Just started playing Final Fantasy XIV

Just started playing Final Fantasy XIV.
Any beginner tips? If I wanted to main ACN is a midlander a good race?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Go WAR or go home.

Go back wherever you came from

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make him you stupid chink

races have no racials dumb fuck nigger fart

>not playing as a cat, dragon or bunny girl

op is fag

>Just started playing Final Fantasy XIV.
Mistake 1.

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yeah quit and play wow classic

race doesn't matter

have sex


>ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1 ruin 1
This is you for 60 levels. Races are completely irrelevant. I'd suggest BRD for ranged and SAM for melee after you unlock it at level 50 (the job also starts at level 50 and you need to reach the Stormblood expansion).

Race means fuck all, unfortunately.

Most people play with what their peepee dictates, you'll know these people. Avoid them.

Just go at your own pace and enjoy the ride.

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>Most people play with what their peepee dictates, you'll know these people. Avoid them.
that's like the majority of anyone who plays XIV

Thoughts on Estinien?

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cute middie

The only way Vanilla is worth investing in, is if they take it down the OSRS route.


i hope you like staring at a mans ass.

I miss the HW party. It's the only one that felt like a classic FF adventuring party

What server should I join?


What if he doesn't want to?

Anything but Balmung. A Japanese data center if you can help it

im so fucking tired of beast tribes and dragons.
When is the alliance gonna make a full blown crusade against them? Maybe spare the non violent ones but thats about it. purge all subhuman scum.but this will never happen because japs have to have their p-power of friendship garbage

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Lol what a faggot. Imagine not being able to appreciate a man's ass without turning gay.

I'm NA. What's wrong with Balmung?

It's full.


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Come to Lich and play with me.

Races don't matter, it's only cosmethic shit like most things in the game

they will never be removed because we need them for dailies and fate grinding :)

This is now miqote thread

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They're busy with the Empire at the moment.


bimbo cats cat

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Nigger, I said most people for a reason, do you not know how to read?

Why are you staring at your characters ass to begin with, you closeted faggot.

It's the degenerate roleplay containment server. If you're looking for actual people to play the GAME with, look somewhere else.

This thread is turning out perrrrfectly

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Dragons are above humans actually.

I'm American.


Time for round two, of what jobs have cleared E4S.
These are absolute bullshit in terms of meta but its quite fun just making them somehow

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Cats? Cats.

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I'm on Lich but I won't play with you.

he may be a fag, but at least hes not a tranny

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Depends on what you mean by just started. Race provides minuscule bonuses that won't matter pretty much ever, so be whatever you like the look of. The free trial goes till 35 now so you have infinite time to mess around with different jobs and such, it's recommended that you at least do the sidequests with a blue box above the quest giver as they usually unlock something compared to just getting gear/gil. Make sure you don't miss the chocobo quest at 15, it speeds up your travel a bit.

Pugging the trials and dungeons you encounter is no big deal, there are very few fight mechanics that will destroy you if you mess up so early in the game. At the same time there's no shame in googling the dungeon ahead of time to just skim the boss mechanics if you're worried about it. Basically as long as you are a functioning human who isn't just spamming 1 move you'll be alright even if you aren't playing the most efficient way, but taking some time to evaluate your options and how your rotation might change after each ability you get isn't a bad idea either.

Balmung is the biggest roleplay server. It also used to be the biggest NA server in general but that's not the case anymore.
You can't make a character on any large server unless it's dead hours when few people are on. But you can play with anyone on your datacenter.
Have you picked a server? I'm pretty new too but I'm on Crystal and can help you out if you choose a Crystal server.

Not a big fan of any of the other races. Maybe the bunny but I prefer playing as the default human races in my MMOs. What's wrong with midlanders?

>ignore the people that play what they like

Not every fag is a tranny but every tranny is a fag.

End your life.

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Link to full thing?

garuda a cute!

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Nothing at all. It's not like the other "races" are unique besides Lalas and Hrothgar.

The run animation and the boring average everything bodytype

I really hate the female midlander running animation. I could never play one for that reason.


A thief. He robbed Urianger for best Scion award, only on the technicality that Tataru forces him to become one.

Nothing. People say they are boring because they are default humans, but when the large majority of the player population are cats or bunnies or dragons, I don't think that argument holds any water at all.

This meme doesn't work with XIV because every set has a buttcape.

I never even noticed how she runs before, how can anyone be bothered by that? Are the others that much better?

>his Viera WoL has a forest name

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It's not a matter of animation quality, I just can't take the run seriously. It fits a very girly healer and nothing else.

>that clipping
>that butt made out of 3 polygons

I love how alphinaud character makes a 180 post ARR
Went from commander of the crystal braves and smug little brat
Normal 16 year old WoLsexual, with a more young voice
did he mature backwards?


lolwut? Why do you need to take a running animation seriously?
I'm kinda glad I don't have your autism, it must suck living like that.

>NIN: 1
Poor fucking bastards

I agree.

reddit is that way

>with a more young voice
The fuck? His voice was the same.

I dunno but it was a good change considering I no longer want to garrote him whenever he's onscreen.

No. compare them.
ARR alphinaud is literally a cocky brat son of a bitch
post ARR alphinaud is much more laid back and he sounds like an actual 16 year old

do you have for the other savages?
i am curious now

Source: am redditor.

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

So am I but I still play on Lich.
U R 2 Kool 4 skool bruh

If you say so, it's been 2 or 3 years since I did HW MSQ.

I switched from a lizard to bun. I'll consider going back if/when SE makes them less ayylmao/more options. i.e. never

Which server did you pick OP?

Adamantoise and Malboro. I don't know which one I'll stay for.

Half the ARR cast got re-casted for HW senpai

Adamantoise puts you on Aether which will give you more hardcore raiding opportunities but also lots of trannies and dramafags.
Malboro puts you on Crystal which will give you RP and community opportunities, but less raiding opportunities. There will still be freaks but unlike on Aether they will leave you alone.

Tell me you're opinion on Primal.

As I understand it has solid raiding, fewer freaks and lots of Spanish speaking goblins.

>lots of Spanish speaking goblins.
This is a meme, I've never seen anyone speaking spanish on primal.

When you're crossbreeding shit in your garden, if one plant finishes growing before the other, can I harvest it safely or do I have to wait till everything is done

Gladiator story was shit hopefully paladin will be away more better

unironically way worse than gladiator

Wait, could it be that you are using English voices? Who the fuck even does that when JP audio is an option?

Why didn't they remove instances with the patch?
My server is dead as shit and I want to do FATEs/hunts without instances anymore.


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Paladin just eventually turns back into gladiator

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It's far, far worse. I'd go so far as to say that the PLD 30-50 "story" is not even a story at all.

Please unsub you fucks. There are way too many people playing MY game.

Will do actually. It runs out in a few days, I finished the MSQ, did the normal Eden raids, no interest in Savage autism. I have nothing left to stay for. I'll come back when the next batch of normal content drops.

The normalfags (i.e. most of the Western playerbase unfortunately). I don't know how people put up with Koji's ""writing"" and all the characters being these smarmy bastards compared to the more down to Earth original characterization. Thancred's such a cunt in ENG in Shadowbringers.

I need more Ryne lewds

Post your character name OP. I will help you do dungeons.

Careful user, don’t wanna get banned like that other guy did.

Don't encourage the fag with his terrible model swaps please

Thancred is supposed to be a cunt for the most part due to story reasons.

don't post your name, it will only invite trouble OP

I need them for my pedophile documentary

This. I would actually welcome it if it was good quality stuff, but it's just extremely shitty lazy model swaps, I can't understand how people don't see it.

New tomestone gear is so edgy.

I was expecting the gear design contest stuff, but I guess they're keeping it for dungeons.

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>AOE appears around everyone
>Run away
>Dancer following me with her AoE too

I had to because the differences between the english text and the jp voices are clearer than day, but I can't switch the client off english because I prefer coming here to shitpost about game mechanics

Except he isn't in the Japanese script/characterization. That shit is Koji & co.'s doing

>smarmy bastards
I thought it's just Alisaie and Shitola because le strong snarky wymyn is all the rage over here.

If you played in English sure

Doesn't matter, the idiot got banned.

P-p-please buy my lorebook. It has the memes!

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The real question is, how will they put buttcapes on it?

I know it’s lazy shit, but it’s the only stuff we will get since XIV gets practically no porn that isn’t OC garbage.
Beggars can’t be choosers.

Is this in FFXIV?
i really like skinsuits

The opinions of self assessed N3s, who watch anime subbed and therefore think they are able to understand spoken Japanese enough to draw that kind of conclusion, are irrelevant.

They'll just copypasta the GNB AF trenchcoat over it.

>Paradise Found
>Savage Paradise Found
step up your memes nigger

The EE is actually extremely good though

>Healer and Tank complimented me and the BRDs dps

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Nothing at all. Hyurs are cool.

Everybody shits on this gear but I think it's cool as fuck and I'll try to get a full set for glamour.

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Not yet but it will be since it's one of the two design contest winners

I can guarantee the tank version will have a buttcape. Caster version will probably be some retarded high tech robe.

Everyone in the English script has these shitty one-liners thrown in for "banter"'s sake because THAT's all the rage to make for "likable" characters at the moment.

It will be, it's a fan design that won a contest to be put in the game.

It'll look shit because this game can't do skintight and the models have no asses.

Pic related is upcoming too.

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Should I buy this?
Do you buy things from mogstation?

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>Level 80 DRK sword is literally called Shadowbringer

I started complimenting and giving commendation to good dps, because the difference they make in dungeons is vastly underappreciated, and everyone defaults to giving comms to the healer or tank even if they suck.

So, how are your clears going? This fight really is not hard, I dont know why people slip up at every opportunity between not paying attention to Erebos arms, forgetting their Sophia partners, thinking the second set of flares are instant and moving away out of fear and letting everyone in the stack marker die, not paying attention to who has the eye, etc

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It's your money dude. There are plenty of in game glamours you can use already.

>It looks almost exactly like the Dragonslayer

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they might use this for the nier raid, since it looks cybernetic and whatnot. i know everyone wants the ass dress, but we got 3 tiers to go through

I'm never stepping foot into savage lel.

And yet the defensive self-proclaimed N1 makes zero application of their apparent superior Japanese language skills to draw the "correct" conclusions.

If you like it go ahead.
I buy shit from it all the time because I have disposable money and no shame. I’ve bought several of the outfits just for single parts, like Gosetsu’s for his pants or the far eastern schoolboy one for the shoes.

It looks like shit, but feel free to throw your money away

After the torture I went through to get even 1 Titania EX clear due to absolute braindead idiots in PF, I'm not wasing my time with pugging Savage.
Even getting that one clear wasn't worth it in the end, I only kept pushing to get it due to sunken cost fallacy, I at least wanted to get something out of the time wasted on it.

>At the same time there's no shame in googling the dungeon ahead
Can I get by without doing this? Can I go in blind and do fine? I've never played an MMO, but I like the look of Warrior. I feel like blind tanking isn't a good idea when I've never done anything like this before.

>Do you buy things from mogstation?
I think its been since ARR that I bought something from the mogstation. There's a couple NPC outfits that I have my eye on that I would buy if they were released but instead they keep releasing trash from Korea that I wouldn't even accept for free.

>I feel like blind tanking isn't a good idea

That's your spider sense talking. You should probably listen

It's your money. But I am opposed to this sort of microtransaction since the game also has a sub fee.

My static cleared 1 tonight and got 2 to about 40% before we ran out of time for the evening. Feels pretty good.

I got SMN to 80 and now I'm gonna level a MCH, any tips for a new MCH?

On very rare occasions when it's an outfit I REAAAAALLY like

>Phantasmagoria Bard weapon is actually a crossbow
Its so fucking weird but i like it

>used to oppose it because "I want more stuff to unlock ingame to feel accomplished for getting it"
>then learned their idea of "accomplishment" was Eureka
>now would rather have the cash shop if it meant no more locking all the cosmetic shit behind the absolute snoozefest that was Eureka

>Just started
>Initially go au ra because lizard people are cool
>Male au ra makes my dick confused because of his feminine body. Also his horns started looking retarded
>Remake as a Gigantic male roe
>Find out they're extremely rare for players to choose
>Miqos and viera send me random party invites in town a lot or will follow me and jump around
>Decline them because I'm terrified to talk to people before I really know what I'm doing
How are roe so fucking chad and I'm so beta even online

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i fucking waste my time playing triple triad and doing gold saucer shit instead of doing the MSQ. Do i have gambling addiction?

There is nothing wrong with blind tanking if you at least understand the fundamentals of tanking. If anyone has a problem with you not knowing the dungeon, you can always tell them to fuck off or kick them or leave and look for a less salty stuck up elitist bitch party. Don't be a pushover and you'll be fine.

Lucky for you, nothing good was in Eureka. Unless you like the Ozma mount.

I liked the hairstyle. Also I use the Anemos coat on MCH because I like the outfit but didn't like the buttcape on the actual gear.

Should have been called Gram desu.

>tall hulking male
congrats you're gay

Even worse you probably have a card collecting addiction

Triple Triad is a fun game. The extra rules make it more fun too. Join a tournament sometime to get some real games under your belt though.

Play mahjong

I actually only have a problem with mogstation paid only exclusive stuff. I'd have no issues if those stuff would be obtainable ingame even if locked behind anima tier insane grind, and optionally you could pay for it.

In this form it's just pure cancer.

Yeah probably. I'll try it out first, at least. I think the last time I played, I wasn't even level 10, so surely they can overlook me not knowing things.

I was planning on learning how a tank works. I understand the basics, but it still makes me nervous having to the the "leader". Nothing I can do but try it out, I guess.

Can't you just buy the hairstyle from the market board?

>muh self insert

for SAM in dungeons is it good to use meikyo on the first pull to get buffs up fast?

Tank has to know the dungeon mechanics, because the whole fucking party wipes if you die or don't know what to do, and you waste a lot of people's time, in addition to your own. Sucks, yeah, but that's the kind of a kuso game this is.

>thinking that either of them are better than Alphinaud

get use to hypercharge > heatblast x 5 with weaving
battery use doesn't matter unless you time it for raid buffs
don't enter hypercharge with Drill/Hot Shot(Air Anchor) have 10 seconds left on their cooldown
Combo timers are long, but its not long enough to first 2 GCDS and hypercharge window. You can do 1>2>Drill>Wildfire / Hypercharge > Heat Blast x 5 (plus oGCD) > 3. Make sure you don't finish your hypercharge with Drill + Air Anchor ready for use or you'll lose your combo which is a DPS loss.

Why not, the cooldown is so low it's bsolutely irrelevant in the long run.

Hagakure is a trash mechanic and should have stayed out. I really don't understand why it even exists, it clashes with SAM's whole thematic. You have these big dick attacks but instead you're supposed to not use them and instead exchange them for meter to spam small attacks. Its extremely counterintuitive

>Au ra hulking
>Au ra not having feminine hips, stance and running animation
Congrats you're retarded

>wanting to fuck with dragons
Honestly if Hraesvelgar and Nidhogg teamed up to bring back big bro Bahamut or even if we somehow managed to piss off Midgard it would be fuckin over for humanity

They made tanking even more piss easy in Shadowbringers (to the point where I'd say it's rather boring despite retaining the high "responsibility"). You'll be fine.

i like the stockings but the pants that comes with it is meh

Rank of all the job stories from best to worst?

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You are out of your mind if you think there is even a single dungeon that the tank can fuck up by not knowing any mechanics.

Yeah but it costs more than twice as much gil as I have (7m)

The small attacks add up to more damage than a standstill gcd retard

The other turns already have so many clears it'll be too long for me to retroactively go back and log them all.

Midgard fucking owes us.

so i looked up a video to do crystal tower and theres like 50000 things you have to remember wtf, i ended up forgetting everything 10 seconds in but still completed it by getting carried by 20 other people

>I’ve bought several of the outfits just for single parts, like Gosetsu’s for his pants
Ayy same, Gosetsu's kit was cheap enough I didn't feel like a dolt buying it and I really wanted his gloves, proper hakama and his jingasa. There are more NPCs with access to good-looking samurai and ronin gear than players

I know, and that's exactly my point. All Hagakure does is confusingly make players exchange the attacks that are supposed to be the job's trademark for less fun but objectively better small attacks. It doesn't fit with the job's overall structure, its just bizarre

They're all better than humans besides the Sahagin though?

nobody does mechanics in crystal tower

Oh well. You will be able to save up eventually, it's not that much.

How bad is the anima weapon grind?

They do on world of darkness. I legit had a full wipe on it last week

No I won't because I don't have the autism to camp the retainer bell checking 50 different MB listings literally every 5 minutes only for bots to undercut the item over and over until it's worth less than the materials used to craft it.

when will mechanics actually matter? so far just winging it has gotten me through ARR. i just beat the guy with the giant beard in the sylph forest

How quickly we like to forget Qarn and the first midboss's Doom mechanic.

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The hardest part now is ironically the fate step which is basically just doing 3-6 fates in each HW zone. Everything after that is just unsyncing duties or buying shit with poetics.

easier than zeta

Karn is low level enough that a DPS can tank it.

>have something to do every gcd
>press one button, go make coffee, come back and cry because it didn't crit
>have to watch tsubame stay off cooldown for one cycle because oh no you're here with only one sen
i'm 100% confident you're green

Look, I had a wipe on fucking Garuda hard the other day thanks to some goobers from Tonberry (I swear most Aussies in this game are absolute retards). It still pays to at least vaguely know the ins and outs of old encounters

I have completed Crystal Tower well over 50 times now, and I don't know a single mechanics outside the really obvious instakill ones where the enitre party moves anyway so it's not like you can miss it.

That was old Hagakure, new one is garbage for generating Kenki to shinten spam, it’s purely for if you fuck up a rotation or need to reset to reapply buffs or dot.

DRK >>>>>>> SAM > PGL > ALC >>>>>>>> everything else

People would riot if they used gear design contest gear for a raid.

there is nothing wrong with any race really, Yea Forums just comes up with reasons to shit on them
play what you want and enjoy yourself

DPS is so high in ARR that you can tend to just skip mechanics. They start to matter a bit more in HW.

No, it isn't. I've seen DPS try, you'll get hornet-walled sooner or later even if you've got a dragoon in pseudo-tank gear.

Fantasia'd to Female Elezen last night. Tell me why people don't like Elezen? Really enjoying the aesthetics of it so far

>This is you for 60 levels
Why would you spread misinformation like that? Obviously no one plays ACN after level 30 once they unlock SMN and SCH.

Only for EX trials and thats it. This isnt a hard game at all, go blind

Why was the goodbye with Ryne so fucking sexual with the WoL?

It used to be really fucking absurdly bad, but it's been nerfed to oblivion. More than doable now.

I don’t think there’s a job questline worst than WAR.

The majority of players are pedophiles and hate women who don't look like children.

yeah stop playing tranny

The WoL exudes a constant aura of male Echo musk that causes every female of every race in a five-mile radius to spontaneously drop an egg and get wet.

>stiff as hell dated animations

Giraffe necks and horrible animations

Not if the DPS aren't shit and just kill the hornets.

>stiff as hell dated animations
So WoW?

Giraffe necks, weird animations. The weird animations are love-or-hate, giraffe necks can be more than worked around with gear.

Nope, you dumb fuck.You can't auto your pet anymore. You need use ruin 2 for the OGCD window. You will have to use energy drain/syphon, bane and fester constantly.

RDM is pretty good THM is good initially but BLM is vomit inducing, same for Gladiator then PLD gets awful but good near the end.
GNB seems hot garbage so far

It's Qarn, do you think anyone knows what they're doing there without a roulette flub and everyone present has already done it?

They're lanky, INCLUDING their neck, and playing max height across all races increases neck length so you csn imagine how drastic that is for Elezen. That said, I love them.

9 headed lanklets look like shit. One of the default race for redditards to virtue signal about why it doesn't look like fake children.

It's impossible to make a good-looking Elezen. Literally impossible

So what's the PUG wall with E1S? Is it the second Delta Attack or the second Pure Beam phase?

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GNB isn't terrible, it's better than WAR for the most part. It mostly just serves to explain hrothgar and their place in the world as an Ilsabardian people and how gunbreakers' weapons totally aren't Garlean weapons u guize.

Did you mean femroe?



Based and cleavepilled

This is bait

That’s because gun blades are not garlean weapons, the garlean “gunblades” are magitek garbage, the real ones are the ones the hrothgar do, plus they are verg visually different, if you play ARR gaius and nero’s gun blades are thin and very very long

Male elezen can be alright

This is good! I generally always get 1-2 commendations in dungeons lately, something I never did before.

Can anyone help me on how to get rid of the beeping I hear when I made a custom trigger for Trick attack on ACT?

That mechanics can be fucked up by the healer or the entire party too and wipe. And it's not like you need to see that one more than once to know what's up. Using that one fight to gatekeep 100+ dungeons from blind tanking is an idiotic argument to make.


I remember how this goes, soon you'll reply to yourself with your Elezen to "prove you wrong"

Make an Au Ra WHM and become my gf please?

The tidbit about how guns are named after Hrothgar gunblades is dumb as fucking shit.

since none of these faggots gave you a real answer, ACN eventually turns into either Summoner or Scholar, a magic DPS class or a healer. Races do not matter, purely aesthetic.

Try out one melee dps, and a tank as well, but it's probably best if you "main" something.

This happens any time someone says "x race cant look good".

>not even 2 seconds into the game and already avatarfagging and taking pics of your character
Unironically go to /xivg/ you’ll feel immensely at home, and dont come back
Thanks. Faggot.

It's a pretty all-or-nothing argument to claim you can rocket through the whole game blind-tanking and won't fuck up the run if you don't know something ahead, even one example to the contrary and you have to shift goalposts or downplay the example

You really have an unreasonably high opinion of people's skill. Like 70% of the playerbase is too dumb to eat the fruit in aurum vale, and wipe to chimera's intellectually challenging mechanics in cutter's cry time after time again.

WHere the fuck can I get good hakama's, geta's, or a big fucking rice hat? My glam is affecting my ability to enjoy HW because I can't find a cool fucking look I'm 70 and wanna get my sam armour but I can't till I complete the damn expansion

Also nobody is selling the medicus wrist wraps life is truely hard for sub 80 sam glam

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what race are you

server down?

>no DRG elezen bf


Fuck off I'm trying to learn how to set up ACT since I've never used it before.

They are different on a conceptual level but the only real difference between them is the nature of their ammunition (self-enchanted cartridges that don't actually throw a slug vs. ceruleum-fueled? cartridges that do) and that Garleans' get juiced with ceruleum for Gaius' Innocence sword-waves and sheit. Probably if you loaded one with the others' ammunition it'd work, it strikes me as just the writers' autism cropping up to drive as much of a wedge as possible between the hero and villain gunblades.

Wait for stormblood retard


Go to another world and game there

Yeah its pretty fucking stupid.
>actually we've been making and using gunblades for thousands of years, you've just never seen or heard even the smallest bit about us until this very second. In fact our gunblades predate actual firearms and guns are named after our gunblades and not the other way around

This game's fucking weird, go high enough into endgame and you start getting people that think the entire game is at their skill-level and sprouts don't exist.

Brynhildr is a comfy server with alot of new players. come join brynbros!

Lol why was alphinaud so in love with estinien?

If you can't blind tank new content and know generally what mechanic effects do what by level 35 you are officially a brainlet. You'll pretty much see every kind of marker by then. Even the newer mechanics are selling explanatory if you a few brain cells to rub together.

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>have to ddos other people to win world first


Buy a Non La, it looks better than the artifact jingasa anyways. It's either that or cash shop, there are a couple far-easterner sets and Gosetsu's attire has proper hakama/geta/tekko and a good jingasa.

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Imagine being the genius who discovered the new superior weapon after accidentally breaking the blade on a gunblade one day.

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There are almost no mechanics at level 35. The first boss that requires you to think is the final boss of Cutter's Cry - and it's impossible to get right the first time blind because it doesn't give you essential information.

Big brother he never had and vice-versa, Alphinaud was the little brother Estinien never had. No homo

>want to play the savage fights I've already cleared because I enjoy actually playing the game
>system pretty much excludes me out because nobody wants to lose a chest
Yoshi really wants me to unsub, huh?

Markers don't get standardized until Heavensward, Urianger.

Savage's anti-farming restrictions suck ass.

Why weren't you?

How bad is E3S? I'm about to end it with all these E2S "clear" parties asking to have seen enrage and still fuck up the second set of flares

Just make your own group and call it a log run with 0 chests.

I don't know why they cant just make it so you cant roll on loot if you've already cleared

It's not even about farming. I'm not complaining I can't loot again. That's fine. I'm complaining that my presence takes loot away from others and therefore I'm blocked entry at any fucking party I could try to go.

I just want to play the fucking game I don't even want loot.

good luck bro

Should I transfer away from Ultros pals? I'm based in the EU, and only rolled there to play with the Giant Bomb guild, who are all morons.

Is there a better server just for some comfy chat times, and occasional raids? I'm level 59 SAM

There are no rules in war.

>Probably if you loaded one with the others' ammunition it'd work
Not only that but it would potentially give Garleans they ability to wield at least a little magic in doing so. Thancred can't use magic anymore either but he can use his weapon to fire off the cartridges that someone else makes. Could even be an interesting angle for the empire to want to capture people that can manipulate aether to power their weapons and make up for their own deficiency but that could be hard to retcon given how much effort they put into saying just how different these two weapons are and that garleans barely understand them.

Usually 1 chest groups pop up later during the week. It's a better system than WoW where you cant play it at all after clearing once and there has to be some kind of restriction on savage loot.

Shed tier:

If you play any of these jobs please refrain from posting and let the big boys talk.

>Pretend to be nice
>actually be a dick
Mateus in a nutshell and the people in it

>a gun that shoots magic spells that can be wielded by those that cannot use magic
Seems like something that would be valuable.

>at the very end of the 100 ARR quests, watching the final cutscenes
>lost connection to server
>unable to obtain character data
>518 player queue

Blame lalafells.

You blew it up, good job.

>Another server crash
>No one is talking about it
Stuck in a 600 queue waiting to get back in and finish some post-Stormblood kino, how about you guys?

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RDM does barely any less damage than Summoner and doesn't feel straight up unpleasant to play but you can't expect brainlet shedposters to actually look at numbers.

Enjoy rewatching 40 minutes worth of cutscenes bro :^)

I think I'm about to let these evil potatoes win desu, my sub's going to expire on saturday and I have to sit through those cutscenes again.

>catch a fish
>server explodes
>watch a cutscene
>server explodes
why aren't you playing world of warcraft?

I didn't crash on adamantoise. What server imploded?

So I just beat Stormblood is it okay to level up a second job now? How would I do it quickly anyway?

Because no run is fucked up with 1 wipe caused by not having seen a mechanics before. Runs are fucked up when people don't know how to play their class and be retarded.
If you have that little patience to tolerate that one wipe, you shouldn't be pugging in the first place.

Because home is still a month away and I have to kill the time somehow.

Waiting for the login queue sounds more fun.

He's probably a mateus cunt. Those people are the worst.

It was okay to level up a seperate job at any point desu, just as long as your main job is a higher level.
The most efficient way to level is to just spam dungeons.

>Queue for Ex Roulette
Even though I loved doing it during the MSQ, I hate getting it in roulette.
>Circle AoEs constantly dropping everywhere, all the time
>Adds that tether to DPS/healers
>First and second boss are both annoying as fuck

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Exodus blew up, but no one really cares about Exodus anyways so I can see why no ones talking about it

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>i-it's not that bad I swear
Sure sweaty.

>wait 15 mins to play PvP
>connection lost whilst trying to join
>player queue:180
>finally get back in but got booted out
The server instabilities have been pissing me off to no end. Most of the time it's during screen transitions which means I can't even do runs of PotD or HoH.

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What data center you on? I'm on crystal and despite the initial clear being a bitch once you get it done the farm parties are usually pretty good.

>tfw no mateus erp buddy to lewd you up in discord and in game

the fuck?
You'd think the ara ara types and hard gay doms would be on me like that, but no.

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You do whatever, whenever.

You get an armory bonus when leveling a job that's a lower level than any other job you have. Quickest way to level is doing your daily roulettes, especially levelling, alliance raid and MSQ. For grinding, do Palace of the Dead.

>you've just never seen or heard even the smallest bit about us until this very second. In fact our gunblades predate actual firearms and guns are named after our gunblades and not the other way around
This is the dumbest fucking shit.

>dont talk unless you play the popular jobs


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>got a 71k direct-crit on Midare Setsugekka in an expert-roulette run of Amaurot
>lizard-brain started exuding dopamine, got distracted while screencapping it to show it to a buddy
>nearly died because I sat still for a second

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Probably because you're a fucking lalafell. Nobody wants to associate with a pedoshit.

Nah ERPers generally don't go for lalafells, least of all males. God help you user

Wouldn't it be kinda rude to use a job I'm learning currently in a raid?

I like to think Radovan was huffing his own farts, or that's just what the Ilsabardian hrothgar are taught in history. Being able to accurately trace the origin of their technology to the era of the Allagans and beyond is sketchy as fuck (that was several Astral Eras ago) and implies their technology hasn't been lost or regressed when we know that can't be the case because of the Garlean Empire.

what fucking fag wouldn't fuck a lalafell?

Alliance raid requres level 50 anyway, and by that time you should know what you're doing.

But no. If you have half a braincell you'll contribute more than the mouthbreathers you'll be matched with.

t. cringy shedposter bandwagoning into much better players that play his job while having grey parses and not being able to clear innocence ex

Most will just assume you're being a memelord, if you want any tall-race puss you'll have to jump up and grab a handful of buttcheek, take initiative

>partnered with a dnc
>84k dcrit xenoglossy, full spell speed build
tell yoshi to fix your class so i can sub it.

And I thought after I got the clear, and I get admitted to farm parties, things would be different, but I noped out harder when 3 groups I went in straight disbanded for the exact same shit as pre-clear parties, even though those people cleared it already. Fucking up the add phase by not knowing when and were to run, not stacking, not having enough dps, etc.
I even considered that it might be me who is a shitter, but I played fucking tank, my parts never got fucked up.

DNC is fun, yo.

Then dont use it. You dont need to raid to level up a side job idiot

My gear's not good (primarily artifact, I think one or two Ronkan accessories from my main job being DRG) and I did 71k so I nearly shat myself seeing a number that high

Typical GNB being up his own ass.

pls respond

So is my dick.

>E1S is pretty fun and chill, a better first fight than most
>E2S is disappointing garbage that serves to annoy and bore you more than anything
>E3S is fun and feels fast though most of the challenge lies in figuring out the dances rather than executing them
>E4S exposes Yoshida as a chronic liar because good fucking luck making that DPS check without weapons unless you have top players and I don't
I guess it's an alright tier?

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And this shit is why I play both BLM and SMN.
SMN when fights are very turret unfriendly and BLM when I can just expect healers to adjust and Fire IV away.

Well shit, i'm sorry user. I'd like to inagine that the EU data center could have around the same retards as the crystal data center. Maybe i just got lucky.

I'm just starting out myself. Anyone know if there's a way to get the little "beginner" toggle sprout doodad back? It gives access to a chat channel doesn't it?

I have an old character from the ARR era (actually the 1.0 era but I last played during ARR) that's around a level 20 Archer or something (with a handful of DoH at like 10 or something, and maybe a few DoL too?) with a few levels in other classes back when that was something important (there was a time when you needed a primary and second class in order to Job, like Paladin needed 30 Gladiator + 15 Conjurer or something. ).

I can't remember where I am in the game so to speak, but I don't want to "waste" that character especially since I can't get the 1.0 "Mark" account-wide, sadly. Is there a way to flag yourself Beginner again? If not they really should keep that in mind for returners, and at least have another status in that chat besides Beginner and Mentor, like a Returner. In any event I need to get back into the swing of things and not miss anything on my way leveling up

Any other tips?

>good fucking luck making that DPS check
just play the overtuned jobs bro, put them in the limelight for u :)

We have a black magician, that's good, right?

You get access to novice channel in two ways:
A new character
A returning player

You'll get a yellow flower if you've been offline for a while, and access to the novice network. If not, join a big FC and you'll get basically the same type of help.






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1. It takes literal years to queue up as a DPS, but do it anyway cuz it's the most fun and beginner friendly
2. PvP is complete ass, don't even bother till you get Frontline Duty at lvl 30
3. The story is way too fucking long for it's own good, worth skipping if you wanna play the actual game despite what anyone says

>now the queue's not moving
God, I'm sorry I fell for the shilling. Should've just waited for classic.

How long until someone mods the new summer happi and removes the chest-wrap?

Most progress groups used MNK, DRG, SMN, BRD.

Didn't the ban teach you anything, Epperson?

Oh that's great! Glad they added in returners. Does it count only those that haven't been subscribed, or those who haven't been playing? I've kept my subscription going out of habit (and for awhile, for Veteran points) so if they only count if you leave it lapsed, then I may not qualify ewven if I've not logged for over a month or two and haven't played seriously for years.


>get neat flower for returning after 5 years
>do my level 60 job quest
>it turns into a sprout

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the hell is a forest name


pretty sure you can just ask any mentor to invite you to the novice network

>babby's first server crash

which is the biggest gunblade?

good offensive wise but probably not defensive. it can shield itself at least

>gnomes are pedoshit

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Ah is that so? That's even better! I remember hearing you could only get in by your own volition if you wanted to be a Mentor yourself


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People that gather, is it worth buying the Gatherers Folklore books?

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It's also possible that I just go unlucky. In any case, I realized I don't want to invest any more time in this.
I stick around these threads to discuss lore and shit because that's fun.

I did, the boots and pants look pretty good, I also bought the male ones. It's not that expensive considering it's the only game I pay to play, rest is just emulation

Not anymore after he saved us from Omega.

Follow your heart

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imagine the handjobs

whats the best minigame to farm on saucer?

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So did any pugs clear E2S and E3S?

>The Twinning reprises Locus both because of the obvious Alexander connection and because of fitting the use of time-travel in Alexander's raid to a T, traveling back to try again and save yourselves

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Is that cool Allagan shit in The Burning Walls part of some dungeon?

Ghost Barque/Deepgold, Scaevan and Lion Heart are prob'ly about the biggest you'll get

Who the fuck am I playing as Yea Forums?

I'm bouncing between these characters and getting nowhere.

The Viera is new, the gerudo is a 37 ninja just started playing two weeks ago

Those Viera Legs man

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>Imagine actually investing 10s of hours into a gear which will be obsolete in 3-6 month
Tomestone wagecuck chad reporting in

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cutscene skipper
azys la and the burn are connected


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SMN is literally canon protagonist

Any for weekly logs, the only things in Gold Saucer that are lucrative MGP-wise and aren't time-gated by dailies and weeklies are GATEs

the burning wall is an area in thanalan dumbass

Its been so long user. I promise I didn't skip anything but the first 10 levels of story quest.

ofc it is, those mats are used for raid gear and shit right now and you can make good money outta it

I'm partial to the femroe, she looks pretty MOMMY. Viera looks nice too

>need to farm savage to get BiS gear
>don't need BiS gear for anything except savage
Literally what's the point of any of it besides autism?
I had fun with the fights on normal mode now I'm just going to chill and do fun stuff until new content comes out and slowly increase my ilvl with stones/crafting (but ultimately who cares when 440 is plenty).
I understand wanting BiS gear in an MMO with open world PvP where you can stomp newbs and all that fun stuff but literally why would you care about BiS in this game at all?

How hard is boomer titan?

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mine did so i changed it to something retarded because that's apparently more lore relevant
fuck you square

Your Viera looks like she had a bee sting her lips, sheesh.

Bros... I'm sorry...

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my bad, coils then

i don't tank but am i right to assume you just do whatever to pass aggro to the other guy during the spear of paradise cast so the first hit goes to you and the second hit goes to him? how come people consistently fuck this up and even after they seemingly got it after 7 pulls holy shit

>The 70 DoL gear that you can buy with yellow gatherers scrips is better stat wise then the 70 to 80 gear you can buy from vendors
It's nice not having to get new gear every 2 levels.

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To flex your autism.

'''''Fun''''' challenge for you and your transsexual FC

yep first time amaurot is great but after you get the other two they are way nicer

How is E2,3,4S bros? I just killed E1S last night.

most of the viera players seem to go with the bogdanoff lips.

E1S is peak comfy as melee DPS
You only have a couple of mechanics to worry about

i noticed that e1s is full of baby tanks (usually gunbreakers) who have never done savage before, so their only experience with tankbuster swaps might be the one in innocence, where you can swap late as fuck, whereas the one in E1S requires you to provoke during the cast (which they might not realize makes the first hit go off on the original target and only the second hit on the provoking tank).

You can't clear E3S and E4S.

>Got 2600000gil from tomestone crafting resources
Well, it was fun while it lasted

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Got it, thank you.

Provoking for Spear of Paradise and shirking to a DPS I don't like is fun, bros.

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Nothing wrong with that. If anything everyone should pushed to learn shit.

Are there still only 3 Grand Companies? Or have new ones (and new city citizenship etc) been made available because of the expansions?

If its still the original 3, is one better than the others really? I think I'm Twin Adders despite the coloration being my least favorite, but since I started in Gridania I figured that was the place to go (an the leader is big tiddy white mage/druid type if I recall, with a kind and even leadership style). I read they have expanded what levels you can get to in each GC, to even allowing officer ranks? Do these come with dress uniforms or any other unlocks as you level up GC level?

*presses lucid dreaming/merci eyes/purification/elusive jump and cuts my aggro in half*


Just play healer and rescue someone from the opposite island when Leviathan splits the arena.

still just 3 GC
the only gameplay advantage any has is that Maelstrom tends to win more often in pvp
otherwise just pick the one with the gear sets you think look the best

Well, we had 4 once, but it didnt go well

>he doesn't know

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Good. Needs more high level tanks. Let them learn.

Really makes you think

All are the same, you can change grand company at any time and keep your rank.

Yes there are still only 3, and there is no difference between them. Choose the one whose headquarters is in the city where you want to turn shit in for seals or crafter/gatherer xp.

Still only 3. Residency has popped up in Kugane (Shirogane) but not Ishgard. GCs do not have any advantage over one another, they're just a choice of which color you like and which weapon/equipment glamours you like best.
>Do these come with dress uniforms or any other unlocks as you level up GC level?
There are glamours to look like some of the Grand Company representatives (the big cone-hat motherfuckers in the big coats) as well as Elite sets you can obtain from the Hunt Billmaster for Allied Seals. Do Blue Mage if you don't feel like doing hunts, Allied Seals can be obtained from weeklies in the Masked Carnivale.

DRK is best, but I also like AST.

Immortal Flames has the most story relevance because of Raubahn, who addresses you as your rank, but apart from that there's no difference.

I liked Levava more before she cut her hair.

Tanks have a skill to transfer aggro.

>retard brings his meteor aoe to the right as i bring mine to the left
>kill boss just as he panics from seeing me, trips and falls into the abyss
what a kino alliance raid

I was surprised I ended up liking AST. I was sure it was going to be just a bland >muh starts story, and for a while it kinda was but the characters grew on me.

Alright I downloaded Triggerrnometry, but now the buffs show up on the top left screen. How do I re position them?

Out on a limb.

it's time for me to bite the bullet and get fisher to 80 lads

This. The new hair doesn't suit her at all.

They reworked ACN to play like level 50 SMN did pretty early on in the game, you get Fester at level 18 now

Waitasec? You can change between them without losing your rank with each? Does this mean you can collect all the glamours/cosmetics from all sides if you took the time? Is there any penalty to switching between GCs or a time delay or something?

Hm? 4 once?

Ahh okay. Way back when I seem to recall there were cosmetic unlocks at varying levels including uniforms for basic GC soldiers and eventually NCOs , but at the time I was playing no officer ranks were available as of yet.

The post ARR story sets up a 4th GC but then rocks start falling

There's an exorbitant gil cost and you have to wait some weeks to change your GC again but you don't lose your rank for switching. You can also only equip glamours relevant to your current GC if I'm remembering right.


If he haven't even played it obviously, why the fuck did you have to bring it up just to spoil it to him?

I think it's as long as your character has been offline, so even being subbed should be okay.

How long is post SB?

Yeah the character are actually super likable for some reason. They're not really that unique or anything but they're just enjoyable. Still have to do the 80 quest, though.

>the 80 quest
It's stupid and boring.

ARR tier.

Still haven't got around to the 80 quest. Still lvl71, and now I kinda want to level another role to see that role story, as I already got WHM to 80 so it will have to wait a bit.

I think mods/addons are killing MMOs. Imagine playing something like WoW without DBM, healbots etc. Even in XIV top raiders use call outs.

Not even close, no.

HW yeah, SB was ok. WAR doesn't have a story IMO. They just have a reminder that WAR is the only job that has hundreds of other WARs in existence lorewise.

Datamining is what killed MMOs. Devs won't put anything surprising in anymore because of it and instead just add stuff that generates MUH HYPE.

WoW is designed for addons, XIV is not. XIV will always have PS4 players who cannot use them.
This is why mechanics in WoW are fucking crazy over the top because they are made with the expectation that people are using DBM, exorsus, GTFO, etc etc.
XIV has a lot more visual and audio cues instead, but WoW is starting to copy this slowly.

That's too. Console MMOs actually can avoid such shit.

>start playing druid
>1 nuke and 1 dot
>level 20
>1 nuke and 1 dot

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Datamining is cancer and it's one aspect of the internet age that I genuinely despise.
I prefer going into games knowing as little as possible, like who joins your party, who will be important characters. Now you can't get that because these will be datamined anyway, they usually spoil these things in a trailer too. No cool surprises are possible anymore.

Damage meters is essential though. I have no motivation to perform well if I can't see how well I'm performing. Trying to maximise my own damage ouput is what makes grinding dungeons fun. Without it, it's just too mindless.


HW PLD still feels like a waste of time

That's not a spoiler at all though you dumb fucking faggot

You don't have to look at it. I know it can be hard to go "not gonna look at anything about the game" but it's very doable.

HW PLD does literally have the line "Of course, it makes so much sense! No, wait, it doesn't, this feels needlessly complicated." I wonder if that was in the original dialogue or if the guy that had to translate it felt the PLD's questline was dumb shit as well.

Same as post HW with the same amount of story dungeons and trials as well
Much longer cutscenes thanks to it introducing entirely new characters though

Using Meikyo solely for buffs is a massive DPS loss since you're going through Shifu and Jinpu anyway after to get your Sen.

Oh I'm doing that already, that part isn't hard at all. It's when you are browsing Yea Forums or literally any other site that discusses video games it becomes a problem because literally everyone is aware of the latest datamined chunks and are openly discussed. You can't really avoid it unless you literally shut yourself off from any website discussing video games.

That's why I avoid trailers and come off Yea Forums when near to a game I want that's coming out. I have to go into everything blind.

Yeah. At least personnel one. I just want to see my performance without any ACT.
>you can turn on "show only my dots/debuff option" in XIV
>but you will not see important things like TA
>can't have both
this is so annoying

It's only 3, you just pick the one you like the most, with none of them being really better gameplay wise then the others.
Your choices are:
A pirat and ERP hellhole with a Dictator as a Leader that should she ever die would put the entire city into anarchy.
A forest shithole where the Leader, and it's people, are more pathethic then the tempered because the tempered are at least mind controlled into serving spirits that would kill them whenever they get pissed.
A City that helped Ala Mhigo get back on their without just giving them everything, ruled by the kind Nanamo who would give everything for the happiness of her people, they also have Godbert on their ruling council.
Just choose who you think is better character/story wise.

And it's annoying as hell. And even doing that will not guarantee you will not run itno spoilers. It's all so tiring.
I miss not having to put any effort into staying blind.

He's talking about a dungeon pull. Setting up for AoE I don't see any reason why Meikyo isn't fine to use on Jinpu/Shifu

Timer apps ruined some parts of games too. Look at XIV hunts. They're not really hunts.

>spoil the shit out of everything prior to playing
>still enjoyed 5.0
glad i don't have autism

Uhh, ninbros? I thought TA was supposed to guarantee us a spot.

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>killing adds is a hard concept to grasp for new players

But it's prog and W1 race

I miss the good old days as well. All just marketing, greed and generated hype now that runs it all.

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>be ready for 5.0 before launch, start MSQ as soon as early access releases, manage to finish it before running into any spoilers
It was a fantastic feeling.

>don’t go to Yea Forums until I’m done with the MSQ to avoid spoilers
>go to YouTube to listen to some music while playing
>HADES SPEEDKILL 5:47 WORLD RECORD RDM POV (full picture of the boss as the thumbnail)

I started 25 days late and still didn't get spoiled too much (and the only times I did were when I browsed 4chin threads, knowing the risk).

>HADES SPEEDKILL 5:47 WORLD RECORD RDM POV (full picture of the boss as the thumbnail)
I'm glad I managed to avoid it for ff14 but I wasn't so lucky with DMC5, it was the exact same shit.
This is fucking cancer, people who upload these videos should be publicly executed.

where's the good porn for this game there isn't as much as i thought there would be

Fuck off Lolorito

Japan only. They don't like to scan anything.

>Nier 2 release
>"I will buy it later"
>listen some first Nier music
>ALL spoilers in recommendations

FF14 doesn't have good porn. The people who commission any are usually for their shitty OCs.

>ask if anyone in group knows mechanics to a boss
>"dude why didnt you watch a boss guide video on youtube beforehand?"

How's that a spoiler when you only know him as Emet Selch until right before the fight and the boss is a monstrosity rather than his human form?

You don't get any porn until something but like anime adaptations.

Some dipshit was running around posting spoilers in the first week in completely unrelated threads too. It doesn't help me much that he got banned when the damage has already been done.

If I only care about checking my own damage, and not comparing it to anyone else, all I need to set up is ACT, right?

Youtube is definitely the worst about it. I don't care about spoilers personally, but it's impossible to look up anything about a game without a video of the fucking final boss showing up a week before the game is even out. If you so much as look at a single video about something, videos for every single boss in the game are going to start being recommended to you.

The good pics are few and far between, and usually involve one of the canon characters with faceless dudes. I think Y'shtola and Yugiri have the highest amount of canon character porn (though it pales in comparison to a WoW character like Sylvanas or Jaina).

Don't believe those other three niggers before me, ACN becomes a little different after you reach LV55 on one of the two sub classes

Before that it's: Energy drain, Bio/Miasma, Fester, Ruin II x10

imagine watching a dungeon guide for lvl30 something stuff like Qarn.

>1st day of Eden Savage
>PFs have "Watch guide"

that's a shame. thought with all the weebs playing dress up with their waifus there'd be a bigger demand for that

>even for normal
I hate this
Well this is Yea Forums so I always expect to see spoilers. You just walking on edge. But most spoilers are pictures and big (You)s posts so I always hid them.

The fact he knows the final boss is Hades is a spoiler since it means the final boss is no one else but someone named Hades.

whooped his ass in ARR as the true DRG
wooped his ass in HW as a DRG when he was a dragon
he had to clear the eyes leftovers in SB
he's pretty much an inferior me

did you try sadpanda

And another good thing if you want to avoid spoilers - hide all posts except yours and (You)s


>dies to bees
>dies to doom

You are a fucking cunt. Seriously.

why the fuck did i resub holy shit, how does he keep making me do it

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Nothing there said it's the final boss though. I guess it's technically a spoiler that at some point there is some boss named Hades, but that's really damn minor.

for aoe it's either that or do 6 single target GCDs before you start aoeing

shut the FUCK up

>knows what to do next time
whats your point? Dying is all part of gaming, user

Pug E1S and unsub.

I genuinely believe AST is fine after this patch. The only reason they are zero is likely because nobody played them for the last month and are committed to other healers instead.

>Brothers! The time is come to call upon the true power of the Final Fantasy™ XIV: Heavensward©

Why do they keep doing this kind of shit?

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Titania confirmed for 1st trial.
Innocence confirmed for 2nd trial.
So what's Hades going to be?

>Internet goes to shit once I join a group that can get to Quietus
Fuck life.

Then fug :-D

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nah its better if 0.001% of the playerbase does the trial and error (the actual gameplay) and solve the game for the rest. mindlessly minigaming your rotation and not standing in the oopsie woopsie zone when the boss does a big attack is good enough experience.

At what point in the timeline and which confirmed and categorized alternate dimension was this meme ever funny to anybody at all?

>it's a spoiler under the presumption you've already spoiled yourself on other things

>>knows what to do next time
I like your optimism

Which RDM spells do I not need to put on my bar? Some of them transform and get upgraded right?

>For the realm to be reborn! That is my Final Fantasy!

Attached: Ilberto.png (240x180, 77K)

>spoiled yourself on other things
Trials are official spoilers. On ShB website


Attached: Remember us.png (1280x720, 829K)

you're already playing the fisher price class, the least you can do is keep everything on your bar

Come on now.

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The timeline where it's done to every final msq

i dont even want to do that, i truly have no idea why i decided to give yoshi another 13 dollars for a game a dont want to play

E2S is honestly an even easier fight than E1S

I don't know why everyone keeps fucking everything up

I miss him...

>reached bump limit
Don't leave me bros, I can't sleep.

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But that's stupid why would I keep every spell on my bar?

Because you seriously overestimate the mental capacity of the average troglodyte that plays this game.

I wanted to see him bully Zenos...

Why did you have to post this?

Attached: hey the link to the doujin isn't working.gif (288x162, 948K)

I always curious why xiv threads full of such extremes. Or you just play game in imagination? Thousands cool stories about absolutely retarded people from 15-80 level dungeos/raids/alliance raids and still I never met them outside maybe 2 cases of full noobism. And 100% those people were just kids who play games first time. WIPING in Qarn? Are you from Andromeda galaxy?


Even if we won't recognize each other, we will probably be talking in another thread sometimes.

that's just a straight up lie
e1s is more punishing as one person fucking up can kill several people but e2s is a more difficult fight mechanically

>works on my machine
Of course people are complaining about extremes, bad experiences are more memorable.

Yeah, I saw streams and thought it looked insane, but going in it's actually really simple

t. Elidibus

You probably haven't tried EX fights or Savage yet.

Your average retard is completely carryable in normal content, even in some of the easier EX fights.

The problem is the harder EX fights and Savage where they can't be carried, and where there's nothing gating them from jumping into E1S and just fucking all your parties up.

Nobody likes that faggot, it's not just me.

Attached: FFXIV_Elidibus.png (480x480, 286K)

I'd argue the enrage is harder to meet with all the damage down shit, but a lot of deaths are completely recoverable.

It's a fight where you should see the enrage by the end of the first lockout.

inb4 jannie deletes the next threads

This, I don't get why people are so scared of dying while they're learning.

I normally heal through dungeons and i've had people almost apologizing for dying when it was their first run. It happens to everyone, it's no big deal.

People didn't took AST for world prog because WHM+SCH is the safest heal combo. SCH with the always available power shielding and ogcd healing and WHM with the always available powerful healing unlike most strong heals being locked behind cds on AST.
You'll only see ASTs on world prog when gear powercreep catches on and WHM always available healing becomes more of a niche than a necessity.

Second pure beams if not first pure beams. I cleared first night with my static after like 3 hours, and I haven't watched anyone else do it so I don't know what people struggle on the most.

>WHM always available healing becomes more of a niche than a necessity.
until AST rdps outweighs WHM's personal dps we will never see AST again

Most pugs can't even consistently get passed the add phase. It's embarrassing.

For me it's spear of paradise and 800dps white mages


>ruled by the kind Nanamo who would give everything for the happiness of her people
Why didn't she die? The story would have been a lot better.

I'll let you know once I find a pug that can actually fucking get past second delta


Or you know, they could fix nocturnal so WHM+AST is a actual viable comp compared to the garbage that it is now.

Because too many deaths happened in Heavenward so they pussied out.

I joined a clear party yesterday where 2 people didn't even know how the first delta worked and kept getting hit by the thunder cross

Well user everyone can make imagination story about epic dungeon experience for epic (You)s. They're not real until chat logs.
I did EX and E1S. Had bad parties. But if anything the worst parties are clear/farm ones not learning.
E1S problem is that people who first time play games underestimate savage difficulty. But again the problem is more about loud autists with lack of self-awareness. Not pure newbies.

what's a safe way to bait paradise lost in pugs?


>Getting tanks in E2S that don't mitigate busters

How the FUCK did these mongoloids clear E1S?

Duty Finder > Leave

Other tank probably used invuls.

you can invuln every spear in e1s

Well, they kinda dropped that story entirely.

I'm a tank in ilvl440+ and I have literally never dealt with busters that will kill me unmitigted. I mean I do it but it doesn't feel like it matters too much in the end. Also I don't even have Shirk on my hotbar.
Also never did raids before ShB and never ever did savage or ultimate before.

you legitimately deserve to get kneecapped

>see so many ast use noct sect in dungeons
Why, why do people do this

Even if noct sect is "fixed" SCH makes up for having to hard cast a adlo+ deplo with fairy healing. Noct ast has no such thing. Noct ast will be bad always compared to sch by this alone

B-but why :(

>Shadowbringers made tanks EVEN SIMPLER and yet tanks will be the laziest shits ever
You lot are just going to become 1-2-3 meatshields at this rate.

use shirk you fucking ape

AST still can't heal for shit compared to WHM and SCH. This is especially true when it comes to mana, AST still has to do GCD healing while whm and SCH have 0 mp free ogcd/afflatus aoe heals.

>what's a safe way to bait paradise lost in pugs?
Send ranged and healers outside, it's 4 farthest players.

They already are.

Too late

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Why when provoke gives the other tank more aggro than me? I just have to turn my tank stance off and he has it forever

The less damage you take the less you need to be healed, thus the more the healers can DPS.

But why when, a taunt and hitting the mob once does the job 100% of the time.

Healers heal, not dps.

>pull as tank during hunts
>always shirk a dps because it's funny

Then it's a matter of giving AST that. AST has 2 sects, one if it needs to fill the WHM spot, and nocturnal if it needs to fill the SCH spot. People only put AST vs WHM so often because AST can replace a WHM but it can't replace a SCH with nocturnal.

cringe, kys

>tfw tank in a static right now

Attached: tank loot.png (598x420, 285K)


Likely they'd already planned for Raubahn to fuck off to Ala Mhigo at that stage and keeping the status quo relatively unchanged was a lot less effort.

>lets give ast a fairy

Yeah, too bad they're fucking boring as sin to play now as a result.


>tfw all the loot is mine by right and the only way anyone else gets any is if I say I don't need it
I feel really guilty but I'm not the RL and I didn't make the rules.

If I see a healer dps I make sure to vote kick them immediately

>healers can do 20% of the total dps in a dungeon
>let's have them heal because I'm a shit tank and don't know what mitigation is

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My group is splitting raid loot evenly among dps.

What should the motion look like or just don't run across each other

Same, if I see anything else but healing spells casted even once, that's a kick. If you want to dps, you should have played a dps class and wait for 40 minutes like everyone else, you don't get to cut that just for choosing a green job and doing the same shit.

Mine is on the policy of "top dps gets all he wants, the rest get scraps".

If you unlocked Squadrons, doing dungeons with them is actually a good way to level a secondary up to 55~

I bet you have a drg or a mnk too. If you split the gear evenly to the two you would get more gains

Well it's not like I need everything. Not every piece is BiS. For instance, out of e2s I only needed 1 piece.

The fuck is Reprise even for?

That's right you brd, feed me more

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It's your version of scathe or you use it so you don't overflow when you use manafication

he's talking about the rdm skill

>tfw I almost posted this

I feel like it's just for you to move when needed and should be viewed as a niche utility.

Motherfucker, then what is it called that I thought of.