How does Yea Forums want to be buried?

How does Yea Forums want to be buried?

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Being cremated is the smart move. I want to be close to every particle of mine at once. Not decompose away in some tomb and get eaten by bugs.

I want to be buried deep in your mom

In a wooden coffin, the way its supposed to be.

Could you imagine being a fucking Redditor and giving fucking money to these fucking clowns for what is almost certainly a fake story?

>not berried

one job, nigga. one fucking job

fpbp, just burn me and do whatever the hell you want with the ashes

don't care, i'll be dead

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>place master chief helmet on wooden drawer
>take picture
>make up story
>infinite meme credits
yeah man totally believable

>giving money
Are you confusing reddit with SA or something?

>cremation is a safe way of making sure you're "whole"
lawl this guy doesn't know they mass-cremate corpses and that the families of cremated dead rarely get the deceased's ashes, let alone a "pure" package.

>fake story
You overestimate redditors.


super shame is a thing so its pretty likely

There's a form of super upvote on Reddit where you give money to Reddit.

Most of your atoms get burned and fly away in the air though

The fuck it matters? Ashes are just ashes.



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See the badges next to /r/gaming? That means some sick fuck paid Reddit executives money because they thought this post was so epic.

fuck you too, buddy

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Better to fly away in the air of infinite possibility than get entombed on Earth.

Can you even redeem reddit gold for money?

No, it all goes to the site owners. It makes absolutely no sense to me.

From what I know, they just vacuum the oven and pour the bag into an urn. There's a good chance that either the urn contains traces of someone else's ashes or that part of your ashes are left in the oven/washed away when the oven get's cleaned.

True meta is
>get holohoaxed
>have someone pour the ashes into a hole in dirt
>plant a tree on it
>drop cones all over the place and hurt normies's feet

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Cremated, and I want my ashes to be thrown at Phil Fish

Fuck that put me on a small wooden boat push my body out to sea and burn it. Then erect a small obelisk in my name on a nearby cliff.

>Your atoms transform into carbon particules that damage climate change further

Yes please fuck the earth

how long does it even take to burn a human body to ashes?

Individual cremations cost extra, pay up goy.


Why should I give a fuck? I'll be dead so it doesn't matter what happens to my body. I'm registered as an organ donor so at least someone'll get some use out of it but beyond that I don't care.

Am I the only one here who wants a viking style funeral?

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I want a pimp funeral. Cover my body and coffin with a lot of bling and set the hoes free.

>get cremated
>your skull LITERALLY explodes because of the heat

yeah sounds nice

just throw my body at a bear and let it enjoy the meal or something
it's not like a whole lot of people will want to be at my funeral


Still sounds better than being enclosed inside Earth. It will be millions of years before this burns out and sets you free.

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>they get some shitty boat that barely stays afloat
>kindling wont burn
>the retard they hired for an archer refuses to loose a flaming arrow

>your entire life is consumeristic entertainment for the masses
>your death is consumeristic entertainment for the masses

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Cool. I want my cremation to come with a built-in camera linked to a live feed so everyone at the funeral can watch it happen.

They mix it with euthenized animals too.
Or at least they do in the small town I learned that from, but they claimed it's like that everywhere.
Humans don't actually make a vase-full of ashes, so they have to boost it or families will feel ripped-off.

When I die I want to be cremated and sent into space. I want to be lost forever in infinity.
Fuck Earth, Gravity holds our souls down.

image your final resting place being this hunk of plastic

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The more I hear about cremation, the more I think its the phoniest business ever. You're better off asking for a viking burial.

You'd still be orbiting Earth.

>getting cremated instead of turning into a badass skeleton
Cremation is for jews. I want to be buried in a huge ass tomb and eventually rise from my grave as a skeleton.