>new approach on genre to unite players
>Triple AAA quality from relatively small studio
>Made faster than last of us 2 and ghost of tsushima
>Goty contender out of the box
>Features real actors(wxcwpt troy baker) to lift emotional level and immersion to next level
>Ps4/ps5 only
>Releases november as early christmas present
Death Stranding
Other urls found in this thread:
He's had a limitless budget and all the time in the world yet after 4 years there's barely any gameplay to show off. It's gonna be a reskin of MGSV with added PvP features.
>Triple AAA quality from relatively small studio
100+ people is small for you?
Yea Forums is already seething, means it will be great
>all the time in the world
What the fuck? He finished MGSV in 2015. He had to then establish a new studio in a new office, recruit people and then make a game on top of that. He's developing this if anything way faster than industry standards. A AAA game usually takes 4-5 years to develop. For KojiPro, this is taking just 3 years.
I do miss Shinkawa original characters though. I think that's one part of Death Stranding that really annoys me.
Wipe his jizz out of your eyes. 4 years, limitless budget from Sony and nothing to really show for it yet.
Stay mad Konami shill. DS is done in a completely reasonable deadline and it's going to outsell all MGS titles too.
At least I believe Kojima more than cuck like Neil Cuckman, Shawn and all their cucked western developer
A thread actually giving this game the praise it deserves? On Yea Forums? Can't be a real thread.
The development pace STRONGLY suggests that he has been long tired of Metal Gear, and brainstorming the game since at least before MGS4 came out.
>A AAA game usually takes 4-5 years to develop.
Fucking when
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account.
Cory is based though (although slightly cucked aswell)
>reasonable deadline
Kojima literally said they are doing crunch
Look up how long Red Dead 2 was in development. Look up for BoTW or Horizon.
Yes they are doing crunch to meet that deadline. What's the problem? You always whine that he doesn't work yet you whine when he works overtime.
Kojima wasn't even supposed to do MGS4. Murata was the director at first, with Fukushima as the second writer.
he returned as the director because of fans going apeshit (sending death treats to both kojima and murata), Fukushima disappeared soon after.
this is going to be a high budget open world Kojima directed SOMA, right?
so, when Kojima do a crunch it's fine but when it's the others it's bad? Kojima is way too untouchable, every time he do some errors he's pardonned because "he's kojima".
>but when it's the others it's bad
When did I say that little faggot?
Doesn't seem like such a "reasonable deadline" if he has to crunch to meet it. It's actually even funnier, considering we know barely anything about the actual gameplay.
I think the core gameplay will be good because the movement/controls seem to be on point like MGSV. The problem will be what MGSV had and the bases/things you do with that tight ass gameplay isn't fun long term or requires more out of the player. The airbase in MGSV should have been like a Grozny Grad without the load screens, interiors and all. Even "boss" battles seem like they would be hard to do like the classic games.
As for the story, who fucking knows. Too vague, too sparse, not complete, unsatisfying character arcs. The story could have dozens of things go wrong.
fukushima-fags on nov 8th
Shinkawa is still designing them, its just yeah, actor uncanny faces, but rest is Shinkawas style
Brainlet I swear. Just because sequel comes out 1-2 years later, doesnt mwan jt was developed in 1-2 years. Something like ac origins was in works for years, as other user said rdr2 was in development for 8 years
I'm worried about its length. I haven't seen anything on it yet tho.
What the fuck is wrong with you people spamming hur durr whats the gameplay. Its not like its releasing tomorrow. Just fucking wait until its out if you want superb in depth look or wait for some gameplay from any upcoming gameshows when game is closer to release
Japs are on constant crunch. It's just the way they do things.
>Triple AAA quality
so AAAAAAAAA quality? woah... kojimbo outdone hisself this time
There's pretty much never been a Kojima game with bad gameplay.
A controversial but true opinion is this; Kojima's strength is gameplay, not story
If fukushima return at Konami then this would be a surprise. the MGS1-2-3 main developer already returned. (he had left kojipro in 2009, he returned in 2017, he's working on something unkown.)
but the guy is a complete ghost.
Didn't he work on Freedom Wars or something?
>it's going to outsell all MGS titles too
he did, but as a QA tester, not as a writer.
he only worked as a QA tester since his strange departure of kojipro.
What the fuck? What's he doing as a low paid QA tester?
Not a big feat. I think the best selling MGS game sold 10 million. Sony's first party titles hit that stride all the time now. And Sony is way better at marketing than the inbreds at Konami.
Some people like to meme he got fucked by Kojima and blackmailed of the industry.
after all, Kojima was very powerful at konami, he was even the vice president when he left.
if he was really fired, the fuck up he must have done probably was very big...i wonder if we will one day know the truth of the whole story.
Or maybe people just overstate his influence on the MGS series and he was never anything more than just a side writer to Kojima?
Fukushima really had a big role until at least MGS3. he wasn't the director and writer of ghost babel (game that teased Raiden even before MGS2) for nothing.
Finally a good thread about the game
There are no more good games caming out this year. But Kojima will save us.
MGSV started development in 2010, right after the completion of Peace Walker.
>I think the best selling MGS game sold 10 million
Quick google search gives me 6 million for MGSV and 7 million total lifetime MGS2 as the highest selling.
Can't believe there's jack shit all to play until fucking November
On serious note. Personally I think it will be worth checking out Control, Astral Chain, Borderlands 3, Medievil remake alongside death stranding
>(wxcwpt troy baker)
What the fuck happened there, did you set your speech-to-text to Welsh?
The fukushima meme is just that, a meme. He wasn't big in ANYTHING.
That logic doesn't work.
Konami's botched marketing for these titles meant they didn't reach the heights they deserved. Death Stranding can easily beat them so long as it scores similarly to MGS titles.
he was the cowriter user, this is kinda big.
if he was as big as Murata in the other games, then it's huge.
do have some kind of Fukushima hate?
>Death Stranding and Doom Eternal coming out the same month
>get to play a dumb fast paced gory action FPS after a wordy slow paced moody sneaky TPS
Best of both worlds this winter.
MGSV literally had the highest budget of Konami game period. including marketing, the marketing of V was huge.
Kojima said before DS isn't a stealth game.
I'll check these out. Also, Monster Hunter.
Based. Me too. Also When Ciconia Cry and Outer Worlds.
Horizon Zero Dawn sold 10 million.
New IP only on PS4 like Death Stranding.
Not so loud, if he hears you he's going to go nuclear.
Works everytime for me
Most of MGSV marketing was just Kojima made trailers that his buddy Keighley would show at the VGAs. Kojima did Konami's job for them.
I don't know the guy, I have no reason to hate him. All he did was write a few codec dialogues and program a few things. I don't hate him, that's just reality.
>doom eternal
>fast paced
t. zoomer
>new approach on genre to unite players
It's gonna be either co-op or grief other players. Nothing we haven't seen before.
>Triple AAA quality from relatively small studio
Animations look fine, everything else is Unreal-tier.
>Made faster than last of us 2 and ghost of tsushima
>Goty contender out of the box
gotys should have good gameplay
>Features real actors(wxcwpt troy baker) to lift emotional level and immersion to next level
Same as many other games. Nothing special. It just makes the game more expensive to make, and that money could go to something more vital.
>Ps4/ps5 only
>Releases november as early christmas present
Should've released like 2 years ago but whatever
But it was done by Guerilla. the nu kojipro is a new studio, and beside some like Kojima and Shinkawa (who isn't a kojipro member, he's still freelance), almost all the staff is new.
Well Kojima kinda was the VICE PRESIDENT of konami user.
He didn't just do the codec...
>Well Kojima kinda was the VICE PRESIDENT of konami user.
An honorary title. Some speculate he got "promoted" to distance him from game directing so Konami could shit out MGS games faster and cheaper.
Do you know what fast paced means retard
Literally came to post this, based taste.
user that wasn't just an hononary title. he had some role with the games from 2011 to 2015.
and Kojima got all the time needed for V, he got more than 5 years.
>real actors just makes the game more expensive to make, and that money could go to something more vital
Now im afraid. This user is right.
I just hope the game is gonna be good.
>castrated MMO
>new approach on genre to unite players
So it is true that in modern society to reach the top of your chosen field you only have to be a good salesman and nothing more.
During that time, his team also had to develop a current-gen multiplat engine for Konami that it could use for all game development. Most of MGSV development was developing the engine. Just look at FFXV and how hard it is to construct an engine alongside a massive AAA game. Shit takes time, money and the end result might not be so great anyways.
>and Kojima got all the time needed for V, he got more than 5 years.
Most of the time spent was developing a new engine from scratch
>scripted a small portion of one game out of 3
>researched a few things and talked about them with A LOT of other people
>wrote a few dialogues for each game
>made a few camera angles for original game
Prove me wrong.
>(Special Thanks)
Which blundered bigger? FFXV or MGSV?
He wont need do that again for DS, right? newfag here
MGSV atleast gave Konami a good engine to work with. Shame they are too dumb to do anything with it. What a waste. SE is still developing games on UE4 despite having Luminous at their arsenal.
No. He is using the Decima Engine for DS.
No. Death Stranding runs on the Decima engine developed for Horizon by Guerilla Games. He got that shit for free alongside the source code and everything.
MGSV was great though
FFXV at least gave me some cool moments. MGSV was totally awful.
MGSV was an enjoyable game, and even if the plot wasn't as good, it sure had some interesting concepts.
FF XV is exactly the opposite. Even the trailers looked dumb.
>new approach on genre to unite players
>ps4/ps5 only
These two don't mix.
>one gave them fox engine to work with
>stops making games to pursue other interests
>one gave them luminous engine to work with
>just uses unreal 4
Fucking hell companies can be frustrating.
MGSV is awesome
No, it doesn't. You're an idiot, shut up.
Apparently Konami recently did a big fox engine update, but it isn't used yet. maybe they are returning but only for the next gen. would be cool. there's still some talent at konami.
MGSV was technically superior and had better gameplay with extremely precise controls.
FFXV had better story, better open-world and more to do in the end game. Also the game never got fucked by microtransactions like MGSV did.
silence you pathetic worm
MGSV microtransactions were pretty light compared to MGO2 back then.
Why does Yea Forums despise Kojima so much now?
schizo anons are still mad MGSV wasnt their headcanon
MGSV microtransactions are so intrusive that if you don't play the game for a period, you'll log back on and see all your GMP gone because of invasions that you need to buy real insurance for. I hope Konami burns down to the ground with all its jewish suits burnt alive just for that.
Because he's chinese.
Yea Forums loves that game, you've already proven yourself wrong, you dumb cocksucker.
Well, survive had some pretty tame microtransactions. and all their other games beside PES released since don't have any microtransactions or paid dlc period.
nonsense, Yea Forums doesnt like videogames
The usual incoming big game, also sony exclusive.
But also there is at least one incredibly autistic poster that hates him and acts like it's his crusade to stop it. You can usually spot him posting outright lies with no sources.
He's the Konami shill.
Feel free to jerk off to the art, but I'll wait until the reviews come in.
... which everyone should do for anything.
best place to be is neutral about both Kojima and Konami.
because at the end, we only want good vidyas, and i will play any good vidya, Konami or Kojima.
Nah just incredibly autistic.
Just yesterday he made a thread saying the game was delayed and spent hours arguing when people came to say it wasn't.
It certainly is on a triple A video game project.
Most AAA studios have more than one team that work with different projects in tandem and that way they can push out sequels every two years. Now creating totally new IP takes more time.
because they realized that they fanboyed for an objectively bad writer/director for decades
Cory is fucking awesome
It's also coming to PC later. Hopefully this game turns out good.
>When did I say that little faggot?
You are triggered lol
Then why on earth has he agreed to do them fon LoU and uncharted series?
The Black Goo Of Japanese Unoriginality
The Truth about Hideo
Lmao at people who can't tell it's gonna be shit after 5min of gameplay.
>that thumbnail
Looks very objective
No its not, sony own the IP
You mixing up GoW dev with Druckman?
Because he dares to make original art, and originality is the enemy of the gamer
absolutely based neutral user.
>this autist spamming his youtube channel
>yet again
Seething nincels and p_cucks.
Ps4 going to be in the top 3 best selling game consoles ever thanks to death stranding and other first party releases.
And then ps5 will drop and make high end pc gaming completely irrelevant.
David Jaffe*
because death stranding is a snoy exclusive
imagine if he was hired by nintendo?
Now that would break this board.
>"its exclusive!11!!!"
>not Only On Playstation
Borderlands 3? Greedfall? The Outer Worlds? Pokémon SnS? Star Wars Fallen Order? Shenmue 3? Legend of Bumbo?
You don’t know shit.
detroit also was in this section.
>implying that's not only temporary
What’s fast paced, user?
So why do you care about whether its snoy only or not if its gonna be shit and Kojima is a hack?
Game will launch as a bug filled mess, but critics and Yea Forums will defend it because everything that Kojima makes is revolutionary and only true epic gamers understand.
Because that's blatantly false.
Some retard () said that Doom Eternal was fast paced, when it isn't in any sense of the word.
>reason why they took the steam shit out was because kojima knew tim would btfo gabe
Forgot about Doom, goddamn
>Bug filled mess
2019 is shaping up to be GOAT year. I've already played 19 decent releases this year with about another 10 upcoming.
I'm the official board representative, this man is correct.
Kojima is a massive Newell fanboy. This is getting a Steam release and won't be released on Epic Store at all.
who the fuck cares about this, have sex
>Ps4/ps5 only
Oh no no no nobody tell him
user, until anything else has been announced, it is what it is. What you're gonna tell me? Some pr mention of pc from 2015?
Not him, but i'll tell you something.
Eh it's prettty likely to come to PC. It's not been confirmed but I expect a PC version within 6 months.
By that logic Gamefreak AAA too. 150ish people with billions of dollars which end up producing streaming piles of shit every year or two.
>new approach on genre to unite players
the same way he created the "tactical espionage action" genre which is just a fancy saying for action and stealth genre
the way he describe what the fuck "death stranding system" is about is nothing that hasn't been done before, death stranding is just kojimbo's wet dream to bring some of his favorite actors into a game using sony's money
can't wait for the game to flop by trying to be deep but unimpressive so can kojimbo can become irrelevant
Well to be fair MGS was unique in that going loud was equally as valid and fun as ghosting, something that wasn't that well represented in the sneakan genre prior.
During the small period of time he was the super star of Konami, he could even direct funding to certain projects and cut those funding for other projects. It was a short while but he pushed for 3D projects exclusively citing 3D is the future or such, side-lining 2D devs team mean while. Castlevania was one of those franchise, though it has failed in 3D attempts before, Kojima pushed for them to go completely 3D while cutting funding for the more successful 2D titles. Lord of Shadow has more funding than most 2D Castlevania titles at the time, but it dies and the franchise with it
source: dude trust me
Ask Iga in one of the convention. The last time he was interviewed, he stated that it's sad for a developer to go but he understands Konami decision to make money. Kojima spending is known to most devs. However he didn't say anything further because he is afraid of rapid Kojima drone racking his ass over the coal. Asking him privately in one of the convention is the best.
And the Lord of Shadow funding isn't even a secret, Kojima team works on it, it gets funding for a mediocre game while main line Castlevania get shit. It's literally 2 minutes of Googling LoS user. Are you retarded?
>new approach on genre to unite players
stopped reading there, if this has anything to do with snoys paid online service, I think ill get the boys from the book club together and go commit some real ultraviolence on these wannabe retards who give art with a monthly subscription fee
This thing with side scrollers wasnt Kojima. It was Konami as whole, one of reasons why Ibarashi left and we saw mighty 9 flor and Bloodstained succeed
>However he didn't say anything further because he is afraid of rapid Kojima drone racking his ass over the coal
Oh you're mentally delusional. I see. You take him not saying anything bad but defending him to mean he secretly hates him sure.
sony has stated that this is the fastest theyve seen anyone ever make a game after starting their studio
>I understand Konami's decision in regard to money
PS+ is not listed as a requirement for the game.
It is the truth. They need to develop pipelines and a ton of other stuff in pre-production before they go on to full production. That whole thing takes at least 4-5 years for most projects.
user you already convinced me you're delusional you don't have to twist quotes around out of context to seem even more delusional.
Thanks, means I get to play it first untainted by the modern pajeetC audience ruining all discussion and then down the line get the better version for a buck on PC
I starting to hate kojima
>new approach on genre to unite players
What? It just looks like a generic territory expanding free roamer.
>Dude just ask this developer privately while at a public convention and he'll totally tell you it's all Kojima's fault
This game will be successful regardless because Snoyboys want their movies and kojimmy is a meme developer that all the critics give good reviews to because they want to seem deep.
That said, I guarantee it will be a timed exclusive and they'll release on PC too. It will also have a mess of a story and kojimbo drones will seethe about it. Can't wait for the drama to hit on Nov 8
cringe nintendie
it might come to pc next year haha, dw!
How the fuck does this work
You sound like some brainwashed clockwork. Muh dep, muh movies. Grow up kid
Has nobody considered that death stranding might resemble open survival games like subnautica with elements of stealth/ combat rather than kojimas past work
Thats what people expect I think mostly, at least the ones who genuienly look forward to it. Its open world with more item collecting, exploration and delivering, game seems to require you to rest etc,as thats what Kojima posts a lot on twitter. Action is more as means. Kojima already said game will have action, guns etc, but he would not advise to use them.
Control looks pretty horrible unfortunately.
I dont think so famalam
>Features real actors(wxcwpt troy baker)
Do you mean except?
Troy Baker has actually been in real movies and tv-shows as well as voice acting tho. Same with Nolan North.
>creeps behind you
>'you rike it..?'
>to unite players
stopped preordering right there
no forced online/social elements in singleplayer games for me, they can fuck right off with this one
Like what?
>However he didn't say anything further
So you take assumptions out of your fat ass? Kys
Who is Terashima?
Troy Baker was in some western movie and I have seen Nolan North in some of those generic crime drama tv shows.
His personal assistant
Hideo Kojima's Please Stop Be Incel
>sony wants to market a new exclusive title they have invested a lot of money into
wew, weird!
wrong: KOJIMA sucked a lot of money and had nothing to show for it, then konami had to save this festering wound by flying in another director. Why do you think they shitcanned the moron?
Prease Wash Yo Barrs
A Hideo Kojima Game
I tried to commit suicide earlier this morning by ramming my head into a concrete wall over and over again until I fell unconscious. I'm not dead unfortunately, so I've decide to continue living if kojima can restore my faith in artistic presence for the modern era. If this game is shit, I do not expect to wake up again.
You're thinking of Square and Tabata/Nomura.
As far as I can tell he's been in nothing other than a couple of terrible B movies over a decade ago. More of a failed actor than a real actor.
translation: 'it's a walking simulator'
so it's fucking nothing, wow.
Kys konami shill
>Nothing to show for it
>Mgs v sold hotcakes, merch etc and its not like Lojima was pocketing money. Konami just dont see 3d games feesable because they already rule pachinko parlours and mobile games
naah, I just hate kojima and his army of drones. Fucking pretentious hack.
>He finished MGSV in 2015
10\10 made me respond
I bought MGS V for 8 euros on psn, it was almost as bad as IV and I regretted my decision within 1 hour. I'll never buy Kojimboshit again, your point?
>as bad as IV
Can't even falseflag correctly.
Keep crying Konami chink shill. MGS is dead btw.
>>new approach on genre to unite players
Walking simulator is a new genre?
>tfw most of the fags bashing kojima aren't actually contrarian retards but yakuza
I'm thinking, maybe the combat, or shooting more precisely draws out those huge beings that, once they grab somebody, cause the area explosition/death. So maybe thats the reason why it's not advisable to get into fights at all.
Fuck, this game can't come out fast enough. Game releases for the rest of this year don't interest me at all besides this and Control, I hope Control can keep me interested for about two months.
now that the retard has left, maybe we can actually play a game now?
Maybe you can churn out more failures like MG Survive kek
Lol yeah Konami Survive was a really good game!
He's not kidding, MGS games are only pachinko now.
He's been disliked since MGS2 zoomer
Whata a fucking moron
What is this supposed to prove?
>man made profit
>dumbass buys two of his products one because "le discount gotta have it xdd"
>yeah but I'm not going to fall for it a third time, so i guess your point of him making money is completely obliterated
Come on man, is Europe this fucking dumb now with all the refugees? Or are you white but your parents fell for the alcohol meme so now you have to buy games for discount on psn
That shit is mistery. Rain ehich accelerates aging, also seems to be mark for bt's arrival. They can detect you by sound and seem to be more like event that happens. There are still other people around, like those terrorists. Despite worlds downfall people still grab at each others throats
I like that, I'm gonna start using that word user. Thank you for being either an artistic mastermind capable of creating new words or being so retarded that you made a next level typo.
Explosion of of exposition, explosition, fucking love it!
death stranding is literally lifted from silent hill 4
>0 intel about countries other than own
checks out
Did you mistakenly reply or was that post supposed to mean something?
meant for
Not him user
Were you living the cave,?
Ah, so you're retarded, you didn't defend your post at all, sorry I triggered you so hard with my ending comment it was more of a joke, I didn't think you were going to base your whole reply on it
literal autist speech, what did he mean by this?
not american
still pretty lost why you said this one
only here to findout about death stranding, not because im trying to convince people a guy made no money despite paying for 2 (more im guessing) games
still pretty lost
>0 intel about countries other than own
do you have a single fact to back that up?
What are those red boxes in all the screenshots?
Something about occlusion.
Just having fun seeing you screech autistically. Kojidrones, like their author, like going on a rant without anything of value to say. You're even funnier to tease than nintendies.
What's occlusion?
You made my morning, thank you!
Classic "I was just pretending to be retarded" I'm just asking why you bought two games from a guy you didn't like, and then claim he makes no profit, you can do mental gymnastics, I think you just can't handle getting called out
I was serious. I was also serious about observing your cancer. I like how you resort to a high quantity of memes in your post. But wait, Kojima told you about those too, right? ;)
Why are you replying to the retard? He's literally just posting random shit trying to get a rise and some (you)s.
>pls anonsan, huff some more turds with me kojimbo's diarreah is the most exquisite on the planet!
wew lad
So I did bother you lol good to know
It doesn't always say Occulusion. Recent one said something about streaming memory.
Whats wrong fag can't handle two people talking? I bet you interrupt conversations on the street too you autist
he went full damage control
MGSV turned out to be shit even when the trailers made it look awesome.
I won't fall for the same trick again, Kojima.
Seething Xcuck first post as usual
the fanboys, they prattle in delicious harmony about how they succesfully defended their idol ;)
That says square to sleep but he looks like he's already on the ground resting.
Sleep will probably be for passing time like the phantom cigar.
Does he post a new one everyday or what?
Thanks in advance for beta testing cuck
Almost, yea. He said hes testing and balancing game now full time, so its basically as good as done
Do you say this to the guy who corked your girlfriend too?
>falling for the girls meme
Lmao what a fucking faggot
actual cope
>i-if you like w-women youre a t-tranny h-haha!!!1 and a redditor t-too!!1
as I said, low test bidoo gaymer pajeetC cope
comfy sim
>to unite players
>Ps4/ps5 only
>GOTY contender
[Citation needed]
Amazon Deliver Driver: Scottish Highlands 2070 does not look like a GOTY
>>i-if you like w-women youre a t-tranny h-haha!!!1 and a redditor t-too!!1
>as I said, low test bidoo gaymer pajeetC cope
why did you post a picture of your boyfriend?
How does a game you haven’t even played yet deserve praise?
What I expect honestly. Same comfiness as rdr2
It's already shown that it has an extremely good chance of being an amazing game. That's why.
thank you sir, enjoy the movie
man does the world looks empty
This. Why aren't there shrines and 1000 parrot feathers to collect everywhere?
Why are you like this? Kojima's games have hours of cutscenes, yes, but they're also filled with well polished and inventive gameplay. Every game of his has had an open approach to gameplay where you can solve a problem in a hundred different ways using the tools they provide you with. MGSV was criticized for having too few cinematics. You're literally crying over getting the best of both worlds. If you just want gameplay, stick with playing 1980's arcade games.
you can still have baron lands with some stuff like abandoned camps and what have you.
Is it just the PS4 or why do those rocks and the stuff around them 30m away from the camera have less detail than open world games from ten years ago?
We've seen abandoned buildings, camps and other shit.
One KonamiCoin has been deposited in your Pachinko machine
That shit will probably be in. Honestly the most important thing in open-world games isn't how much shit is pasted on the world but how good the core gameplay is. This is what Ubishit games miss. Their games have content to last 100s of hours but there's no incentive because the core gameplay sucks anyways.
speaking of Pachinko, which one would destroy what's left of Konami faster? Fixing the loophole that the pachinko industry is based on, or making gambling legal in Japan so nobody will bother with pachinko anymore?
There are settlements in the game. The whole point seems to be travelling between them to build 'bridges'.
You can see one here in the distance to the left.
Every time Kojima visited someone, they appeared later in Death Stranding.
Like he visited Remedy and assigned some contracts with Apocalyptica in Binland and used their tracks in the trailer.
Taro also visited Valve before even Automata's PC release was announced. Makes it pretty obvious.
Timed exclusivity with some double dip strategy and then a PC release.
>There are no more good games caming out this year. But Kojima will save us.
Iceborne will be released in September.
You know, an actual VIDEO GAME with the gameplay.
Fucking faggot.
>it's a walking simulator!
We've seen Sam shooting a gun
>we don't even know what it is!
Plenty of gameplay details on the website
Did I miss anything?
The less we know about the game, the better it will be.
you can make this type of argument about nearly every piece of entertainment.
Kojima & his team suck at open world. Why the fuck is he making this open world again? Just hire a good level designer Jesus fuck
Yes, just like that MGSV which had zero gameplay, retard.
Did you even play the game?
MGSV was perfectly fine gameplay-wise and with a good engine as well, the problem was about the plot and lack of maps so they had to repeat missions because Kojima didn't fucking develop the game in time.
Death Stranding will be a cinematic adventure game with no gameplay.
Because he felt like making another open world game and doesn't share your opinion, probably.
Why? Every game he's made has had plenty of gameplay. Why would this one be any different?
>new approach on genre to unite players
Is this like Kojima and his "Quiet's background will surprise you"?
>Why? Every game he's made has had plenty of gameplay. Why would this one be any different?
He always dreamed about making a movie, not a video game.
This time he has all the budget in the world to hire the actors and make a "video game" movie.
It will be worse than MGS 4 which was 80% cinematic / 20% gameplay.
10 good boy points have been added to your account
Then why does he always add more than needed in his games. Why is there a rocket fist in MGSV? Why is there a cardboard box with 10 different functions? Why is every single game he's made filled with hundreds of tiny details that relate to gameplay and player freedom? I'm beginning to believe he's actually a game developer and Yea Forums is just an echo chamber of baseless contrarian opinions.
Why compare it with MGS4, a game directed by Murata? MGSV had minimal cutscenes compared to gameplay.
He lost interest in making movie games over a decade ago now. His last two games have been 95% gameplay and this one looks like it'll be about the same.
>and Yea Forums is just an echo chamber of baseless contrarian opinions.
Lurk more fag
>Features real actors(wxcwpt troy baker) to lift emotional level and immersion to next level
This is by far the worst thing about it.
>Then why does he always add more than needed in his games. Why is there a rocket fist in MGSV? Why is there a cardboard box with 10 different functions? Why is every single game he's made filled with hundreds of tiny details that relate to gameplay and player freedom? I'm beginning to believe he's actually a game developer and Yea Forums is just an echo chamber of baseless contrarian opinions.
Why do you think that he's some kind of an all mighty overseer? He's not even an actual developer, just an "idea guy" who's assembling all things together.
His team is actually making the game and develops all this stuff, not him.
Someone could say that "let's add this cool shit, Koji-san" and he'd agree with that.
>Why compare it with MGS4, a game directed by Murata? MGSV had minimal cutscenes compared to gameplay.
No? They wanted to make it "open world" but in result it was shallow as fuck. Cutscenes were at least tolerable.
>He lost interest in making movie games over a decade ago now. His last two games have been 95% gameplay and this one looks like it'll be about the same.
Absolutely fucking wrong and his connections with Del Toro / Refn and some actual actors prove you wrong.
>No? They wanted to make it "open world" but in result it was shallow as fuck. Cutscenes were at least tolerable.
Yes? Glad you agree.
Him knowing some directors doesn't prove me wrong in any way. He loves movies but he also makes games full of gameplay. This is going to be another long ass open world game with only a few of hours of cutscenes just like MGSV.
>just an "idea guy" who's assembling all things together.
That's literally the job of a director. What exactly do you want him to be doing? Should he be making shitty 3d models? writing amateur game code? Leave that shit to the people that are actual professionals in their respective fields.
Happy hannukah
>gameplay is just walking around empty fields
No thanks but I'm sure nintendies would eat it up
>he's not even an actual developer
How do you think he got his job in a time when story in games was barely a thing other than some text inbetween a level here and there? By actually being able to program. If I recall, i'm pretty sure he programmed the Snatcher engine himself.
And also, he's testing the game himself as we speak.
You'd have to be retarded to think there's only going to be a few hours of cutscenes. This game is going to be extremely story heavy, not to imply there won't be gameplay.
Too bad its just going to be a shallow third person shooter with stealth elements
MGSV looked like it was going to be extremely story heavy from the trailers. Look how that turned out.
Jeez evangelion really did a number on japs huh?
>Why do you think that he's some kind of an all mighty overseer? He's not even an actual developer, just an "idea guy" who's assembling all things together.
His team is actually making the game and develops all this stuff, not him.
Someone could say that "let's add this cool shit, Koji-san" and he'd agree with that.
>"It was hugely frustrating making games at that time for me. I wanted to control everything. So, after the second Metal Gear launched, I developed my own scripting engine and decided to work on adventure games so that I could have complete control over when the animation played or when the music triggered. That's when I developed Snatcher and Policenauts. It was a way to take creative control back from the programmers."
Death Stranding has a very low likelyhood of being an unfinished, heavily restricted game.
The lack of story and cutscenes in MGSV had nothing to do with shit that happened towards the end of development. They finished all the mocap way back in 2013.
New pic from insta
That probably had to do with being forced for the third or fourth time to write and direct a sequel to a story he was done with.
It took him 4 years to build a team, create a developing studio, pick an engine and then start making the game. You are wrong, we all know you are wrong and you even know you are wrong you are just mad at him because mgsv was great but not to your shitty taste and " he's a hack". It's truly a fast pace and you are an idiot. Doesn't clicking "I'm not a robot" seem like you are lying to yourself?
>Missing Streaming Memory 3 MB
What's that?
He said during MGSV's development that he just didn't want to use cutscenes as the main form of storytelling again and decided to try something else, hence all the audio tapes. Since it seems like most of your time in DS will be spent getting around the world I'm guessing it'll have another tape equivalent and not that many cutscenes.
I expect a tape player just because his games usually have one for you to play music as you play. Goes back to at least 4.
he's waiting for JD to upload data into the datascape that is Death Stranding
I really liked tapes, especially Paz ones. And its not lack of story he had. There were dozens of datamined lines etc
Cheeky caramel
not that faggot
God this game is gonna rip award shows a new one
Hideo vs Kojima, who will win?
hideo wanted Keanu, fuck him.
kojima wins this easily
Can't wait to walk around and do nothing with my ropes and ladders
I feel like Keanu and kojima cant work together i dont know why, feels like Keanu is not that kind of guy who hang out with kojima, he is too real for kojima