>Ocarina of Time: Link wears the green hat and tunic because he grew up with the Kokiri who all wore that outfit >Minish Cap: Link wers the green tunic in honor of the Hero of Men but the hat is just Ezlo in disguise, who gives link an actual hat at the end as a token of their friendship >Skyward Sword: The tunic and hat are a knights uniform and the color green just represents his class at the academy.
Why are there three different origins to Link's outfit? This means we have to accept that SS Link got his outfit, someone else wore it but dropped the hat, MC Link unintentionally reinserted it and the Kokiri just coincidentally dressed the same way.
Better question, why is OoT Link's Kokiri outfit different from the others? The rest wear more convincingly foresty type outfits but Link just has an oversized polo shirt and brown boots instead of green (which looks better on him, to be fair).
Luis Williams
>the female Kokiri are the ones that wear the brown boots
Because there really is no timeline/connected lore, nintendo only scrambled one together to appease autists
Connor Phillips
Where did the tights come from when he pulled out the Master Sword in OoT?
Cooper Ramirez
>given women's shoes as a kid >wears tights as an adult >still ends up one of the more masculine Links of the series What a fucking chad. Only TP Link can dare to compare.
Rauru noticed Link's dong started to peek out the skirt and put on some pants while he was in a coma.
Nathan Murphy
>Link's outfit in SS is an original design of skyloft >Link's outfit in MC could be based on the hero of men's oufit, which is an original design >Link's outfit in FS could be based on the Link of MC or the hero of men, but it's not confirmed >Link's outfit in OoT and MM is an original design of the kokiri >Link's outfit in the adult parts of OoT is an original design of Rauru based on the clothes Link wore as a kid >Link's outfit in TP seems to be the clothes of the Link from SS (can't be the clothes of OoT Link because he never became an adult in this timeline) >Link's outfit in FSA could be based on the Link of MC, the Link of FS or the hero of men, but it's not confirmed >Link's outfit in WW and PH are based on the Link of MC, the Link of FS or the hero of men, but mistook as the clothes of OoT Link >Link's outfit in ST are based on the Link of WW and PH, so it shares the same origin >Link's outfit in ALTTP, Oracles, LA are original designs >Link's outfit in ALBW is based on the clothes the blacksmiths wear, and considering the dwarven swordsmith from the previous games they probably are part kokiri or something like that and Link's outfit would have the same origins as OoT Link's >Link's outfit in TH is confirmed to be based in an old hero so it's based on the Link of MC, the Link of FS or the hero of men (not FSA Link because that game didn't happen in this timeline) >Link's outfit in TLoZ and AoL are an original design >Link's champion outfit in BotW is based on the hero of 10,000 years ago >Link's green outfit in BotW is based on the outfits of TloZ/AoL Link
That means the only original outfits are >SS Link's outfit >Hero of men's outfit >MC Link's outfit (maybe) >FS Link's outfit (maybe) >OoT Link's outfit >FSA Link's outfit (maybe) >ALTTP/Oracles/LA Link (maybe) >TLoZ/AoL Link's outfit
Asher Bailey
...So there IS a connected lore, then.
Jackson Parker
>Everyone knows the timelime wasn't planned.
>"Q: Where does The Wind Walker fit into the overall Zelda series timeline? >Aonuma: You can think of this game as taking place over a hundred years after Ocarina of Time. You can tell this from the opening story, and there are references to things from Ocarina located throughout the game as well. >Miyamoto: Well, wait, which point does the hundred years start from? >Aonuma: From the end. >Miyamoto: No, I mean, as a child or as a... >Aonuma: Oh, right, let me elaborate on that. Ocarina of Time basically has two endings of sorts; one has Link as a child and the other has him as an adult. This game, The Wind Waker, takes place a hundred years after the adult Link defeats Ganon at the end of Ocarina. zeldalegends.net/index.php?n=interviews&id=2002-12-06-gamepro-miya-aonu-twwsummit&m=html
>"SP: How does the Zelda games get together? Is there any connection between the different games or do you take tell us a new Zelda story each time? >SM: For every new Zelda game we tell a new story but we actually have an enormous document that explains how the game relate to eachother and bind them together. zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Interview:SuperPlay_April_23rd_2003
>"BB: That's something that, you (Bill Trinen – Localization Team) and I have talked about with the release of the Zelda compilation disc, cleaning up some of the spellings like Ganon, and making sure everything is cohesive. Maybe that's an American thing – us wanting to know how it all works together. I guess that leads me to my next questions. How do the Links in The Four Swords Adventure relate to the overall story line? Or is it just a subchapter or something like that?" >"EA: The GBA Four Swords Zelda is what we're thinking as the oldest tale in the Zelda timeline. With this one on the GameCube being a sequel to that, and taking place sometime after that." zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Interview:Game_Informer_May_17th_2004