Starting MGS V for the first time. I only have a good week to play it, since I'm busy with life. What am I in for?

Starting MGS V for the first time. I only have a good week to play it, since I'm busy with life. What am I in for?

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An unfinished game

missing parts

It's alright overall. If you haven't played any MGS games before, it'll probably feel really random.

Lots of menus, get used to that. Otherwise, have fun, and remember to change your game plan periodically so enemies don't adapt too quickly.

explain? im at 2% and damn i dont see how

>What am I in for?
Operating in Afghanistan

He won't know that if he's only playing it for a week, dickless retard.

A game that's actually finished but sucks.

Don't even think about FOB shit. It's live service bullshit. Just beat the main campaign and be done with it.

Fun gameplay. Shitty story.

A wasted week.

Don't listen to the trolls. The 100% legit script leak shows that the game is finished. Only Kingdom of the Flies was cut out and Chapter 3 was presumably never worked on past concepts.

Chapter 2 has like 6 story missions and makes you do hard mode version of Chapter 1 missions to unlock them. It also ends on a cliff hanger that got resolved in the bonus edition DVD showing the cut Chapter 3.

Its finished but they cut a lot of stuff when Koji got kicked to the curb. As in, about a third of the game.
Stop asking the fucking internet if you don't want the game ruined.

You roleplay Big Boss through a Big Boss replica who is not his own character but rather a proxy for the player that has a "former self" (who in contrast is a unique character, based on how Kojima views players in general) to make his insertion into the story not seem so uncalled for, abrupt, out of nowhere, odd, wacky, and out of place.

By the way the only roleplaying abilities you have in this game are your imagination Yes, there are no dialogue choices, seriously. You have to IMAGINE the lines that said replica says most of the time, how genius!!!1, an avatar creator Because said replica's "former self" has your face!!!1, the Mother Base management system, the ability to kill or keep Quiet and the ability to develop (and steal) or dismantle nukes.

>It also ends on a cliff hanger that got resolved in the bonus edition DVD showing the cut Chapter 3.
The bonus edition DVD shows Kingdom of the Flies, not Chapter 3. Holy fucking shit, I'm surrounded by retards.

Are you sure? It's fffucking amazing so far. im having a lot of fun

It was going to be on an entirely new map. It was obviously meant to be an entire chapter.

Are the soldiers worth taking?

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Best Metal Gear game. MGS fans are propably the worst videogame fanbase and hate the franchise with passion. Sad case of autism, just ignore them.

play the game and get your conculusion dumb fag

Gameplay-wise it's the best in the series.
But the missions get repetitive midway through the game.

Awesome gameplay, a bit confusing story and wolbachia

PS4 could only handle 16~20 enemies in one area and they never changed it for PC. So enjoy that.

So the console version is easier?

What I mean PC have same limit like console.

It doesn't really seem to bother me. I just picked up an interpreter. I'm honestly quite astonished at how much is in this game and I'm only 3% in. How a game like this could be considered incomplete is beyond me

If you actually understand what the core gameplay loop is, it’s “repetitive” from the very beginning. The silly set piece shit is just there to break it up for you ADD types.

MGS fanboy whine about it being "incomplete" because they want more stories and movies.
As far as gameplay goes, the game is very complete in features with much more to do than most games out there. The only cut thing from gameplay was the Battle Gear which was supposed to be a little metal gear tank you could drive.

Literally just waiting for weapons to use

Because the last act of the game is rerunning old missions on a harder difficulty, then two actual story missions and the game ends

The best controls in any game ever made

Never had a character as fun to control as Snake

There are 6 missions, though I don't blame you for only remembering the 2 really good ones.
Also you don't have to do the challenge missions, but they're nice for when you want to challenge yourself with OSP or total stealth

>What am I in for?
Generic, empty and rushed out open-world shooter, that will make no sense if you've played all 8 previuos MG games, and will make even less sense after "finishing" it even if you have.

The first HALF of the game is only somewhat finished, but you will start to see cut corners and odd repetition towards the end. The whole last half set in Africa is such a patch-job of unfinished ideas + recycled missions, you will bore out of your mind.
The story is LITERALLY unfinished, with an entire chapter + tons of smaller set pieces literally not being in the game.

Konami got sick of Hideo getting all the praise while spending more money, so they just kicked him out and took the IP and the engine hostage, before the game was properly finished.

I got nearly 180h clocked on MGSV:TPP, and I hope I'd skipped the whole game now. Even GZ was superior in all possible ways.