Why do we have to tolerate this in the West?

Why do we have to tolerate this in the West?

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Right is unironically cuter (the game is shit though)

Left looks like a plastic doll, uncanny as fuck.

>It's another JAPAN good WEST bad shitpost

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If games only had one artstyle they would be boring.


I live in Japan, speak Japanese, see girls like left every day. I want to make babies with Right and start a family, though.

>It's another WEST good JAPAN bad shitpost

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right isn't that bad but also not good, looks like a reanimated bloated corpse a bit
work on it devs

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They both cute what's your fucking problem OP, you a faggot?

>muh waifus
left looks horrible, west looks realistic and cuter. Seeth more incel


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> Waaaaah!! The West doesn't know how to design female characters!

Except the right one is actually modeled after the actress that plays her, like all the other characters in Until Dawn.

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>Bloodborne as a way of proving anything

Yamada-san, please go home and stop this shameful display.

Fuck your beauty standards

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Is she ugly too?

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Fuck you Ashley is my waifu I was hypnotized while playing. Her actress is doo doo though.

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chinese are not human
chinese are not part of the great asia
they are literal insects

Explain why every single user on here wants to fuck her then

Exactly the reason why they don't know how to design shit, instead they just grab some C list actor/actress or whatever to play the part.

The character is cuter than the actress.

It doesn't work when they're both hot you cretin

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Don't think so.

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She does not look submissive, that's a trigger for Yea Forumsirgin weebs. They can't dream and fap to someone who might say no.

It's a couple mutt shills.

same reason why people have ugly, fat girlfriends. No taste and no restraint.

Came buckets

Ironically, yours is textbook cuckoldposting.

Is she ugly too?

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Okay weebs heard me out:
>western = realism style = uglier characters
DMC V and REmake 2 was made by Japanese people and the female looked ugly, why, because they tried using a realist style. Isn’t that hard
Also feminism

that never happens in Yea Forums, nigger.

Any game that uses motion/facial capture will result in a less attractive model. Unless of course the person they use is already attractive.


I have no fucking idea what this means. You zoomers are gonna drive me nuts.

Because west infantilizes women while insects promote their sexuality. Basically what Japs do represents old-school sexualization since their industry is not easily influenced by social network hot takes, while west takes a hissy fit whenever femininity is represented as a magnet for male gaze, therefore putting females in focus as you would a precocious child, rather than an independent adult with a set of vices and virtues that need not to be coddled.

tldr: a whore is a whore. Japs know this.


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>person vs realdoll
Weebs are mentally ill

>old SH
yeah no

Both are hot so what's the problem?

She's not a real person, user. It should look fake.

They look like monsters to you?

>both hot
>thinks 3dpd looking shit in the right is hot
>posts sachiko as well
kill yourself my mate

Right is as unnatural as Left for some reason

Ashley is a cunt and her getting decapitated is canon

You don’t. Stop buying bad games

Right: cute grey mouse
Left: soulles bugeyed insectoid

i like this guy

Who want these in games except for horny kids and incels?

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I don't know what the right is, but it was probably less of a disappointment than Fatal Frame 5.

Because majority of people aren't regressive cumbrains

nympho whore


lady is hot as fuck in dmcV

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>west infantilises women
ah so all the weebautism head pat ONIIII CHAAAN shit is the wests fault

What the fuck are you on about? Right is cute as fuck.

right is realistic
left is stylized
the fact that you're comparing them is pretty telling. Yea Forumskiddies will even call realistic models """""manjaw""""""" because of how used they are to the unrealisticly round jaws that these stylized games have.

it's fine to like them, but it's a huge issue that there are so many retards out there that can't tell the difference between reality from fantasy anymore.
every single one of these dumb threads provide proof to that fact.

I do (I'm volcel)

>All i do is make fapable females with huuuuuge boobs.
>Fuck good story and interesting character development

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Hey boys i'm western

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Because we have grown up

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I see enough disgusting people when I leave the house, don't need them in my games.

Because of the Jews

Because she is hiding her fivehead.

why is he on the passenger's seat? did his mommy take him to gamestop?

Seriously though, you /pol/tard faggots need to go back where you came from. Here are a few facts that may trigger you to go away.

>the Nazis were unrepentantly inhumane and violently expansionist
> the Holocaust is a real and undeniable historical event
>immigration is proven to help grow a nation's GDP and cultural development
>racial difference are completely insignificant compared to culture
>homosexuality is a natural phenomenon that many different animal partake in
>the religious right will never win against the scientific left

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Im 22

>draw White girls
>call them Japanese

Why do they always stay away with this?

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>be western dev
>make asian girl
>looks like the worst racist stereotype imaginable
good job, western devs

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Coach's daughter really filled out

you forget to say umm swettie?” in your post

Who here /hype/ for Man of Medan?

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dios mio


they all look like niggers to me

Just how many layers of makeup is she wearing? Look at the difference on skin tone between her fuckface and the rest of her body.

Oh I get it hehe
Yes, you fucking niggee they aren’t human, of course they’re fucking monster you retarded manlet

smoke my dick and french inhale, bitch nigger

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la raza abominación mixta

Aloy is cute!

>The Global Times reports that all was as normal and that her fans urged her to show her face and remove her filter but she refused, instead apparently saying: "I can't show my face until I receive gifts worth 100,000 yuan ($11,950). After all, I'm a good-looking host."
Kek. She got greedy and had to lie. Apparently she has a nice voice which earned her a following in the first place.


shut up trem u nigger

Wew lad, classic one. Sweep some lies in with the truth, just like a good leftist.

Two of the American games are french, and 3 of them take place in a similar time period.

And? They didn't have to model it after someone's face and produce that disaster.

wolfenstein is made by swedecucks

>mfw all the 15-18 posters on Yea Forums prove all the people saying "we need to get better sex ed because all these kids are coming out with warped as fuck views about sexuality from the media", right.
>They don't even fucking realise it.

Lol, typical stupid Tranny. The left already lost in 2016 and will continue to do so in 2020. But keep telling your mentally ill brain the left will win, its fun to watch.

>If you like stylized over realistic, that means you cant tell the difference between reality and fantasy

Not too bright, are you?

>that cope

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>only masked girl looks good
Big think.

t. Woman

So why only Japan was able to invent waifu character design & modelings and why are they becoming popular across the world even though they aren't the Western in aesthetic and origin?

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it ain't wrong

Funnily enough, all the games on the right are better than the ones on the left.

>ITT cumbrains

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White girls are fucking ugly

Because it's on of the last remaining country that SJWs haven't shamed into becoming femnazis.
Also, they prefer cute things so that helps too.

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Fuck off back to Twitter, nigger

But right looks better you chinklover
Actually, you should've put Sam or Jessica instead of Ashley you cherrypicking cunt

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Asian girls are even uglier without tons of plastic surgery

Stop playing Americuck games faggot.

>prefer to play as cute girls rather than hideous ones
>this is somehow a bad thing

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lol, now that you mention it that would be funny haha

Why don't people differentiate between Amerishart and Yuropeen games?
There's still quite a difference between the 2 except for Ubishit who have to pander the amerimutt market as a major AAA publisher.

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Is cumbrain underage discord meme or /pol/?

>brainlet trying to reply to me
you don't even understand what i said.
the problem is that people like OP don't understand how stylized these models are. on the surface they may say that they get it, but subconciously they don't. otherwise they wouldn't compare them to models shaped after real people.
subconciously they treat them as the same. that's why they think japan makes better models while the west makes ugly models. as if they were both doing the same thing and the west is just failing.
>who does the west "tolerate" this uglyness? (models looking like real people)

Is this a new meme you wojak niggers are going to spam for the next 3 weeks?
I've seen it a few times already.

Nico is a Japanese design you retards

its /pol/
just report the fuck out of them

No rebuttal, wh*toid

They have to pretend to keep up the Jap>West meme

>everything I don't like is the /pol/-boogeyman

Because Yea Forums is retarded.

Doom 2 is better than all of those games on the left.

That's amerishart, not Western. Calling amerishit games "Western" would imply mutts are white and they actually release competent games.

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Selfehating? I see.

These threads are false flags so feminist and other anti-Japan fruitcakes get an excuse to have meltdowns.

I kind of wish I finished this game. It wasn't amazing or really a great game, per se, but it was cool that it was just a teen slasher flick version of Heavy Rain. I really liked the scene where you're supposed to choose which one of your friends will live and die and the game kills the one you wanted to save and the one you chose to kill fucking hates you for it.

What is this fucking magic technology called filter?

>the game is shit though
found the redditor
until kino is excellent

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Have you ever seen people?

and your point being?

>Japan makes Black women attractive as much as possible while giving them recognizable Black features
>The Western media says the country is more racist than the West.

Attached: blackwomeninvidya.jpg (1416x850, 240K)

>I really liked the scene where you're supposed to choose which one of your friends will live and die and the game kills the one you wanted to save and the one you chose to kill fucking hates you for it.
You know that the same person gets "killed" regardless right?

why do all those western characters look the same?

So this is the mythical oldfag huh?

Sheva is a mulatto at most. The one on the right actually looks like a black person.

No, I don't, because I didn't finish it. I SAID THAT, user.

Whoops. Whatever the game sucks anyway. Calling it the "teen slasher flick version of Heavy Rain" is over-selling it.

The model they used for Sheva is part Danish and South African, not Western African like american nig nogs.

The left looks she fucks White guys.

I don't remember the bottom girl being in ACAH.

why did you pick one of the few actually cute western ''realistic'' characters

>recognizable Black features
like leopard clothes and tribal tattoos? lmao

idc but who is top right tho

sheva is attractive because she looks like a dark skinned white character and that's a good thing

Post more of the right one.

You fucking wish Nico was Western.

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>UD porn entirely this chick and Hayden
I understand why people would want to make a bunch of porn featuring Hayden Panettiere, but come on give Best Girl Jess at least one fucking piece! And why no hate-fuck porn for alpha-bitch Emily?

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>soulless fuckdoll straight out from an incel fantasy with his colonist grandfathers stigma
>actual woman with personality and charm


Clearly you're basing your entire opinion of Sheva on that one picture, which has her wearing a fetish dlc outfit to boot. Sheva wasn't the deepest RE protag, but she was far from soulless.

right unrealistic le perfect waifu
left above average girl

But Phil is unironically based

right is the cutest girl from until dawn, but she's still not cuter than left. Until Dawn is awesome btw. Maybe you'd know that if you had friends

legit can't understand why poeple don't like black features, they have the best lips by far

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That's too old to be such a massive faggot. Your family must be filled with shame.

these are the most fun threads on the site though

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>Liberalism with age
lmao nah


nice try mutt

I don’t think a thread like that has ever been made on Yea Forums with how desperate for that sweet yellow puss you faggots are

Fuck are you on about?
Until Dawn is abysmal, like all games made by that man, and it’s not multiplayer so if you play it, it’s more likely you don’t have friends and want to emulate having them.

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>saying a girl isn’t submissive to neets and will say no to their advances is cuckoldry
Congrats sport on learning the word cuckoldry but now you need to learn how to properly use it!

Name? before this gets 404'd.