New Famitsu article is up
>game is about 25% done
>Travis now wears the Death Globe to transport the Death Drive powers
>HUD is finalized although they purposefully hid a couple things
>Suda feels like the sword action has been fully explored, that's why they're adding the Death Drive powers
>Armor designed by Thai studio HIVE
>the T on the chest is supposed to be like a rider
>Nintendo commented on the twitter trends from E3 and revealed that people talked about the Hensin line a lot
>Travis trending in NA made Suda realize how loved the character is
New Famitsu article is up
Other urls found in this thread:
>Suda considers NMHIII new GhM's 2nd album
>on music, Kaneko Nobuaki is the main composer
>he enjoyed the NMH Heroes Paradise dub
>likes the Switch and is currently playing The Last Remnant
>nostalgic for the xbox 360 release
>aiming for 20 songs
>at least one will be "band like" and has lyrics
>the lyrics will be all in Japanese and not translated for overseas
It's an ok interview. Lots of other stuff about coolness, what NMH means, Suda's role, etc
Do you think they'll have the original swinging/Skyward Sword waggle?
Suda said that was the ideal way to play
Can't wait to play NMH3 on my PS4
>keeping Death Drive powers and mixing them with waggle sword controls
Fucking based
I hope they reference TSA a ton both mechanically and story wise. I loved the basic attack animations in it and it had some wild story stuff
>Travis trending in NA made Suda realize how loved the character is
That’s nice. I remember the Japanese launch for NMH1 with the toilet paper that no one showed up to and now his game is a huge hit internationally
>Travis trending in NA made Suda realize how loved the character is
I'm so happy. He already seemed genuinely surprised about fans asking for NMH1+2 ports during that interview where he unveiled the TSA ports.
Enjoy your censored game. Suda will pull all the stops on tits n ass if NMH2 is any indication.
can't wait to play 13S day 1 on my ps4
and death stranding day 1 on my ps4
and nmh3 day 1 on my switch
because I'm not a 5-year-old that only gets to play the console mommy got for me
There's word going around that 1&2 will be getting Switch ports. The joycons would work well with the controls I reckon.
Sweet! I really liked that in SS. Also I hope they add in some more Henshin forms. It'd probably be too much to expect, but I love Rider stuff.
Already confirmed for having the motion controls
Have fun waiting an extra year I seriously hope you sonybros enjoy it though, don't skip TSA, it's actually pretty ok
I think NMH2 had the toilet paper? But yeah, little confused because he keeps saying he wanted TSA to introduce new players and now NMHIII is supposed to introduce new players
Suda actually doesn't want to be known as the pervy director, TSA tna is at a minimum
working on TSA really seemed to reinvigorate him, its great. He was so proud of being in the Nintendo direct too.
Also, he keeps saying he wants fan input, but how do we send it to him? You can't dm him on twitter like the polygon article mentioned. Do you just @ him? It bothers me that zoomers shat all over TSA for not being NMH3 proper when a lot of them never even played NMH2
He's been saying that he'll talk to Marvelous for the past year and a half since TSA was revealed. It seemed like he was dragging his feet because he just wanted to work on new stuff, but it seems like he actually followed through on his word to talk to them at E3 and it's a bit more concrete now.
I'm legitimately confused considering everything points to Nintendo approaching Suda about reviving Travis around the launch of the switch to help appeal to western audiences, they even distributed and provided advertisements in NA and EU, the game itself is about collecting switch cartridges for his glove and has other Nintendo references. Suda mentioned at Momocon that Nintendo asked him to make changes to certain trailers too, which means they were providing input. And he obviously wasn't super upset about it or he wouldn't have made the switch the lead platform for NMHIII. I feel like they should have funded him ala Bayo and this just might be his way of generating a bit more money.
Also that SIREN shirt will never get unpatched from the Switch version
PS4 port when??
>only 20 songs
Wtf, this game must be short as fuck, The Silver Case had over 50 tracks and it was like 12 hours long.
I think he meant actual feature length songs.
When you look at game OSTs a lot of them have short ones that are set to loop or just go for a little more than a minute.
It’ll probably mostly be Death Drive Powers from TSA, Shining Chip and Psycho Chip
I think he meant TSA to remind people that Travis existed but NMHIII will be sort of like the ME2 of the series: references past stuff but also explains them in sufficient detail that you won’t be lost
But I have an Inkling NMH3 is going to have some wild TSA shit in it like the Western Milky Way Hole Brothers or Zappa or Dracula or doppelgänger
After TSA flops on PS4, never.
I'm happy for Suda, dude loves what he does and makes shit out of passion, it really shows in his games
The same year as the Switch version.
>But I have an Inkling NMH3 is going to have some wild TSA shit in it like the Western Milky Way Hole Brothers or Zappa or Dracula or doppelgänger
And that's a GOOD thing.
Fuck TSA-hating zoomers trying to hop onto the train.
>tfw someone saves your post
Maybe? My moonrunes are rusty, I'm not sure if they meant at least 20 or around 20
If they just add the dash and force push, I'll be fucking stoked. And yeah, I expect the characters from the last dlc to be bosses
You mean after they port the first two games on PS4
It'll be a nice appetizer while I wait for The 26th Ward.
Travis Strikes Again has the best gameplay of the fucking series. If the camera were behind the back everyone would have gobbled it up. Shallow fucking normies.
I know it won't happen but I'd love it so much if they carried through the "Suda-verse" stuff from TSA into NMH3. I'm not even sure how it'd work but man it'd be so good
There's no way this isn't slipping to early 2021 like TSA getting pushed to Jan 2019. I imagine if it gets ported we'll see it later that year.
Might as well have said, 'Yes were porting these games. Make sure to look out for it in the future.'
Suda didn’t actually write NMH2, I don’t remember if he directed it
The 25th Ward remake has the strongest style of all of Suda's games.
Can we keep the console shitposting to a minimal though? Suda has already made it very clear that NMH is associated with Nintendo first and foremost, but that won't stop it being on other consoles. He mentioned they want to gauge the reaction of switch owners. If it's negative and the ports don't do as well on PC or Sony systems, it might not happen. Conversely given that it's on UE4, porting will cost next to nothing. I feel a little slighted. I bought a Switch for TSA only for it to get ported and the switch didn't even get ports of all the other GhM games on the PS4 or PC even though it could definitely run them
>thinking SUDA won't sell out his fans... again
Opposite. Suda wrote it (what other Japanese person would structure their game like Paris, Texas?), but didn't direct. He was dealing with the EA fuckery for SotD at the same time which is why NMH2DS didn't get as much attention
>Suda has already made it very clear that NMH is associated with Nintendo first and foremost, but that won't stop it being on other consoles
So essentially
>We will port the early release to Nintendo and the complete version later for others
>better double dip or the series is REALLY dead now
Don't worry, suda loves kamen rider, so im sure there'll be more.
To be fair, his fans didn't buy NMH2. No one did. He sat at a store excited for launch day handing out NMH2 themed toilet paper to fans buying the game. He gave out one.
>I feel a little slighted. I bought a Switch for TSA only for it to get ported
That happened to me with the PS4. Bought it only for Yakuza and a month later those fucks port it to Steam.
I just hope that No More Heroes 1 and 2 get a physical release on Switch, or even PS4. The Wii versions (although some minor QOL would be welcome, although not necessary). They could also bundle Paradise if they wanted.
The game didn't really have waggle, and I do hope it is in. The motion controls added to NMH, the sense of impact just flicking the Wii remote to finish enemies was great. Didn't feel right on PS3 using the analog nub. The Switch and PS4 both have some motion controls in them, so it should work.
TSA was a return to form for the writing and the stuff they introduced in terms of the Sudaverse as well as making the wacky stuff from NMH2 a little better conceived did a lot for me. Like the characters that are crazy in TSA felt like they still had a point to them, especially with how Travis really just talks about them afterwards and what they and their defeat meant to him.
I can’t inagine it’d be too hard to add most of the abilities in. I’d love the Silverface grappling hook and the Electro triple star shock.
I wonder if they’ll use any TSA music. The j-hop in that game was absurdly solid
How is the Nintendo version of TSA incomplete? The physical version came with the DLC pass and it has the exclusive spin attack from Zelda. Each version gets unique shirts too
>We will port the early release to Nintendo
>port the first release
Ok, you have a room temperature IQ, here's your (you)
Feels a little bad. I have the collector's edition that says "exclusively for the switch". I just don't understand why they're trying to bill NMHIII as an exclusive again though.
It sounds like they'll be released on switch definitely and probably PS4/PC, no xbox.
>his fans didn't buy NMH2
1) NMH2 released in OCTOBER in 2010 for Japan as ooposed to JANUARY for the west.
His real japanese fans ALREADY had the game for months at that point.
2) It came out at the same week as Vanquish came out with far more marketing.
3) No more heroes 1 ranked 38 on media create when it launched in japan
No more heroes 2 was ranked 13
That SIREN T-shirt will never get unpatched from the Switch ver. of TSA. Based Suda.
>How is the Nintendo version of TSA incomplete
>Nintendo had to wait for DLC
>others get full experience at purchase
Considering that the core NMH gameplay is so satisfying, if a little simple, if they nail the other abilities, I think NMHIII will be something pretty special. It might be the first good game game by GhM. And yeah, I'm going to pester Suda for an official OST release of TSA. I have them for all the other games.
Just give me NMH 1 and 2 on PC. Sudas other PC ports have been God tier. Go play The Silver Case.
>No more heroes 1 ranked 38 on media create when it launched in japan
damn, that's garbage
I still have my launch toilet paper and mini beam-katana keychain
That's retarded. The base and dlc was out for several months before other platforms.
>Tfw I just started the 4th stage on TSA and I don't want this fucking ride to end because of how much fun I'm having with it.
Atleast I know that the other two DLCs are waiting for me once I'm done with this.
Just out of curiosity, does Travis and the rest of the cast get to speak at some point later on? It's a shame that so far I've only heard Steve Blum and Robin Downes speak during the intro and their short lines during battle.
I honestly don't know how well it was advertised in japan but it did launch on the same week as Tales of Innocence (DS) and Lost Odyssey (360)
By that logic WiiU Arkham City dabbed on those PS360 versions.
The last DLC is easily one of the best The cast gets more lines in the base game's credits, albeit only a few
Definitely do so, I think that would be really solid
And yeah, I think NMH3 could easily become a top tier Action game if they fill out the well-polished core gameplay from 1/2 with the build-crafting and variety from TSA
No, that's not the same logic at all.
I hope Suda goes back to doing stuff like The Silver Case. That shit is so ludo.
Pretty much confirmed with TSA port
Good thing I care about gameplay and not jacking off to cartoons
Don't care about censorship? You should try the PAL version of NMH1 then!
Actually doing hands on work with TSA has really seemed to get him excited again. I'd feel pretty safe in saying we'll see a lot more new stuff pretty soon.
The PAL version was actually a deliberate choice by GhM, not censorship.
>caring about the gameplay or technical performance of a GhM game
Both of you are dumb
Agree 100 percent. The 25th ward was absolutely amazing.
I have a few questions about TSA. It's coming out in October on steam and I haven't played it yet. I heard it makes a lot of references to older games. So far I've played
>NmH 1/2
Haven't played LC, SotD and FSR yet (still waiting for the announced FSR remake). Do you think I can play the game and still understand most of it?
Also I can't believe that people are still console shitting. I hope Suda51 games come to as many consoles as possible. It only means more people being able to enjoy the games.
Also while not part of the KtP series, I recommed playing Some mora ex. It's made by GhM and plays really great.
You can easily understand TSA without playing any others. A lot of the appearances are brief. It's just a fun anniversary title. SotD is pretty important though
Someone ask him about the Smith Syndicate already does he own the rights to them?
No. Capcom does. They don't own many of their games iirc.
Marvelous has NMH
Capcom has K7
Warner has LC
they fully own Frog minutes though
>Frog Minutes
better than nothing
Is it part of the KtP series?
>Travis trending in NA made Suda realize how loved the character is
you'd think he'd know that already if he made TSA, but he had a rough start when Japan didn't bother to buy his stuff while the West did
>game is about 25% done
How is it going to be out next year?
>Japan didn't bother to buy his stuff
See >West got it 1st month of 2010
>Japan got it the 10th month of 2010
In the ce interview for TSA, he talks about trying to appeal to western otaku. Not sure why he thought it would do well on Japan.
It's not. Will most likely slip to early 2021 like TSA did this year. Not sure why they announced a release date when it had only been in dev for 6 months at E3
>How is it going to be out next year?
See you guys in 2022
can we get some more merch while we're at it? I know I'd kill 10 people and my half-sister to get an action figure of Travis.
2022 is probably when the PS4/PC ports are out. You don't want this to be No More Heroes Forever, do you?
I don't think they'll ever top their Let It Die soundtrack. Everything about it was amazing. Not to say their other games didn't have stellar soundtracks, but I feel like Let It Die's ost was the peak. But who knows maybe they'll outdo themselves I'm still very excited we're even getting a NMH3.
Molecule 8 scammed people with a Travis figure
>he enjoyed the NMH Heroes Paradise dub
How was it different?
But is bad girl being added to the team? Travis and Shinobu can't handle everything on their own. Since TSA is canon.
God, don't remind me, I accidentally got a friend of mine into it before I did some research about it. He got his money back thankfully, but I still feel bad about the whole thing.
I don't think it was. I think Suda just found the only Japanese person who liked the Xbox 360
I heavily considered buying one as well
No you don't.
>people talked about the Hensin line a lot
a go go baby
>what NMH means, Suda's role, etc
can you go into this?
Where's his pinky?
>he didn't play TSA
pretty sure he didn't lose a finger in TSA tho?
>Let It Die's ost was the peak.
It absolutely was. The environmental music for the game was perfect and all the submitted music was great for the bizarre tone.
Just fucking with you. There's going to be tons of confused people who jump into 3 though
I'd be okay if Suda even does more manga like Kurayami Dance. That was a genuinely fun read, even if the ending lost me.
Or more t-shirts preferably. Its a shame they didn't do reprints of older merch, but I guess thats out of their hands.
Really great image but you're wrong because that's killer 7
>wanting the games on PS4 and not PC
what is wrong with console gamers
FUCK YOU SHITPOSTER I would be fucking happy about a PS4 port