Just wanna enjoy vidya discussion

>Just wanna enjoy vidya discussion.
>Can't because ERA and reddit faggots are shitting up the board for last week
>Can't even enjoy other boards because same faggots shitting those up too

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nobodies really shitting up /o/. feels good that automobiles make a good brainlet filter for most people so /o/ is a slow board with not nearly the same amount of deadicated shitposters. not only that but the board has gotten better over the years as some of its shitposters tired themselves out and rarely post anymore.

>vidya discussion
>Yea Forums
Imagine being so fucking retarded that you think waifu spamming and 'wich 2hu wud u fug' threads are video games.

/o/ is finances filter not brainlet filter. Have you seen what some of those retards purchase?

First summer here on Yea Forums?

Don't make me remind you carfuckers what holiday it is.

i don't really care what they buy so long as they aren't making very low effort threads without knowing half of what the hell they're talking about like you commonly find on Yea Forums.

The gay thread yesterday was fun

It's mostly the work of one subhuman. They're forcing the meme trying to kill the word because they hate being reminded that they're ruining their life with their porn addiction.

diaper thread 3 or 4 days ago was pure kino.