Game Optimization


What tricks are you using to optimize your games user?

Attached: Final optimization.png (1854x1264, 442K)

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Nice, I never cared since I only play games that don't require much but that seems useful.
Thanks, OP.

How do I fix microstutter?

Gnarly I did this and my girlfriend is begging me to let her suck my cock while I set up Ubuntu

What games? What gpu?

Overwatch, Rising Storm 2, and every single Source engine game

GPU is a 1660 ti.

lock gpu clocks, dont mess with cpu ram overclocking see if it works

Has this always happened? Have you tried rolling back drivers? Did the microstutter appear in all those games at roughly the same time? Did you try vulkan/opengl if any of those games support it? Did you install any hardware before that started happening? Any abnormal temperatures when the microstutter happens?

>Remember to disable nagles algorithm
This one hasn't worked since Vista revamped the network stack. Five versions of Windows have come and gone and people are still telling you to denagle. Phenomenal.

Turn off vsync and lower settings. If your computer is garbage and you get noticable tearing and input lag is not a deal breaker, or if the game breaks at very high frame rates, then leave the settings low but turn on fast sync or run your games in windowed mode (with DWM on). Fast sync is better than DWM because the driver will tend to keep the game running at multiples of your refresh rate.

do retards actually believe shit like this?

What does Razer Game Booster do?
Is it actually helping me?

Attached: 1547665362950.png (209x326, 73K)

Don't do this it creates mustard gas

scared for pwning normies?

>disable v-sync
>enable v-sync
>input lag, but no stutters

Attached: 1549607708649.png (584x562, 276K)

G-sync and freesync aren't a meme or marketing bs, they are legit as fuck

Attached: 0捕获.jpg (513x575, 28K)

My monitor has neither sadly

Buy a modern AMD CPU.

>lock gpu clocks
isn't this really bad in the long run?
I'm just a techlet though so excuse my ignorance, if it isn't

for a second I thought this was a thread for developers, well anyway here's some shit i've done to improve framerate

- for effects like explosions, I'll find ways to split the effects up between 5 frames or so instead of all on the same frame. (i.e. have the fireball start on the first frame, the smoke start on the second, and do the damage on the third) this helps for machines that are barely able to run your game at vsync framerate.

- for 3D games, you want as few lights rendering actual shadows as possible. Blob shadows go a long way in games and can often look stylistically better. The GPU savings are difficult to ignore

Attached: rbaqmv0a4cv21.jpg (640x631, 79K)

are u retarded

Input delay has nothing to do with microstuttering.


Attached: 60898019-office-worker-destroying-his-computer-by-smashing-the-keyboard-over-the-screen.jpg (1300x861, 135K)

disabling superfetch lowers my ram usage a lot and improves my fps but fucks up my whole pc speed when browsing and alt tabbing any fix for this?

disable windows bloat look at down right corner of OPs image

Get more RAM.

>80 fov
What dumb consolenigger shit is this?
90 was the standard square angle for PC monitors since 4:3 was the norm, and ~105 recommended for widescreen.

75 and even *puke* 45 became standard for consoletards sitting 58 toes away on their count.

>disable superfetch
Superfetch does nothing on an SSD, this is only if you're still loading from an HDD.

any good torrents for this Advanced Systemcare 12 Pro?

and Driver Booster 6.5 too, might I add

the free version has all you need for removing bloat