This game just got a major expansion, so I bought it

This game just got a major expansion, so I bought it.
Are shotguns good?
What are good stats for a psy/unarmed build?
Can I get by with 3 strength?

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Other urls found in this thread:

CON-Wizard, all CON and WILL and remaining into INT
>3 Strength
Your massive pulsating brain is your strength

>CON-Wizard, all CON and WILL and remaining into INT
Don't want to go pure wizard. Melee seems fun as well plus dex and ajl give you more action points, so more spells besides just buffing your melee.

Or so my line of reason goes.

Am I wrong?
Also why do the mods keep deleting all threads about this game?

Because their brains aren't big enough to play it.

shitposting and mass reporting

So how do psi builds work? How many schools are you supposed to invest in? 1 to 2 depending on if you want to use weapons or just be a full wizard?

Let it be OP, jannies are decided now
Was it fun while it lasted
Now it's either /indie/ or the Underrail forums

>brain not big enough to play a turn based game
holy shit you cannot be serious

>holy shit you cannot be serious
Yeah I am serious.

I just want to talk about this videogame I just bought. What the fuck?

o im laffin

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You got extremely bad timing, jannies are purging all Underrail threads now
This one wont be much different I'm fraid

>You got extremely bad timing, jannies are purging all Underrail threads now
Why this game is like what 4 days old?
I'v never seen this before.

Invest in one school if you're going hybrid psi, a weapon and a psi skull
Or invest on all if you plan to go full wizard with no guns but your mind

How many threads do you need to have up for this shitty game, you fucking shill?

This game got constant threads on this board since it's very release last week
Guess now people consider it a general

The OP didn't even realize you're triggered about this game and you think his thread is a general I hope you guys can shut the fuck up now :).

I did a ctrl F, found 1, it got deleted for some reason the second I joined, so I made this.

Nobody is telling you to buy the game.
It's petty niche desu. I just like c-RPG's.

enjoy your thread while it lasts sperg

lol alright dude who is fucking obsessed with this all day


try not to get so mad at stuff man that's free advice

Well before my thread gets banned for talking about videogames can someone answer my question?

Whats a good starting build for a melee/psychic character?

Also what difficulty would you recommend?
Is this one of those games were normal is easy and easy is god mode?

You're not allowed to talk about video games on Yea Forums, the absolutely livid autists that report anything that even seems remotely like a general and the retarded mods make sure of that.

Normal is normal, hard is fucked and Dominating is fucking retarded.

Nobody said this thread was a general, moron. The previous ones were, also Underrail faggots are obnoxious cunts which is the main reason your threads are getting purged.

Fuck off and die underage smash/off topic addict.

Oh are we obnoxious? My bad for being obnoxious. I'm not obnoxious. Not you. LOL.

Underrail actually has some relatively difficult encounters at some points, so I'd say you should probably start on normal.
Melee will depend on what kind of weapon you want to use. Do you like knives, swords, spears, or sledgehammers more?

case in fucking point

just fucking filter it retard you won't see the game ever again

nah jannies will take care of that for me. cope

Definitely go normal on first playthrough. It is possible to make yourself unable to complete the game if you make bad decisions on your point allocation. Plenty of specific build advice info all over the internet but I think it's more fun to just look at the rules and come up with something myself.

>he thinks Underrail isn't just as bad as Smash
The delusion is real

I was thinking no weapon or fist weapons.
Dex and Ajl give action points and buff unarmed and fist weapons (according to the wiki) so I thought, take points in both gives you a ton of AP to use psychic powers + gives you good punching attacks. Win/Win.

But that's just theory craft.

It most certainly is. Just leave crazy person.

Stats don't give extra AP. DEX reduces the AP cost of light weapons and AGI increases Movement Points.

Psychokinesis Sledgehammer Metal Armor
Normal difficulty

You can't be fucking serious. Smash is known for flooding the fucking board with off topic shit.
People talk about the game in undertail because it has depth and it's actually pretty dam good.
This entire epidemic atm fucking retarded because they still don't do much with the legion of smash threads on this board.

Tried it a few years ago, it's basically min-max the game.

To be honest I couldn't find anything more than the nostalgic feelings of old crpg and that alone can't hold a game for much.

I bet you didn't even buy molotovs

Crap i meant initiative.
So like, more turns per battle or does it let everyone just take a turn and initiative only lets you act first?

Higher initiative just lets you act first, yeah.

this game looks good but the videos im seeing on the storepage have terrible music. Does the whole game sound shit? I don't have a problem playing it with different vidya music for each level thats not a problem I just need to know because I can put off buying it while I make a playlist.

If my speedy monk is impossible maybe.
Just max Will and Strength for this?

Is the Expansion free?

I love the game's soundtrack. I really like the one at the beginning of the expedition trailer
Not all the music sounds like that but if you don't like that maybe you won't like the music.

The fuck are you on about? Music is great, sound in general is great.

I wanted to go for psychic stuff because it seemed like it was the most flushed out. Whole plan goes in the dumpster if I can't boost action points.

this one is much better. thank you user I now have something for the weekend.

Psi monk is actually very strong, dont get told otherwise
Play on normal difficulty
Dexterity, Strenght, Agility, Will, Constitution are all relevant stats for a monk
Relevant skills are melee and psychokinesis

Do you want to play as a FIST slavic wizard?


I've been wanting to listen to the rest of the dlc's tracks but I don't think they've been uploaded yet. Some killer tunes though in this game.

I like melee because it always intense charging at the people shooting you instead of kiting but it usually just gets boring after a while because you are just hitting things all day with nothing to spice it up. I thought adding psychic powers to it would be fun.

Is sword/dagger + shield viable?
Anyone go pure melee? Does it get boring after a few hours?

That's what drugs and psi powers are for.

>Do you want to play as a FIST slavic wizard?
Sounds fun. Sure. I was thinking more of a tank with magic utility but idk what works and I won't want to go 8 hours in to find out I can't continue because I picked the wrong stuff at the start.

>Anyone go pure melee? Does it get boring after a few hours?
Nope, not at all.

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>because it has depth and it's actually pretty dam good.
It barely has any depth, 90% of the game is combat or walking through empty caves, there's no roleplaying and tons of ideas are just borrowed from other games.

Psi monk is not a tank, he's a nimble lighting puncher
The version you're looking is Psi hammer
Metal armor, Sledgehammer, Psychokinesis
Basically you become a hammer wielding, magic fist slinging unstoppable tank

Sounds fun to you?
In this one I can help you, I'm also a magic hammer

What about Atom RPG

I haven't played Atom RPG, but it looks like a much better game.

Do you not know what the word depth means?
Sounds kinda like some sort of minigame collection anthology would be peak depth for you, which is retarded, you retard.

Yea, hook me up senpai.
What are good opening stats for that?

Never heard of this. Thanks for sharing.

>can't refute any points I made
Keep seething

It's not at all.

Don't see any. What am I expected to get into arguments with literal drooling retards who can't even grasp basic concepts?
No way man, all you deserve is to be made fun of and It's not Yea Forums's job to educate your dumb ass.

>m-my game has depth and it's good!
>no it's not and here are the reasons
>those don't count!

10 Strenght
10 Constitution
This will make you tanky as fuck and hit like a truck
6 Agility, for the 'Sprint' feat (Basically, running)
Persception is totally unnecessary for you, tank it to 3
Dexterity helps, but not relevant for this build, tank it to 3, if you wish
Will will(kek) increase your social and psy skills, the higher the will, the higher your psychokinesis will get
Get 7 Will to grab Force user feat later
Also corporeal projection

Intelligence is useful, boosting it will increase your crafting skills, while reducing it to 3 will actually -decrease- it

The 2 first Feats you take at first are Sprint, and Conditioning

The most important skills you should be maxing every level, are Melee and Psychokinesis skills
The second most important skill to keep high, is Mechanics, it will allow you to craft heavy metal armor and sledgehammers
Then tailoring, electronics
And then biology and chemistry

The rest are your own personal choice, you can boost Intimidation to get 'Yell'

The rest is up to you, you will experiment and decide on the way.
Play on Normal, it's the ideal difficulty for newcomers, if you're not stupid, you wont have any issue rolling through the game

>no it's not and here are the reasons
Yes it's here where you failed to provide any reasons how many times do I need to say it mongoloid?

Game has lots of well thought out lore that integrates very well with the game world :).

What's the deal with the different types of gun frames? Do they provide different stats?
Not even google or the wiki will answer me.

can you actually beat/kill/destroy the monolith?


What the fuck is with this hodgepodge advice? It's fucking terrible.

Thanks user.
I use to love all this theory crafting but I just don't have time to do all that + play the game anymore. Really helps.

Then bring your own advice, piperworker.

send meme requests

Torch it.

Yeah lore stolen from various games like Stalker and the entire setting stolen from Metro

Oh god what the fuck is wrong with you?
ReadNot willing to teach you english moron, no fucking way.


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My advice to you is to count up your recommended stats and see what level you end up being when you actually get those.

You still didn't address the points I made, sweatie :)

Sneed meme

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this does not sound good

Are stealth and crossbow skills any good. Not to together mind you, but just in general?

To get you started, to 'unlock' psi abilities, you need to go to 'Pascale', South Gate Station local medic, he will give you a purple pill to take, will allow you to use slav magic at cost of a permanent 15% penalty
After that, get a hammer, buy it from the Trader the armory
After that, go to the first floor, where the train station is, go north (top right is north), you will see a guy throwing purple balls at rocks.
That guy is Bison, he's a psychokinetic abilities teacher. Tell him to teach you 'Telekinetic punch', for a small monetary fee
Once you got both, or at least the hammer, go retake the outposts

I suggest get some Persuation so you can jew some free items and supplies at the start of the game


Stealth is great.
Crossbows have good utility but struggle against high DT enemies.

sledges suck. no reason to use them now that spears exist.
no need to pump will on a hybrid build
suggesting to go heavy armor without armor sloping is retarded

>sledges suck.
Nice opinion
>no reason to use them now that spears exist.
Opinion discarded

>suggesting to go heavy armor without armor sloping is retarded
Now this is a fair criticism

there isn't a single thing sledges do better than spears. spears completely blow them out of the water. the fact that you don't raise an argument is very telling

I dont need to, nice opinion by the way.

They are great together. I honestly see no reason to use crossbow if you're not also using stealth.

it's a fact.

Nice opinion

literally laughing right now because it's so easy to tell how upset you are someone called you out over your shitastic advice

Silenced SMG stealth build is fun


Disregard everything that retard said.

Is power management even a good feat to take with plasma pistol builds? I'm using a regular old plasma pistol with a wave amplifier and I barely need to recharge after fights.

Guns are good in this game? I was told they were bad in a general.

The start is a little rough due to ammo issues but guns are very powerful and easy to use/build.

Are daggers as bad as all the steam guides say?
They all shit on a dagger stealth assassin character but they are also all like 5+ years old.

Stealth melee viable?

The truth is, most builds work in this game, its understanding game mechanics that people have trouble with
anyone who tells you differently is a pipeworker and probably plays on oddity

Damn retard.

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>Stealth melee viable
In normal, almost everything is viable, as long you know you're doing
Stealth knife is a fairly common build

Could you play a pure crafting character in this game?

Like focus all on making bombs and traps and stuff?
I like the idea of running around with a gas mask throwing gas nades and molotov's.

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Yeah, it's a decent if you plan into crafting
The 2 things that feat will benefit are Plasma Pistols, and Energy Shield Emitters, which both are really useful

Pure? Not sure, but technically yes, you could go hard on crafting but it would hard on the beginning, and expensive. Play on normal.
But later in game you can become a terrorist throwing gas grenades everywhere, or napalm grenades

Do still have a gun tho

>getting sprint on a fucking psi-monk
Fancy Footwork + Psycho-temporal Contraction

Yes. Just don't be surprised if you have to avoid some fights. Pacifist-esque runs are possible so anything is good.
You'd be stupid to say no to more free movement.

Just because the guide was updated does not mean it's info is accurate.
Could just be a spell check, or the person could still be wrong ya know?

It's a well known fact that knife builds are on the weak side, just like it's a well known fact that psi builds are very powerful.

So I got UnderRail awhile ago but never touched it, is it better to play the game as is and get used to it, or grab the DLC and jump in with all the new content?

Yea but it's not well known to me because i'm a total noob. :(

Thanks for confirming.
Shame, this game would be great for that gameplay style.

Maybe you should play the game first to see if you like it.

The new update is amazing, lots of new mechanics, abilities, weapons, lore and quests
Grab it

Do you want access to swords, shotguns, spears, and a new psychic power tree?
Then grab the dlc.
Otherwise you can just skip it and play the base game. DLC content is lvl 15+, that's about mid game.

Do what you want dude.

Anybody got a list of feats or skills gained by questing/exploring?

Seems like a pain due to cooldowns.

What the fuck the mutants in depot A are fucking cancer

Dont get filtered
Use caltrops
Use molotovs
Use bear traps

Use everything at your disposal
Depot A is the noob filter of Underrail

>Dont get filtered
I'll do my best!

They do acid damage, so if you got tailoring you can make a mutated dog leather armor which has high acid resist and take hardly any damage. If you don't have enough tailoring might look for any thing with acid resist.

What feats should I be taking for full PSI build if I already have tranquility?

Force User, Premeditation, Locus of control are a -must have- feat
Pyromanic for burning people, Hypothermia to trivialize high HP bosses like Carnifex or Balor

Alright, thanks.

>Cryogenic Induction (allows instakill combos through Implosion)
>Force User (just generally awesome all around)
>Locus of Control
>Continuum Ripple (now it essentially NEEDS specialization to stay on top, though Distortion itself is still absolutely god tier and melts almost every enemy in the game)
>Future Orientation (needs specialization too, otherwise would've been in SSS)
>Cerebral Trauma (stacks with the Staff Spear's bonus and turns Overload into a very good, cheap nuke against organics)
>Corporeal Projection (only on STR psi)
>Psychostatic Electricity
>Mental Subversion
>Telekinetic Undulation
>Hemopsychosis (good for Psychosis, very bad for Tranquility)

Are metal armour psi builds feasible or there's iterally no synergy?

So this is my reward for bashing my head against the grey army base wall. God it took me so long to get through this by just killing everything.

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inb4 you get destroyed in either depot A or deep caverns
the game is an unbalanced mess no matter your build

Metal armor, sledgehammer, psychokinesis

Hammer wizard here

I'm doing fine.

>open door
>throw BRAAAPPP bomb
>close door

He has a point tho
Deep caver will WRECK your shit if you go blind and unprepared
Remenber this:

When tremors start occuring on the university, before going down the elevator, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, consult with us before
I had to restart my game because I went blind
5 weeks to the shitter

>when you get all 3 hits of flurry twice in a row
>also land all 3 on the next one
god damn all these fucking attacks and crits in a single turn. i love it

Hammerfag here
How does swords fare against hardy, resistant, armored targets? Like industrial robots and your average metal armorfag?

Better than knives. Little worse than hammers and much worse than spears.

Which one is better, spear or swords?

In general or against armored fucks?

>decided to roll a psychosis build once in a blue moon
>base cost increase is retarded and 15% base crit chance is nowhere nearly good enough to get consistent crits outside of Psionic Mania, you're essentially forced to minmax the shit out of your crit chance to fully utilize it through Survival Instincts, which also makes you a glass cannon despite 9 CON
>AP and psi costs on everything feels enormous despite already crafted psi crown and psi beetle vest
>can't access Meditation
>the crit damage is a straight overkill but you're left wide open if you don't finish the encounter in a single crit aoe
Is this some sort of an autistic no-fun Dominating build?

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SMGs are insane if you build them right.
>Dex and Per are your important stats with some Int (you're shooting for 15 Dex, preferably 14 with Eel Sandwich, to make your attacks cost 7 AP base)
>7.62 mm Steel Cat with Rapid Reloader and either Muzzle Brake or Barrel Compensator
>Recklessness, Gun Nut, Suppressive Fire, Full-Auto, Spec Ops, Critical Power and Commando
>important gear includes Bullet Strap Belt and Night Vision Seeker Goggles
Basically your bursts cost 14 AP, fire 7 shots and crit a shit ton for really high damage. You can fire 3 times and reload every turn with your base 50 AP.

Depot A wasn't as bad as I thought it would be by reading what you guys are talking about. Maybe psy makes the run easy

Both, but armored in more curious 'bout

Silent Isle is way more painful than Depot A

Only on dominating and only on a non-psi.

Forgot to mention this is a Dominating build, no other difficulty has you facing such large packs of bullet sponge enemies as to require you to go that crazy.

Youre dead the moment a big beetle psi cucks you

Easier spears for both. Much better feat support.

Learn to use molotovs. Dominating early game is all about using all the tools you're given just to survive.

And Caltrops. Those things are ridiculously effective againest melee and ranged if you can duck into cover.

I did spam the shit outta of molotovs, but they will only carry you so far, big beetles are resistant to fire, and frighten only lasts 2 turns
Good zoning tool anyways
Caltrops and traps too

>he didn't specialize in psychosis' crit chance
>he didn't increase psychostatic electricity's duration by one
>he didn't put a neuroscopic scope on his psi headband
>he didn't craft focus stims to further increase his crit chance
>he didn't top out with 80% chance to critically hit

lmao 4 deathstalker
4 deathstalker!!!
Please save me.

flashbang, taser, and grenades

>all that shit just to reach basic usability

It's beyond basic usability, you clod. It's psionic godhood. A psychosis psionic's critical bonus ensures everything will die in one or two hits. If you add trance, everything will die in a single hit. The new psi staff just adds to the mania.

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