Are there any good games for a cumbrain like me to play?
Are there any good games for a cumbrain like me to play?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have sex?
Has this really become a thing
forced "meme"
i like it
as a degenerate it does not offend me at all, and i think it has utility in cutting to the chase encapsulating my values and desires
Hey, I made that edit! Glad to see it around still
Does being a cumbrain really destroy your memory?
user, we discussed this in the last thread. how could you forget?
Yes. Your brain cells are literally turning into cum. Cum cannot into memory.
My brain is dying...
Pretty soon I'm gonna be shitposting in hell...
>artist has a good artstyle and draws women proportioned to my taste
>but he only draws futashit
Im sure someone out there must feel my pain, despite how gay this earth is now.
yes though many may misinterpret what it means
He does some occasional non-futa pics.
>cumbrainer trying to refute proven science
>twitter filename
So that's where this spam is coming from.
Can we just make this into a Rosalina thread instead? I'd much rather have that than the buzzword of the month.
Healthy young child goes to Yea Forums, gets pumped with massive downloads of many hentai, doesn't feel good and changes - TRANNY. Many such cases!
Get help, its for your own good.
>Number of people Yea Forums can prove as successful cumbrains
>Number of people Yea Forums can prove as successful non-cumbrains
oh wow, look at dem titties
>"b-but the SCIENCE!"
>do you know what any of that stuff means?
Tan version pls
imagine actually getting genuinely upset because people like to jerk off
millions of chads jerk off everyday and still get truckloads of pussy all the time unlike you virgins lmao
fine jeez
you have no room for an opinion here, cumbrain nigger
Cumbrain can't affect chads since they have sex
But a virgin like yourself cumbrain will rot your brain in seconds
Fine by me.
>people who have sex never pleasure themselves
holy shit, an ACTUAL incel.
yeah the mods gave me a warning for posting it
apparently shitposting ISN'T Yea Forums culture
go back to your regularly scheduled copes, dilates, and seethes
unironically have sex
I can refute this just because I'm an aspiring action figure designer and I've been jacking like a monkey for fifteen years, sometimes five times an evening. All of these negative "cumbrain" things can be chalked up to puberty, and you'd know that if you've grown out of it already.
>Cumbrain can't affect chads since they have sex
this board sometimes....
I love how 100% of all cumbrain awareness spreaders are virgins themselves and unsuccessful deadbeats who have resorted to spending their time making wojak edits.
Why the fuck should I listen to these losers people like Kim Jung Gi is a certified "cumbrain" and is on top of the world?
>apparently shitposting ISN'T Yea Forums culture
Not when it's just people spamming the same 6 words over and over again like a mental ward patient.
I miss when this board used to be able to have fun.
t. cumbrain
Tan bimbo Rosalina is better.
Since when are mspaint comics proven science?
It isn't. You'd know if you were not a fucking newfag, because sour grapes and roody poo got the same treatment in the past.
if you say so
>t. boogeyman
oh shit my entire argument just fell apart now because he called me a silly name, what will I do now?
Cumbrain is a meme.
Fapping is an natural thing. Most inteligent species with big sex drive (Like dolphins) masturbate.
Masturbation is a way to actually self control your sex drive to prevent distraction caused by overgrowing sexual frustration.
This. Have fun OP.
>but I thought teh chanz was for epic shitposting! that's what my discord friends told me!
holy shit you need to get the fuck out before I whack you
god, "cumbrain" posters are worse than I thought
Don't you understand, user?
The average Yea Forumsirin doesn't need to worry about sexual frustration because they get pussy all the time! That's why they're so adamant on spreading cumbrain awareness.
I love (insert long fantasy I made up about my invisible enemy).
(Broken English reinforcing the fantasy).
Cumbrains, lmao.
What can you do? Board culture has become whatever election fags decided it was since their behavior has either chased all oldfags away or it's actually aberrant behavior to browse the same board for ten-eleven years so you and I are actually the odd men out.
I gave up posting seriously on Yea Forums this year about ten "dilates" and "seethes" in, the last nail was getting banned from an off-topic thread for complaining it was off-topic and saging it. Board culture, nigga.
Literally nobody:
Not a single soul:
Not even aliens:
Not even god emperor trump:
(You): MuH cUmBRaInS
You're taking the bait son just give it a break, seriously.
>long fantasy I made up about my invisible enemy
can't be a fantasy if it's 100% true, even when you yourself know it, fucking lol.
Cum contains the memories of the joyful faps of the past, so long as man has cum he is happy.