He cured the genophage

>he cured the genophage
enjoy getting raped by billions of krogan right after the reapers are defeated

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but I also saved the rachni queen so it'll balance out

How are they going to make ships to actually threaten anyone?


It's amazing just how much they fucked up all the interesting themes from ME1/2 in the third game.

The thing that made Genophage so interesting was just how fucking morally ambiguous the whole deal was. Same about the insectoids themselves.
Then in ME3, they literally make it: "Cure good, not cure EVIL".

And the exact fucking same for Geth and Quarians.
It was fucking PAINFUL to see how they are gradually taking one theme after another and just fucking up everything that made it remotely interesting. I never understood why Americans have this obsession with simplifying everything up.

this guy gets it

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>enjoy raping billions of krogan
Fixed that for you :)

hot fat krogan cocks

Well there's also gonna be millions of Rachni and geth. Should balance out I reckon.

I heard their penises are of remarkable quality.

Bioware is in Canada, dumb dumb.

Attached: 420593 - Commander_Shepard FemShep Mass_Effect Wrex krogan.jpg (510x381, 49K)

You implying the reapers ARENT going to kill all the krogans anyway?

let then breed in the few weeks of life they still have

Do they call her "Shepard"?

im still mad.

have sex


presumably the same way they were able to do it during the first rebellion

How exactly do creatures like the krogans multiply as fast as the plot suggests?
>very big
>with a very big skeleton
>with a very big head and skull
>with hard bits on the outside
>with language, society, etc things that require time to develop
>trained in armor, guns, tactics, space navigation, etc things that require time to train in
They'd be a long term pregnancy, with a low number of births at a time, with a long childhood, with a long education and training process. How exactly would they swarm out like a locust, and multiply like a bacteria, to the point where they can match the biomass of a literal insect hivemind species that they supposedly fought off?

Canada is in America, American.

they utilize the power of bad writing to its fullest extent

They probably just fuck like crazy.
Didn't the game say they used to be able to pump out 80 kids per pregnancy or some crazy shit like that?


>Bugmen use Krogan as useful idiots
>They realize the true power of Krogan
>Sterilize them, dooming an entire race because they know they can't ever beat them
>Spread lies to convince brainlets that the Krogan are a threat
Fuck Genophage
Fuck Asari
Fuck Salarian
Fuck Quarian

>tfw this time it will be rachni who will help

Karpyshan and l'Etoile leaving ruined the series.

>when the head of your species is bigger than the hips, but you give birth to 80 at a time
>when your species is an advances space faring, society having, language speaking civilization, but you go from egg to space pilot in weeks
>when the writer is used to fantasy, but the setting is sci-fi

Yeah when you put it that way it really does sound stupid.

pretty sure they lay eggs

Canada is just America's hat.

they make like 1k eggs per pregnancy or something
they are literally incapable of building civilization due to their insane reproduction rate

USA is Canada's underwear

What the fuck

>when you try to apply disingenuously reductive earth mammalian biology to an alien species

WOW you're so smart user. I'm so impressed.

That still doesn't make any sense but evolution would've taken care of it
Why are we even discussing Biowares writing? It's horrible, talentless, joyless, dull drivel that gets it's acolades from people who consider the things they consume to be their personality


The guy who dreamed up the entire story left part way through development of the 2nd game because of EA's constant meddling and undermining.

That's the reason the story changes drastically in 2 and becomes full blown fucktarded by 3.

Without the mass relays the krogan women and by extension the new krogans won't be able to do shit to the rest of the galaxy.

Reminder that the original mass effect ending was a TTGL ripoff

But then it would take a lot of time for each individual 2 grams krogan to become a space orc. A lot of time. So its still not really a swarm, since each individual would be a big time investment, and then to train and equip them further time investment. If you don't have childhood and play, which is how mammals train, then training is REALLY HARD, it takes a lot of time.

then they will go extinct due to overpopulation
they need to constantly expand if they want to survive

It's never stated anywhere in the games that they give live birth like mammalians, you fucking idiot.

How so? It's been a while since I watched TTGL or played the games.
What's your point? Sounds fine to me.

What a goddamn shame.
I remember all the ME3 and Jennifer "hamburger" helper threads as well.

they will find a way to chimp out again if they are literally going extinct

They canonically have 4 testicles. Implying mammalian reproduction.

Why do you keep applying real world HUMAN traits to a fictional ALIEN species?

>n-nah bro they'll just use birth control
>uhh wrex will teach them to be nice or something

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>How so?
Remember Tali's recruitment mission in ME2, and the whole thing about the human reaper? I don't remember the exact details, but the reapers were basically looking for ways to stop the expansion of dark energy. You could either destroy the reapers or let them continue.

Smaller brains take less time to develop, Krogan rely more on reptile instinct than actual brain. They probably only barely make the cut for intelligence.

Krogan females have litters of up to 100 children at a time. They have a really fast gestation and recovery time too so they can give birth multiple times a solar year. It can be inferred they have their offspring very immature and let them survive outside the womb or what would make more sense is them having eggs but that doesn't make sense since we know krogan have testes and not a cloaca.

Either way the krogan are kind of retarded and cant decide whether they are reptilian or mammal.

They are also way bigger than should he possible on an Earth gravity planet, they would he too heavy to move and would consume to much food to survive easily on a death world like Tuchanka. It would make more sense for the smartest dominant life form on that world to have been something similar to a raptor, a small-medium size pack hunter that's deadly and extremely energy efficient.

Mass Effect is Space Fantasy, not Sci-Fi.

Yeah, and Hepler wasn't really all that involved with ME from what I can remember.

It was the Dragon Age games she worked on iirc.

So what you're saying is, I'll never get to use all 4 as a face warmer?
Suffering. How the fuck do I cope with this information?

And where does it state that Krogan females have ovaries and a womb?

So you're saying their need to fuck everyone up will cause their average IQ to lurch foward a few dozen points to where they're able to re-invent FTL travel, something that no other race was able to do even while studying the mass relays while they were functional? Even though Krogans are dumb as rocks and were only able to get out of their system when lifted up by another, more intelligent race? That that's more likely than them simply going back to killing each other?

the relays arent broken bro

yeah it was along the lines of the universe is dying and they are trying to fix it. However we will never truly know how or why.

>Mass Effect is Space Fantasy, not Sci-Fi.
I just wish it were smarter space fantasy. You know, like it would take a layer 2 thought to see problems, not right on the surface.
The titular mass effect is obviously impossible and nonsensical, but not on the surface. On the surface its plausible. And you have to think for a few moments to see why its stupid. But to have two swarming biomass locust species in your game, and one being the more traditional insect hivemind, while the other is individualistic talking humanoids, it doesn't take much going hmmmmmm to decide its dumb.

Just saying. Still love the series. But, you know. Just saying.

i finally have a reason to use this

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>Either way the krogan are kind of retarded and cant decide whether they are reptilian or mammal.
That's not that strange.

The Geth and Rachni are safer for the rest of the galaxy than the Krogan since they are hiveminds so when dealing with them the only factor you need to worry about is if they are lying to you or not.
The Krogan are individuals so even if Wrex and Eve actually want peace they are still a threat.

>dinosaurs with fur
>skin eggs instead of shell eggs

Early Synapsids are neat.