Pirates BTFO again

Attention PIRATES!!:
If you find pic related 'crypto codes' detected on your system, it's already too late and some dirty fucking Russian is making bank off your hardware.

Attached: 2333.png (324x97, 3K)

>Windows 8 user
You deserve all your miners.

how do I check that

why is Yea Forums the only board that hates piracy?

Where do a check that?


Looks like he used the Steam Survey

Youre fucked. especially since you just revealed your codes, anyone who isnt a brainlet (so less than 1/4th of vee) can just mine you until your dban.

Except you're a fucking idiot and you're baiting.
Google it and everyone has the same ones.

Or it just means I've activated my bitwallet on this machine, which I have.