Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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sonybros no

Actually the correct answer is Manjuu, developers of AZUDU LAY!

Attached: g7.jpg (2500x1659, 369K)

Well.. I guess that's it then. We have to all believe this one ONE human journalist who the greatest video game developers of all time are.

Every journalist will have Nintendo or Nintendo EAD specifically at #1. Spain’s Government gave a medal of culture significance to Nintendo & the Spike VGA’s added Zelda as their only hall of Fame inductee.

Nintendo didn't develop XC2

History + Consistency + Variety + Quantity. Nintendo is the clear winner.
You might have a favorite dev but they've probably made 3 good games and 1 mediocre one. Nintendo's made what, a 100 good games and 15 mediocre ones.
The only company that's anywhere close is Capcom

>bing bing wahoo x10

Mario games are objectively amazing, peopld hate them out of jealousy because no other company is capable of sustaining such unprecedented levels of critical acclaim for nearly 30 years

This. Nintendo is the most influential company in video games history.

They aren't a developer tho.