Post 10/10 video game character designs

Post 10/10 video game character designs.

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t. Cumbrainers

Yes? And?

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>SFV design
SFIV was better, the leather suit made Juri look more generic than original

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How do you rate a character design?


have sex

Does it make my pp hard?

What if its furryshit?

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That means your opinion is invalidate

It means his opinion is refined from years of distinguished experience. You trust an expert, and who else is better qualified to tell you than someone who is immersed in it 24/7?

Does it make your pp hard?

why yes i do love anime titties, how could you tell?

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embrace the term
it's the only way to win
anyways, simple and effective

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consider this

Cumbrain reply

seething tranny

If that's 10/10 then her original character design is 11/10.

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fuck off tranny

cope cumbrain

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She looks like she'd rape my ass in Mario Party and then for real.

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dammmmn she looked like THAT?

>fur coat
>fur hat
>fur boots
>miniskirt showing lots of skin

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the left can't meme

go back to /pol/

Its a right meme retard

God, I wish I could play as Judy Hopps.

You realize anime is for cumbrain trannies right?

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>Meme comes from /pol/
>This happens
What a blessed day we live in


I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka Step.png (449x704, 141K)

>Dumbrain can't even form coherent sentences
Based Cumbrains BTFOing you

And video games are for closet psychopaths

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bro i just googled the term 'the brain on porn' out of curiosity and the first thing i read is its not addictive and people just have high libido wtf

Imagine saving reddit screencaps.

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Don't care about where your head cannon says this SJW meme came from, left can't meme.

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only incels believe this

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Oh Christ, this is gonna be another Yea Forums slang buzzword, isnt it?

You're retarded, liberals believe in degenerate porn consumption

This meme is all over pol, a right wing board


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Same as before, and then divide the result by 10.

keep pushing your false propaganda

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Leftay no maymay

>nooo stop masturbating it makes you bad wage slave

I don't know why you are desperately making this same comment in every thread, ive seen it in like 10 threads now

Why are you so desperate to point it to leftists? Maybe cause you know most people here are right wing so pointing this are leftist as a hope to stop the meme?

How can she be a 10/10 character design IF SHE CAN'T EVEN SEE WHERE SHE'S GOING?!

I admire Bengus's work in MvC2, the man made the Marvel Characters look cool

Attached: mvc2-juggernaut.jpg (525x525, 44K)

get a job

But jews want you jerking off, jewish company owns most porn sites

>all these anons taking the bait
If you want to avoid more buzzwords being used then don't give them you's

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>it's impossible to play both sides

>SJWs aren't leftists

Nice double think

Are you kidding me? Porn is one of the biggest tools to keep the populace controled and obedient. Why the hell do you think all big porn producers are jewish? Why the hell do you think sexual stimulation is used as advertising, in movies, and basically everywhere?

so you make a lame meme
and reply to yourself/get ur friends to reply until it catches on, right?
seen this same stupid shit happening with the ebic reddit screen caps i watch unfold here sometimes

>implying they aren't samefagging

I prefer hentai honestly

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Literally every iteration after this has been worse, It's just perfect

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Why do you ask? You know the answer, there are people here who are seriously broken beyond belief, their brains are incapable of stringing an original thought, and thus they're only capable of thinking using what they already have seen a million times before.

>After-sex Reunion
Those exist?


But she can see.

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like hell I would know


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>thought it was Kaine
>le toobie XD!

Fuck off

Futas are not 10/10

>Literal Amerimutt

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So jews are saying not to jerk off while making degenerate porn? Doesnt make sense

You're right, they're 20/10.

They win either way.

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Yes you belong back there

No they don't, they only win if you are watching porn and jerking off. How do they win if you aren't jerking off

Keep saying it

MvC2 Juggernaut has some of my favorite sprite work ever. Hate the game but love this massive nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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>hating one of the best fighting games to ever come out
You just suck

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Keep saying it

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Post more Juri you cowards

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Read the fucking replies in this chain you braindead chimp.


>all these fags gettin' mad




You guys really aren't helping you're case...


>not masturbating to porn is a left wing position

>can't even spell

Even better!


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If it makes fun of me it's a left wing position.

Will you break my virginity?

Wow, who would've guessed drumpftards don't have the self control required to keep their hands out of their pants 24/7!

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Ok i did and i see no way not jerking off benefits the jew, so what was your point

>File: 1557410544881.jpg (233 KB, 1471x1956)
>Anonymous 08/01/19(Thu)20:01:23 No.472582894▶
> How do you rate a character design?

Shut the fuck up cumbrains

You know it's usually neckbeard trumpfags who jack off to anime right

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That time they made Zelda brown hair with a purple dress instead of blonde pink like Peach was awesome.

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I'm a lefty and I masturbate to tons of porn.

It already is, it's been being spammed on /fit/ an awful lot. Not long before it spreads elsewhere.

Just today I masturbated 3 times. Every day I soend a minimum of 2 hours consuming porn.
How do I stop bwing like this? The cumbrain meme is right, I don't want this.

>100+ posts
>no menat

I'll do it then

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Search it on Twitter. Search "cumbrain" on Twitter. Most of the people using it are leftists and trannies.

Built for hugging.

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>This meme is all over pol, a right wing board
No its not you faggot
>pol and not /pol/
newfag detected

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Yea they regret devolving to the state they've become

>first girl is also the best girl
Love when this happens

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Please Capcom, just make RS characters SF characters.

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Wrong trannies are sexual deviants who watch porn all day

Your image proves porn is bad since jews are masterminding degeneracy with it

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>right wing
/pol/ is pure chaos with blacked threads and nothing but bait.

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All these retarded cumbrain reply's

have sex

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They still jerk to porn but still regret becoming who they are

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politics poison the well when it comes to memes. You only like righty memes because it makes you laugh like a retard,same way the lefty laugh to their shitty memes
Tldr,your culture war is shit and so is your shitty political memes,

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21(good) > 21(evil)

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Can't cum without a dick

people seem to forget that alot of the (title)against porn are often funded by conservatives and churchs


Ok??? So they still support degenerate porn

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Trannies wish they could be cum brains

>no SF girl will break your penis with her oddly huge hands or huge feet

Why are people pretending to care about board quality NOW?

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>Waifu treads are now getting cumbrain posters which is now working on Incel retards that take the bait and rev up their left obsessive autism
Why do anons take obvious bait nowadays. It seems so easy to get (You)s nowadays.

Fucking whore needs to get assraped.

Jesus fucking christ m00t making a /pol/ board was the biggest mistake in history.

So? Just means it'll be autofiltered in no time once enough people report it.


>another cumbrain thread

Attached: soynig.png (454x520, 6K)

They don't care, they're just trying to spread a meme, probably the brapposters being asshurt because their word isn't allowed much anymore.

No it's clearly a design thread. I don't think ear fuck is allowed on blue boards.

>another wojack post
I can smell the reddit emanating from this post, you Republican Incel.

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Good combo.

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>>another wojack post
>I can smell the reddit emanating from this post, you Republican Incel.

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I’m going to marry Freya!

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Good 21 has a Majin form.

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cumbrains play doa because it's gameplay is shit but they think tits make up for it
non cumbrains play mk11 because they prefer content and good gameplay over fake vidya tits

Cum brain

God I love Raven. I hope she gets into RF5 so I can make her my wife again.

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So is the cum brain thing another attempt to weaponize a meme to shame people into not jerking off or posting about sexy ladies?

Post the Squirrels.

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Basically. I wonder how long until they realize that shame won't work here.

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Best G form

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Trannies trying to push this stupid boring...

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No it's because it completely undermines this sites culture of being degenerate sexfiends and its essentially the "little brother who thinks girls are gross": the meme.

Why do they think it'll work when they themselves are more sexually depraved than anyone on Yea Forums's ever been?

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Fake and gay

But nobody here thinks they're sex fiends, they just enjoy porn of nearly everything. Which is hardly a bad thing.

>I'm so annoyed that these guys won't let me jerk on a non-porn thread, ill call him a trannie because some trannie retard also said it once on twitter

But trannies are the ones who watch anime and masturbate to porn 24/7. Like cumbrains.

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seethe tranny seethe

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>how dare one thread on the board not be entirely worksafe? Better shitpost in it, because that's totally how you fight against off-topic things; with shitposting. reeeee

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Imagine being such a loser you have to tell people to not masturbate on the internet. If there was any seriousness behind your mental retardation I would honestly be surprised.

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fuck that just make a new rival schools game, i think capcom needs to put street fighter down for a while

As long as you aren't some retarded ACfag-lite and are willing to admit it's nice to have a badass look and then a hot girl on the inside, you're pretty fucking alright, man.

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>tfw second son was a fucking awful game

>can't call me a tranny anymore
>y-you're retarded!!!!
As expected of cumbrains. No arguments.

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I fucking hate Double

>still need to spew ACfag everywhere

just shut the fuck up about them already, the faster we forget the better

>not being a cumbrainer

Hot girls wouldn't be so bad if they didn't turn entire series into burning dumpster fires. Oh wait, look what happened to Metroid.

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>Haha i got him now ill tell him that he is ridiculous he's mad that a non-worksafe thread is on a board not made for non-worksafe stuff and it off-topic from the board

Making people “mad” doesn’t make you right, you fucking retard. It means you’re a pest.

It wasn't that bad, just a step down from the first 2 entries. Biggest downside was not making each power feel more unique beyond like one special attack between each of them, and the fact that the story leaned a bit too heavily to just one alignment instead of adapting like the original or playing the middle-ground like the second.

Metroid survived the reveal that Samus was hot for plenty of time until Other M came around.
Also, it would be just as shit with an ugly girl or even a guy on the inside of the suit.

There's literally nothing NSFW in the thread, retard. But hey, keep fighting against.... whatever you think you're fighting against instead of just ignoring the ONE thread that's not as on topic as you would prefer.

>says the guy who probably cranks it to something really degenerate

Pretty easy to tell you're a newfag when you can't even reply to posts right.

We're going to have to update this vocaroo now

so why did you come to an anime website

It isn't an anime website anymore. In any case, I watch anime but I don't masturbate to it like some cumbrain.

It literally still is.

But you're addicted to memes anyway

No, trannies are mad that people watch anime and masturbate to porn because both create the expectation that something actually look good before you get off to it.

>It isn't an anime website anymore
tard alert.
go back to whine on Discord.


His style is impetuous!!!!!

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But trannies are the ones addicted to anime porn. Your insults make no sense, cumbrains.

>"Instead of ignoring the ONE"
Fucking kek you have no fucking idea half of the fucking threads are or become porn threads

Saying that won't make anyone stop posting anime or porn. Stay in your discord, newfag tranny.

Attached: Dracula.png (300x424, 70K)

So this is the power of... nofap....

/pol/ doesnt make any of their memes they just take them from elsewhere

Holy shit, saved.

What animu is that anyway?
I’ve seen this image several time but have no clue to what it is from.

It's not even half, newfag. But hey, keep spouting bullshit because you think you're fighting against something that isn't even as big a problem you think that it is.

Also the triggered cumbrain's ass hurt replies are fucking gold

Mentally ill cumbrain, see . It's literally anime that turns you faggots into trap loving AGP cross dressers. Keep being a slave to porn.

>If you like boobs and butts you're a tranny/cumbrain.
>If you don't then you're gay.
Just fucking great. There's no winning. Can't a guy masturbate to anime titties?

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>It isn't an anime website anymore
Can you not fucking read?
Are you literally retarded?
Get off the internet for a while, its pruning your already peanut sized brain.

>Yea there are boards for that

Attached: Kazahana.jpg (617x1024, 53K)

>baseless study that was disproven
>must be true because it triggered reality-denying retards
Um, no sweety.

i think its the trap from Seven Deadly Sins.

Yeah it really only hit me now too. At least it's something new, but goddamn will that be annoying too.