Why does everyone hate him? He's a complete levelheaded bro who offers advice if you ask, acts like a professional and doesn't question your orders like everyone else.
Kaiden Alenko
hes boring and also voiced by the same dude as carth and carth is a gigantic faggoty coward
Because gayness is an illness that should be treated like swine flu.
Google what they do to the pigs though for real. You'll never sleep again.
He wasn't a sexy alien woman
Who hates him?
The only one who gets blown up every playthrough is that bitch ashley
Yeah i love him
He's not gay though
>fucks men
seems pretty gay
I've literally never had a playthrough of the ME trilogy where I've let Ashley live through Virmire. Am I missing out on anything except her bimboification?
I know right. A shame he's bi.
He comes out in 3.
I keep him alive solely to friendzone him
He's got all the charisma of a dead seal.
I liked Carth, booger-brain.
Ashley is a great character in Mass Effect 1.
Her character Writer left at the end of Mass Effect 2.
And who ever took over wrote her totally differently for some reason.
Literally doesn't happen
Are you a woman?
he hits on you in ME3
I liked him. Been through a lot of shit but doesn't let it compromise him, doesn't force his emotional baggage on other people, takes his job seriously. Compare him to Jack who has been through similar shit but Jack handles it like every woman handles shit, poorly. And yet, Yea Forums loves Jack and hate Kaiden. I think that says a lot about most of the people on this site.
It's also a little too easy to accidentally hit on Kaiden in the hospital as Sheploo
I don't hate him, but I don't care about him, I do hate ash tho.
Who cares Garrus and Wrex exist.
I use to do the same thing until a recent play through. Depending on your choices you end up changing Ash for the better. She drops the racist shit and becomes more accepting and cooperative. Just a better character all around.
>Yea Forums is full of thirsty incels
I used him quite a bit alongside Liara in ME3 as a shotgun Vanguard. Those biotic explosions are no joke.
because theyd rather get pegged by the tranny, ash
>wah i hate ash because racist
I nuke ash because she is annoying and she should respect muh authoritah
dont worry though, kaidan gets a bullet in ME3
Funny enough, the only good human characters in ME were "Big McLargehuge" and the biotic cancer patient.
All the other ones were bland and boring, and would've been better off being replaced by more aliens.
She's not even really racist. It's like they wanted to make her racist but didn't actually have the guts to go through with it. There's a scene in the first ME1 where a conservative politician asks for Shepard's endorsement and Ash goes on a tirade about how that politician is just a racist when, given some of the things she's said in the game, she should be supporting him. The politician isn't even racist. He's not up there claiming human superiority or anything. The ME world is not one where the humans are the upper class and the aliens are all lower class. His position that the human government should prioritize humans is not that bad and it's probably what all the other aliens are doing for their species as well. They tried to force western leftist socialism onto the universe for five minutes and it really doesn't work. The circumstances are not the same and they picked the wrong character to play the liberal.
>It's like they wanted to make her racist but didn't actually have the guts to go through with it
nah, I think they handled it well enough. she never hated aliens, she was just really suspicious of aliens being allowed to see the alliance's most important assets, and not used to working with them. as part of her character arc she can either learn to overcome this or not, depending on how the player deals with her.
I think the whole "ashley is a racist/not a racist" thing was an oversimplification of her character that maybe came from the lack of detail in her character in later games since there was a 50% chance she was dead and they didn't want to write too much interesting stuff for her
Carth was a piece of shit and a worthless party member, silly-goose.
No more clubbing for him, I guess.
Being suspicious of Quarians/Asari/whatever stealing tech is reasonable I guess but the Normandy was cooperatively made between the Turians and the Alliance
Odd we never see the Turians make a similar ship, that coulda been pretty cool.
>tfw no mass effect with turian protag
in the context of the game, he was a fucking drag, yeah. I think most of his whining was justifiable and his concerns were reasonable, but it didn't suit the tone of a game whose characters were largely heroic and ridiculously capable
i always saves him. I like this guy. Ashley is just worthless, and just tits no story.
Because he is a whiny bitch. All dialogue I remember from him is him whining about his past or biotic implant
And then suddenly in 3 he wants to pozz your neghole.
No thanks, bro. Stay dead. Ashley didn't turn lesbian in 3, did she?
no, but she turned into a weird plastic mannequin in high heels with no facial expressions or personality. not sure which is worse
>not sure which is worse
Being turned into a fag because you gotta have the exact number of those on either side is worse.
why was steak chucksmash actually the best human squadmate?
Not really, as another user pointed out, her character writer stopped writing for her after ME2. It's better to leave Ashley in Virmire, at least in ME2 her sacrifice clears her family name. ME1 Ashley was genuinely interesting, so it's a real shame that her character gets completely neutered in ME3. Say what you want about her being a bible-thumping space racist, but she had a defined personality and moral code that really stood apart from the rest of the cast.
Compare all of that to ME3 Ashley and all you get is a cardboard cutout that shares the same name as Ashley Williams but behaves nothing like her. All of her personality got extremely watered down and all she does around the Normandy is get drunk on the job and fuck James. At least Kaidan actually got some fleshing out in ME3 to the point where he actually outranks Shepard in the Alliance. Couple that with the fact that Kaidan has the better Citadel DLC scenes and you get to see who got the shittier end of the stick.
>10km long
How the hee-ho hell did they build this in the week(?) ME3 took place in?
Would it have been better to make it so no squadmate can die before 3 so they could get more characterization because the writers wouldn't have to worry about wasting time on people who may or may not be dead depending on a player's choice? Moving stuff like the suicide mission to 3 would make a ton more sense thematically too.
I didn't really like him that much, but given a choice between him or Ashley I'd choose him everytime. Ashley had to die!
It might've been, but that argument doesn't really make sense when you consider fan-favorites like Garrus and Tali got a good arc throughout the three games. Both can die in ME2, and most casual players trying to commit to Paragon probably lost Tali in the middle of ME3.
>letting the geth kill the quarians is a paragon decision when AI are the main problem and the Geth are all reaperified
fucking ME3
I don't know, I really liked the feeling of your squad potentially being in flux with people dying/leaving, even if it was really rare. made conversations with each one seem to matter more, and made recruiting someone seem more significant.
the idea that your team is a ragtag group of galactic misfits thrown together by chance suffers when you're guaranteed to have the same party every time and they're all guaranteed to survive.
in an ideal dream world, I'd like for them to have gone for something closer to XCOM, where there's a slightly larger (maybe not actually randomly generated, since the characters were fully written/voiced) pool of team members but each playthrough would only use 4-5 unless people died
They blew their load early with the suicide mission in 2. If the entire series had built up to that, one crazy assault at some kind of Reaper base in the core of the galaxy where your choices directly impacted who lived and died, I don't think anybody would have a problem with the ending.
As it is they had to come up with something else for 3, but of course they couldn't because how do you go up from that, so they just didn't bother. Just made a final railroaded level, Endingtron 3000, hit button for an appropriately colored ending cutscene and message telling you to buy DLC.
I did my best to kill as many of my teammates as possible. All of them were obsequious yes-men who would follow and obey everything I said like they were retarded loyal dogs. It was pathetic. Now I know how Griffith feels about finding a true friend who would oppose him and why sacrificing his allies for personal gain doesn't seem so bad.
He's one of the better ones, but he's not the best one.
Letting the quarians mass wipe-out the geth isn't really a "paragon" option either, especially when Legion provides an alternative that can benefit the quarians. In the end it was their own stupidity that killed them, but yeah the choice is still kinda dumb.
>cardboard box in mass effect
>turns into a raging emo dickbag in mass effect 2
yeah i don't get why anyone would hate him either
how could i forget basado zaeedo