VTM Thread

>play vtm for the first time
>side with the nip
>get sent to the deep

They didn't have to tie me to the coffin, i would've sank alone faster due to the weight of the dissapointment of losing everything chasing gook cooch

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Gods I hate those Orientals

I prefer the endings where you get screwed over. It fits the story better thematically, like did you really think your inexperienced naive ass could outsmart all of these ancient vampires?

>lady makes barely-hidden insults against you and your entire kind with every second sentence
>surely she'll allow me to live after I give her everything I can give her
Smart, user. For the record, every vampire you meet is using you as a tool. Only difference is some are using you gently, others will use you to the breaking point and then throw you away.

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Yeah well, i kind of fucking hated my kind too. tought maybe after helping out chinatown with the drugs and the shark-demons that they would've grown to, at the very least, see you as valuable. Still, dodged so many lacroix bullshit spew only to be fooled by the fanged gook. Darn, cairne looks down on me in dissapointment from his swood taxi

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God I just want 2 to not suck dick. It's going to be a fucking disaster.

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Sympathies my yellow fever brother.

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no developer in 2019 would be able to craft a world (of darkness) as it was intented, for mature audiences. If anything, it's sure to have better combat, but i fear the dialogue and plotline will suffer from bad everything

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>siding with a soul-sucking demon from a species that literally eats the life force of the universe once they get bored with slaughtering people like animals for sustenance

Vampires might be monsters but at least they're aware of it and mostly keep themselves in check.

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Yeah I sided with the Chinese. They are cultured after all. Will have a good time slaughtering some barbarians and we will drink jasmine tea afterwards.

Forgot Chinese are even more racist and xenophobic.

to be honest the game didn't go very into details about japires

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I guess they went half naked cause they don’t there stuffs off.

The oldest vampires in the game are the sheriff beckett and jack. 2 of them tell you not to open it and one doesn't talk.

>literally everyone that's not a kuei-jin tells you the they're scum and not to be trusted and are actively taking over kindred territory
>one chink says she's on your side and is purposely vague about what her kind sustain themselves on
>"didn't go very into details"

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>it's sure to have better combat

The gameplay that's been shown off is so buggy that nothing even works. Bullets don't register at point blank, punches swing wildly with little regard to the entire concept of "hitboxes", there's a flip move that appears to do literally nothing, etc.

Velvet Velour's voice makes my pee pee hard

They tell you that because they're old enough to be beyond the petty desire power, whereas priority #1 for any neonate is to find the nearest soap-dropper and fuck their ass to make a name for themselves, lest they be the ass-fucked instead. I think it makes sense for the PC to ignore the warning signs and succumb to jyhad bullshit.

Of course the message of the game is about not getting caught up in jyhad bullshit and forging your own path instead, but the bad ending still works if the player genuinely chose it.

>literally everyone that's not a kuei-jin tells you the they're scum and not to be trusted
they tell that about every faction that's not theirs tho
> and are actively taking over kindred territory
this i'll give to you. That and the murder of that anarch dude should've tipped me about the gookalypse i was about to bring. i'm not that wise
>is purposely vague about what her kind sustain themselves on
other than "we don't drink blood", it's not really mentioned
>"didn't go very into details"
well maybe if you could ask someone more academic about the slit-eyed fucks i wouldn't have had a problem with it. As it stood, i wasn't gonna listen to a single fucking word coming out of lacroixylophone or that commie dick syphone on the anarch bar, which are pretty much all the people you get to talk about them to

I did the same thing as OP more or less (technically I did a Ventrue LaCroix loyalist run through first, but it was easy to backtrack). I prefer if people display their hostility on their face but can still manage politeness. Better then pretending to be your friend while constantly plotting against you.

LaCroix straight up tries to kill you yet still expects you to pretend to be a thankful underling in need of his wise guidance. The Anarchs insult your intelligence by pretending they are stable life choice and they actually care about your wellbeing, which just leaves you in a constant state of anxiety waiting for the other shoe to drop. With Ming it always seemed like you knew exactly where you stood.

>that commie dick syphone on the anarch bar

you shut the FUCK up about my girlfriend

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your girlfriend was a 99% accurate depiction of what every college student would have to endure in the year of caine 2019. please go open the sarcophagus with your wigged-up che guevara boina-wearin thot

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Hello Yea Forums, you're up way past your bed time, aren't you?

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>when Andrei calls in and starts going off about doom and she brushes him off as a lunatic

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I just graduated and no way is your average commie girl as cute as Damsel. Commie girls in college aren't even kickass aggressive tsunderes, they're just stacies who wanna fuck Marx instead of Chad.

No one else in this thread went with non-Lacroix Camarilla? My first playthrough I was a Tremere because mages are my shit, and I went with Strauss because I thought he was stable.

House Tremere seemed upfront about where you were with them, relatively speaking. Strauss, Abrams, Nines and Jack were the only people worth "trusting" in L.A. vampire society. Jack didn't give a shit and Nines seemed naive. Abrams was good but I think Strauss was older and offered L.A. more stability.

So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?

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i find no objections to your statement. Perhaps we can find ourselves at peace with eachother trough our dissapointment

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I went neutral my first time and I still think it's the best ending. You outwit everyone simply by not being a retard and realizing nobody gives a fuck and wants to use you. Lacroix opens it and dies and your character literally walks away while flipping off the survivors, while Jack and Caine sip a brew and laugh. Based.

>when the best track in the game by far gets cut for time and only fan patches can restore it


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>pursuing pussy
>when you could just be pursuing revenge
Killing everyone and fucking off is the best ending. Wish I had the chance to kill the commie shitters too. At least the character tells them to fuck off at the end.

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That's what you get for thinking chinks are nips.
Also, the pursuit of cooch is pointless, your dick doesn't work anymore.

>>brushes him off

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>your dick doesn't work anymore
Vampires actually can have sex. They just have to expend blood to get their junk working, and even then it's not very enjoyable on a sensation level. That's why you can fuck Jeanette.

Feeding is far more pleasurable though and doesn't literally cost you your life essence.

>all your bodily fluids are blood you've stolen from other people, including hobos and prostitutes
>if you need to cry, salivate, spit, sweat, piss, or jizz, it's blood
At what point does sex become anything other than a lesson in the sadness of vampiric existence?

Neutral ending is alright, I just think that picking a side benefits L.A. more. None of the factions are perfect, but having the war settled will be better overall than taking a moral high ground when you could end the conflict instead.

>>if you need to cry, salivate, spit, sweat, piss, or jizz, it's blood

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>best ost
>not hollywood theme

Apparently the guy who composed it wrote it right after getting outta jail in a really low point in his life. Fun fact. youtube.com/watch?v=Ff1DjBe3LOM

>diferentiating chinks and nips
you care too much, user

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>picking a side benefits L.A. more
Fuck LA, fuck jyhad, fuck order

And most importantly, FUCK STOP SIGNS

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Man I wish vampires were real

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This. LA deserves to burn. youtube.com/watch?v=-Xic5LfFNVc

>VV flirts harder than any other character in the game, even Jeanette
>you can never fuck her, her ultimate reward is just a cocktease polaroid you can get from Gary anyway

Toreador are scum

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>betting against your home team
The mercurio of dissaproval looks in your direction

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Is this some zoomer trend that wants to pretend being a vampire isn't an element of horror in and of itself so they can self-insert as vampires who get to have sex and be normal? It's clearly stated in the White Wolf material that you get zero pleasure from sex and your organs don't work unless you puff them up with blood. Also, you're cold as a cadaver. It'd be an exercise in futility.
I always thought the Hollywood theme was haunting and beautiful, especially after you meet that girl that used to know you. It's like you're forever doomed to wander the night and leave behind everything from your past life.


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Still my favorite track. Nothing like the first time. Ultimate /comfy/. Rainy day, nighttime playing in hollywood.

to think i also sold out mercurio to lacroix for being a failure getting those explosives. Man, i really deserved what i got

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user, I think your humanity is dangerously low, and this condition doesn't have any pros.

>the ship of theseus

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the sabbat were right

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i just want whoever im currently talking with to be happy and pleased if i can, and i end up betraying all my friends and principles along the way. god see that i never suceed in life

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What's the best way to do a low Humanity playthrough? Like if I want my Humanity to be 0 or no higher than 2 at any time, but want to Frenzy as little as possible or not at all. Is there a Clan that is less likely to Frenzy? Or are there any other stats or items that reduce the chances of Frenzy?


They're not even vampires, wtf are you doing siding with them OP?

The Sabbat are what the Anarchs would be if they weren't edgy posers

>They're not even vampires

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Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who understands that character.
Yeah, she is creating an elaborate illusion using body cues and figures of speech. She is acting. All the time. Pretending. Like you are pretending to be human most of the time. Or like you are pretending to be a good, obedient pawn to Lacroix. Or like billions of humans are pretending to be someone they aren't, someone better then they are. On a daily basis. Wearing mask after mask after mask.
You could, maybe, just maybe view VV as bringing a speck of beauty and semblance of life into this cursed undeath. Adding a bit of colour to this otherwise grey on dark grey existence. Why does it matter how genuine she is if everything is fake? At least she is trying to liven up the endless night. Putting on a grand play for the benefit of those who cares to watch.

Also sex pales in comparison to feeding for Kindred anyway.

Gehenna may or may not be real (protip : it isn't) but torches and molotovs are so they should keep their retards in check before they get everyone killed.
Can't eat your cake and have it too, low humanity is supposed to mean trouble. You may find a way in the TT if your dude is following a weird path but that's about it.

Question: We all know that vampires are white and arab, and that asian vampires are something entirely different.
What about niggers?
I don't mean "can you embrace a nigger", I mean, historically are there any vampires originating in Africa?

Low Humanity is fun though because some of the dialog options are different. It's the best way to be a total bastard.

Magilla Gorilla is from a native african bloodline.

So the Cab Driver is Caine? Wtf is he doing in LA, seems pretty petty for him to be considering he's almost a god in terms of power.

wasn't the bodyguard an african vamp? or at least from an african clan

There's a whole bloodline from africa. And IIRC I think one from haiti as well.

how can gehenna not be real if the antediluvians are real?

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Hello wher iz de proof :D

user i have bad news for you

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There's a background that reduces your chance to frenzy on the character creation and an item on Grout's mansion that reduces it too, but I think that's it. Always keep blood high and don't play Brujah or Gangrel but that's obvious.

>this thread funded and bankrolled by the many members of the merchants guild

>helping out chinatown with the drugs and the shark-demons
Shark-demon works for Ming Xiao. As a drug dealing gang, for that matter. You would have known that if you dig up a little.

Can't blame you, though. On my first playthrough I've got blown to pieces.

The laibon are a thing, they even have a whole book explaining what they are. Mostly African variants of the main clans, with the exception of the ventrue who are Europeans trying to colonize and dominate the continent from it's natives.

seth is a good man. perhaps not a great man, but a good man

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i.. i mean, she said he was allowed.. like she allowed me, right?

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Fuck Ming-Xiao's boss fight. If you put your points into melee you fuck yourself over.

No one cared about Ebony Kingdom so we will never know. Unless Paradox decided to revist, I guess.

He was hired by her as a contract killer to kill some unwanted people. I don't remember the details.

Also if you talk to Chinatown leader guy with high persuasion you'll learn some really interesting stuff. Like, drug related gang wars and overall decay of Chinatown started soon after Ming Xiao arrived from China and became a high priestess of the Temple.

If you bothered to pick up a flamethrower (or even a crossbow) and stock it with max ammo then the entire fight is easy mode even with low Ranged Combat stat.