When does Colette become a good party member? For reference, I’m in the Tower of Mana right now...

When does Colette become a good party member? For reference, I’m in the Tower of Mana right now, but I haven’t taken the boat from Izoold yet.

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You mean story or gameplay wise? I never used her, she doesn't do anything that someone else doesn't do much better.

This is the exact moment Colette became a good character

IIRC colette never gets good to play as

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Gameplay wise. Yeah, she just seems bad, but I’m asking because I thought maybe she gets some good spells later

>gets tricked by angel dude
>keeps putting on a fake anime girl facade and lying
>main hero calls her out on her bullshit to her face
>"I hate that fake giggle you do"


She gets some cool unique spells I guess, but nothing really that useful because Raine is just better in every way. I guess Judgement is decent but it's not worth having a spot taken up by her.

Para ball.

I never used her outside of the mandatory battles, even then I always used the skill that makes her kill herself to give your party a buff

colette is better than everyone bar probably raine. she has the highest damage output in the game. not that it matters.

Ah, well. That’s fine, I just wish I wasn’t forced to use her in some battles


I like how sassy Lloyd is to his enemies and to his friends. He makes Genis do his homework for him and he only realized how arrogant he is when he saw Zelos saying his own catchphrase. He's also surprisingly the voice of reason many times like when Volt had Sheena shook and those scenes at Welgaia.

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She's okay for item thief, and gets decent once you have access to Judgement and Sacrifice, but like everyone else said already, she doesn't do anything particularly better than anyone else. Just use Raine/Kratos/Zelos instead.

She gets good immediately you just need to learn how her throwing anuses work

Also she's not Joshua from,TWEWY the story has little relevance to her use in battle, both when it states she's a god and when shes a literal husk

Pow Hammer lets you cheese the other wise broken secret boss too

You did choose best girl, right?

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Lloyd is basically the next best protagonist to Vyse in Eternal Arcadia in terms of being optimistic and not being a fucking bitch.

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She's kinda mediocre if you're not playing her yourself. If you do she develops into one of the biggest damage-dealers in the game but the AI can't take advantage of it. Colette also has weird mechanics where her abilities upgrade themselves when you use them enough. I guess it's her "getting used to battle" or something.

As a character she's cool

Aa a party member she's a wet napkin with the damage and durability of one and is the most mandatory party member in the game due to the plot

yep, and the thing I like most about Lloyd is how he can have so much personality for a naive idealist archetype, without ever resorting to being edgy

You're on the hard route, so NOBODY is going to be good for a long while, unless you're on x10 EXP mode.

More specifically though, once she gets Judgement and Item Thief/Rover she'll be good. If you're playing the PS3 version, she'll also jump when she learns Grand Cross.

Well, I used her to poison an option boss who happens to be the hardest in the game. Aside from that, I never used her aside from the fights where she is required.


I was playing through this again while waiting for FE:3H and I think I discovered some sort of glitch. I got 2 Last Fencers and 2 Elemental Circlets. I went back to the Colosseum after I got Kratos back and Seles just appeared again

It should be illegal to spread misinformation this hard. Colette is the most broken character in the game by virtue of Para Ball alone, only uses 14 TP, is stronger than most level 3 artes, and can infinite combo with Spell Cancelling.

That alone makes her the best character in the game, then she gets access to Poison, which allows her to solo superbosses within minutes regardless of level/stats. youtube.com/watch?v=kPgrRn8p__4

Any advice to beat those fucking dragons that Cosmo sicks on you?

Interesting. So she can be good when you control her, but she's bad as an AI controlled member, it seems