No games

>no games
>no portability
Dead on arrival

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>not streaming your games to your phone from your console at home for portability

>no portability
does Yea Forums go outside that much that this somehow matters? kinda hard to believe with the state of the board and all.

Yes, pre-cope for another 7 years of playstation domination

it matters because it's the only argument the Switch has

>mobile phones
does Yea Forums go outside that much that this somehow matters? kinda hard to believe with the state of the board and all.

i fucking hate needless LEDs. i hate having obstructive distracting lights when I'm trying to pay attention to the screen

phones actually have uses beyond games because they aren't shitty nintendo products.


>fuck around on a device whenever, where ever
>not an advantage
Its almost like portable gaming has been a massive success since before you were born, zoomer

He'll see how he's wrong about portability very soon

what does its success have to do with Yea Forums who rarely go outside? movie games have been a massive success yet it doesn't stop Yea Forums from shitting on them.

if it had portability, Yea Forums would just call out sony for being desperate and copying the switch

>Coping in advance

Stay cool Yea Forums

I remember when Yea Forums said PS4 would do worse than the PS3 and now Yea Forums is eating those 100M dicks

100 Million

>Yea Forums is one person

Literally has the most exclusives this gen Tendies are not coping

>Yea Forums is one person

I'm sure you can easily turn them off.

>Literally has the most exclusives this gen
That would be PC

is Yea Forums going to start leaving the house very soon? maybe they wouldn't complain so much about the quality of their own board.

mad already

it basically is seeing how 95% of you have the same opinions on everything

Just like the DS4, huh?

You admit you're not one of us Redditor

How can anyone have this much of a persecution complex?

>no portability


You’re forgetting there are some kiddies that need distracting shit like extraneous music, neon lights or something playing on a second screen of to side to actually stay focused on what they’re playing.

Personally I fucking hate distractions of any kind.

i'm a PChad so no persecution of me. i

what is "one of us"? Yea Forums claimed he was constantly being raided by resetera and got taken over by reddit during gamergate and then the 2016 election.

i literally dont post on reddit, but im not some retarded Yea Forums moron either

What is there to be confused about? It means exactly what it says

there is portability though, it just sucks

even the PS4 does, you can play your PS4 at home using your phone


Expensive is good right? It means better quality console, higher framerates, higher resolution?

Do we even know what it looks like yet? i want to play Nier Automata on a switch but better.

>still better than Nintendo

And you'll still buy it anyways.

PS4 will definitely have a lot of staying power because of this. Like how the PS2 stayed relevant until the PS3 stopped sucking cock.
The PS5 does NOT seem like a decent investment at the moment. You guys are all better off getting a gaming PC.

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Just Nintenshills jewing up commercial mantra, nothing new.

>nothing but buzzwords

>nincels crying about the PlayStation instead of crying about who’s gonna be the next dlc in smash
never change, zoomers