have my own fucking opinion on things and not having to adhere to the opinion of a bunch of transbinary dickbuttfluid twitter activists or a bunch of virginal nazi-worshipping anime-watching edgy kids
>you okay?
>have sex
>incel, etc...
If you post this shit, kill yourself. If you post this shit and think you are funny and giggling to yourself get checked for being a retard and get neet bucks for your mental disability and listen to your doctor when he tells you not to go on social media.
You see this? This is a statement. You see that space above me? Nothing to do with reddit brainlet. The reddit spacing was a meme that worked out "too well". It was a meme to see how stupid and sheeple people are that are willing to believe anything to fit in around 4 years ago. However now it seems around 80% of users are dumb ass kiddies that believe it now. The meme was created at the worst possible time a little after 2016 when the website traffic went over 10 times the usual traffic. You are a dumb shit and I hope you learned something today. People have posted with spaces since the websites creation retards.
twitch has an algorithm, a shitty one but still. mostly by game names, but also "streamers community", like if you watch an event, twitch will then propose you all the people who attended even if you only watched one dude
The website traffic didn't escalate during that time. It was still stable. Are you making the claim "PS4 IS DOMINANT HUUR" is showing you are a console war kiddie yourself unaware of being a dumb Sony drone. There is no superior console you stupid fucking hypocrite.
In 2016 the web traffic increased dramatically. And guess what hobby is thr most popular in 2016? The elections were the killing blow.
twitch will not care, because they never made profits to begin with, they are a vanity project by Amazon that can sustain it indefinitely.
The people that aparently care about """politics""" here dont give the slightest fuck about those, its just their tribalist need to feel part of a group, ever noticed how 100% of the """political""" threads are about look how dumb this other group is? These people dont care about trannies or families or whatever, you think someone who calls himself a normal person would be happy that people with mental problems kill themselves in masse?
Imagine taking the time to type out all of this but being too dumb to see the elephant in the room which is the userbase of this website has been replaced a long time ago and the only "oldfags" that stuck are genuine retards with no self awareness or poseurs.
Yea Forums has always been and always will be the underage board. People grew up and moved on or migrated. What you're left with are people that were raised in the age of social media, hugboxes and youtube/twitch personalities.
>because they never made profits to begin with
What are you talking about? Twitch takes 2.5$ cut from a month sub, meaning if a single guy subbed to ninja for 10 months twitch gets 25$
The PS4 isn’t a superior console but it IS the winner of the generation, you fucking invalid. I don’t even own a PS4. Site traffic doesn’t need to escalate for board culture to ruin itself.
>still thinking he’ll get impeached
Jesus fuck kill yourself hypocrite
Pushing words is a liberal doctrine
Sorry, which console has topped sales and relevancy? It isn’t the Xbone and the Wii U died in the fucking crib, the PS4 definitely emerged as the most successful platform in this generation, just like the Wii did last gen. It “Won”, it has the largest base. Denial of this fact is delusion.
Get woke go broke :)
oh no no no
twitch on suicide watch
The only winner is Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft for having retards like you for example preach their consoles like a region claiming superiority or "winning" over others. How can someone be this blind and stupid?
>I do t even own a ps4 hehe...
and it still operates at loss. If you don't understand "profit", just fuck off, retard.
The irony of this statement is just too strong for words.
american hours are also canadian hours, thought id remind you.
>losing money
I hate to use this word but you are really a cumbrain if you believe that twitch is losing money you retarded lol. They are making milions a day
Yeah, see, this defensive fucking denial of basic facts enables the pervasiveness of console wars. So the PS4 has a large install base, so fucking what, accept it and move on. The Switch has BoTW, so what, it’s a fact, move on. People entrenched in these positions where any indicator of success of their competitors means they need to shitpost to defend their toy killed this fucking board.
You do understand that the majority of subs on the site are twitch primes, right? Which is basically just Twitch themselves losing 2 and a half dollars on every sub, because they're hoping the guaranteed income for partners will make them not want to leave.
They don't get any cut of donations, too. Twitch is absolutely operating at a loss, in the same way that Amazon Prime operates at a loss.
Are you this fucking stupid? Look at your post retard. Realize all 3 companies have different goals and different market size. Nintendo is much smaller of a company but has amazing profit margins. Microsoft does not give a shit if the console sells well and it's simply increasing its portfolio not wanting to have a competitor crate a monopoly giving choice. Sony is constantly red in all of its divisions due to China and poor investments and pushes their Consoles harder than anyone else to gain profit. They are a large company with horrible profit margins.
There Is is no winner retard.
not him but, maybe you're 100% right, but you have to log in via twitch to streamlabs to donate, so unless you're donating through paypal, twitch is getting money through bits, tips, cheers, amazon partnered with them so they must be making something off twitch per prime sub.
>amazon partnered with them so they must be making something off twitch per prime sub.
What? Amazon is twitch, dude. The site is operating at a loss, bits were their attempt to try and claw back the donation market, and it failed, because it's too little, too late.
they aren't. every "twitch prime" sub is made at loss. they burn their money in development hell projects that go nowhere. it doesn't matter is a thots gets 5000$ donation every week, it doesn't counter the millions of users watching for free with addblock.
Pretty interesting honestly. He must have gotten paid loads to do it. Twitch is a significantly larger marketshare so, he's throwing all that away. I know his sub count has shrunk a lot lately but still, is it worth having maybe 20% as many subs on mixer? Unless he thinks his userbase will follow him all the way to mixer. I'm not so hopeful.
I think if he'd done this at the height of his popularity, last year, he'd have fucking deleted twitch. EVERYONE would have followed him there. He hasn't had marshmellow or drake or any celebs on his stream in forever, and that's how he got and maintained his popularity.
Profit margins are normally the winner. Nintendo can loose money for years because of the success of the wii. Sony like retards sell consoles at a loss hoping people buy software.
>free sub to ninja on mixer
so they're basically fudging the success of this. Even if it DOES work and he brings in new users, they're going to say he got like 500,000 subscribers or some dumb shit.
>What? Amazon is twitch, dude.
oh i assumed it was a partnership, my bad, also with bits, isnt there something dodgy going on, you cant refer to it as money/give it a monitary value or you get banned? whats up with that? looks like a way to skirt the system
Why not, if right can be labelled as alt-right, why couldn't extreme left be labelled such a way?
He doesn't need popularity if they pay him a a metric fuckton for making the switch, which, given his size, is likely.
twitch doesn't have an official app you fucking mongoloid
It's twitter, my man
Do not use/read twitter and your life will be extraordinarily better
YOu would think the fat one would ban titty streamers out of jealousy
That's assuming their goal is to make money off Ninja, which is doubtful. They're almost definitely doing it to get attention for their platform and rise to be a major competitor to Twitch, and they're doing that by bringing a hugely popular guy over to generate traffic.
It most likely is, but populating both of them and having them moderate each other through competition will benefit us in the long term. Stuff like unbannable streamers who have sex with the higher ups will not exist in this environment because not taking action might result into a relevant portion of your userbase permanently switching to the other side
> Ninja ditches twitch
>twitch is getting money through bits,
it's peanuts compared to the cost of running the site, and it got worse this year with all those conventions, "free deals" and "bounty" that is just them funneling more money they don't have in the machine without getting more going in their pockets. Their adds don't make money, this is why they only have the same 4-5 shit in loop for months.
Amazon pays for everything, but losing Ninja is a hard blow because they'll lose relevance.
>you cant refer to it as money/give it a monitary value or you get banned?
It's because the whole psychology of bits is the same way theme-parks have operated for years. You convert your money into a "play" currency, so that when you spend it, it doesn't feel like it's real money. You don't realise that you just wasted 50 bucks on a lemonade.
Ninja is a millionaire he doesn't care about losing money, and probable want less viewers to be able to interact with people again.
I know they are, but anything they say at this point means fucking nothing because they're giving away free subs. They could say he got a billion subscribers, but how many of those were free and generated no revenue? We don't know. We also don't know how many of those stuck around to watch even a single stream.
You are literally engaging in console warring against someone who hates consoles. Did I say Sony the company has risen to be the perfect monolith? No, they has a good generation for themselves. People like you that have to argue every point and people who make hourly NEVER EVER threads feed eachother like a giant cancerous uroboros. Fuck off, I hate you, I don’t care about your taste in consoles, take the people who post sales charts incessantly with you.
Ninja is dying as a streamer, though. Had this happened last year, I could totally see other streamers jumping ship too.
Ninja is absolutely making money on this deal. At minimum, it's 5 million for 3 years, and it could be 10+ mil.
>asmr is a real category
man twitch sure loves bending over backwards for fucking camwhores.
It was already stated to be in the double digit millions. Moonmoon said it was 40m/2 year because he was offered the same
I hope he is making shit loads of money. He owes twitch nothing. It's great if there isn't a fucking monopoly on streaming.
Twitch gets away with too much bullshit and heavily tries to push agendas. It would be great if there is a competitor that can give a better service. Luckily I think this plan is working. I didn't even fucking know this streaming platform existed till now. The marketing is working.
It's the same shit with a different smell. But competition for Google is very much needed.
>twitch still doesn't have a fully functional multistream feature
>when shit like picarto had it for half a decade
>even smaller sites like piczel had it programmed from scratch in a matter of months
how incompetent is their dev team? is it coded in gamemaker or something?
twitch is nothing but "community managers" coasting on success
they probably all had a very bad day today
so its like pewdiepie going too Dlive? never heard of this mixer so they must have paid him a small fourthten.
Partners are encouraged not to. They don't really give a shit, everyone knows 1 bit = 1 cent usd. But it's a psychology thing like mentioned. When you first get accepted as a partner (Read:not affiliate, ACTUAL partner) you go through maybe a month of contracts and forms which you can negotiate, props to them it was really open, in my case. Then when everything's settled, they send you maybe 10 emails on some additional features (if you're eligible/accepted for them), like the bounty board where you accept the 'sponsorship', get a key for a game, have to stream it for x hours or do x thing in it, then you get paid, and usually get to keep the game.
But there's an email on bits which has like five full paragraphs of things not to call them. You're not allowed to confused them or correlate them with your channel currency (if you've got one, from like deepbot or a streamlabs bot), you can't call them cents, you're not allowed to (though they don't enforce it) call them bitties anymore because people associated it with titties. You're not allowed to play cash sound effects with bits, and they ask you don't replace the bit effect on streamlabs at all, leaving it as the generic bit icon/animation.
It's something else, there's probably billions of dollars in research that went into it.
Right, but that probably isn't the point. You're looking at the immediate effects of it when it's more likely just an investment to get all those people who go to Mixer (to watch him) to look around the site more and find other people to watch or to get other streamers to switch to or start there. They're taking the hit now in order to grow the site with the traffic that generates (I assume) and over time, develop the site into a successful operation.
is he still playing nasomi or did he move to another pserver? I absolutely despised nasomi because of all the bugs and exploits that they didn't fix until the wider public found about them. They must have tested a hidden away custom NM with some weak spells to see if it gave the right exp values and shit, cause it died instantly to fire. But they never fucking changed it, so you could get enough exp to go 10-50 in ONE MOB by using fire. It was a fucking mess.
why would moon not take that if thats true
>you're not allowed to (though they don't enforce it) call them bitties anymore because people associated it with titties.
interesting considering in French "bit" is how you say "cock"(the genitals)
Sounds like antifa to a T
probably not though if tiwtch keeps letting titty streamers get away with everything while banning people for the slightest infractions then some people might think about switching
>Snoop Dogg playing Madden all night while ranting about kikes and smoking enough pot to stone three blocks of Seattle's art district.
I need to see this.
A key thing in there is the '163-fold increase in farmland', because he believed that basically anything with soil could be used for cultivating crops with his techniques, so on top of absolute nonsense farming practices, you had farmers having to spread their efforts across a whole bunch of nonviable land too. It's a clusterfuck too big for words. Some estimates put the death toll related to his work at approaching 30 million when you factor in China as well.
>sneed shit getting spammed like crazy over the last few months
>mask shit is getting spammed too
>Yellow anti-porn spamming on Yea Forums
>cumbrain spamming
Face it user. We're in the age of spam now. I think we've lost our ability to even cohesively talk about things anymore.
I'll just note that the asian bean was banned and filtered in a matter of week, but none of those other insults, including incel, were ever even deleted. You basically see what hurts a typical mod way of life, and what doesn't.
ambiguously middle eastern and african america respectively
I think part of that has to be to do with how Yea Forums's modern population learns to post. It's kind of like the inverse of lurk moar. Instead it's repost the first thing you see. So people trying to force memes have it easier than ever and just spam shit until the board starts spamming it for them.
It's just summer
Is this true? People do reaction content all of the time on Twitch? What's wrong with getting people interested in the future of our country?
fuck this memeing faggot
other streamers are seething
YouTube and Twitch are so fucking cucked.
I thought for a long time that Mixer was just an extention of Twitch.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
CNN shut them down because they didn't want other people commentating over the debate
Oh, and before I forget, to avoid admitting the embarrassment, the Soviet Union started importing more crops - that it then exported back out to other countries to maintain the illusion of these glorious new practices increasing yields.
Oh, that's a good point. Jesus. That's fucking awful.
I also just can't see why anyone would watch him. There's nothing funny about him; his personality is literally non-existent. He's unnecessarily abrasive and just boring.
Also holy shit what are these comments?
>someone comments "Destiny the type of dude to lose a fight to a woman"
>first reply is some faggot saying "yeah, but keemstar is bad too" despite never having mentioned keem at all
Hasan is an unironic communist
Nah, MS opened up mixer with the intent of making it the built in streaming option for xbones. But they realized everyone was already using twitch by the time the xbone launched, so they offered pretty much the same options as ps4 had, twitch, youtube. xbone has mixer, ps4 has ustream, not sure if xbone has ustream too.
It flopped really hard for a while, but now xbox does most of their own shit on mixer. They got basically no viewers, so now they stream on every platform, but they do game giveaways and shit to incentivize people to bolster their mixer page hits, and that's basically where it's at now. It's dead as fuck and even the most popular streamers rarely break 1k concurrent viewers. Ninja being here is a wrench in it, because it may mean more popularity, but it may also have an inverse effect and drain viewers from other stremers, causing them to leave.
Those fucking crazy Russians. Makes me think of how, in the GLF, they continued to export massive amount of crops despite the widespread famine in China. Communism is a hell of a drug.
I guess technically it is copywrite but come on. Not enough people pay attention to what candidates say as it is. Why wouldn't the US just force this kind of stuff to be open to any platform. Don't they own PBS and could put it on that?
Imagine being this backwards and having no idea. KEK
>People do reaction content all of the time on Twitch?
Yeah, and it's fucking horrible. Just look at the "Just Chatting"-section, if you're lucky, you might find a streamer who literally "reacts" to an entire 50-minute episode of Kitchen Nightmares.
So you guys are finally showing me your true power levels
New chaturbate site looking sweet!
Mixer is actually better from a technical point. No delay, better stream quality, can multi stream with people, can let viewers play with their own controller through the app... There's probably more I can't think of too.
he has like a deathly fear of being controlled by some sponsor. cause then he cant say cunt and retard anymore i guess.
honestly true. I wish Mixer would replace Twitch although I doubt a lot of people would move to it due to Twitch Prime being a thing.
Twitch has had a near zero delay option for streaming for a very long time, people just don't turn it on because, obviously, when there's no delay, you get fuckloads of buffering if you're streaming at a higher bitrate. Also stream sniping is gay as fuck, and assholes will still do it so you put delays on to prevent it.
always preferred "ctrl-left" myself but it never caught on, shame
and yeah it's pretty much just violent authoritarian "anti-authoritarian" leftists
best post i've read all day desu
The closer we get to the elections, the more and more leftists realize there's this very vocal and annoying fringe group that take things too far. Not everyone believes trans women are real women, for example, but SJWs keep try to push the idea that they are in fact females. Now they got people like AOC as the face of the "left", and other leftists are now branding them as the "alt-left". For fucks sake, the left is starting to label Obama as a right-winger simply because he deported a ton of illegal immigrants during his term.
With the way things are currently going he won't be able to say that on Twitch for too much longer either.
>simply because he deported a ton of illegal immigrants during his term.
his numbers were inflated as well, they count turning people away at the border as deportation in those stats
american facebook lefties are probably the least enjoyable people i've ever interacted with irl
Who cares, trash goes after popularity each time, which only means Twitch trash will go to Mixer eventually
It's like back when people were fed with DeviantArt, then went to Tumblr, which then get fed with Tumblr and have now went to Twitter and are now getting fed by Twitter which now makes dA look like a good thing
Near zero delay for twitch is still 5 to 10 seconds.
Mixer is actually no delay. I steam on mixer just so my friends can watch my screen and the stream will sometimes have less delay if I turn on my mic than discord.
>5 to 10 seconds
bull fucking shit.
It's 1 to 3, and 3 is the absolute top end during major events like LoL worlds or the invitiational or dreamhack.
Hoping tournaments start streaming on mixer
I want twitch to fire all their ~20-25 year old retards who have to much power and don't know how to manage a site this big
>Seattle is full Chinese and homeless addicts
Fucking pathetic lmao
only big streamers can get away with it. mr. 200 viewers would get eradicated pretty quick. just another way twitch builds resentment.
I don't know man. Maybe they limit it to only popular streamers then because I can't get it that fast and I mainly watch low view count people and they don't have it either. That's why I use mixer, so my friends can watch eachother.
I have 300mbs upload speed according to speed test so it's not that.
there's no such thing as "no delay" unless you own a magic camera that has hardware encoding capabilities
>doesn’t respond to what he said and tries to ignore the existence of leftist extremism
lol, autistic lanklet chapotard chud
TERFs are pretty much alt left.
Alt-left doesn't exist, just like alt-right. Both are left.
I dont actually know who either of those people are.
>not using DLive like PewDiePie and all the cool kids
Microsoft paid him, I'm certain of it.
of course microsoft paid him thats what any big company does to get people to pay attention to their product
>Using any site that promotes crypto
TERFs are literally people who don't think trans women are real women. They labeled Joe Rogan a TERF simply because he doesn't think trans women should participate in sports with actual women due to biological advantages. TERFs aren't alt left at all.
Okay, obviously there's technically a delay but if it's less than half a second then it's good enough to say no delay.
Don't be so fucking literal. Do you get upset when people round up on prices and say a switch is $300? 1¢ off is close enough and so is 1 second.
Are you stupid?
Redmond, Washington retard
If people are actually just using TERF as shorthand for people that don't legitimize transgenderism, people are literally using it without knowledge of what it means.
I hate kikes as much as the next redpilled guy, but replacing a random word with "jew" is not an argument.
Dlive is made by Turks and the crypto is made by chinks. Has nothing to do with jews.
The E in TERF is "exclusive", not "erasure".
Link to tit stream
>e-celeb thread
>full of politics
>on Yea Forums
And 300+ posts still not deleted. Fuck you mods
Same difference.
horseshoe theory
>a cumbrain thread died for this
it took longer to realize, but both sides have extreme larping groups that fight in the streets.
Why do you even phrase it as a question? You know it's electionfags. We all know it's electionfags. Even the electionfags know they're the ones doing it.
Yea Forums has gone to complete shit, and yet it's still a better alternative to every other forum. It really shows how terrible the internet has become when neo-Yea Forums is more tolerable than anything else
Kek, nice
>Gnomestar still mad about getting wrecked by another gnome
For a adult male that seeks pleasure in e-drama, he can’t handle it himself lmao
>twitch becomes extra anal about everything to "protect underage"
>their biggest kiddie streamer leaves the platform
Based. It was great in 2012 but it's time to move on.
mods are too busy barking "cumbrain" today instead of working
Because someone actually couned the term and used it himself while Alt-Left is just a insult to “far” leftists.
When in actuality leftists aren’t a monolith like the right is and constantly fight each other.
t. Leftist
>following keemstar on twitter
nice one op
>the right is a monolith
You severely overestimate the group cohesion of the right.
this thread is not pog champion bro
Read the video title mong
>itt seething alt-leftists