

Attached: craig-nacroix-cropped-1920-1080-926371.jpg (1920x1080, 441K)

ya fuck this perk
shitty killers get free kills because the survivors did their job

I think Ruin is much worse.
NOED is almost non-existant if you just mess with the bones. But Ruin will singlehandledly fuck up solo queue games and nearly everyone runs it for a reason.

git gud

Attached: so close you could taste it.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

>survivors run Adrenaline without consequence
>but killers can't run NOED, which is a totem that can he destroyed

>doood what do you mean I have to do totems?
>B-but muh efficiency!

>survivor works for whole game to get adrenaline
>killer gets noed as a reward for being shit

>Killer gets more as a reward for survivors not doing totems
Ftfy. Also don't you dare say shit about free rewards when you faggots have ds

>survivors complaining about any killer perk at all

lmao get out of rank 15, redditor

just slug them for 60 seconds you fucking mong

>average killer perk
>killer does basic task
>all survivors revealed
>"best" survivor perk
>survivor does all 5 gens without dying; takes entire game
>gets a heal

ya survivor perks are just busted