I always play as a girl in video games because I secretly wish I was a girl in real life.
I always play as a girl in video games because I secretly wish I was a girl in real life
At least you can be a faggot in real life
i play as a girl 'cus i am one in real life and i have a vagina not a pensi
Yes, we know
Not choosing both
I always play as a girl in video games because I am secretly a girl in real life.
me on the right
i want to fuck your butthole
me on the left unironically
I choose whatever I feel like because I don't need to self insert or care what people think because they aren't playing.
same desu
I play as a boy sometimes because I miss being a boy sometimes those days are behind me tho
The only correct response
Actually based.
Reminder that playing as the girl is gayer than literally being gay
t. ranny
It would seem to me that while you are trying to be based with your picture you are using a shopped pic and therefore are being.....cringe
Me too user. There is nothing wrong with this. Whats wrong is believing you can be one in real life.
there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a girl. the problem comes from thinking you can become a girl and mutilating yourself and insisting you've done it
Cringe extra hard becuz of this
>playing as a human female
>playing as a monster girl
This. If you can look good doing it then all the power to you but for most men they look disgusting and worse off.
Chad is right again
>more aesthetic form
>can wear cure clothes
>easier to acquire sex/friendship
>+5 to AGL
Wanting to be a girl is a rational desire. It's only a mistake the moment you act on it and cut your dick off.
Nobody cares, hambeasts.
>women are more aesthetic
you should go outside more i literally see teenage girls that look like they are pushing 40 years old
I always play as a boy, but for Pokemon White, I picked Hilda because shes easily the hottest pokegirl. That fucking ASS.
I can't say for sure whether the average man is more attractive than the average woman, but it feels like there's much more upkeep for men as opposed to "just watch your weight lol"
All the guys besides pic look like fags so there isn't that much difference
Too bad orc chicks are never ever that cute
I play as a cute girl in games because I like playing games with lots of cute girls and if I play as a guy that's 1 less cute girl in the game.
>tfw in 5 years time, everyone in this thread will have transitioned
nice projection tranny
If you object heavily to playing girls in RPGs because of "immersion", you're a closet homo.
>tfw in 5 years time 20% of everyone in this thread will have committed suicide
I play as a guy and imagine him fucking the girl monsters, get on my level you fucking plebeian SCUM
The only based solution is wishing to be a 2D waifu but ensuring you stay masculine so when the day 2D becomes real you masculine spirit will be used to transform you into the ultimate waifu. Wanting to be a 3D girl is idiotic due to everybody know they are inferior along with taking hormones and surgeries that just mutilate your body.
>masculine spirit will be used to transform you into the ultimate waifu
So that's where tomboys come from
His redesign also looks faggy. Original art is the only acceptable version.
to be honest, I only wish I was a girl in hentai. I blame Royal Koyanagi for this curse.
thats one way
>He doesn't like to dress up his waifu
>He rather look at a guy
>He self-inserts
What a fag!
for me wanting to be a girl is a fantasy. I don't actually want to be a girl, but when projecting myself onto someone else I'll totally always choose a cute girl unless romance is involved.
This chart is how everyone should do it.
good, fuck cumbrains
if male orcs look like green gorillas then she-orcs should like that too
they can be cute and strong enough to break a pelvis
Actual based chart.
I want to be the youthful MILF. I had a new fantasy of being in a group of moms of around the same age, looking the youngest and hottest with the biggest tits, and watch how resentful they get when their husbands stare.
closettranny and cope-pilled
Dude same
yes we already know tranny
>playing RPG as female where game isn't yuricringe or has no character creatoer
Based and ok-pilled
>intentially picking a female for no reason
>being a yuricuck
Emasculated and 40% dilation pilled
Red and Gold are great, anything past that is twink faggot fuck tier
Actually good chart. Only sane opinion I've seen on the matter. Everything else is fagcope, beta/trannycope
I'm glad you admit it, a lot of people don't. I think it's totally cool to be a weirdo as long as you acknowledge that people are going to treat you differently. I think it's wrong to hurt people for being weird, but I would probably make fun of you in a social situation.
I'm playing as the girl in X because she has a cute butt.
I play as the girl because she is cute.
Dude cmon.
I get that you're pretending to be a tranny for (You)s, but actual trannies could never be this honest about their feelings.
Trannies get shivers and panic attacks and whimper when they think about their identity.
In fact, they don't have gender dysphoria at all - the anxiety and panic is their primary illness, and the tranny stuff is a mis-diagnosis since doctors are pressured into selling HRT.
Yes we already know tranny
My condolences on your pension.
I want to smash it's skull in with a mace.
I'd like to have the body of a girl but keep my man brain. Then I would have the advantages of being hot and desirable but also not a spastic, spiteful, shrew.
I would choose both to fuck if that's what you mean
I want to be turned into a girl and forced to lose my masculinity over time.
I like to immerse myself in games, so yeah, I play female characters.
OP is a tranny.
>He doesn't like to dress up as his waifu
What a fag!
i play as one cause they are cute
Self-inserting is going to happen you're literally controlling and playing as the character you coping tranny, you're inherently going to empathize as you're the the 'mind' of the player-character essentially and going through what they go through
I don't always play as a girl, but if I do it's simply because it took my fancy at the particular time of creation and is not indicative of any sort of repressed desire to "become" a girl.
Am girl who always picks male chars, bc I want to have a dick to stick in things
this thread is full of freaky incel faggots who cant get laid so they want to be a transbian