Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?

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>Procedural generation
That's a "Yikes!" from yours truly.

looks gay from that image

i read a review that said the controls were clunky/bad which stopped me from buying it

It’s fucking shit. The enemy variety is absolute garbage.

It's shit despite me never having played it

it's good, but acquired taste good. it's not easy and yes has flaws, but it's atmospheric af, if you want horror but no jump scares, you will like it

I never played it for a while. About a few hours into not playing it I wanted to vomit, pretty sure it was the game's fault. Never not touched it again.

It's one of the best horror games ever made and everyone who likes scary games should play it.

games can never be scary

Enjoyable atmosphere, interesting ideas and intriguing plot, however it's all bogged down by gameplay systems that get way too repetitive by day 30-40.
I also don't mind that an active playstyle is encouraged, but I wish players who wanted to approach the game in a more stealthy style didn't get shafted by the time you reached the third hideout.
This all fed into the repetitiveness I mentioned before, when you have only one real way to solve your problems it ends up being a chore in the long run.

It's good, but personally I stopped enjoying that game when I reached the old woods
Maybe I'm just a casual

It's a great game
play it

The only good horror game that came out in last decade at least.

they can if you let them

it's great and quite trippy


I liked it. Stopped playing though after I got stuck in the hedges above the hideout while exploring them. The loading times for this game is absolutely unreal on switch.

Go take care of your wife's sons Joseph

bought it on sale, haven't touched it

I didn't know what would happen once he finished his space ship.
I shouldn't have been surprised.

Attached: Piotrek.gif (292x435, 1.89M)

Unreal good, or unreal bad? It loads pretty slowly on PC for me.