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Jason Murphy
Aaron Walker
I did, but she broke up with me when she found out most of my female friends were former FWBs and I refused to stop hanging out with them.
Gabriel Powell
I'm not a LESBIAN. Gosh.
Christian Hall
i am a virgin neet and never go outside
Cooper Ward
Because I want (You) to be my GF!!!!
Isaac Kelly
Because I am the girlfriend
Jayden Campbell
The only woman I have frequent contract with is a hijab wearing Muslim, and I doubt she's up for any sort of hanky panky.
Landon Robinson
I'm trying, but I can't rank up your support no matter what I do.
Seriously, what am I doing wrong?
Carson Harris
Years of depression and isolation have ruined my body and social competence and I'm slipped back into it again.
William Nelson
I do, but i realised i don't really have feelings towards her. Or anybody for that matter
Gabriel Cruz
Having a girlfriend is more than hanky panky
Jayden Jenkins
Because I've realized that I wouldn't be interested in anyone that's actually interested in some human waste like myself.
John Bennett
>and I doubt she's up for any sort of hanky panky.
muslim girls are repressed nymphos, go for it, i bet everyone around her already did.
Eli Rivera
story locked support. B and A can only happen after time skip.
Wyatt Young
I do though
Liam Butler
Julian Green
>stopped caring
>get laid occasionally
>tfw can't make anything more than superficial connections with others
Jacob Edwards
I've had GFs before, but I'm just fucking lazy. They all basically came to me except for one I pursued and actually got. I don't even know how considering I've always been pretty fat and I think I'm ugly as fuck. I feel like Forrest Gump because I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing that attracts women.
Grayson Lee
Jose Gomez
Because I'm already married.
Asher Garcia
because anime "games" aren't real video games
Joshua Clark
Shut the fuck up, fuck you.
Wait, I guess I do have one.
William Robinson
i do and her name is ambition
James Turner
I don't have any friends period
I had a breakup 3 years ago that led me to seclude myself, become a NEET, and gain enough weight that my body could only be described as repulsive and monstrous.
I had a wake up call recently when my dog died and I realized that me being sad and secluded and fat and lazy meant that I didn't play with him as much as I used to, and it's my fault that his last years were probably nothing but boredom for him. I'm trying to do better now.
Jason Gonzalez
Because I'm gay.
Camden Hernandez
Because I keep falling for lesbos
Evan Nguyen
Because I'm focused on becoming a millionaire so I can smash 10/10's at will.
I wouldn't be happy settling for mediocrity.
Jayden Sanders
i already told you is because im an ugly jobless loser,cant we talk about anything else?
Liam Lee
Landon Price
Let's see
>Shut in
>Shy of socializing
>Not really a group person
>Still have to lose the extra weight before I'll allow my self to seek a relationship
>Probably got a certain degree of sexual issues from when a teen did stuff to me while I was around 6 that cause me to question my self and have insecuritiies
>Not really in to travel, kinda prefer staying home on my PC, just playing my vidya.
Jayden Edwards
I really don't know how to go find people and socialize outside my circle of friends, who are all guys or co-workers.
People tell me I should make a tinder and go fishing on it but it seems shallow at a glance. I doubt I'm attractive enough to do that sort of thing.
Juan Howard
>Probably got a certain degree of sexual issues from when a teen did stuff to me while I was around 6 that cause me to question my self and have insecuritiies
Was it a homosexual encounter or straight?
Asher Hill
Hmm, well since there's no women on the internet I guess the only thing left to say is: HAH GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Ethan Thompson
It's either a gf or vidya.
I've made my choice.
Kayden Perry
I swear I will save Bernie from the horrible fate awaiting her in the Black Eagles.
Nathan Sanders
>A girl doing sexual thing to a 6 year old
Feel like that's probably pretty rare, no of course not user.
Luke Hill
>just playing my vidya.
Fucking degenerate where do you think you are ?
Alexander Taylor
Because I'm too fucking nervous and scared to talk to the two that have a thing for me
Camden Morales
Sorry, I'll try to talk about basket weaving more.
바구니 짜기 (바구니 세공 또는 바스켓 만들기)는 융통성있는 재료를 매트 또는 용기와 같은 2 차원 또는 3 차원 인공물로 짜거나 바느질하는 과정입니다. 바구니 제조를 전문으로하는 기술자 및 예술가는 보통 바구니 제조사 및 바구니 제작자라고합니다.
바구니 세공은 구부러져 모양을 형성 할 수있는 다양한 섬유질 또는 유연 소재로 만들어집니다. 예를 들면 소나무 밀짚, 버드 나무, 오크, 등나무, 개나리, 덩굴, 줄기, 동물의 머리카락, 숨기기, 풀, 실, 고급 나무 부목 등이 있습니다.
원주민들은 특히 바구니 짜기 기술로 유명합니다. 이 바구니는 물건을 교환 할 수 있지만 종교 의식에 사용할 수도 있습니다.
There, all better.
Zachary Reyes
Just ask them if they'll let you slam their clams. Use that exact phrase. It will work.
Nathaniel Roberts
You are me. Please hang in there.
Easton Baker
I've never felt as lonely as i have playing trough this fucking game, too many wifeable girls man.
Lucas Hughes
a-are you her childhood friend?
Evan Gutierrez
I'm gay. My best friend recently confessed to me and I don't know what to do. I'm afraid that if I say yes and something happens between us, I'll lose my best friend.
Benjamin Bell
Is your best friend the same gender as you?
James Rodriguez
>Still have to lose the extra weight before I'll allow my self to seek a relationship
i'm in the same boat user, when i think about how many times i've tried to start and how if i had just stuck with it one of those times it would have been done by now it hits me right in the gut.
Juan Anderson
Ian Martinez
Yes. He told me he thinks I'm very cute, girly and attractive.
Aiden Gonzalez
Do it and contain him before he tries hitting on traight men and makes things super akward.
Christopher Foster
He's not into most regular dudes.
Brayden Rogers
Tell him how you feel, bro. Chances are your worries are nothing more than silly worries. Go for broke.
Asher Brown
I like boys since they actually play video games
Juan Martinez
We also live together, along with another friend of ours who also likes me. It's a bit of a complex situation, you see.
Adrian Phillips
I know this feel, hope we make it.
Camden Bennett
Because I have a waifu
Leo Cook
What's the level cap? Is it 40?
Jaxon Jenkins
Landon Smith
I suppose that's meant to be a compliment ... for traps or something.
Luis Jackson
What's this?
Dominic Jenkins
Because I have autoimmune that makes dating hell
Nicholas Myers
Because instead of high-fiving my crush years ago I splerged and told her to kill herself, haven't bothered trying since.
Liam Nguyen
Then what does that make you? You're not a tranny, are you?
Carson Martinez
I'm a very feminine boy with good genetics.
Nathaniel Reyes
Okay I think you being delusional. 3 gay guys don't just happen to live together in the same house. One of them is probably just a nice dude.
Nolan Allen
Ian Ward
Basket weaving (also basketry or basket making) is the process of weaving or sewing pliable materials into two- or three dimensional artifacts, such as mats or containers. Craftspeople and artists specialized in making baskets are usually referred to as basket makers and basket weavers.
Basketry is made from a variety of fibrous or pliable materials—anything that will bend and form a shape. Examples include pine straw, willow, oak, wisteria, forsythia, vines, stems, animal hair, hide, grasses, thread, and fine wooden splints.
Indigenous peoples are particularly renowned for their basket-weaving techniques. These baskets may then be traded for goods but may also be used for religious ceremonies.
Isaiah Diaz
What prevents three gay guys from living together?
Jacob Gutierrez
>Be in to femenine features
Kek, might as well be straight in denial.