

Attached: wtf dude.png (2560x1440, 1.54M)


Is she nekkid

she ripped her top off because she was on fire. This game was pure aids and fuck any fag that tries to defend it.

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Who said it was a good idea to let a pregnant woman go on mission?

All this game did was ruin all of its pre-established characters and add in a bunch of horribly written stereotypes.

>linking to that e-celeb gypo
Absolute state of this board

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Pregnancy is my fetish and even I thought that scene was retarded.

Except Max.

Holy shit dude. Please say you don't actually watch retarded Dracula's videos. I know OP is always a fag but come on, even you are better than this.

>that voice
jesus, zoomers watch this?

Vee is a funny right wing moderate Romanian gipsy. He's a cool anti-SJW Youtuber.

i can't fucking function let alone pay attention with his wacky zany fake persona voice he puts on
all i hear is ringing in my ears

>cuts to an anime reaction picture
>hear his voice

imagine watching this video and taking this faggot's opinion seriously

>Vee is a funny right wing moderate Romanian gipsy.

He’s also an immense faggot.

STFU you miserable Yea Forumsirgins

>cool anti-SJW Youtuber
The absolute state of gen z. When you hit puberty and grow out of your muh redpill phase you will feel as foolish as the kids doing Fortnite dances.

>that voice

never dipped so hard, I thought you guys were exaggerating

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You mean tyler1?

OK kiddo

>grow out of muh redpill phase

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The fucking state of this board, holy shit

He has more testosterone than you latte lovers. Fuck me Yea Forums is full of man children.


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lol maybe not, growing out of it usually requires havingsex

tyler1 can’t beat a jew at chess and make him lose his shit.

>romanian gypsy right wing moderate anti-sjw youtuber

How do you make this MORE cancer? Maybe if he was transsexual.

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That's not from Young Blood, it's from New Colossus.

By being you

i too love karl marx

>le anyone who disagrees with me is an antifa communist furry

you're an idiot. all the reactionary "anit-SJWs" out there are just as stupid as the SJWs themselves.