Tfw have a 2000 dollar gayming PC but dont use it and play ps4 pro instead

>tfw have a 2000 dollar gayming PC but dont use it and play ps4 pro instead
>bully pcincels all day on Yea Forums and bulletbarry's youtube channel
How can PCcels even COPE with their pathetic existence

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>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Yea Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

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> owns a console
> but has no games and spends all day starting shitty company war threads on Yea Forums
sounds about right

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>Tfw have a $500 PS4 PRo
>Always covered in dust and never used because my gayman pc and Switch

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Literally what (good) game is even playable on PS4 that you can't play on a PC or PS3?
>inb4 30fps bootleg Dark Souls


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>What is the point of PC gaming?
it's better
you can also use a pc for many, many other things that aren't related to gaming. I wish you retard snoyboys would stop pushing this meme that PS is better than everything else. It's literally an xbox.

>you can also use a pc for many, many other things that aren't related to gaming
You mean things my phone and cheap laptop can do?

This is the same for me.
I got an xbone a few years back for halo but i very rarely play it. I also got a switch and i play that as much as my pc, because of how convenient it is. Gaystation doesn't have good enough exclusives for me to pay 1000 dollars for one, literally. The ps5's are being pre ordered for a thousand fucking dollars.

You should buy a second gaming pc, just to rub it in haha

Have sex

Why would you want to use a laptop? Even the cheapest, shittiest laptops are way overpriced for what they are as well. In fact, for what you spent buying a laptop and a PS4 Pro, you could have bought a decent gaming PC.
>muh portability
You just said you had a phone. This is not an excuse to waste money on a laptop in 2019.

>You mean things my phone and cheap laptop can do?
yes, and much better.
once you get a job and buy things for yourself you'll understand. Pathetic snoy. I bet you love phoneposting.

Based Sony chad bullying steamcells

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Weird you didn't list one reason to get a big expensive blucky PC

>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game

You fucking wish. So do I. The games I play don't get updates for fuck. Feels bad.

>grew up with playstation
>tfw have a PS4
>haven't touched it since I beat Bloodborne
>mock and humiliate snoys on a daily basis for their shit console

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>tfw have a 2000 dollar gayming PC but just to watch youtube, Yea Forums and porn.

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TF2 fag spotted

>tfw have a 2000 dollar gayming PC
show us, pussy
I bet you won't

>tfw I haven't bought a single game since I built a PC

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I have a gaming pc but only use it for shitposting and youtube
seething PC incels make me laugh

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> Have shitty notebook I wish I could use to play games
> Autistically shill Sony because that's the only thing I can possibly afford and I'm envious of PChads