Why does this game fucking suck?

Why does this game fucking suck?

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Damn I was just about to start a thread for this. I just started playing and so far the only thing I hate about it is the matchmaking

>play as the Killer
>get styled on by a non-stop flurry of 4-man survive with friends loaded up with perks and working in perfect unison

>try to play as Survivor
>get matched with other people who barely have any perks and get styled on by a roided up rage monster

Does it get better once you get to a higher rank? Do I just have to keep muscling through?

Is this game really this dead? Feel like I saw threads about it a lot in the last week

Join the discord and play with other people as survivor

If you're going up against people with lots of hours this game can be a real pain in the ass. Unironically, it gets better once you become better.

Long story short, the devs endless pandering to survivors because twitch shitters main survivor for the ebin facecam over reactions.

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The base design of the game
>survivors only have to power gens which is really simple and boring
>have to make their own fun which usually means dicking around in the most obnoxious ways for other survivors and the killer
>most killers play the same and can't do anything crazy because of frogleaf coding
>most of the time you're just chasing that one guy pallet to pallet, waiting for him to throw it down so you can destroy it and move onto the next one until you eventually get them, assuming all gens haven't been gotten by this point

Bad survivor/killer balance and the horrible playerbase also suck, but it's the poorly thought out main elements of the game that are really lackluster. I never played F13 but it sounded way better on paper with a number of ways for survivors to win and Jason seemed way more spooky to go against and fun to play as. It was more like actually playing a horror game rather than whatever you'd call DBD

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Killer perks being teachable to every killer.

It is a marketing tactic used to make killers always purchase the latest killers so their OP perks can synergize with other killers making the perk combos + killer load out OP.

killer specific perks should be locked to each killer.

Go ahead and list some OP perks from recent killers

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It's just a shit version of hide and seek. I'd rather just play that shit on the playground.

T. Seething Friday the 13th poster.

>F13 but it sounded way better on paper
That it did. On paper. In reality it was poorly thought out design.

It gets old real quick

Werid thing is, im a boomer and I still do this....except for the seek part, i mainly hide

>no hard facts just strong opinions
No its pretty alive. You should never listen to Yea Forums ever.

I wish it was something like 1 or 2 slots are locked to killer or survivor specific or generic perks and the others are freeform. That still gives people flexibility but doesn’t encourage or allow absolute cancer builds

So I basically just need to buy Leatherface and grind until I can teach Barbecue & Chili to everyone huh?

>Not playing as schoolgirl Spirit and appearing behind everyone to kick the shit out of them
BAKA TBQH, Family Channel.

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userbase is the scum of the earth

On PSN set your privacy settings to recieve messages from friends only. It saves you a world of grief and grievers.

DBD is the reason my steam profile is set to friends-only. If you kill a streamer, their entire viewerbase will brigade your profile.

I can’t even find the survivors when they’re not invisible. I’m not touching this bitch for a long time

I just wish Wraith didn’t take 5 years at 1mph to decloak. I’m having more fun with him than Trapper. I’ve only had one game so far where my traps were worth a shit and it takes forever to set them up

As a killer you have to do the work of 4 people to be able to win, and a single good survivor on a decent area can run you the entire match. Forget about winning against 4 good survivors on a bad map.

As a survivor you just press m1 until it's your turn to get chased, you loop around pallets until you get downed, wait until somebody comes rescue you, and you go back to pressing m1 the rest of the game.

>play as killer
>no sign of survivors yet
>2 gens pop on at once
>oooohhhh good it’s one of those games

I’m at the point where I just go afk in the basement and grab a snack or something just to deny them bloodpoints

top fuckin kek

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> another butthurt killer main

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Better yet for swf that want to be absolute assholes to you:
>check the first 4 generators
>nothing, whispers doesn't even turn on
>see one sabotaging the hook in the distance
>oh no
>immediately realize what is going on
>half of the hooks are probably 99% by now
>what's more, gens 5-7 are all at 0%
>what they were doing is watching you patrol gens and wait until you're gone to start working on them and sabo hooks at the same time
>gens 1-3 pop in order
>they all have meta perks, 2 insta heals, 1 toolbox and 1 key
Against this kind of team not even a nurse can win. But don't be the only loser. Commit to one chase and one chase only and facecamp that person to death. Then you go to the basement and afk. Deny them the satisfaction of a 4 man escape and any chase points. If one of them was a streamer you can listen to the entire team bitch the whole match.

> statistically improbable 4 man SWF boogeyman story
> literally every anally annihilated killer main tells pretty much the same story
when will killer mains stop crying?

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No, at higher ranks its worse, you'll only see nurse and the spirit and they have no counterplay, likewise you'll always have to play them to win against competent teams

You clearly never had 5 haddonfield offering games in a row, two of which had sabo squads and all with at least one balanced landing insta heal Nea/Feng camping the roofs. But then again you probably do this yourself or are a solo ranklet.

>not ALL survivors

I wouldn’t expect a survivor main to understand how truly cancerous it is