Thoughts on the Mass Effect dialogue wheel?

Thoughts on this implemented in other games?

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It's not a true wheel, it's just a list that wraps around.

Alpha Protocol did it better.


it's shit and so was every mass effect after 1.

Works decently on a conceptual level with games where you're playing a specific character like Mass effect. For an actual rpg it's total dogshit, as demonstrated by FO4.
Also it requires good writing not to be tedious having to listen to your character talk, which neither Bethleda or Bioware have been able to do in a while.

Pretty much every game that copied it did it worse, and it wasn't even that great with Mass Effect because it was easily predictable over time

I see.

It's means to repeat the key words in the last line as a question to elicit more fluff.

Thank you for reading my post.

>It's another 'A ramp is just an inverted ditch' argument
Next you're gonna start talking about Pizza Balls

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>my brain is too weak for actual conversation system

I dont like the idea of having to answer a specific way to gain points in a morality system. Doing a mix of "paragon" and "renegade" is pointless because you wont get the special dialogue choices for either. It prevents me from interacting with how i would want to.

this is how true rpg dialogue should work. the defining characteristic of a rpg is that your character stats determine your success, not your real life abilities. choosing exactly what your character says is metagaming because it lets you choose better options even if your character has no charisma or speech skill.

Agreed, took a lot of the interest out of it for me because it was basically just interacting until getting the choice I have to take to further unlock whatever side of the morality spectrum I'd be going down. Took away my player agency, my gamer freedoms.

Dialogue wheels are a cancer that for a good while ruined RPGs.
Dialogue shouldn't be constrained for 4 different canned "moods" + tell me more, they should be complex and well thought out.
Dialogue should be presented in full to you before you choose it; I want to choose my reply not choose my mood, you cunts.

That's one of the worst aspects of it you've described. They could've made the Blue/Red system suck less donkey dicks if it was more complex than a single axis and if the game reacted to "mixed results" (as in > 50 in score X +

This wheel would probably work better for a detective game than an rpg.

Pizza balls?

Don't bring up pizza balls please

A thread about Smash DLC a while back got derailed and started discussing the physical possibility of pizza balls, menger sponges, and inverted ditches

It was a fairly wild ride

Ignoring the physical possibility of a pizza ball, why would I want one?

I dunno, some dude actually managed to make one though

Don't ask how, fuck if I know how he did it

What the hell did it look like, some sort of pizza pocket?

Found the screencap of the thread

The wheels have no effect in all the other parts of the game would've happened and the only thing that isolated is that the one who is not in the dungeons for a few more minutes and accounting is not going to happen

>there is more depth in a ME dialog wheel than self proclaimed choice driven rpg, "CHOOSE YOUR FATE" Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The fact that the options are always in the same spot means you never have to think about what you're saying
Imagine a visual novel that always put the correct choice in the same spot, it'd be ridiculous

It works for games like Mass Effect, Witcher, and Alpha Protocol where the protagonist is a defined character but the player can alter their attitudes and responses subtly. The games are like frayed, bulging knots: multiple starts that lead into a few deviations that all come to the same conclusion that also kinda branches out.

It DOESN'T work for a game like Fallout or Dragon Age, where you're supposed to be entirely defining the character through your choices and actions in a nuanced, detailed way.

>menger sponges, and inverted ditches

But not alone.

>Sure, I'll do it!
>Fine, I'll do it you goddamn nigger.
>I'll do it but first, I have some questions...
>Of course I'll do it, it's my duty [+1 paragon]
>I don't give a shit about you but if I get to slaughter people, I'll do it [+1 renegade]
wow, look at all these O P T I O N S

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in fallout you can play as a character with 1 charisma and 0 speech and still basically communicate normally. what should happen is that you try to say something but your character says something offensive or stupid instead.

How many SAN damage is that?

That does happen to an extent in Fallout 1 & 2.

Adding VO constrained things a lot, but New Vegas and even 3 actually had some dialogue variation and roleplaying ability. 4 is like a shoddy imitation of nuBioware and that's just as pathetic as it sounds.

It's just a list in a gimmicky, compact ring.
In most cases, the games that use such a thing end up abbreviating the actual choices (because you now get two lines side-by-side, giving them less than half the screen length now), leading to potentially uninformed decisions based on vague options.
Just give me a fucking flat list with the necessary details. Can even keep the dumb ring, but when you've a choice highlighted, it pops up what you're actually going to say, like this mspaint shit.
>But durr people don't like to read
Shut up faggot, yes they do. People prefer to make informed decisions.
Stop listening to some dipshits from AAA Marketing Teams who deliberately gathered together absolute retards so they could get the focus group test results they wanted in the first place in order to get 99% of the game's budget in their pockets.
You don't need a fucking short novel for your choices, just a proper sentence.

That's another thing. Fucking dialogue wheels with their 4-6 options can't even fill THOSE out. Shit's not even necessary most of the time.
And it was no different with CRPGs of the late 90s when they sometimes had a dozen different ways to say "Yes" or "No" with slightly different inflections just to shoehorn in dumbass Alignment mechanics.

"Keep it simple" is not the same as dumbing things down. Just have the NPC tell you the shit you need to know, and give you a Yes/No option. All you need. If there is more you need/want to know, put it in a fucking Encyclopedia like pretty much all games have nowadays, and you can be verbose and detailed as fuck in there - remember, people love to read that shit, contrary to what AAA retards think.

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I genuinely don't get the truncated dialogue is too confusing thing

Maybe it's just because I pay attention to the context of a scene and actual dialogue

I knew exactly what I was getting when I chose [Glass Him] because I was playing Bigby like a brooding asshole.

it doesn't. only intelligence alters dialogue options.

T h i s