What's the point of buying this half of the compilation?
What's the point of buying this half of the compilation?
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For x5 and x6
x5 is still good, just a few things that make it more annoying to complete
x6 is bad at first, but you learn to love it on repeat visits
And x7 which really isn't that bad
The only downside is you get x8, a game somehow worse than x7.
Except X8 is the best of those 4 games
X8 was based and X7 was legit bad IMO, what do you see in X7 that you dont see in X8 if I may ask?
Beating X6 proves you’re above half of everyone who plays vidya.
to play them?
Just too see why the series became forgotten over time. Speaking of which what's with all the issues in Part 1?
>frame skips
>sound goes away or is delayed
>save is just a password, even the MMX collection had actual save states
>have to remap your controls all the time for the snes games
>input delay
X7 tried it's best to be 3d, so I give it credit for that. Some segments worked, others didn't. I don't think it's a good game don't get me wrong, just not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. and the story wasn't awful either when you look past the terrible voice acting
X8 I've only beaten once, so I can't speak from as much experience but my playthrough I hated how slippery everything felt. The levels were way too gimmicky, the retries being capped at 5 (2 if you didn't buy 3 more) and getting 100% was the biggest grind I never want to see in a platformer ever again.
Credit where credit is due though; The music, Sigma's design, the new voice actors, and the new armor system are pretty well done.
Now admittedly, I did play x1-x8 in order nonstop getting the platinum trophies on the ps4 (x3-x8 for the first time) so I was probably a bit burned out by the time I got to X8.
Tbh an upscaled X8 is enough for me
X8 is neat. X5 is okay.
C'mon now. It's got a handful of hard parts, but not much of a hurdle in gaming. They throw SO MANY extra lives at you.
And game overs mean nothing since you can just start over at the last checkpoint anyways.
Well, running out of lives means you have to restart the level, at the very least. So not quite any old checkpoint.
They're good games, except 7. Even 7 is worth playing for the memes, though.
Not in x6.
Starting from x5 getting a game over and hitting 'continue' just starts you right back at the last checkpoint you hit.
>No Command Mission
X8 is horrible even without series fatigue. rivals 6 and 7 for awfulness
For real? I guess it's been a long time since I last booted it up. That's lame.
Yep. And as far as I'm aware, extreme mode doesn't change that. x5/x6/x7 are super easy to brute force for that fact alone.
With how quick people are ready to toss the controller after the unholy Triforce of fortress bosses in a row, having the perseverance is what counts.
Good luck brute forcing Gate if you expend your subtanks.
Gate isn't really "hard" he just takes forever to deal with.
That's going too far. The teammate swap mechanic was neat, different navigators for different tips was interesting (but making them playable was great) and most of the levels are enjoyable.
Axl is still a waste though, his form stealing ability is such a fucking gimmick.
X6 has, by far, the easiest Sigma fights though.
>can actually grind for health during the final fight
>can actually fill your subtanks during the fight
That was pathetic.
X1 sigma is the easiest because you can hadouken 1 shot every phase
Why would robots have breasts?
>Xtreme mode takes out health pickups from the entire game.
enjoying x5 but screw all that backtracking of the stages for items
Sigma's final phase in X1 can't be hadoukened, and even if he could X6 Sigma would still be easier because you don't even need some OP instakill to trivialize the fight, he goes down in like 4 air slashes from Zero.
Someone needs to look up the definition of "Android."
X5 is the last of the good ones, but it is the clear and cut worst of the good titles. too much dialogue, the game starts you in OP armor from the previous game, and yeah the backtracking is kinda annoying
The fight sucked but the music was at least able to make it kino.
>remix the X1 and X2 themes for it
There isn't. Just save 20 dollars and replay the original 4 games. They're fantastic
Are there any clear differences between the X collection on Gamecube and PS2?
X6 is a better game than X5 because it doesn't pretend to be balanced and good. It's insane and unfair in an entertaining way, instead of bland and accommodating like X5.
This. I feel like X6 should have the subtitle, Unchained.
Man why did they have to rush x6, the music in it is easily the best.
Had this game been given a few more months to be fixed, I could easily see it as being the best x game but noooo. Capcom just had to made that stupid deadline.
X6 is complete garbage, only masochists actually get any enjoyment from it. the only easy level is the epilepsy strobe light shitstorm
It would have taken more than a few months to fix X6. There's so many obvious shortcuts they took to finishing the game. Like relying on randomly spawning circles and triangles for enemies in the museum, having a major obstacle be just a stomping gray brick, and of course the donut fights of Blaze Heatnix.
ps2 uses a better controller. if you are emulating then dolphin probably runs better than pcsx2
>x6 is bad at first, but you learn to love it on repeat visits
Sounds less like a learning curve and more like stockholm syndrome
>yearly Mega Man X releases back in the day
>it's bad when Call of Duty does it but good when Capcom does it
X6 is the ultimate pleb filter. If you can't appreciate its madness, you don't understand MMX.
Sure you dont want those checkpoints bro?
Please don't mention "difficulty" as your metric for X6 being bad. X6fags get off on the idea X6 is great because its hard. You're making it harder to point out all the design flaws and bad decisions that made it into the game. X6fags love to dismiss the criticism by claiming people just suck at it.
>Not hiding on the top corner like a coward
I've played it about a dozen times and I can still say with the utmost confidence that it is indeed a terribly designed game.
>It's insane and unfair in an entertaining way
That's a good way to put it. It's near impossible to categorize a game as "so bad it's good" but X6 hits it for me. Maybe it's because the actual jumping and shooting's fine, and the game isn't too punishing since you have unlimited lives.
The funny thing is that game journos had the opposite reaction.
Call of Duty reviews remain fairly stead despite their yearly drops but the megaman series kept on getting lower scores year on year.
X6 isn't that hard, there are so many enemies on screen you can brute force plenty of sections without avoiding shit due to the constant energy drops. It's a poorly designed challenge more than hard.
Don't need checkpoints for this one either...?
Preaching to the choir, my man.
X6 isn't great because it's "hard." After a single playthough you should know how to tackle most situations. It's great because it's a professionally developed game that just doesn't give a fuck about rationality and quality design. The movement and weapons are just fine, but the stages are completely batshit insane.
Ok that one sucks major eggs
But that's x6 not x5 so that's to be expected
It also drags on like fuck a lot of the time, did anyone seriously enjoy Ground Scaravich's RNG backtrack hell filled with nothing but Nightmares? Or Shield Sheldon's level that consists of two screens of easy as fuck angle puzzles? Or Metal Shark Player's crouching simulator?
You called me?
nobody actually likes X6, it is just shitposters and contrarians
Basically a Golden Zero cosplay.
If that broken piece of shit is created from Zero's DNA then Wily was really sleeping on Zero's full potential.
Terrible fight, he AI was extremely easy to manipulate and his gay invincibility gimmick just made the fight a million times more tedious than necessary.
dunno the 1+2 collection should be cheaper on pc by now
Reporting for duty sir
Who's playthrough will we prolong today?
If Capcom made a Mega Man X HD that plays like Castlevania HD you would play it yay or nay?
I just dislike how X5 and X6 bosses all have a disgusting amount of clunk to them. Just like X3 their movements are stiff and awkward and have no weight. Compare Burn Dinorex to Slash Beast or even Bubble Crab on the SNES.
Don't even get me started on Wolfang.
At least post the nightmare boss instead of this easy but tediously long boss fight.
I like how the 2nd fight with High Max is easier than the first one, that was pretty epic for the win, I must say.
Why is it so zoomed out to look like a dollhouse? gross looking, I'll stick to sotn / ds games / bloodstained
>X8 worse than X7
Surely you're jesting? X8 at least works as expected for the most part and doesn't require long breaks every so often so you don't chunk controllers out windows.
>When you hit Madrex with his weak point
>X8 at least works as expected for the most part and doesn't require long breaks every so often
The bolts needed to 100% say hello
Hold on, I have to force this guy into constant suicide runs to save reploids before I permanently remove them and their upgrades from the game. Then I'll shoot him through this wall he can't shoot through.
The giant robot in the desert area + tape + a long nap = 100%.
I dislike that 2/8 stages are ride chaser stuff.
I'd be okay if it was just Yeti's stage but Gigavolt's is just cancer.
Good idea. Once you finish that, I'll remember to shoot at him then immediately block when he tries to fire back after the hitstun wears off.
What are you, a Completionist? Besides, just grind from the first InterMission using the broken armor set, or the Boss Rush InterMission if you have it of you're wanting a fast way to get bolts.
No arguments there, that's the one thing I don't like about X8.
Why the fuck is it separated in 2 parts whereas the 20th anniversary edition collection has every X games ever released plus Battle & Chase and Power Fighters?
Hey, Listen!
the buttons
you cant play ps2 or gamecube on new TVs
Hey look! Actual enemies! At least you aren't a gray fucking brick
The full game physically was $40, which is probably less than what the anniversary edition cost in 2006.
Peak game design.
X5 is competent but kinda dull
X6 is bullshit but amusing nonetheless
X7 is a textbook example on how not to design a 3D game
X8 is decent and the best game since X4
Megaman X is probably the best game ever.
Megaman X2 is also a god tier game.
This franchise got progressively worse with every new installment.
You'll grow to love them I promise.
I bought both day one and I touch collection 2 way more than collection 1
mainly for x6 but hush
Can you hear me, X?
Power Fighters (along with the first game) was the classic Mega Man anniversary collection though
I can see why.
Apparently these can be destroyed with the anchor.
X3 < X4
X6 < X5
X8 < X7
I miss Lucas Gilbertson's Zero to be honest.
Are you a speedrunner? I don't know how else one could enjoy such a bland game. Even X3 holds one's attention more.
I've played it to completion 4 times this year alone
Nah, x4 was better than x3.
Yeah, I think it's even necessary to get past one of them in Blaze Heatnix' level. It's no less lame though.
>Revisit X8
>Only 3 stages are actually full on platforming
>1 of them is only half as long as the rest, and half of that is covered in spikes with one enemy type.
>Everything else is an auto scroller of some sort, ride vehicle or gimmick stage
>All that unnecessary grinding
I am an idiot, reverse those last 2.
X2's perfectly good. Definitely better than X3, which is the MM5 of the X series.
I recommended people play/try Mega Man X6 "Tweaked" version. Look it up. It will make the game easier though.
Your post was great until I read the last sentence which I heavily disagree.
I'm on the same boat. I have more hours on Collection 2 than 1.
Stop shilling MissClick Gaming, newfag.
The grind is fucking awful. They expect you to invest fucking hours to unlock the navigators. I hear you can cheat the system by filling an subtank without enough zenny though.
X2 is the food analogy of arguments.
To be fair, the games in Collection 2 are actually longer.
>I recommended people play/try Mega Man X6 "Tweaked" version. Look it up. It will make the game easier though.
Gonna piggyback off this and suggest people try the megaman x6 improvement hack as well
X5 has one too but it's no where near as "oh thank god finally" as x6's
That makes no sense. None whatsoever.
Ignore the x6 part of this post I mistook "x6" for "x8" at first
Thanks braincells I hate you too
He was a good Zero.
Yeah I know, mostly cause of X8's dumb grind to get everything. I never got their best armors before so that was the first time I did it. I also spent more time on its X Challenge too.
I genuinely don't know what you are talking about
>X Challenge
I keep forgetting that mode exists. I just cheesed it on easy mode for the trophy, tried going back later for normal and got raped at chill penguin/walrus so I never tried it again.
This, but the Legacy Collection has those weird boss challenges which are ok I guess
For everybody's """"favorite""""" breakout character Axl
Because they just put the roms on a disc and thought people would eat that lazy shit up.
His Zero voice was actually pretty dam great. I wish they kept him instead. I don't mind his current one though.
Normal difficulty is manageable, Double + Iris will probably make you mad though. Hard mode is no fucking joke. I could barely get past the first stage and stopped at the second stage. You lose too much health. It should have had a Zero mode too.
No point. Real chads buy the Japanese version so they get the real themes.
If you're not down with IDEA, then you can just fuck right off back to Mario.
I’m trying to decide whether or not I should buy the second half of the mainline Mega Man Anniversary Collection. People make it seem like the only good games there are 9 and 10
You mite get a new game
Oddly, Axl's gimmick worked best in the only X game in the series to not be a platformer. Too bad they didn't include Command Mission into XC2 and the two Xtremes into XC1
7 and 8 aren't terrible, but they're ironically the odd ones out in the Classic series because of how 9 and 10 went.
The lack of Mega Man and Bass kinda sucks too.
>Original X collection has the younger brother's kart game.
>The newest collection insists you use PCSX2 to play the RPG.
Because 9 and 10 are surefire hits if you're a fan of classic mega man, whereas 7 and 8 both have their own weird little quirks that mean you might not like them. Lots of people enjoy 7 and I and some others think 8 is pretty fun.
Everyone is a retard. 7 and 8 are not bad games.
I don't care if X7 tried to be different or whatever, it still ended up horrendous in comparison to X8 and played far far worse. That's what matters to me the most. Sega experimentes with Sonic as well in 3D and you don't see too many people defending the games. I prefer tried and true over horrible experiments that don't even have one second of decent gameplay. My God did they butcher the mechanics and physics in X7.
>tfw my first game was X8 and Axel seemed fine
>found out years later that everyone hated him
His character was played as an eager but capable rookie. X and Zero were clearly seasoned veterans when they were in the same scenes as Axel. I still have no idea what he was like before.
X7 makes him sound like a kid.
More of the same, except he was forced down everyone's throat. X7 forced you to play as Zero and Axl until you met an arbitrary rule to unlock X. His voice was also really bad.
X2 Sigma is the easiest. Attacks damage you way less than Dead Sigma, and the attack patterns are far easier. Also, healing items are far more frequent.
X5 and X8. X6 is okay if you're desperate.
X5 is good and fun. X6 has good points.
You can see for yourself how bad X7 and 8 are instead of having youtubers telling you how bad they are.
what the hell? I didn't hate him. I thought his copy ability was neat, I enjoyed using multiple guns of his, and being able to shoot in 8 directions. To me it felt like I was playing as Bass in Megaman X, only no floating.
I want to fuck Hope!
Seriously, Evangeline Lilly with short bobcut is fucking hot.
Axl isnt a rookie though. He has considerable amount of experience under his belt even before the events of X7. He was incredibly obnoxious in X7, and while he was toned down in X8, he didn't really fit the dynamic between X and Zero. His inclusion just made interactions between X and Zero more disconnected.
Don't forget pace-breaking enemy gauntlet rooms and the upgrade parts not even being any good.
of course those very common criticisms of the game would HAVE to be regurgitated from some literally who youtuber, right?
I think people are salty because X8 is difficult. I felt the same about X8 my first playthrough, but on subsequent playthroufhs I thoroughly enjoyed it. Literally it was just a matter of getting gud. There weren't even that many gimmick stages.
I have no idea who that is. I have been shitposting about X8 since the Collection was announced. If anything, she stole my criticisms.
Amen brotha.
X8 wasn't difficult, what the fuck? The game gave you two fucking life bars and a refill station between stages.
I would say Pitch Black has some platforming, there are sections with spikes that you need to traversd, in addition to those vertical ones.
Sure, it's not Super Mario Brothers, but what Megaman X game was 100% platdorming? It's not as platform heavy as the original Megaman series, and puts a heavier emphasis on combat and action.
The tag system is so broken that (on normal) you can bumble your way through the final boss on your first attempt without dying. The only things that'll ever kill you are spikes and you killing yourself (probably on the aforementioned and amply available spikes) intentionally so you get another try at one of the millions of one-opportunity stage gimmicks for some item.
I'm just seeing a lot of bitching about levels like primrose, Sigma Palace and burn rooster, with the spikes. Also, someone in another threas whined about the second section in burn rooster because they kept getting dunked on by the autoscroll.
You kind of need the tag system in hard because you lose life pretty fast. Particularly on Lumine because you're fighting Sigma, then his first form, then his second, then paradise lost.
Why doesn't Yea Forums have a mind of its own? It's always e-celebs that shape the opinions of zoomers here. It waa the same with Dunkey.
X8 on Hard is the fairest challenge in the entire series.
This. You also don't get those life bars right off the bat. Unless you're bad and getting killed enough that you can grind for them by the time you beat your first level, it should naturally take a few stages before you get full life bars. Even if you're just grinding for health and nothing else
It's mostly the abundance of insta-kill sections. I can see where they're coming from. Having to deal with a much bigger hitbox than usual can be cumbersome when you need to do precision platforming.
That said, you are correct, X8 isn't really hard. Not only do you have the two health bars, but you also have an auto repair mechanic. For those unaware, if you take damage in X8, you don't immediately lose health points. Instead, the amount of damage you took turns that amount of health bars from green to red, which indicates that you can swap out to your partner and slowly recover those health bars back to green. Otherwise, your red health bars slowly tick down and the damage is permanent unless you get a health pick up or use a healing item. (When wearing the Hermes Body Part and as Ultimate Armor X, your red health bars never tick down, so you can swap him out at any time after taking damage to recover him fully. Which is neat.) I actually kind of like this auto repair mechanic. It isn't always a get out of jail free card since you have to be quick to swap in order to get the auto repair benefits. It gives the partner system more weight and incentivizes actually swapping to your partner every once and a while, instead of just using them as a walking Sub Tank. X8 isn't my favorite by any means, but it has some cool ideas here and there.
>When wearing the Hermes Body Part
I meant Icarus Body part, of course.
x6 is fucking awful, fuck anyone who thinks otheriwise, almost every level and boss is unfair ESPECIALLY HIGH MAX
i grew up with x5 and x6, and i don't know if it's something wrong with my brain, but i can't play x6 for long periods of time. even recently i booted it up and couldn't play it without restarting every 5 minutes.
i fucking hate that you have to save those guys from the virus or else, goodbye forever, they're gone from that save file. restarting the level doesn't bring them back, so you either save them or they die forever and you can never bring them back. fucking pisses me off the way they place them so sometimes to save all the ones on screen your movement has to be perfect and if you fuck up, reload the save file and try again. i can't not try to save them, and if i lose one i get frustrated and just stop playing, FUCK PIC RELATED FUCKING ASSHOLE FAGGOTS
X5 is fucking terrible. Parts of X6 is the only fun you can have with this.
>Shit Taste: Gold Edition
Tweaked version of X6 can fix your permanent death reploids problem. This guy posted it: I agree on the placements of those fucks though.