Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Gameplay reveal in 30 minutes! Get in here COD bros!

The king of fps is back!

Attached: ky4bmb7iaj131.jpg (1200x628, 120K)

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a bit pointless since the game will be dead within a few weeks and the only way itll be brought back up is when they have MLG tourneys

Just want headquarters and sabotage back

I just hope that they add new guns

I want hardcore tdm 32 players

they are both shit, winner is determined by who has the luckiest spawn points

You know how three games ago Call of Duty let you run on walls, double jump, pilot spaceships and fly around in space? And how four games ago you had proper co-op? And how five games ago you didn't die from two fucking hits?

Well this game has none of that. It's another boring, dogshit modern military shooter with gameplay straight out of 2002! This fucking series is devolving in front of our eyes and cretinous retards are celebrating it!

>You know how three games ago Call of Duty let you run on walls, double jump, pilot spaceships and fly around in space?

Attached: 1485595167545.png (205x383, 84K)

Why does it say GAMEPLAY PREMIERE since we've already seen gameplay for Gunfight mode?

>Killstreaks back
Good, fuck scorestreaks.