

Attached: craig-nacroix-cropped-1920-1080-926371.jpg (1920x1080, 441K)

ya fuck this perk
shitty killers get free kills because the survivors did their job

I think Ruin is much worse.
NOED is almost non-existant if you just mess with the bones. But Ruin will singlehandledly fuck up solo queue games and nearly everyone runs it for a reason.

git gud

Attached: so close you could taste it.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

>survivors run Adrenaline without consequence
>but killers can't run NOED, which is a totem that can he destroyed

>doood what do you mean I have to do totems?
>B-but muh efficiency!

>survivor works for whole game to get adrenaline
>killer gets noed as a reward for being shit

>Killer gets more as a reward for survivors not doing totems
Ftfy. Also don't you dare say shit about free rewards when you faggots have ds

>survivors complaining about any killer perk at all

lmao get out of rank 15, redditor

just slug them for 60 seconds you fucking mong

>average killer perk
>killer does basic task
>all survivors revealed
>"best" survivor perk
>survivor does all 5 gens without dying; takes entire game
>gets a heal

ya survivor perks are just busted

>complaining about a perk that it's useless against anyone with a little brain
yeah this reeks as retardvivors

>Just waste 60 secs waiting for them to get up bro!
>Just stop doing your objective bro!
And this is if I THINK they have ds. Which they may not.

Imagine saying DS isn't good, even though every survivor runs it

Not me, I run a retarded build

[Insert "DBD is shit! Friday the 13th The Game deserved to live!"Post]

The issue with NOED is it's trivial when in SWF because you know how many totems are left if your in comms together.

The issue with Ruin is that it's another non-SWF obliterater, because it makes solo queue survivors scramble around the entire map, whereas SWF survivors can communicate and pin the totem down quickly.

Furthermore, non SWF games often result in idiots running around when someone gets hooked, whereas a SWF game would only get one survivor off objectives when someone gets hooked.

This is why survivors need to know how many totems are left on the map, and need innate Kindred. This would also make perks like Third Seal more useful.

The real issue with the game right now is killers are getting a bunch of broken and just annoying perks to counter the problem of Generators being done too quickly, which breaks every other element of the game, and especially fuck over stealth elements. What needs to happen is make generators take 10 seconds longer per rank tier average of the survivor team. Ruin should then be nerfed to not stop progress on spark for the 2-4 seconds (because it's fucking based on ping) that it does, and only do it's revert, and also slow the speed of the skillcheck to medkit heal speed.

Survivor perks are all just memes, outside of a few exceptions, which is why There are only like 7 perks survivors actually run.

you don't have to camp their fucking body retard, go patrol for 20 seconds and then come back, you know some idiot is probably going to run to the slug anyway, so it's just more momentum in your favor.

Killer perks are all memes too, which is why past rank 10 each killer has the same build
The devs said they're trying ways to fix the random/swf divide, which in turn will let them balance killers better. One thing they specifically mentioned was letting survivors know when a teammate is in a chase, like how the Obsession claws show it, but for everyone
Of course the devs are slow as fuck so who knows how long it'll take

Attached: Struggle.webm (332x194, 46K)

Killers get shit like Rancor, Discordance, BBQ, Whispers, Surveilance, Tremors, Nurses, Freight, and Murmur to remove any element of stealth if they have difficulty finding survivors.
They can use Rancor, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, haunted ground, and Noed to make downing survivors easy.
They can use Bamboozle, Enduring, Brutal Strength, and Spirit fury if they have problems in chase
They can use Lullaby, Ruin, Dying light, Corrupt Intervention, PGTW, Remember me, and Thanatophobia if games are getting done too fast.

Killers have multiple answers for everything, and can combine them for even more power, often with no drawbacks.

Survivors have:
Unbreakable (usable once) and no mither (lol) to deal with slugging
Small game (often too large range to help and fucked by trapper, also doesn't give a way to differentiate Hexes from Dulls) and Detectives hunch (requires completing generator) to find totems
BT, DS to deal with 'soft patrolling' killers, both of which can be negated by a skilled killer

Killers just have better perks, with more variety. So many survivor perks are incredibly conditional, and often useless if not matched against a killer that the perk is useful against. Not to mention Survivors have to deal with Bead Spirits, which has -almost- no counterplay, billies which can terrorize the entire map except with two exceptions, and Nurses, which can literally remove all elements of skill that a survivor can use if they are good enough.

The only reason survivors are strong right now is because high rank survivors are all SWF and incredibly objective focused. Survivors need a nerf to generator completion speed, but need more buffs in their perks. Many killer perks need big fat nerfs, and 'The Big Three' Killers (actually, it's really just prayer beads that needs a nerf for spirit, base kit is fine) need to be nerfed.

I've got almost 3k hours in the fucking game, with at least a thousand hours on both sides. I know what the problems are.

The problem with buffing survivor perks is that you have to consider the chance that all four survivors can be using it. Chance extension perks are annoying if one person has them, if everyone has them then 5 minutes of each match are a write off. And if your team aren't drooling retards or you're in swf, then you can have the gates open long before then
The fact that the devs have to balance for such a huge difference in player ability means that you'll either make perks too strong or too weak with no ground in between

which is why you scale generator times with rank to compensate


Shout out to Otz for providing actual good commentary and advice in his streams of this game.

Rank 1 here I come

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survivors only run DS to prevent faggot survivors from unhooking right in front of the killer and getting slapped back on the hook again

Are you trying to say solo survivors are weak?

PainReliever is also a good channel to check out on YouTube.

No he's not. He's a fucking idiot that advocates a very scared, garbage playstyle. The only reason he seems good is because he cherry picks videos from his games at Rank 10 and knows statistics. That's it, he fucking sucks at the game.

For me it's fungoose, the best DbD streamer