WoW Classic

Why isnt blizzard marketing this mess? are they trying to cut their losses?

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did you already forget about all the paid shill threads?

It would embarrass the trannies that run nu-wow.

They don't need to bother because you cunts keep making thread after thread for free.

invite to asmongold layer

>not playing on the RP server to avoid streamer autism
Get good, faggot

>not playing on German RP-PVP realm
No streamers there, I guarantee.


>playing any server type that isn't PVP exclusively
What are you, afraid or something?


>tfw playing on eu servers
lmao you na guys are fucked

Shit like this is why classic wow doesn't work. Everyone is hyping the fact its a return to the good old days when in fact the community and playerbase has changed so drastically the same feeling of classic will never happen again. You had to have been there to truly enjoy it, I would argue 2/3rds of people hyping it and playing it never even played back then and they're just riding on other players past experiences.

>Shit like this is why classic wow doesn't work
do you have any idea how fucking popular the private servers are?

there won't be cross server in classic, and all streamers will play on the same server, probably even regardless of faction, so you can easily avoid them

layering = cross server

>implying private server chads didn't jump off the hype train the moment blizzard announced this shit is going to run on the legion client

Don't need to. Already will have more subs than XIV and will make Yea Forums seethe

private server chads have no choice due to the fact that classic will kill every single private server out there unless you want to play on 100% chinese or slav servers

it isn't, each server has it's own layers, you can't play with people from other servers, just like in vanilla

>have no choice

If they genuinely kill every single private server out there I simply won't play it anymore.

I like playing Vanilla WoW from time to time but there's other games out there.

Because they already know it's going to be completely non-profitable within a year. They're doing everything they can to save money now so they aren't bleeding-eye red when it dies. Plus .

Every time this thread pops up I will post this.
If anything, why isn't the Final Fantasy VII remake being hyped up?

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what should i make threads about instead? Super smash brothers?

Roll motherfuckers

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People can still play FFVII all they want, either on the PS1 or the multitude of consoles it was ported to. You can't (legally) play Vanilla WoW anymore.

>If anything, why isn't the Final Fantasy VII remake being hyped up?
Probably because it is half a year away.