Are gaming laptops worth it?

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t. fell for the meme

If you get a good laptop they are pretty sweet but still more expensive.

The only way to go bro.

They're good if you aren't a NEET and never home for a regular tower pc

My keyboard keys became unresponsive after an update and I've heard the same problem happened to others as well. Fuck MSI and fuck me for falling for the laptop meme


>Low battery life
>Low memory
>Low storage space
>Graphics still can’t hold up even after all the sacrifices
I got mine like 3 years ago as a birthday present in sophomore year of high school. I don’t want my parents to get mad that I want to get rid of it. They think it’s also a good computer for school. Holy hell how wrong they are.

If you get a really good one it can last you a while. I got one for christmas in 2013 and it lasted me up to october of last year when my nvidia card died and I couldnt get it replaced. Now it just sits in my closet collecting dust while I try to save money for a new desktop computer. Unless you travel a lot don't fall for the meme

some of them seem borderline superior as a proper laptop rather than primarily for gaming. if you plan to keep your laptop on a desk just get a proper desktop and a cheap ass laptop.