So Yea Forums what’s the last SMT game you beat?
So Yea Forums what’s the last SMT game you beat?
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Going through Megami Tensei 2, it's kind of cool
I have never beaten an SMT game (speaking of the mainline series).
I want to but it seems just like a more boring version of Persona games.
How can anything be more boring than Persona?
Strange Journey Redux. Gameplay was great and it was nice to have a break from the fucking press turn system for once. Music was forgettable outside of the Alex boss theme. I legitimately don't remember any other themes from it. Neutral route is based as usual.
I just watch silent playthroughs of the Persona series on youtube.
DDS2 like 4 years ago unless you count TMS as an SMT game.
Friend killer
>Music was forgettable
>Strange Journey
Nigga what the fuck? Fear of God alone is memorable and fantastic, not to mention the songs in the dungeons, like the shopping mall or the very first one
Devil Survivor 2 was the only one I cared enough about to finish
Got close with IV:A until the teleporting cultist hideout bullshit