Tomboy or reverse trap?
Dylan Martinez
Logan Brown
Seriously get over there and fix it
Nathaniel Robinson
>it's okay when it's reversed
Gay detected
Mason Reed
user, you posted yikity-yikes.
Tomboys = reverse traps > twinks > youngish men/boy > traps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>w*men
Grayson Martin
Gays not welcome.
Justin Morgan
a vagina is a vagina mate, something trannies can never have
Bentley Cox
>wanting to have relationship with a woman who looks like a guy and acts like a guy is gay
>wanting to have relationship with a guy who looks like a woman and acts like a woman is not
Bentley Lewis
Actual emotionally stable women, which don’t exist.
Andrew Hill
We are talking about perfect vidya women here, user, not filthy 3d vaginas
Christian Cox
She'll be a literal cumbrain when I jizz into her short hair.