Imagine what she smells like

Imagine what she smells like

Attached: Bernadetta_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 728K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to pat her head.

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I want her to eat my shit

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Jesus Dorothea is literally a 3DPD thot in a 2D character

>Felix's support with Dorothea
Gave me the biggest kek thus far. Based Felix

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>won't have kids with byleth in s rank
>multiple kids as caspar's breeding slut in a rank
she smells like caspar's cum hahaha

But you know who DOES give Byleth lots of children?

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you mean she is a believable character in an industry filled with cancer tropes

>t. Hunniepopfag.

yeah man flayn and lysithea are good bro byleth ties with the npcs man he doesn't get cucked bro

Vanilla and cinnamon

>tfw you have to run Black Eagle route twice to get both endings

Here's hoping bernie can get enough strength to hit double digit damage this time around

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So far, my potential waifus are

>Manuela, already at B Support before the timeskip

I was thinking Mercedes, but then I saw her timeskip look and I couldn't support.

I'm not particularly fond of how they handled the timeskip in this game. It's incredibly jarring in just how quickly it happens, and the characters just kind of go through major character development completely offscreen (unless you unlock a C/B support after the skip, in which case they revert inexplicably).
This wouldn't be so off putting if it weren't for the fact that most of these characters still maintain many of their goofier traits, which kind of destroys the gravitas of the whole "everything you know is in shambles" thing.
Also the Knights of Seiros are fucking trash at their jobs without you telling them what to do, apparently, and I see 0 reason as to why Edelgard would just abandon a location as strategically significant as the Monastery.

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Oh god Nemesis map at the end of Golden Deer on Lunatic (Maddening) difficulty is pretty wild

I'm more likely to reset over bad stat growths than a fucking character death

>another cumbrain thread

Its all so tiresome

I'm really struggling to motivate myself to play this game. Every time I start I get a rely 30 mins in before I feel the want to play something else

>Golden Deer
>chapter 14 (I think? The one where you’re defending the monastery shortly after the timeskip) actually kicks my ass and I end up using all 7 Divine Pulses I had
God I feel like a shitter
Also, are Master Classes worth it? I’m nearing level 30 on most of my units, but almost all of them are sorely lacking in stat reqs. Lysithea is the only one who was able to become a Mortal Savant, and that was basically out of luck.

I just saw her B-support with Byleth, and dammit, she needs a hug.

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Bernie does 40-50 damage per turn from double hits. She's a complete monster and making her a cavalry bowknight only makes her more of a killing machine

Marianne is pretty much a better Mercedes.

Yeah, her B support is what really made me start liking her. Still can’t decide whether I want to S Support her, Ingrid, or Shamir, I liked all of their A Supports.

hahaha she won't have kids with him hahaha your ending is cucked by caspar haha

Wait, really? Why won’t she take your seed?

Should I S rank Lysithea or Bernie?

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Lys literally dies if you don't pair her up with you or Hanneman.

>she won't have byleth's kids
>she becomes caspar's breeding slut

>Byleth x Bernadetta
>After taking on the role of archbishop of the Church of\nSeiros, S0 announced EK00hisEL00herEM00 marriage to\nBernadetta. Many were concerned that the new leader of\nHouse Varley would do little more than hide, but she in\nfact followed the archbishop wherever he went and\nprovided him with constant counsel. She never did\novercome her shyness, however, and it is said that aspiring\nadvisers who frightened her were quickly turned away.\nBecause the ones she liked performed well in their service\nto the church, Bernadetta was widely believed to have a\ndiscerning eye.

>her ending talks about her relationship with advisers more than with byleth

>Caspar x Bernadetta
>After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided\nthat Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing\nas she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic\nreign, and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused\nsome incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as\nrecompense. Over time, these oaths accumulated to such a\ngreat number that it became necessary to compile them,\nand the resulting document came to be known as the "47\nArticles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision\nthat, when counting their large quantity of children,\nCaspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them.

>unstoppable fuck machine caspar has to check it's bernie he's fucking and not one of their kids

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Can't you just make a save before the decision?

>No one ever talks about your depression waifu

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>dies if she doesn't marry the old man or if MC falls for someone else
Why does Lys exist to suffer?

What’s the decision point? I haven’t gone through Beagles yet.

>kill character due to annoying voice
>this place can't stop talking about her
I feel something good inside me knowing I did the right choice

you did good man hahaha she's a dirty fucking whore she won't have byleth's kids but she's a fucking breeding whore for caspar hahaha

like earth or rotten flesh, dumb black eagle bitch shouldn't have operated that ballista
actually, maybe like burnt flesh, since edelgard had the place of her death ignited

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Neither have I. I'm on BL but I heard there was a point where you got to choose so I just assumed instead of starting BE from fresh you could just make a save before you made the decision.

>tfw only go for girls I could realistically get in real life

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How come everytime you post one of these the text is always fucked up

Chapter 11. Don’t talk to edelgard in the monastery or she will force you to make a decision.

She is Bernadetta but better in every way and actually cute instead of cringe

Theres something you have to during chapter 11 with Edelgard and then in Chapter 12 you get a choice at the end of the chapters mission

How can anime girls pull off non-natural hair/eye color, when it just looks plain ugly on 3D women?

Ungh, bro...broooo....

it's the fucking raw text man hahaha to show it's from the fucking game if i format it clean it up fthe fucking liars will bitch about me makin shit up hahaha it's the fucking truth bro that shit's from the game hahaha bernie fucking cucks byleth haha only flayn and lysithea won't cuck you lmao

What happens if you don't talk to her? Do you just get defaulted to the Church route then?

lilac and gooseberries

fair enough
also, why do you type like you have a mental disorder?

I'm kinda angry I didn't do that, but at least I'll get NG+ bonuses.

jus exposin the fucking cuckshit bro haha you can't deny that shit man it's fucking cuckshit in this fucking game fucking gaming taken over by the fucking cucks bro every fucking game has cuckshit now lmao


>No more Bernie-bear!

What did she mean by this?

means she's spreading her legs for caspar lmao

I can't even tell if you're baiting/joking or a genuine schizo anymore

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She's a character that wants nothing more than for the war to end and for her to settle down and lead a simple life. She fights out of necessity, not because she wants to
She's written pretty well IMO and gives a good contrast to 90% of the characters who do have something to fight for

that has nothing to do with what i said

user you ok?
Every time you post something like this it’s cuck related.....

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read this shit man haha you can't deny this shit bro lmao

She’s so fucking annoying

Edelgard and Dimitri should've gotten a good old Touma punch from Byleth and or Claude

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i didn't fucking write this shit man it's the fucking devs write that shit i didn't write the fucking cuckshit man talk to the japs bro they wrote that shit made byleth a fucking pathetic cuckold bitch hahaha

What the fuck, then who are you supposed to S Support?

>This happens in Claude's route
>Both get converted to allies and they stop being dummies and fuck up Thales massively

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I thought she lives in the Edelgard support.

If you're playing blind like you should be, then you won't have the chance to before you have to make the choice.

flayn or lysithea bro they're the ones that don't fucking cuck you man they have endings with other npcs but they're not fucking cuckshit bro byleth has the best ending with them tied with the npcs man all the other girls are fucking cuckshit byleth has fucking worst ending in s rank with the other girls the npcs have best endings in a rank hahaha

Stop listening to cuckshizo.

He's pretty clearly mentally deranged

I decided to gun for Bernie beforehand but am seconding on Marianne but I'm split.
Also thinking about going full homo mode

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i posted fucking proof for what i say you bitches don't do shit hahaha "interpretation bro" "use your imagination bro" hahaha you can't fucking deny the cuckshit lmao

cuckholding isn't when someone in an alternative timelime has sex with someone else

I really really like her. I hate Lorenz cause it feels like he's trying to cuck me

You're a cuck fetishist.

more like homode lmao

He hits like a girl, too. I wanted to bench him in favor of Flayn since she was better than him in nearly every way, bu then, well, Garreg-Mach-umbine

it is when byleth has a fucking shit ending that only talks bout her relationship with advisors not byleth she doesn't even fucking have his kids in s rank but caspar's talks bout their relationship and he fucking breeds her like a madman in a rank hahaha

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>Can't handle the Chad of Gloucester

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Thanks for the advice, bro.

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Cope, cuck.

fuck off cuck apologist lmao

girls are for children

boys are for love and pleasure

homo mode is life

np man go for it bro the fucking cucks itt deny that shit they fucking defend cuckshit man jus tryin warn people away from that cuckshit bro flayn or lysithea that's it man

Imagine the smell.

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>be Annette
>nag your dad into finally going back to mom
>war ends, get a letter
>"sorry pudding just took a long term construction job gotta remodel the pope's shit hole lol"

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Poe's Law is strong in this thread.

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Who did you get as competitors for the dance?

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You literally don't even understand the concept that your schizophrenia has you obsess over


Well yeah, but I was told the game tells you it's an important decision. Surely there would be an save not too far back, right?

>Dimitri's reunion after the timeskip
That almost made me shed a tear. Poor dude.

huh, I got Lorenz instead of Hilda

I can't remember what the Black Eagles had, but the Golden Deer had Raphael (lmao) and my Blue Lions had stolen Dorothea

lmao i post proof for what i say you're just fucking seething if you deny that shit why don't you post proof from the fucking game that bernie has byleth's kids in s rank? proof she doesn't have caspar's kids in a rank? you can't? hahahahaha

>Think winning the Heron Cup gives you an item that allows you to class into Dancer
>Competition is based on Charm stat, so enter Edelgard with base 27
>Edelgard is now the dancer and basically have to play her route now or lose the only dancer

On the bright side she's hot as fuck in the Dancer outfit

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Which route(s)?


It's pretty kino

Wind's howling, user.

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>if you don't have kids that means that your wife fucks other men

that's all you can do lmao i posted fucking proof it's on you bitches hahaha

reminds me of the demolition dude from Atlantis

im not deflecting, im saying you literally dont even understand what cuckoldry is


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Why does my waifu smell like blood and burnt flesh?

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I wish I knew what all the dialogue between people fighting one another after the timeskip was, because I just recruited Annette and Mercedes, and now I regret the fact that I won't be able to have one murder the other.

Is mekkah a faggot, what about Mangs?

>bernie's endings talk bout her advisers more than byleth
>she won't fucking have his kids in s rank
>bernie gets fucked by caspar all day every day
>breeds children for him nonstop in a rank


>deflecting again
all you can do bitch or post your proof those aren't the endings hahahaha if you're fucking denying it hahahaha

You still didnt show where it says she fucks other men during Byleths ending

bitch she doesn't fuck byleth during byleth's ending hahahahaha

Say it with me:
OBSESSED with cuckoldry

Even if she didn't fuck Byleth, it literally still wouldn't be cuckoldry.

True endgame right here.

Attached: age of the cake.jpg (1912x1076, 351K)

>bernie won't even fuck byleth in s rank
>she gets fucked by caspar and breeds his children nonstop in a rank
hahahaha holy shit bro lmao

I shipped felix and ingrid

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>a crest is like an emblem
>Crest of Flames
>Fire Emblem

They literally use the same word for crests in JP that they do for emblem.

good job you figured out something that everyone with a brain could the first time Hanneman molested you
probably before release even, given that we already know of crests back then

The ending I got for Bernie talks about how she followed Byleth everywhere and became known for being fearless. Maybe your Byleth is a cuck like you.

it's pretty fucking weird how the self insert endings are written in such a dismissive way compared to the ones with other characters, you can't deny that. it amost feels like they're trying to wean nu-fire emblem fanbase off the idea of self insert characters entirely


So you settled for a tulpa?

this one cuck? hahaha

>Almost as soon as S0 and Bernadetta were\nfinally wed, the battle against those who slither in the dark\nbegan in earnest. Many were concerned that the new\nleader of House Varley would do little more than hide,\nbut she fell in alongside her husband and followed him\neverywhere, fighting to bring lasting peace to Fódlan.\nForced to throw herself into one terrifying battle after\nanother, Bernadetta developed such a tough character,\nit is said that absolutely nothing could frighten her.

what's that? no kids? wait a sec

>Caspar x Bernadetta
>After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided\nthat Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing\nas she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic\nreign, and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused\nsome incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as\nrecompense. Over time, these oaths accumulated to such a\ngreat number that it became necessary to compile them,\nand the resulting document came to be known as the "47\nArticles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision\nthat, when counting their large quantity of children,\nCaspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them.


>silver and brave weapons buyable from day 1
ng+ is straight up cheat mode

flayn and lysithea endings are fucking top tier bro they have endings with npcs but ending with byleth fucking feels like s rank man it isn't fucking cuckshit at worse it's a fucking tie bro they have endings that aren't cuckshit man all the other bitches have fucking trash cuckshit endings

Would anyone happen to know the Death Knight's speed stat in chapter 8? I managed to kill him in chapter 6, but I do not feel like gambling on not getting critted again, so I'd rather just steal the Dark Seal.

Lunatic mode fucken when

Doodoo and Petra

Literally none of that is cuckoldry

Don't forget mud too

What is Mercedes's /u/ ending like?

rng seems to hate her in my game
>Not a single magic point in 8 level

I demand answers to this. I really like Lysithea but I don't really feel like romancing her and also don't want her to die. Someone tell me I'm being rused.

Where does Lys's ending mention children? Thought they just moved away.

based sexless marriage user

My Dorothea vs Felix and Raphael

shud i make mercedes a bishop or warlock? leaning more towards warlock seeing as flayn is a better healer

>S0 announced EK00hisEL00herEM00 engagement to Lysithea \nshortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom\nof Fódlan. Before they were officially wed, she returned\nhome, helped her father to restore Ordelia territory, and\noffered the land up to be governed directly by the new\nkingdom. Once the affairs of House Ordelia were in\norder, Lysithea finally married and became queen. Even\nwithout her Crests, she proved more than capable in the\nrole, applying her great insight and intelligence toward a\nbetter Fódlan. When the rebuilding effort was complete,\nthe couple and their children enjoyed long and\npeaceful lives.

>S0 announced EK00hisEL00herEM00 engagement to Lysithea \nshortly after being named archbishop of the Church of\nSeiros. Before they were officially wed, she returned home,\nhelped her father to restore Ordelia territory, and offered\nthe land up to be governed by neighboring lords. Once her\nparents had retired and withdrawn, Lysithea finally\nbecame the archbishop's wife. Even without her Crests,\nshe proved more than capable of assisting him in his role,\napplying her great insight and intelligence toward a\nrenewed church. Once the rebuilding effort was complete,\nthe couple and their two children enjoyed long and\npeaceful lives in the lively household they built together.

>Almost immediately after S0 and Lysithea\nhad celebrated their engagement, the struggle against\nthose who slither in the dark began in earnest. Together\nthey fought tirelessly to bring the war to an end so that\nFódlan could have lasting peace. Afterward, they left the\nImperial army for Ordelia territory, where they were\nofficially wed. After restoring their war-torn land, the\ncouple vanished from the public eye, along with Count\nOrdelia and his wife. No records remain of their lives after\nthat, but it is rumored that they retired to a peaceful life in\nDerdriu, making sweets.

you only lose kids on ferdinand's breeding bitch route hahaha

If I want to make Claude a flying archer, do I really need to train his axe skill?

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The transition into part 2 is kino on blue lions, dimitri japanese voice range change is perfect and the ost that plays on the first map fits so well

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WHERE DO I GET albinean berries

I need one of these for the other two houses.

One of the merchants sells a ton of tea.


It's kino on english as well, dimitri's english VA is probably the best in the game
It gets even more kino with chapter 17
>have your hands always been this warm professor?

Finally got my first game over.

Manuela paralogue mission against bandits. Going to use Flayn now for Rescue

Just finished chapter 6, this Monica bitch seems beyond suspicious.

Mercedes should be your main healer since she has physic and fortify while Flayn only has fortify. Flayn is better off either dark knight or holy knight so she can have a horse for rescue repositioning.

The game isn't exactly subtle about it...

he can be a wyvern lord, then just equip him with a bow

>He regained his sense of taste

So you reccomend bishop?

Doesn't she have a weakness for riding?

Funny how if she was a man everyone would call this character dogshit

>Sranking anyone but based Alois or Gilbert
Bros before hoes.

she is fucking dogshit she's a fucking whore won't have byleth's kids but she'll pump out babies for caspar the fucking bitch

If you just constantly train her in riding in every week she can get up there easy. You can just throw her at the certification every week with like C+ riding and she will get through after a couple tries at most as long as the other two skills are leveled up enough.

If only you could use Divine Pulse to reroll bad levelups. I'd actually end up using a charge or two that way.

Yea, some characteristics are shit for males

Friendly reminder that sinners aren't people.

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>beat chapter nine
>byleth is just sadly looking down in the "decide what to do with your day" menu

goddam, it hurts

no. berries. not tea

Cumbrain game

Byleth, Hanneman, Claude, or Lindhardt can save her.
She dies in every other ending.

>can't romance monica

fuck this piece of shit game, why would they make the hottest girl in the game un-fuckable

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I want to see Sylvain pump and dump her and then kill herself from heartbreak

Honestly im surprised at what they did with his body language. They are still kind of boring but at the very least they attempt to add layers to the character through supports dialogue options and body language and he isnt a complete fucking retard like Corrin. In Blue Lions post time skip Dimitri takes a shit on him a lot of the time too

hot as fuck young design that ages like milk. i'd waifu her in a heartbeat if she just had the same post timeskip model

Talk to the gatekeeper for extreme feels.

Lorenz is based

>romancing the thot that killed your dad.

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don't all the girls cuck you though?

I actually have autism and even I think you're a fucking autist m8.

Leonie's support says it will take some time to deepen. I guess I have to progress the story, right? Should I stop trying to give gifts at this point?

No, but holy shit a lot do


byleth's a fucking cuck the likes we haven't seen since mark lmao corrin had kids hahaha

>wanting to romance the bitch who killed your dad
Fuck off retard

i'd avenge him by pounding her nightly

She fucks students right? I just read her B support with Claude and I'm pretty sure she'd fuck that boy 8 years her junior and still a minor.

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flayn and lysithea don't cuck you that's it man manuela and shamir give you kids but the cuckshit is in their route not the endings hahaha

>Felix tells Ashe to stop pretending to be a knight in shining armor
>because he's worried Ashe will get himself killed while playing the hero
>Felix calls Dimitri a retard
>because he's sad that Dimitri keeps trying to throw away his life
>Felix tells Ingrid to hurry up and get married
>because he doesn't want Ingrid to obsess over Glenn her whole life and make herself depressed
>Felix tells Sylvain to stop being a huge useless piece of shit
>because Sylvain is leading a self-deprecating and destructive lifestyle

Poor berniecuck

her entire fucking "romance" route is her telling you bout a guy she used to fuck hahaha fucking trash whore almost as bad as that fucking cunt leonie lmao

Does anybody know how good the church units are? I was considering using them exclusively for the Church route.

Why do i keep falling for Lucinas

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>Edelgard tells Byleth to stop crying over Jeralt
>Bernie forces herself to leave the room and forces herself to talk to a shopkeeper to get flowers for Jeralt's grave

>Amazing second act
>Actual bloodshed among characters, Dimitri going completely nuclear is fucking based
>Characterization not locked behind fucking cut content like in Tellius
>Waifushits BTFOed because girls cuck MC in the ending
>Good supports that actually progress with time
>Fully voice acted with less F list voice actors
Its no wonder why fateswakening shitters have to resort to low quality shitposting

WHy the fuck is the battle of garreg mach so much easier with the black eagles?

>when she begs for you to help her after getting darknessed by Thales

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>He doesn't want to redeem her with his cock.

Have sex, seething incel.

I feel sorry for the boy who was to marry Bernie before she shipped off to Hogwarts

She's a Palla not Lucina

>make bernie his daughter in law
>he'll never have grandkids beyond the grave
bernie won't fucking have byleth's kids she's caspar's breeding slut hahaha

How can I become this much of a chad?

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>Be me playing edelgard's route
>Completely blind
>Choose flayn for dancer
>5 Years later have to kill her
Fuck this game, I love it so much

>expecting a 25 year female surrounded by men to be a virgin

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Because the Black Eagles literally have so many more fucking resources in the actual context of that battle? Why wouldn't it be easier?

Starting to feep bad for this schizo cuck poster.

What kind of life do you thini he lives? Must be pretty fucked up for him to he acting this way.

>good supports
are you fucking retarded hahaha byleth gets fucking cucked if he doesn't marry flayn or lysithea hahaha all his fucking endings are trash his women won't even give him kids in s rank but they will with other men in a rank hahaha fucking cope

Inter kun is gonna get fired.

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Because the Empire has spent 1000 years preparing for war, what do you think the Church's main job was? When the Church told them to stop trying to start a war in Fodlan, they went overseas to Brigid to start a war instead.

>if you're not a virgin you have to mention guys you used to fuck every fucking second
nice try shamir cuck she won't shut the fuck up bout her dead boyfriend hahaha

>Getting cucked
>Bad supports
Seems good and realistic to me

>girls cuck MC in the ending
elaborate. my byleth is not locked into one hunny yet and i do not wish this fate upon him

fugg, i don't wanna run through the black eagles route where you follow crazy lady but i want to see all the content, what do i do.

>fire emblem drops
>sad panda is dead

Where the hell will I be able to get the inevitable doujins?

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tf is this

>Waifufags gloat about how the gay supports suck
>Turns out all the straight supports suck too
Get fucked, straighties. I love my husband Linhardt and he loves me back, unlike your "wives" lmao.

>Bernie forces herself to leave the room and forces herself to talk to a shopkeeper to get flowers for Jeralt's grave

this was honestly touching, i let out an audible "what the fuck" when i saw her character model out of her room. it was another nice touch when during the "looking for flayn" chapter she lets you into her room to search for her

kronya killed him, not monica. monica is a pure and innocent victim

e hentai

>Fire Emblem
>Getting doujins

Third page on fire emblem heroes notifications.

You wish. Not even Fates got any actual good ones. We were just spammed with Fem!Corrin trash. We might get a passable FRobin one at C96 and that's about it. Heroes didnt even help the doujinshi scene that much

>Trying to talk reason to incels.
Seriously, when someone reaches the point they blame an entire gender for their problems and get mad every single female isn't a pure untouched virgin, they are beyond help.

Room full of anime girl posters, at least one waifupillow. Probably an anime girl figurine or two as well.

the japs fucking hate this game they stripped out fanservice for westcucks and they fucking flooded it with dykeshit hahaha

>fire emblem

Attached: 1457749189159.png (128x128, 15K)

Gacha shit.

>Alois support
Maybe if you suck.

So they made it less of a pathetic mess pandering to delusional shut-in's?
No wonder the japs hate it.

t. Can't read Japanese and has never talked with a Japanese person

>e hentai

I bet you drink diet mtn dew too huh?

>DooNigg can dance
>But prince punished cant

Talk about true character developement.

One of her potential suitors was Ferdinand according to their supports.
They even got married on my playthrough.

The pokemon doujins were irreplaceable.

nah now it's fucking cuckshit perfect for californians hahaha

>be me
>boot up the game and join the black eagles
>dead set on marrying edelgard from the get go
>wound up going down the church route because i didn't bother looking up any guides and wanted to stay spoiler-free
>only waifus left are this turboautist, some dumb ESL, and a literal roastie
genuinely considering starting all over again with BE or joining a different house at this point

the church route is boring as shit

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>get triple conversation with Mercedes
>"Do you mind if i stay a little longer?"

glad this fucking tea time shit can make me emulate my autism in video games too

Japs don't hate it at all, that user is just making shit up.

Kill yourself hahacuck

>Muh Loli tag

look up the fucking sales in japan you fucking retard lmao

the hinoka one is great

I personally can't stand the background color. Why isn't there a dark mode option that switches it from beige to black?

Yeah kind of important when loli shit gets made. Retard.

What’s her S rank like?

>managed to recruit literally everyone except Ferdinand right before what I assume is the timeskip
Wew, really cut that close. REALLY didn't want to kill Ashe and Petra after hitting B rank with them. Can I get Ferdinand later? I'm at C rank with him.

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t. cuckold enthusiast

>femdom, mother, shota

Those were my search tags

Please state exactly where in the game a character sleeps with a character despite being in a relationship with another. Any response other then actually answering the question will be regarded as an admission of not actually having and argument and just being a seething mad incel.

nhentai as soon as they get the gallery uploads going

It debuted at #1 in Japan, what are you talking about?

Not even, e-hentai cuts out a lot of shit, you dont tend to realize it until the panda is gone

Fuck off cuckfag

Please kill yourself.



>Didn't get BEST BOY first.
Bad taste, user.

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flier are so fucking useless. my pegasus knight at least had something to do on flayn's paralogue with all of the water and mages, but wyvern riders are fucking weak to bows AND magic in this game, why would you bother with them. i do not remember them getting fucked by magic in the GBA games, may have been the case in the DS ones

>mother, milf
was my go to, now almost everything is gone

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I want the guy who is obsessed with cuckolding to leave.

Just pissed off because this game is actually relatively well recieved

My Ingrid is turbo sanic, double attacks fucking everywhere.

low effort kek

Where's the one for the other houses?

Why is this what I end up saying to myself every time I bother to load up Yea Forums nowadays?
Incel whining ruins everything.

retard confirmed. you can literally fly in and dismount if you fucking need to

She tells Sylvain to go away in their support

Did you try selecting the "dismount" option?

the main character being in a coma for 5 ears is a dumb way to go about the timeskip

>MFW wanted an armored mage option like Jugdral, tried for it but there wasnt any
>Went to make Raphiel a Punch Flier but then realized fliers cant punch

It is pretty bad, a lot of writers have a hard time actually writing in time skips

>Manuela Paralogue
>thief gets away with xp orb
fucks sake, now I gotta start over.

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This, Felix is my favorite. He's actually a great guy. Blunt but because he cares.

>42 (fourty fucking two) speed
>doubles other pegasus knights with a fucking steel lance
>crit ring + killer lance = 25-70% crit chance

fed her every +strength item ive gotten and she is out of fucking control

Why the fuck didn't he just divine pulse when he got hit with that dark magic shit

>Dimitri has 40 strength at level 34
>Can basically oneshot anything on fucking hard mode
>Anything he cant one shot he can use his legendary weapon or brave lance for
>has like a fucking innate 30% crit rate just because, even more with fucking Smash because he is axe trained
>he only has a silver shield equips no real special gear
>has a fuckton of defense
>his gambits absolutely decimate formations and turn them into a mountain of bodies
This nigga fucking takes more roids than Ike

Gameplay and story segregation, it's also why the creator sword is shit tier compared to thunderbrand

I'm doing Lions my first playthrough and I saw someone mention theres a church route. Would it fuck things up if I went church my first time?

blyeth being stuck in the shadow realm for 5 years wouldve been such a cleaner way to introduce the timeskip

Because with Jeralt's death they established that oogabooga man knows about that shit and is ahead of the curve

Yeah they fucked with that way too early, he just cuts himself out of the shadow realm no problem he should have just been there 5 years seeking a way out

>her fuck-huge tits in that scene when she's on the ground looking back at you


Is it possible to recruit everyone? Is it worth it?

Please don't spoil if there's a twist coming but

Dedue being killed in Dimitri's place has me legitimately fucking pissed and FUCK Edelgard. Stupid vapid cunt.

You can only go Church if you pick Black Eagles.

That reminds me, it was pretty retarded that he gave up on saving his fucking father after 1 (one) failed attempt too, there were so many more ways to act than just "hit evil bitch with sword"

Dont forget EFFECTIVE AGAINST ALL ENEMIES and his absolutely gigabusted battalion that gives like +10 atk

Is it just me, or, does the Edelgard route feel unfinished? I feel like this is a prime candidate for the future DLC considering it's kind of off how it ends, especially when the characters hinted that despite the war being over, there was still more to do, but the narrator was just like, "oh yeah, all that shit got solved, don't worry about it".

I just imagined that it was the limits of the power at the time really which I feel is fine that you cant just use it over and over again


Which route has Byleth having lots of kids?

I havent even fucking gotten that far yet, Jesus christ. The signs were there, Felix warned me, but I didnt listen

I'm on Ch.14. Blue Lions. Uh, was there a way to save Dedue?

I fucking assumed no one could get A ranks until the timeskip because fucking nobody could, but I heard somewhere he had to have A with Dimitri to make it past the timeskip. Half expecting him to show up later but just tell me if I fucked up now

>went Church first.
>he seemed like a nice but kinda awkward guy every time I talked to him.
>last month pre-timeskip he says this.
I know what route I'm doing next.

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>lose daddy and loli waifu in back to back chapters

where did my happy harry potter sim go

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>native american goddess

those be fighin words user

Wait? Are there routes pre timeskip? I am confused as far as the routes go. Would I need to do another blue Lion playthrough?

I've done BL and that ended abruptly too, I thinks it's they didn't actually make 3 complete stories, they made one story then chopped it into 3 parts.

So what kind Byleths are you all running? I'm running an archer right now, and for the next playthrough I might go brawler. Too bad brawler skins look super gay.

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Why don't the church members get new portraits 5 years later?

Hero this play through. War master next.

I thought the intention was that you dont really get the full story unless you do all the routes and shit

IS is a small indie company, please understand

>objective: defeat the commander
>check the map
>commander is in fact the Flame Emperor
>setting up units
>realize I can use Stride on Lysithea and Dorothea at the same time
>move Lysithea all the way across the fucking map with a dance
>she melts the bitch without even being hit back
>one-turn victory
I absolutely love this girl

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I can see why for older ones, it is pretty bothersome but then you have Flayn who would have aged

>He doesn't know

Flayn stole mine.

>awakening 242.600
>fates 303.666
>three houses 143.130

Like shit I imagine.

>another cumbrain thread

no she wouldn't have

Only tharja got doujins and rightfully so

You're retarded. He knows about and is able to negate your trump card. There's nothing more terrifying narrative than your deus ex machina crutch no longer being usable.

I want to like Fire Emblem, but I just can't seem to get a handle on the combat portion. Like, the degrading weapons and lack of ways to earn gold really seem to hinder it for me. Is there like a guide for retards for FE?

my bad ingrid bro hahaha laughing too hard to link right bro hahahaha get fucking rekt bitches opening week sales dumbasses japs fucking hate this pozzed game not bad japs hahaha

How to recruit people?
I grow flowers every day and have recruited almost all the women

How does this make you feel?

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Full on Paladin.

lmao if westcucks localized it they'd add more cuckshit not less hahahahaha

You know he gets his own class right?

Yeah he knows about you that's why he just fucks off and gets killed in the epilogue lol

Does Edelgard give you children or am I just wasting my time?

Why are they so mad? What even happens with his S support?

I don't give a single shit because it's some nobodies saying something stupid on the internet which is most of the internet.

What does a women smell like Yea Forums?

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>villains have OP teleport powers
>never use them to assassinate the heroes while they sleep

>Byleth x Edelgard
>S0 and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a\ngodlike being. S0 was wounded and lost\nthe power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not,\nas EK00heEL00sheEM00 and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting\npeace, the two fought against those who slither in the\ndark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and\nfall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming\nthe antiquated class system. They achieved much in their\ntime together, and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.

what? no marriage? no children?

>Edelgard x Ferdinand
>As the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard appointed Ferdinand\nas her prime minister, and the two devoted themselves to\nruling Fódlan. Their sharply contrasting views made for\nfrequent and lively debate, but with each enhancing the\nperspective of the other, Fódlan was better for it. As they\nworked tirelessly to create a better future, they were soon\nbound together by marriage as well. Their children,\nborn to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy,\nwere encouraged to choose their own paths.


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>start Felix and Annette support
>Annette's singing

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She will always love dimitri
Go for petra instead

Ive stayed out of these threads for spoilers, but i just beat Black Eagle run.
Does anyone know what the pro/cons for NG+ is?
Can i make new decisions and choose a different house?

bags of sand

its because Byleth can have a benis or roastie
so it has to be ambitious

if you're byleth they smell like your students cum hahaha

Quite pungent

you have OP time powers
if only that could've helped


hahaha then explain bernadetta bro lmao

>tfw I limited myself to only taking 1 student from the other two houses because I felt bad robbing the other lords of their bros

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I just bought Awakening for my first time trying this series and it better be fucking good.

My father told me about this movie two weeks ago saying it's great, what's the opinion on here? Worth a watch?

>constantly fighting and sweating from mission to mission
>likely has no opportunities to safely relieve herself, all liquid, solid, and gaseous waste is relieved with clothes on
>missions often go for multiple in-game hours, sometimes days.
>everything from bathing to cleaning/changing clothes are luxuries that can't be afforded. once clothing is finally removed, it's likely very stained and sticky.

I would cut off one of my own digits with a dull, rusty knife just to personally remove any FE girl's panties. I'd remove my entire hand to also be allowed to keep them. Just imagine Lyn straddling your face after months in the field, peeling off her sticky armor and clothing, then demanding you clean her entire body AND wardrobe with your tongue, while she exercises her strong sword-holding arm on your cock. Could you even refuse? Besides her otherworldly might that allows her to fell strong men with a single sword thrust, her royal status would make it treason. Not that I would deny her.

Do you think the mounted units let their steeds penetrate them? They at least jerk them off, to keep them focused. Might as well fuck two birds at once. How could you fight off a mighty pegasus trying to enter your pussi anyways, especially if you relied on it for combat and couldn't hurt it? Might as well relax and enjoy it. Probably gets lonely in the field...

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awakening is fucking based bro robin can fuck bitches and impregnate them haha even corrin can lmao byleth is a fucking cuckold bitch hahahaha

>not a single shower in sight at the monastery

>Could you even refuse?
Yes because that sounds icky. Dumb bitch can just go take a bath.

be real with me How long did you spend thinking about this post?

>write a trillion lines of dialogue for your 200 hour game
>can't be fucked to account for sex of your mc when writing your endings

epic game

Do not reply to me, cumbrain.

well you better be ready to fucking murder them in cold blood

Best girl.

>Blythe gets cucked by almost every s rank
>Only good options are old hags or lolis

a-at least catherine defends you

that's even better, murdering generics takes away the impact of the blood of the eagle and lion chapter

>go for petra instead
>petra won't give byleth kids
>she's a fucking breeding whore for hubert

>Byleth x Petra
>After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United\nKingdom of Fódlan, S0 announced his\nmarriage to Petra. In light of her love for her spouse and\nher unique position to act as a bridge between the two\nregions, Petra entrusted her homeland's throne to her\nfamily and remained in Fódlan. Together, the two worked\nhard to restore Fódlan and improve relations with Brigid.\nThe foreign royal was initially met with skepticism, but in\ntime, the people of Fódlan accepted and adored Petra.\nThanks to their efforts, in the distant future, the two lands\nwere eventually as one.

what? no kids?

>Hubert x Petra
>Shortly after the war, Brigid renegotiated its diplomatic\narrangement with the Adrestian Empire, ending its service\nas a vassal and becoming a full ally. As part of that\nagreement, Petra, queen of Brigid, was wed to Hubert,\nMarquis Vestra. Some say that the marriage was purely\npolitical, ordered by Emperor Edelgard, while others insist\nthat it was of their own accord. Although they led busy\nlives, and sometimes lived separately. Still, their shared\nhome in the western Fódlan village of Nuvelle was filled\nwith their many children, suggesting a loving union.


Attached: Hubert_Portrait.jpg (225x225, 8K)

I want to shove my face in between her feminine, warm thighs until her pussy is pressed right against my face, and go to sleep!

>Treehouse not allowed to do any rewrites anymore without Nintendo of Japan's permission
>trannies getting for Fates-tier gay rewrites like Fates got
These must be the retards that defended Fates rewrite-localisation.


DLC episode when?

Attached: GREETINGS PROFESSOR.png (243x276, 166K)

rhea's ending is fucking trash bro it got dyked hahaha

>Byleth x Rhea
>After finally saving both Fódlan and Rhea from crisis,\nS0 ascended the throne as the first leader of\nthe United Kingdom of Fódlan. From EK00hisEL00herEM00 temporary\nresidence at Garreg Mach Monastery, EK00heEL00sheEM00 endeavored to\nrestore and develop Fódlan. Having narrowly escaped\ndeath, Rhea took time to recover her strength before\nreturning to her role as archbishop. Upon her return,\nshe applied herself to rehabilitating the church and\nhelping those who had suffered because of the war.\nThereafter, the two worked closely to forge new policies\nand achieve progress for Fódlan. The pair's collective work\ncame to be thought of as nothing short of miraculous.


They come back, don't worry.

Start with fates, easy combat, easy maps and no weapon degrading birthright holds your hand all the way to the end

I wish you could recruit this guy. Total bro.

then fuck off retard hahaha

>that scene where you wake up on rhea's lap with her singing to you

i'm all in on church route, bros

Alois has a baed ending

Her and Dimitri are a god tier pairing.

read this man rhea's ending is fucking trash it's not even fucking romance hahaha it's fucking nothing lmao

>Byleth x Rhea
>After finally saving both Fódlan and Rhea from crisis,\nS0 ascended the throne as the first leader of\nthe United Kingdom of Fódlan. From EK00hisEL00herEM00 temporary\nresidence at Garreg Mach Monastery, EK00heEL00sheEM00 endeavored to\nrestore and develop Fódlan. Having narrowly escaped\ndeath, Rhea took time to recover her strength before\nreturning to her role as archbishop. Upon her return,\nshe applied herself to rehabilitating the church and\nhelping those who had suffered because of the war.\nThereafter, the two worked closely to forge new policies\nand achieve progress for Fódlan. The pair's collective work\ncame to be thought of as nothing short of miraculous.

holy fucking shit it's fucking nothing holy fuck hahahaha


This, the game is literally "forge bronze/iron weapons" to win

>Byleth is literally god
>Lorenz's son with Byleth is Lorenz 2.0 with all of his features, even the same hair and hair colour
>Lorenz's genes managed to overcome god
>Lorenz is actually god

if you're gonna spam the thread can you at least fixed the fucked formatting before you post

Someone explain Church route to me. When do you choose? How much does it change? What house do you pick this in?

Forged Iron weapons are pretty nifty in Three Houses too for faster units.

it's the fucking raw bro if i fix it up cunts itt will jus say i'm makin shit up lmao they can't fucking deny the text from the game lmao

B-but cucks said it was only because of FemByleth!

Good. Fuck this bland self-insert shit. All the supports between actual characters are fun, funny, cute, romantic, etc. etc.

The supports with Byleth are all fucking boring as hell unless they're telling you about their past.

>Bernie but actually good

No toilets either
On that note, what’s the point of the sauna?

>byleth supports with shamir and leonie
>all about other men they used to fuck or want to fuck
hahahahaha byleth is a fucking cuck loser bitch robin and corrin would fucking tear his ass open lmao

Yes. Not sure if the support points will carry over

all the other girls might choose another guy if you don't pick them
no matter who you pick you're a cuck

>if the name text is nonsense and some /n's are thrown in then what i say is undeniably real

get help m8

holy fuck the delusion hahahaha is this the power of a three houses cuck apologist lmao

C96 is too close for anyone good to make one anyways
and a replacement will be up by C97

rhea is ^pure

rhea's ending isn't even romantic hahahaha it's fucking garbage hahaha

>Byleth x Rhea
>After finally saving both Fódlan and Rhea from crisis,\nS0 ascended the throne as the first leader of\nthe United Kingdom of Fódlan. From EK00hisEL00herEM00 temporary\nresidence at Garreg Mach Monastery, EK00heEL00sheEM00 endeavored to\nrestore and develop Fódlan. Having narrowly escaped\ndeath, Rhea took time to recover her strength before\nreturning to her role as archbishop. Upon her return,\nshe applied herself to rehabilitating the church and\nhelping those who had suffered because of the war.\nThereafter, the two worked closely to forge new policies\nand achieve progress for Fódlan. The pair's collective work\ncame to be thought of as nothing short of miraculous.


Don't worry Professor, Ferdinand is just a friend.

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>black eagles don't even have a chapter where all the member one by one rejoin the team and the abbey
litteral garbage

Sounds to me like you're in denial about being a cuck, user.

>People unironically want to romance Edgelord
That's pretty cringe.

Can this guy get a trip at least so I can filter him

>not RPing as Eva Braun

should have played japanese
how shit was Rhea's singing in English?

fuck off cuck apologist lmao i didn't write this shit dumb ass i wouldn't fucking write cuckshit you fucking cuck defender hahaha

Thought Annette was cute

bro cuck lmao hahaha
cuck bro lmao hahaha
hahaha cuck lmao bro

Will Marianne give me babbies if I decide to S rank her? This is important.

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speed is just avo in this game I thought
its attack speed that matters

She'll give you horse babies

I-I liked it...

just play it nigger

So I hate the Byleths male design. I'm think of playing female for that reason. The character I want to romance swings both ways. How much different are the supports and how different is the story between genders?

How do you hate M Byleth?
F Byleth is honestly really odd design wise, but M Byleth i honestly think has a pretty genius MC design

Real fucking talk, though.
Ferdinand and Edelgard is the most crack fucking pairing. The fact that that even exists as an option in her route is fucking staggering.

The crazy cunt locked his father away, denying him the chance to do so himself and regain his families honor on his own terms.
She removed all of his families lands and titles, striping them of everything.
And she treats him like a puppet.

Ferdinand rightfully wants to put her down in every other route you recruit him to. He has less reason to want to stick by her than any other Black Eagle.
Which is why Edelgard's loyalty route is fucking dumb and the least canon of all routes. The fact that Ferdie is willing to put his dick anywhere near that fire crotch is as unbelievable to me as Byleth willingly siding with the girl who had no qualms helping the fuckers who killed his dad and torched his village.

>he likes the ayy lmao eyes

How the fuck can you hate M Byleth but be okay with F Byleth's design? She looks like a fucking monstrosity.

You can fuck my girl, nut on her face, make her call you daddy. But at the end of the night, if I'm cuddling with her, who really wins?

Of course it's not.
That would be parent/child incest.
That's wrong.

I love it

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enjoy being executed for insulting your queen, gayfag. I'll happily purify her of any undesired stenches

>woweee that was like 100 words how is that possible???
some of us aren't constrained by single-digit IQ's or accustomed to twitter character limits. sniffposters are your superiors, summerkid. you need to respect us.

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male byleth is a fucking cuckold loser bitch hahahaha robin and corrin fucking destroy his ass hahaha he can't even breed women he's a fucking cuck

>Seteth and Flayn are obviously dragons
>"Oh but we can't transform for reasons lol"

Fuck you game. I wanted my obligatory manakete unit.

>can't recruit the gatekeeper NPC
>he's going to die for sure

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I like Byleths male design
probably because it slightly resembles Ephraim

I find it incredibly generic. Female at least has midriff, skirt+boots and that stocking/lingerie pattern.
>durr cumbrain

Wait there aren’t manaketes in this game? Fucking dropped

He's a tranny.

Byleth's special class costume is really making me wish there was a way to just give everyone a single outfit that stays on regardless of class choice

He adopts you and you marry generic village girl #3

Only Black Eagles has routes. Church and Edelgard.

>But at the end of the night, if I'm cuddling with her, who really wins?

She wins.
She wins and both men lose.
The bull may have had instant gratification and got to blow his load, but he's pushed out to the cold the moment she stops needing a hard pounding for the night and instead needs an obedient little lap dog to lick her cunt out until she falls alseep.
The cuck loses because, while his fetish may be realized, his wife no longer respects him as a man and never will, no matter how much

But she gets the best of both worlds.
She gets an "Alpha" male to pound the shit out of her hard and rough like she likes, but doesn't need to put up with his attitude otherwise.
Meanwhile she has some pathetic beta faggot she can parade around as her pet pussy whipped husband who does chores around the house and cooks all the food and worships her like a goddess, without her actually having to touch him save maybe a pity fuck once a year on his birthday just as a reminder of her power over his erections.


why do you type like this when you post, it's very annoying

>Marianne and MC's ending is boring
Fucking why

Are certain supports locked to part 1?

least she doesn't cuck you man hahaha she ain't bad man she doesn't have kids with other men hahaha

all of the knights

It's the autism

Just got the game
Finishing is pretty kino

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It would be better if you could bang edelgard during the route rather than only at the end


I think the issue is that they kept the Byleth endings vague so that you, self-inserting as Byleth, can imagine what happened after the game ends. But, they chose to make detailed endings for non-Byleth character endings this time around since there's no need to worry about giving the player room to self-insert after the story is over. This leads to an odd situation where you get vague endings for characters that clearly care about you a lot even before getting their S-Rank support, like Edelgard and Dimitri, but detailed endings (for nu-FE) when they're paired with literally whos. It makes the Byleth endings feel like the game is blue ballsing you instead of "and his/her life continues", like they want the Byleth endings to feel.

>Ignatz randomly decides to join my house
I mean, I'm never going to use him, but okay

What are the requirnments for dancer/what does it use? I know you have to have the unit win a charm stat check but I want to be prepared
also how can I raise charm?

it's fucking trash man it's fucking cuckshit garbage

>Alright girls, great job. Let's go hit those showers together... now! it's a girls only group training exercise. I expect everyone naked and in those showers in 5 minutes!

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Isn't sylvain pretty much a volcel?

You select a dancer around the later half of part 1. They get a 5 point Cha boost if you pick them then train them.

Was an Hero last time on my Blue Lions run, currently trying to get to Warlock in Golden Deers before the timeskip.

>he doesn't want to 40 - 40 everything

Raise charm with equipment, consumables and inviting to tea, its a pretty low check ~17 iirc

the check was 13 for me

I know a guy who reminds me of Berny. It's so weird they're so damn similar but he's you know a dude who has issues with girls. Felt bad for him.

Just win the charm check, and the person who won gets the class.
Skills,usable items, battalions, tea parties, and there is a one time +5 charm event before the cup.

>he can impregnate mercedes and ingrid
>byleth can't

I can't get the girls to be gay with each other can I
is it only a self insert yuri thing
this is bullshit

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Dorothea can S rank with most females. Including Manuela. She goes great /u/ with Petra.

>promote her to this
>she loses the sniper personal combat arte

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Okay thank you! What equipment does dancer use though? Tried looking it up but couldn't find anything solid, sword maybe was the best I could find.

if a girl has an S rank with another girl that means gay then right?

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Is it possible to recruit anyone after the timeskip, or do I not have any choice but to kill every last one of them?

>Ms. Edelgard I'm uncomfortable with this!

Sword and magic. They get an ability where they get 20 avoid with a sword equipped, too


Aw shit, I lose Hunter’s Volley if I promote to Bow Knight?

so how does this A ranking work for other characters? do i just A rank everyone with everyone and let jesus sort out who gets together or do i have a say in it

They can use any weapon since no martial class has any restrictions. They also use magic, so Lys or Dorothea make good dancers.

I've never really played an FE much before I just keep reclassing people and changing shit around and I don't know what's happening.


>That hair

What the fuck

Just A rank people you want together and skip other A ranks altogether.

Can you soft reset to keep trying to recruit someone, or is it locked per day (like the certification exams)?

Nice thank you!
I'm assuming you mean Reason for magic?

She lives if you pair her with Linhardt.

It looks better close up.

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a rank endings are better than byleth's s rank endings hahaha byleth gets fucking cucked bro lmao

I poached Dorothea for the Lions and used her, but she was up against Caspar and Lysithea.

What did Edelgard do wrong?

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>Don't bother recruiting from the other houses because I already like my current students and any extra slots get filled by the knights
>Run into Ashe in the GD route, think nothing on it as I send claude turn one to put an arrow between his eyes
>His encounter quote and death quote makes me feel bad for him
>Oh well at least killing him is optional, I'll just dragon pulse and rush the map without killing him
>Next map is Ferdinand and he needs to die to win the map
I barely know the other houses' students, their deaths shouldn't be hitting me hard at all. Did they try to make every student endearing in some way before they die? Because thats a hell of a guilt trip

yeah unfortunately, i dont know what bow knights maxed out class skill is though yet, you do get +2 bow range innate skill though

Fucken nice

she cucks byleth hahaha she won't even marry him or have his kids cause he's a commoner in s rank she fucking marries ferdinand and jumps on his cock lmao fucking nonstop breeding in a rank hahaha

Attached: Ferdinand_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 822K)

hahaha dude cuck lmao hahaha

Unironically nothing except hiring the Death Knight and the other cult members

Up till the point where they merc Jeralt for no real reason she completely morally justified.

Please have sex with my wife Ferdinand-sama

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i gave it to flayn and then she left 2 chapters later


does anyone actually want to try a run on normal using auto battle with the infinite grind just to see if you can max out of every single class possible and make the most broken motherfucker ever, either that or just pick one unit to baby the fuck out of on a hard mode ng+

She isn't Hilda.

Attached: Hildatuning.png (256x512, 64K)

What exactly does Darting Blow do?

The death knight isn't that bad. In the Edelgard route, the dude offers a sincere heartfelt apology to Manuela for stabbing her


Yeah, passing on this thread.
Bernie is still the best waifu.

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Based Hilda Chad

Yes. Basically, what Fates should've been

its just one autist
its funny he doesn't even attempt to type differently
he just lets everyone know hes a samefag

so is it true that dedue dies after the timeskip if you never did his part 1 paralogue?

>Caspar has 16 fucking strength at level 23

>you've missed the opportunity to deepen this bond

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Don't have a Switch.
How is Ingrid? I got a soft spot for Knightly Women.

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This game's really popular. Should I assume people think it's good?

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Cut your losses

Does it feel good cucking this snape lookin ass white knight?

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Why bother with spoilers, everyone here is on its 4th run at this point.

Yes, because soldiers from Duscur in his paralogue that you saved save him

>Did they try to make every student endearing in some way before they die? Because thats a hell of a guilt trip

Yes, they really did.
They also went about it in a really sneaky way.

A lot of the students first interactions with you early on make them initially seem insufferable so that you're more likely to skip them early on, so that when they finally do shine through, it may already be too late to get them.

The true gut wrenching shit, however, comes from making certain units fight other units, instead of just Byleth murdering them all.
I don't think I'll ever go a round again where I don't keep both Manuela and Dorothea in my army as soon as possible just so I can avoid that encounter from ever happening again.

What do Edelgard's red tights smell like?

that's pretty cool then, was just asking because i just got dedue back during the bridge mission. It's a bit weird how the game keeps showing him off in heavy armor when he will likely go war master instead of GK

probably pee


it might
>i'll dance with you if you'd like m'lady
>edelgard ignores him

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Dimitri's English VA does fine job as well when it comes to crazy parts. His voice is beyond fitting for crazy parts in fact. Dimitri's English VA was one of the few English voices I had no issues with.

For anyone who's gotten past the time skip does the preparation theme change, or stay the same?

Like Hitler on a Bavarian summer morning.

Dorothea was fun to kill though. Get this actual thot out of my weeb game.

>managed to recruit Ferdinand on literally the last day before the timeskip
Fucking Jesus I did it, I saved all the students

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Stays the same.

>can't handle the truth

He comes back pretty soon.

Not all of them professor...

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I'm normally totally avoidant of dubs but I briefly watched a stream last night for some reactions and yeah, Dimitri's pretty consistently good in English. Some lines in the same scene are clearly from a different take though and his tone of voice changes dramatically when the mood is the same. That's just a bit of a nitpick though, I think whoever voiced him did good.

Typical Pegasus Knight. High Speed and Skill (Now Dexterity), low Strength and Defense, middling Resistance

But Dorothea ends up unironically being one of the most genuine and thoughtful women in the whole damn army. Hell, she spends the entire time skip traveling across the war torn remnants of the Empire's conquest saving orphans from death.

By killing Dorothea instead of recruiting her, you have sentenced countless numbers of your chosen house's children to a slow starvation death.
And also deprived yourself of the best, most practical Dancer in the game.

Top kek. Sadly I missed Sylvain in my Golden Deer playthrough, but I'll make sure to grab Marianne in my Blue Lions.

So I'm playing on Normal Classic as this is my first Fire Emblem game but it's way too fucking easy, should I restart on Hard? I didn't think they'd rename the Japanese easy to normal and it caught me off guard. I want to have a challenge but this is braindead easy. I'm about twenty hours in though, is it worth it?

she won't even have byleth's kids hahaha but she'll have ferdinand's lmao

Her support with Sylvain is actually pretty cute

Swordmaster because I spread myself too thin before realizing how dumb I was being and going all in on swords to save myself. That being said I'm going fully Faith Byleth next run since it's completely unkillable.

Yes, restart now before it's too late

>saves other kids
>won't have byleth's kids
Fuck her

>most practical dancer
Flayn worked fine for me desu.

I meant story wise.

>Not pairing Dorothea with Manuela so the two hopeless romantic, noble hating opera sluts can have a weird Mommy/Daughter sexual relationship.

Fucking doing it wrong.

Nah, just finish the route you're on and do hard next time

I feel like I'm robbing myself of the experience of a good game though, I picked Blue Lions if it matters.

Dorothea is the best dancer option because, while others can also do the job, Dorothea is tailor made for it. Her Cha base stat is high and her Cha stat growth is fucking stupid.
So why take someone like Flayn or Lys who, while they do a good job at it, are much better served as other, better classses.

Just stuck with enlightened one and pumped faith for the last 1/4 of the game first run. Will probably do the same for a church run because nothing else but maybe bishop would feel right. I was determined to run axes on him first run then I saw how awful the class outfits are for males. Gachi-tier fetish gear all around. Some of the girls look okay as a warrior though.

Hilda x Caspar was surprisingly cute.

Because the game is easy enough that you can get away with sub-optimal spreads and I already had Mercedes as a primary healer, all Flayn would have done is rescuebot.

But Dorothea is an excellent Gremory. Cha only matters to meet the requirement and you already get a free +5 from the training session
The real answer to "who do I make dancer?" is whoever got shit level ups. If you have a shit unit and they have 8 Cha, you turn that whore so they can actually contribute to the team

>no manaketes
Well, there goes my plan to buy a Switch

Cha does nothing for the dancer class. Also dancer encourages magic and speed growths, and since magic is Lys best stat, her speed is above average, and her sword skill, she makes for a better dancer.

wheres new thread

>siding with Edelgard
>making poor Ferdinand marry a bitchy gorilla
>not joining the Lions or the Deers and recruiting Ferdinand and Dorothea and setting them up with each other

What does Cha do anyway? Affect gambits? Or is that Authority?

Does Cyril ever get good or is he doomed to eternally shit stats?

affects gambit hit/avoid/mt, recruitment shit for byleth MAYBE

It helps battalions and gambits, and makes authority slightly better.

>Affect gambits? Or is that Authority?
Both affect gambits similar to how both str and swords affect sword attacks, or mag and reason affect black magic.

Not giving Dorothea dancer (steal her if you must) is absolute grognard tier

>Cha does nothing for the dancer class.

To be fair, Cha does something for every class.
It increases avoidance, hit rate, and gambit strength.

And while the last one is kind of useless on a dancer since why would you ever bother using a gambit on one, having a dancer who is harder to hit isn't a bad thing. And hit rate is hit rate. Everyone wants that.

I ended up getting Rapheal and Dedue against Dorothea.

Probably because by that point, I had already stolen every other unit I could from all the houses save Raphael, and Hilda seems like she'd be too lazy to help out Golden Deer unless she was literally the only option left.
