Hello, Potion Seller, I have a tournament coming up, and I want only your strongest potions

Hello, Potion Seller, I have a tournament coming up, and I want only your strongest potions.

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>inb4 this becomes cumbrain thread

Zack’s voice is fucking kino

Why has jontron become so unfunny?

because he's working for advertisers instead of himself now.

What makes him so strong?

because you now assosiate him with his large fanbase and your contrarianism makes you distance yourself from it and scrutinise it more

But I don’t hate things that are popular

Mountain Dew and Doritos

okay, I'm sorry for implying that and being rude

>two horribly unfunny characters somebody on the JonTron™ staff came up with
>and then there's Zach
how is he always so good

>the rocket launcher looks polished and the development went relatively smooth
>the neckbeard game was a fucking mess and looked like shit
>the neckbeard game won
is virtue signaling all you need to make a good game now?

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How did the neckbeard game virtue signal?

>Jon wanting to stay popular and appeal to as many people as possible, leading to high production values and hiring professional writers replacing the natural charm the show had when it was basically Jon and his friends and no budget
>Lack of clear direction for what the show actually is: game reviews? movie reviews? "dude this video I found is so random" shit?
>Shilling in every video

It was a joke user

I feel like him getting an actual budget has made him worse.
A lot of the most memorable moments people tend to bring up from his older stuff is just him briefly reacting in a silly way to something.
"I aaaaaain't having that shit"
"I don't get it."
He used to mostly just be a goofy dude who reacted to weird games/movies. Now he mostly does over the top sketch comedy and tries way too hard to be weird with it sometimes,instead of just reacting to or reviewing something he genuinely wanted to talk about.

>"man, neckbeards sure are funny, am i right?" the game
i'm more focused on how shitty it was, though

The Neckbeard game looked more fun. I feel like the rocket launcher one would’ve gotten really annoying really fast.

Yeah everything fantastic about his channel was just him playing games and talking to a camera.

The bigger production really took the soul out of his videos.

How did he steal the show with only a few lines of dialogue?

Did that one woman on Jon's team even do anything? Looked like the old guy did all the work.

I'd play a neckbeard simulator by Chris.

>Did that one woman on Jon's team even do anything?
She was the one who modeled and made the train. She was basically the level designer while oldfart designed the weapon and Jon made cutscenes.

Wasn't that Chris?

>being a cumbrainbrain


I just want Jon to make funny videos about games again

Why does everything good never last?

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Would you give up him being redpilled if he went back to doing GG and videos similar to that time?

World's Strongest Gamer was the funniest joke of the entire episode, and it probably wasn't even Jon's idea
What happened to Jon

>World's Strongest Gamer was the funniest joke of the entire episode, and it probably wasn't even Jon's idea
The only funny joke. And he probably has a team of writers for every video, so nothing is his idea now. Jon is dead.

Jon though that GG was stifling his creativity, but it looks like it was the only thing keeping it going.

I don't mind his newer content, but the budget has definitely lowered the quality. Like take the skull vodka video, most of his reactions to things were funny but all the cut away sketches were god awful.
That double terminated gag might be the cringiest joke I've ever heard out of him.

>rocket game
shitty one and done meme game
>neckbeard game

Together, we will end neckbeardism.

The part where Krinkels looked like he was going to fucking murder that presenter chick was the best part.

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Its in every way better content but it's not fine tuned for your incel mind so you reject it.

Nice bait mate
I rate it eight out of eight

he goes on tangents about completely irrelevant shit

Because I care about fun and games, rather than politics and worldviews

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Feels like he went from a fun person to a person trying to be fun.

Jontron is clearly trying to get a contract for a webshow from netflix or youtube

Do you think it’s the alcohol?

Chris really looked like he didn't want to be there

Yeah I got that vibe off him too. May have been nothing because Chris is socially awkward and has trouble feeling comfortable in larger groups. What you see on Oneyplays and his work is usually just him chilling out with his friends.

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Chris isn't very comfortable infront of a camera.
Behind a camera is fine. Infront of it he usually looks like a sad lost little boy.
I think he was also taking it fairly seriously as training for his own project too. Chris has had to learn a lot in the last few years about blender and stuff and I guess he wants to show that all that hard work is going to pay off for him.
That's what I like about Chris and what makes him different to Arin. Arin is 100% all-in on his channel whilst Chris does it mainly for fun with his friends but also works on himself to improve his skills outside of that.
Once Game Grumps eventually dies Arin is going to crash and burn hard.

No it was Zack

Didn’t Arin start a touring company and have his hands in game making as well?

It feels like the Ultimate Gamer creature was 100% Zacks idea.
It's the exact kind of character he would talk about in a podcast.

he writes his script in a month.

I don't think he really did much work making Dream Daddy.
Maybe came up with the idea for it and lead the project but it feels like a by the numbers studio produced indie game.

I think he did a lot of producer work for it which is still a needed job as it obviously got its name out there. Arin has diversified his revenue streams a lot he just doesn’t talk about them in normal public channels.

He hired a touring company to set up his live tours for him, and he paid his friends to develop a video game in his office.

Why did you stop using your tripcode?
Is it because people kept insulting your hideous wife?

I want to see Zack's real face.

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So which one are you?
Arin or Brent?

He said a dozen times that he found the only video games template to be strangling to his creativity and that it was partially why he would take so long to update.

no no no you FUCKING IDIOT I associate him with making a massive social fuckup, and then coming back to make some shitty videos truly befitting the word "cringe"

he was okay at best when he just played dumb old games and talked while making stupid jokes, he is now awful.

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BazooK-47 is more polished but it's mostly a standard third person shooter with an RNG RPG element
Captain Neckbeard is a buggier game that needs more time and polish but is more original and more interesting

We see how that is working out for him.

He's a lot more good looking than I thought he would be

Fuck that last Jontron video
The Idubbbz documentary was kino

I wonder if the person in this thread that knows too much about Arin's personal business ventures and the person in this thread that keeps saying Jon has been terrible since he left Game Grumps are the same person.

>zach looks like a chad in real life
>but sounds like the fucking basement goblin i got chained up

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How many views does that Flex Tape video have again?

This is him from 2014

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I get that feeling from everything chris has ever done outside of his channels

looks like a ps1 model

>Once Game Grumps eventually dies Arin is going to crash and burn hard.
No fucking joke, Chris has so many talents to fall back on if Youtube implodes like his music and blender skills, meanwhile Arin fucking abandoned all of his animation talents for Game Grumps and burnt every bridge with every person he's known

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That can't be him the nose isn't even taking up a third of his face

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

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you mean the funny little creature?

>We KNOW schedules are strange, that show ideas are outside the box, and that "normies" don't "get" what we do.

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it does sound better when you imagine it in the joking over the top commercial tone the shilling videos have

Jesus, you can tell that Arin wrote this.

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Chris was the funniest there desu. I fucking died when he said 'You get to put yours down now though'.

>krinkles is actually really cute and patient enough to put up with the frustrated programmer sassing him while the third guy did fuck all.
Anyone know how I can marry this man?

was anyone else under the impression he had coding/gamedev experience? or had been doing that in his freetime?

and then he's just like "I don't know anything about fucking coding" when the one dude is doing everything

I mean, Krinkels has been making a game with Swain for what, nearly two years now? So I guess he's used to it. Also fuck off bitch he's mine.

Chris was the only funny one in that to be honest. It is one of Jontrons better videos as of recent but it was more interesting than funny.
Captain Redneckbeard was great

>virtue signaling
Poking fun at neckbeards is "virtue signaling" now? Stop being such a touchy puss

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Yeah I thought he was programming his game by himself. Guessing he pays someone for programming while creating all the assets himself

>he did his first "sorry for saying the naughty words" statement less than a day ago
He's going to learn how trigger-happy and impermanent his new fanbase is really soon.

Nigga's been like this for month's, he's only making that post today after everyone from Newgrounds fucking dunked on him for acting like he's better than all of them

people can poke fun at anything, i love poking fun at stuff, but i feel like they focused more on that than the game
and by "virtue signaling" i more or less mean that it felt like they were trying to say something, like with the "strongest gamer" judge

Yeah I'm not up to date on this ebin drama, quick rundown bls :D:D?

Pretty much yes :)

I think you're looking too far into it. They literally came up with the name on the spot, and the strongest gamer was just Zach being Zach.

Fune scream man Sir Pelo made a vid on storytime vids which caused Arin to step in for his "friends" despite no one really being offended
Then most of newgrounds crew called him out on his bullshit and defended pelo

>Srpelo makes a silly video parodying Story Time animations, basically slide shows of youtube "animators" telling stories of their lives
>Video ends with a shoutout to Newgrounds
>Arin throws a fucking hissy fit about it because he takes it as a direct attack towards the animators and then acts high and mighty about no longer associating with NG
>Tons of people call him out
>Then he makes his gay apology post today

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>i more or less mean that it felt like they were trying to say something
They did say something, "FUCK THE MONARCHY" and "AAAARGH" and that's about it.

Jon was less funny on GameGrumps than he is now. His video quality is completely unrelated to GameGrumps. 90% of his good videos are between him leaving GameGrumps and StarCade.

Some of the bits in his recent videos have been funny. This particular video wasn't really meant to be funny, though, not like his normal stuff.

Oney is a good man.

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He's one of the rare cases of youtubers living in LA that managed to not go straight up their own ass

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Arin is such a bitch holy shit

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>tfw he used it as his avatar for VRChat

The ugliness of Captain Neckbeard and the Strongest Gamer are literally just what Zach and Chris find funny, look at most of their weird doodles and art they make and it lines up perfectly

Based screaming spic

The whole joke of the video was that all of them working together would have resulted in a better game than any two projects divided between them. Between them there were two competent programmers, two 3D modelers, and a musician.

yeah maybe
i guess i've just been conditioned into looking for shit that ain't there

>Then he makes his gay apology post today
You're forgetting that this apology doesn't address any of the shit he said in the argument, but what he said in the past. I think it's reasonable to believe that Arin wants to change and regrets certain stuff he has said before so I think it's pointless to shit on him for that. (although some of these things are only 4 years or even before ago)
What pisses me off is what Corey pointed out, where Arin randomly shits on Newgrounds mid-tweet when that site is the reason he's any popular today. He also neglects the fact that Newgrounds isn't even CLOSE to what it was a decade or so ago.

God, I really fucking wish Chris said more and blew up on him. Arin is such a goddamn faggot and an asshole. I can't believe his fans have the audacity to call what he said about Pelo's video an "opinion." I'm pretty sure saying a video is "bullying a group of people" isn't an opinion, but a flat out accusation. I fucking hate Arin.

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>dont apologise. dont let someone bully you out of your sense of humor cos they lost theirs
Based Chris

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The idea was that the Bazooka game was more polished but also more basic as a concept, Captain Neckbeard was far rougher but had more potential for growth as a unique idea.

To be fair Zachs voice and delivery sold the character. If anyone else had done it, it would have been cringe

What the fuck is that voice meant to be exactly? He did it for Yoda too.

I wish I was as funny as Zach

He hasn't changed in the slightest. He's just protecting his new "safe" good-guy persona and tiptoeing around his fanbase so his channel doesn't die. The man is a psychopathic nutcase in real life.

Have you guys heard of Raid: Shadow Legends?

Its just the normal voice of his weird eceleb friend PsychicPebbles

That's just his voice. He had a stroke at an extremely young age, it affected his breathing, he doesn't breathe much through his nose.

You don't gotta worry about Chris virtue signalling

How the fuck do people still like Arin at this point when almost everyone he’s associated with, Oney/DD/Julian, Jon, Matt/Ryan, Ross, and even fucking Danny are more entertaining and not a huge limp-waisted faggot? Are Arin and the Grumps ecosystem just too big to fail at this point?

>it didn't give me a thick skin
Is this faggot for real? How is it even possible to not grow a thicker skin?
It's like a callus, it should develop automatically.
You'd have to have something broken inside of you for it not to develop.

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Is that the real reason why his voice is like that? I know they made a bunch of fake origin stories for Zach in the Sleepy Cabin days.

GG fans are mentally ill. Spend less than 5 minutes on their subreddit and be amazed.

As far as I know that's accurate.

It's notable that the best modern Jontron video, Flextape, had a budget of about 10 bucks.

He has a deviated septum. He said he can get it fixed with a simple surgery and has had the opportunity before, but turned it down because it's his most recognizable trait and makes voicing cartoons more funny.

>even fucking Danny
You guys keep saying this, but he's an even bigger shitlib than Arin. He's Jewish, though, so it's expected; still.

>Has a loving girlfriend who genuinely enjoys his sense of humor
>Able to survive in LA without being assimilated
>Makes LPs for fun, uses profits to fund things he actually wants to do
>Despite less 2D animation has been experimenting with Blender and even plans on making his own game
>Never forgot his roots and stays humble
It warms my heart knowing some NG alumni haven't sold their souls yet

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I'm glad Chris is doing the stuff he loves.

"Arin" (thats it just the name Arin) was trending on twitter today so I checked to see what people were saying thinking it really couldnt be about Egoraptor but it was, over 20 thousand tweets defending Arin, saying hes a great funny person and everyone else (corey, chris, etc) are mad they aren't as successful and are immature and problematic.Most of them agree with Arin that the SrPelo video is bullying and mean. The GG fanbase is crazy, full of the sjw "no bully pls" crowd and it is fucking huge.

The funniest shit is that Arin used to get mocked for his Awsome animation by artists on Thebackalleys forum in the NG days, Arin fucking said he was gonna be a big animator one day
Fast forward to now and a lot of those artists formed Studio Yotta and get payed by Arin to do Starbomb music videos because he doesn't do animation anymore

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Not him, but Danny is the lesser of two evils. I rather hear him speak about his (possible fake) boomer tales than Arin acting like a faggot.

Oh, Danny is funnier, absolutely. He's a faggot kike, though. In the videos immediately after Trump's election, you could tell he was having a little meltdown.

Dan calls Arin out on being overly sensitive every time Arin gives him a holier than thou attitude.


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oh my god is this true? no fucking dignity

That's kind of depressing. Arin's such a hollow shell he basically admitted to all the people who laughed at his aspirations that they were right by having them do animations for him. I still wonder if he could've died the hero if someone took his tweet serious and assassinated him when Game Grumps was starting to take off.

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It just sounds like you're describing two other people who aren't the Game Grumps. They took a personality test and both agreed that people's feelings were more important than the truth. Danny one time said he doesn't like the South or conservatives and Arin was more neutral on it, saying he could see from both sides.

>check oney's post
>bunch of people screaming at him
>every single one of them has pronouns in their twitter description
And they're all calling him a homophobe for jokingly calling his best friends faggots. Jesus christ, some people just can't see the forest for the trees. Twitter is embarrassing.

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I wonder who the most successful former NG user is.
It probably is (unfortunately) Arin, just by virtue of having a large and stupid fanbase.
Though if Zach does gets a TV show off the ground one day, he'd be the most successful.

Tom Fulp's way more successful considering all the fame his game studio garnered with Castle Crashers. But then again he also made and still runs NG so perhaps he doesn't count

Adam Phillips (bitey of bracken wood) went on to do storyboarding for bobs burgers

And according to imdb he worked on a goofy movie, his old is this fucker

Edmund McMillen made Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac and stard in Indie Game: The Movie

I...kind of feel bad for him. He made some really beautiful animations and now he's just drawing storyboards for fucking Bob's Burgers

A paycheck is a paycheck. At least he's still getting work I guess.

I mean he works on a popular tv show, he's probably making good money and he's still working in the animation field. A win in my book.

Everyone on set losing their shit over it was great as well.

I would love a fucking chill stream of Oney, Jontron and Tomar playing a fun game

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bazook-47 is like a cheap $2 itch.io game that has a rocket launcher going off every once in a while. there wasn't even any need for it as a gameplay mechanic, their discussion of making it so you'd WANT to misfire wasn't even implemented because all it does is knock you off the train and bullets can kill the enemies no problem.

captain neckbeard was pure soul and has an original atmosphere to it, given even just one more day it could've been a far greater game than bazook-47 ever would be

Damn, never knew how fucking based Oney actually was. I might have to start watching OneyPlays now.

chris is balding and therefore hates how he looks

No, you’re projecting and getting defensive

His videos are not as funny as they used to be, after he publicly condemned race mixing, he seems to have lost his innocence. He has real employees now, he’s experiencing actual pressure. He knows at least a quarter of his biggest fans now hate him. The pressure has taken a toll on him, and as a result it’s hard to be a funny as he used to be

tomar programs it I think

>after he publicly condemned race mixing
There's nothing wrong with this.