One more before departure
UNIST Thread
Pass is vee
Put all my money on the Japanese
two days until EVO
Crossing fingers we don't get SFV'd before the big announcement.
Isn't cl-r's "leak" a month ago something similar?
even if a trailer or details do leak there's no way they can kill the hype train for cl-r like those SFV character models
A title and platforms doesn't really tell us that much compared to 3 new character reveals and a new stage.
Bout fucking time you niggers made a thread.
Well I like Final Fight and Honda so I liked the reveals even though I know most people would've wanted different picks. Newcomers for the most part have all been pretty good ones too.
SFV's models in general are abit off though I agree.
Fenix here. To all those off to battle this weekend, good luck and I'll be cheering you on as a stream warrior.
pc lobby
Sorry for being 9 seconds late
kw: pclobby
I'll use this as an excuse to drink more beer
That 421A could've led into such a great punish, but I fucking forgot about grim reapah's range.
ah dammit i was too slow
>pc lobby is popping earlier tonight
Nice change from yesterday.
Ill be on to get bodied in a couple hours if you guys are still on by then
Dang, that anti-air combo did 4.8k. That was nutty.
This is a reminder that wagner's 236A is a perfectly good replacement for dashblocking
>blocking assaults on 5f
literally could not be me, not even once
Duly noted. I appreciate this.
they may try to tell you otherwise, but do not believe their lies. dashblocking is a construct that is not real and keep's down your true potential
That was pretty neat. GT makes you immune to the flames.
Looks like I need to iron out my throw combos again before tournet day
For some reason I was certain there wouldn't be a thread today. Good luck at EVO everyone! Try not to get eaten by locusts.
The problem solver saved the day. That thing sure has range.
kita how plus is A drill CS?
Why must I drop stuff that would lead to winning the round, especially against people that are difficult to beat?
Joker you deserved to win there, our connection just sucks
A drill is already +2, not sure what CS would add
I have no idea what the fuck i am doing at this point with the 2A spam
The hell?
I know, that had to be like +20
I need to learn from the Mika chads and just mash
>press 5a they said
>it beats Wald 66b they said
fucking end me
GGs pc lobby, will randomly stop by again next time
Paradigm, you're sitting at 0 bar
hi yes id like to contest that the iwex didnt come out there
Maybe he's got someone on his network downloading anime?
That's how it usually is for me.
I think PSN lobby is mostly west coast tonight? How's the PC lobby looking?
ggs my dude
Who's in the lobby?
I'm gonna reset my router
>6.7k mika combo
[anger levels rising]
>he doesn't know about the gummy bears
Sounds like Basta is doing some pc lobby bullying tonight? Oni-somethingrather that is.
ggs pclobby i gotta go to bed now
Rekkas in the face. Ouch
The connection was going so well, too.
Let me reset it and hopefully it doesn't act up.
More like +5 frames of lag, ouch
pclobby came early today so I wanted to see the new players I kept hearing about.
I am still angry about that 6.7k
After this evo I'm going to retire from fighting games, I've been thinking about it for a long ass time now. Just too harsh to play without a community and only being able to play offline two or three times a year.
none of them are here today, it's weird but nice to play you again even if playing wald on 5f makes me seethe though I'm sure you'd whoop my ass regardless
I have no idea who this is but i hope you at least had fun doing i t
Why not join these lobbies? Everybody here's pretty cool. Unless you're already part of it that is. Is it a region problem?
It's like I see sai's movements but I can't do a thing to stop it.
It's such a weird feeling
I join from time to time but it's really hard getting good connection outside of wc players. And I also hate playing online.
>fuck up an oki setup
>die in the corner
man I suck today
Damn, the wild 623A always catches me off guard.
>5A came out instead of 236A
Oh I felt that one
>wc going to evo
Doesn't WC have a bunch of locals?
I guess tonight I've got plot armor on in some of these fights.
What are some characters with good meterless reversals and defensive options?
Phonon right? Wagner too I'd argue.
GGs pclobby. Thanks for the mirror match Oni. Totally stealing that 6k combo.
Well I know at least 3 people are WC that are on PS lobby right now by the looks of things.
Hyde, Linne, Akat, Sion, and Wagner have meterless invuln DPs
Vatista has a meterless reversal and really strong zoning tools
Yes, but I'm not wc.
Oh yeah, her too
If you manage the 360C right you can go even further
Sai, why we at 6+ frames when we usually get 2 at the most
I'd rather be using Denny's wifi right now than this shitty Cox internet.
namedropping faggots kys
That is strange. I've got Spectrum myself and my ping seems to be registering normally so I don't think it's on my end this time.
Also GGs.
A lot of people seem to like mirror matching Mika
All the punching and kicking and flying is pretty engaging. Kinda plays out like a dragonball fight.
>good defensive options
>meterless reversals
being what exactly?
Never thought about it that way.
Ggs PS lobby I'm gonna call it early today. Good luck at Evo everyone, I'm really looking forward to watching it this year.
A pillar and FF (though FF is arguable)?
GGs Sei. Enjoy the rest of your night! Also looking forward to the matches coming Friday. Hope we get to see one of our guys here on one of the streams.
>Start at 3f
>Ends at 9f
What a wild connection
I feel like you oughta have more problems with avatarfagging.
>A pillar
>9f startup
>not invincible (head only) until frame 5
>17 frame startup (13 in vorpal)
>head invincible frame 10
you're honestly better off rolling the dice with 2/5a if you don't have meter
Oni I can't believe we got down to 1 frame during our last game, that was fucking blessed and I hope it happens more
That match dove into 9f for me. It's a glitch more prominent on the PC port sadly.
I just hope it remains stable throughout.
I know I haven't been here in a while, but I fly into Vegas late tomorrow. Hit me up on discord if you want matches on site. I'll try my best to get some games with you dudes.
I'm up against Needle at 4PM
I don't think any amount of practice will stop that loss from happening but it'll be good to fight ya again. Glad you could make it out after all
Oni does Wald 236c being active start up on frame one? that setup should safejump anything above 5f
good luck man, glad to see you here before EVO
Welcome back. Everybody here that's going is supposedly meeting up so hope you can meet them too.
Maybe ask Icy to add you to his PSN messenger app or add him to Steam.
Haha, time to make my escape while no one's looking.
Dang that was a cool counter, hahaha.
It's probably the delay messing with timing. It isn't active on frame one afaik
Just popping in to say good luck at EVO folks
GG Huo! Have a good night!
I'll let my controller recharge.
You two teach this whack seth to learn better combos
Will do, though those back to back air attacks were pretty amusing.
forgot to mention it earlier, but nice chaos
always good to see someone else picking him up since atic doesn't come by PC much and we usually play Pho/Orie
Thanks. I picked him up a bit ago and he's as much fun as Wald for me now. I keep trying to do some dumb things that apparently don't work though, like 22X > 236C , 6C which never seems to land or most random IW enders.
Getting sideswitched in the corner twice in the same game? Haven't seen that in awhile, haha. Nice.
Too tired so gonna get some early sleep, GGs everyone.
Sai, I'll take this chance to get some early sleep unless sha wants drops by late again. Maybe like 20 more minutes
Sounds like a plan, haha.
The pclobby is still up if you still want to play
Either it's getting late or you guys are finally warmed up, but breaking through your defenses has been exponentially harder these last two matches.
>that midscreen fireball crossup happened and I thought to myself "ooo I should save that" to look at it in the lab later
>didn't fucking save it
also holy shit that was a fun game, I couldn't believe the walk up grab worked
Dan, I want you to know that Phonon preys on up back, impatience, and trying to play the full screen game unless you're Yuzu. I lose to Enkidu's at my locals because they force me to make mistakes trying to open them up.
>I couldn't believe the walk up grab worked
I saw it happen and fully understood the intent, but couldn't stop it in the slightest.
We'll see haha. Might have to go back up my CS bros again. Apparently they've got a griefer that caused one of my buddies to get banned somehow.
Dan plays Hyde like Mika and it's both scary and fun.
yeah just keep beating me up so I can break bad habits of other games
Sai that last game confirmed most of my suspicions on your play. I still get the overwhelming feeling that your just itching to mash out at literally every opportunity which is why you eat so many frametraps.
I can't shake the feeling off that you're still incredibly new to the game mentally but the only difference between the you before is that you've got combos to do and a flow chart of tick throw and assault pressure that my inability to block properly isn't accommodated against. You're a madman that I cannot comprehend but clearly something is working for you
GGs hippie. Those matches were pretty fun. Seems you sorta found a solution to my air kuugas with j.2b (I believe?).
GGs to everybody that hopped on PS lobby tonight as well. Fun matches were enjoyed even if it was a shorter session then usual.
If my CS bros are still motivated to play another I'll hop on there but if not I'll see you PC bros in abit.
Yeah, I don't get it either. I've been trying to incorporate some blocking in here and there but I can't help but continue to throw out everything I've got.
Good luck at EVO hippie.
Linne's buttons being good probably has to do it with. I envy any character with a good 2B
I agree on that one. It's so fast and medium-length so it's really easy to tag people with it from a relatively safe distance. Plus I believe it moves her forward as well? Maybe not but I'm pretty sure it does.
In any case, good luck on your EVO challenges! Hope you and the others are able to meet up without too much trouble.
We'll all do our bests.
I just hope we're not forced to kill each other once we do make it out of brackets
the other immediate thing you should know against her is that the midscreen pillar is -14 on block and even if you can't punish it, it's your turn unless I have vorpal or want to spend meter. In regards to your offense, more work on the staggers, rebeats, and tick throws. Even if I wanted to press buttons I can't because your strings are air tight.
I'm in a suite for UNI right now. At one point there were like four Orie players here including me. Apparently Hotashi also dislikes Orie, fun times.
There's already people there eh? Congrats on making it there safely.
Sion players shouldn't get any word in about anything.
bully him
I hope he doesn't come back here.
Like one post after one guy described him having an huge ego, hotashi made a post showing off his huge ego
Hotashi is a faggot. I played him on rank and beat him then he kept ducking me.
time to sleep, gonna close the lobby pc bros. ggs and good luck at evo everyone.
who's making the thread tomorrow?
Oh yeah, one of you deal with that since I'll be on my plane.
You kids behave while I'm gone
I'm gonna give every shitposter a (you)
Thanks for the games guys. Those last few matches were diving hard on connection for whatever reason but everything up until then was nice.
Also Dan you need to stop trying to DP or mash on wake-up. You're good at reacting and responding in neutral but as soon as you get knocked down you seem to forget about blocking.
Good luck at EVO everybody.
Haven't gotten to play him but he doesn't seem that bad. Friendly enough and it's pretty funny whenever Psykotik hit him with yet another 6B.
In person he's probably toned down but he plays himself up quite regularly everywhere online.
That's what I thought too
>two days until the influx of people wanting to pick up the game and play the big titty onee-san with the cool sword stance
you guys are ready right?
Even LTG is chill at tournaments doesn't change the fact that the man has a massive ego.
Part of me always thinks anyone who really gave a shit would have shown up by now.
Yeah mashing is all I know on wakeup coming from dragon ball. And I'm too scared to block on this arcade stick because the down input seems to get stuck or something, but I still want to practice using it because I still miss the buttons and press the glass sometimes.
I have nothing against him, you should still bully him for disliking an honest fundamental based character like Orie
linne doujin wen
>pclobby dies as I arrive
>massive hype behind EVO
>a bunch of people will be seeing top level JP play for the first time
>trailer for the next version will probably air and spread like wildfire
Forever ago
Let's see if any of them make it past training day
Isn't that just still a sample?
I honestly have nothing against Newzu players, they're nothing like the xD or bathwater posters who never touch the game. It's just the comical number of them who either drop the game or the character immediately. We should come up with something for RK to cook up.
I know that feel. Although recently I've been trying to hold back, I still have it in me to just throw out DP llike 90% of the time (mostly in the corner).
Just get a bored Yuzu with a rice cracker in her mouth, looking down at her phone, and saying
>Another one?
how about several Yuzu's in a group where one says "I'm new here!" and the rest reply in unison "me too!"
you could have another character shaking their head in the background or something
Good luck at EVO guys. I'll be rooting for you.