Dragon Quest Heros: Rocket Slime 3DS (Slime Mori Mori) has been translated!
Its the first beta release but it promises to have all images, NPC text boxes, and menus translated into english.
Dragon Quest Heros: Rocket Slime 3DS (Slime Mori Mori) has been translated!
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It's beta because it isn't tested yet and they haven't fully localized the script yet (as in added accents, similar to their work in DQM1 Remake and DQM Joker 3)
Wait, there was a second one and this is the third? So where's the second one?
The DS one is the second one.
The first one was on GBA.
the ds one. There was an original gba game.
Well....already the title screen is a bit of a localization. They just didn't hammer it home as hard as let's say treehouse.
DQ accents are great though, eat shit if you hate them
So where can I play the first one in English?
You can't, nobody ever translated it.