Video games

video games

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That's neither Yea Forums, Yea Forums and even /pol/ for sake of argument. Also Hitler might've used tons of substances but he didn't weight half what Trump does.

Then he's wearing another mask and it's Karl Marx.

take that one off and it's yo momma lmfao owned kid

>Literally scream racism,racism,raisinsom for the next 14 months because the democrats have no other strategies left.

sad, but expected.

>trump is hitler
why do leftist homos say this, trump's been sucking jew dick since day 1

take that one off and it's OP cross dressing like a faggot.

So powerful...

wait a minute...

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i mean they're not wrong. its just trump uses the same language hitler did but for mexicans instead of jew

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Imagine being so triggered that you need to post this on a video game board.

Fucking white people are so fragile.

based leftfag brainlet


Imagine living in a world where you take a bait post like this seriously and start uncontrollably vomiting half-thought political opinions on an online videogame imageboard.

Pretty sure Hitler was way smarter than Trump.

The difference is that his followers are three times as stupid.

If Trump was an actual Fascist and not a kike lover, this country would be in a better predicament.

Why do these people make light of the horrible atrocities Hitler did by comparing him with a rather mediocre but harmless president? Ugh it makes me sick that the holocaust is remotely being put in the same ballpark as just a few deportations. These tonedeaf racists can go to hell.

Hitler wasn't a jew loving faggot.

I dislike Trump too but comparing to hitler is a little too extremist. By far the only wrong shit he have done is keeping the inmigrants kids and not allowing trannies in the army

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I'm horny

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This is actually pretty accurate. Hitler made some massive changes with massive risks and most of them paid off and he succeeded in revitalizing Germany and more. Too bad he had to be the buffer for Soviet Unions inevitable attack.

I wish this shmorky wannabe didn't have such a shitty hit/miss rate, because his hits are actually pretty damn good.

Fuck off liberal kike, Yea Forums is a nazi board.

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Because orange man bad

The meme reminds me of paper crafts idk why

>not allowing trannies in the army
Back during my country's military conscription we had a gay guy in our bunk and we fucking hated him because he kept trying to proposition us, I can't even imagine how awful it must be to serve with a tranny.

Did you miss the part where he wants to deport minorities??


Libs actually believe this

Lefties can't meme and apparently can't program either. What shit code.

delphox is best girl

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Wait a second, that's not Adolf Hitler!

Trump's ideology is not identical to Hitlerism but it is an evolution of Hitlerism the way Stalinism or Maoism are an evolution of Leninism. They are a derivative of the ideology, applied to the specific current conditions of the United States of America.

>randomly bringing up trump's obesity to vent
cringe and cope

The even funnier thing is that the top 3 candidates they want, Biden, Harris and Warren are horrid to run on an "anti-racism" campaign
>Biden was, rightfully, against busing Blacks into White schools
>Harris defended corrupt cops who attacked non-violent blacks and helped push stricter drug laws in Cali
>Warren spent decades lying about being a Native American to reap benefits

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There needs to be a purge of all these doddering centrist dipshits from the democratic party