Tell me fucked up things you did in this game

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a pacifist run

waited in line everytime

i'm sorry

peed my pants

Jesus H. Christ how dare you
Also fpbp

i bought milk at the local grocery store

i couldn't do the part where you piss your father grave, i just can't

tried to play the game on the highest difficulty

For the Postal Dude to turn out the way he did lets just assume his father abused him a lot

Quit the game cuz it was boring.

My first and probably only time jacking off to a videogame


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>when you wake up afterwards
fucking lol'd

drop a cupcake, piss on it, wait for someone to pick it up and eat it and vomit

Set someone on fire. Pissed on them. Watched them crawl around for awhile while pissing on them and listening to their yelps of pain. Chuckled to myself then bashed their heads in with a shovel.

Then took a step back and questioned if I was a serial killer.

I legit jacked off to burning women screaming in pain. I also used to have this old ass Russian mod that made all the ladies naked.

Or, Postal Dude Sr. was Postal 1 Dude.

well, good riddance. nigga was beyond saving

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I saved the band.

Deleted it

He though he was a hero, and that everyone else was crazy.

I waited in line at the bank to collect my check

he said the earth was thirsty. postal dude jr was honouring his memory.

You monster.

Did nothing wrong

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That band deserved to burn.

this except with nude mods and I masturbated furiously to it. I was a pretty fucked up kid.

A glorious symphony of slaughter! 76 tromboners led the death parade

>never tried the grenade kick
>pissed on a donut
>ate the shit from the donut store
>fapped to female cop's ass, she was alive though, seriously they don't make em like this anymore.
>kinda wish I could fuck her
>for real

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go postal IRL and it's all yours

Would she cuff me?

Furious fireflies materialize against the cavern wall and sunder the earth into dust. Come, little insects, and see the web WE'VE woven!

no idea but fapping infront of a police officer is pretty illegal. it's not illegal if it's a dead body tho
Redux was fun as hell

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Why was Postal 1 so KINO?

While speedrunning on Hestonworld difficulty. Just pissing and tazing everything

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I am the celestial gardener, policing the planet of the stink weeds and poisons which leak out even through the cracks in the cold asphalt sidewalks of the City of Sin!

Best loading screen song is for central park. Let's just admit that now

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It was unrepentantly edgy.

Eww, the nice round ass deflates when people die, dummy, corpses are no fun.

No day in the park. Too much of the blood on me is mine. But the day is not done, and I've miles to go to make them sleep... Peanuts anyone?

how the fuck is that possible? its fat

Wake up, Mr. Dude.

I have the original postal, is it still playable or should I drop the cash on redux? I'm not opposed to it, just not sure if it's worse like the infinity engine "enhanced edition" disasters.

Rise and shine.

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Someone should make a Kyoani map for Postal 2

They’re both good, since Classic got updated with better mouse controls. Classic and Redux also have different endings.

Postal 1 and 2 are literally art.
They encapsulate the contemporary american zeitgeist better than anything else.

Mark my words, in future, people will by studying this game.

2 maybe. 1 is novel, and it's a great game with a great message (well, it tells the message in a great way) at least) but I'd have a hard time saying 1 encapsulates things nearly as well as 2. 2 is timeless and people will reference it forever.

Even 3 earns a spot because it's the literal definition of a company losing it's soul.

I think the art direction in postal 1 is superior.
The grungy, dirty, industrial decay and suburban depression feel is great.

Art direction, I prefer the game play, and I think just polish wise it's better. But 2 has so much wild shit in it that is going to be relevant for as long as games exist that I think had it been any more popular, you'd see it being referenced for things/mechanics being "like postal 2" like people cite crysis for graphics, or MGS for general technology.